More "This Is It" Details - WARNING: View at Own Risk! [unconfirmed]

Can anyone cast their minds back & remember if details of the Dangerous & HIStory were leaked?

We're living in a different age now. The internet has revolutionised everything.

Even if details had leaked - how would the fans have found out about it? The audience for the leaks would have been limited almost exclusively to friends and family of the people who found out.
This is histerical
no member of MJs team is going to release
all those details _ and risk losing it all _
Ive never heard of anyone doing that before

ive heard of slips of on or 2 minor details
but never someone leaking 10-15 details
about songs, sets and performances
That should ring a warning bell right there

This is dumb stuff :doh: anyone could make or guess that

but I admit it is fun to speculate _ :D

Ill send one of my buddys in
later to write us some real juicy spoilers
and then we can all get giddy again :cheeky:

You said it! Sometimes I think that those who disseminate such information can not get your mouth shut, is there an agreement of confidentiality to all those people who work and are working to Michael in concerts? If there is, is the correct follow it seriously.​
anxious to see a fresh take on dangerous.smooth criminal like the video sounds awesome. having the thriller zombies come out of the audience is also cool. I think he stole that idea from me as I was planning to do that at my school's talent show.
This is histerical
no member of MJs team is going to release
all those details _ and risk losing it all _
Ive never heard of anyone doing that before

ive heard of slips of on or 2 minor details
but never someone leaking 10-15 details
about songs, sets and performances
That should ring a warning bell right there

This is dumb stuff :doh: anyone could make or guess that

but I admit it is fun to speculate _ :D

Ill send one of my buddys in
later to write us some real juicy spoilers
and then we can all get giddy again :cheeky:

ALL of the plot points of spider-man 3 leaked to the net a year before it came out. filming wasn't even it's not impossible.
I will not believe anything before I actually see it on July 13th.

SOOOO many rumours will come. Many setlists will be revealed, but most will be guesswork, speculation or totally made up.

I just hope he will deliver a fantastic show and sing live.
I could easily do the same and have people believe it.

* Apparently the song being pitched for MJ and Prince to sing together is You Are My Life

* Wanna Be Starting Something will be performed with a massive african dance group

* Earth Song and We've Had Enough may be performed together.

Its like shooting in the dark and hoping to hit someone.
^^yep!!!! it's VERY easy to make up
"no yana girls this time"
"opening song: WILL BE UNBREAKABLE! and it includes a smashing dance sequence from black or white with the smashing of car windows!! "
"there's confirmed 5 live songs this far and they are....."

see, it's so easy.. and kinda fun hahahaa
Its like shooting in the dark and hoping to hit someone.

lol! I can only say that people who disseminate these rumors are very creative. So the first show, will arise many rumors like these.

I prefer to die of curiosity and hope to see the surprise on July 13. More interesting is this: all very secret and mysterious. :yes:​
Here is another one. Michael will wear his original outfits for all tours. He will perform Another Part Of Me with the silver outfit, Wanna Be Startin Somethin and Human Nature with the Dangerous Tour gold thong thingy, lol. And SIM and They Don't Care About Us will be performed with the gold pants and jacket. All other hits will have original video outfits and only never before performed songs will have new outfits.

Michael will use different wigs with different hair style and even color some of the wigs to match the outfits. He will wear masks to copy the current skin color he had when these songs were released. Michael is also going to start by hiding in the audience with a costume so that no one knows its him. He will then get pulled into the air and put down on the stage to start the first song(Where did I get that idea)

He also has a water hose he will use to splash all the VIP's with cold water sometime during the concert. We know Michael loves pranks, lol
Michael will use different wigs with different hair style and even color some of the wigs to match the outfits. He will wear masks to copy the current skin color he had when these songs were released. Michael is also going to start by hiding in the audience with a costume so that no one knows its him. He will then get pulled into the air and put down on the stage to start the first song(Where did I get that idea)

He also has a water hose he will use to splash all the VIP's with cold water sometime during the concert. We know Michael loves pranks, lol
:scratch: This is very creative! lol! :wild:
Thriller is one of MJ's signature tunes... not a chance he will mix it with another song in my opinion.

i disagree i can see it happening, just like thriller normally with a ghosts breakdown at the end or something
• The opening song to the show is "Black Or White". The stage will begin dark and the screens will illuminate with a sort of persons veiw of walking into the O2, all the way to the stage, up onto the stage and through the back to the setting up of some scaffolding and stage equiptment but this is all sped up like triple until it slows when you reach the backstage. As we see men and women setting up building equiptment a panther, much like the end of the BoW video when it vacates the photoshoot walks all the way back through the setting up of the stage, out through the curtains and suddenly pounces towards the screen, covering it in black. In that instance Michael and 4 dancers, 2 at each side of him, jump onto the stage from a toaster lift dressed in the BoW style outfit. Michael, who stands in the shadow of his trilby hat will remain still for a minite as the crowd obviously goes wild, he will then go on to perform the famous panther dance to the beat of a light guitar rythmn which eventually burst into the familair BoW riff.

• During Billie Jean when the finale of the dance is being performed Michael will moonwalk all the way off of the side of the stage like from the middle off of the left hand side and dissappear, but after a few seconds will moonwalk from out of the right hand side of the stage as if he has moonwalked into one side and out of the other. This will be acheived by a sor of coveyer going around the back of the set at a very fast, but obviously safe pace that will allow Michael a precise execution of this movement.

• The 'new move' that Michael has been praticing is walking whilst en pointe (up on his toes), much like Rihanna does in the music video for Umbrella, except Micahel will excute this in an almost sliding fashion. It is most likely to be used during Smooth Criminal and/or Dangerous.

• Heartbreak Hotel will be performed on a set in which he is on a set of rusty swings in the front garden of a hotel called Heartbreak, he will enter the hotel at the end of the performance...and walk right into the Smooth Criminal hotel, to which he will perform that song.

• Michael has decided that atleast one or two of the less well known tracks from each of his albums will be performed, and he has decided a main one for each.
-For 'Off The Wall' Girlfriend is the most likely.
-For 'Thriller' The Girl Is Mine is the most likely
-For 'Bad' Liberian Girl is the most likely
-For 'Dangerous' In The Closet' is the most likely
-For 'HIStory' Ghost is the most likely
- For 'Blood On The Dancefoor' the title track is most likely
-For 'Invincible' Whatever Happens is the most likely
-Out of various other tracks such as those of Thriller 25 he has decided that "Hold My Hand", the leaked track colab between him and Akon feels best for the show


I got these e-mailed to me by a friend, apparently they're eitheir from some forum or a tabloid source; ect ect.

Some of them are just terrible, but I wonder...some of them do seem quite likely.


Roll on July 13th! :D
• During Billie Jean when the finale of the dance is being performed Michael will moonwalk all the way off of the side of the stage like from the middle off of the left hand side and dissappear, but after a few seconds will moonwalk from out of the right hand side of the stage as if he has moonwalked into one side and out of the other. This will be acheived by a sor of coveyer going around the back of the set at a very fast, but obviously safe pace that will allow Michael a precise execution of this movement.

i would love to see that :p but cant really see how it could be done without waiting ages for the conveyer to move arround, using a double, or michael stumbling out on the right hand side, disorentated :p
i would love to see that :p but cant really see how it could be done without waiting ages for the conveyer to move arround, using a double, or michael stumbling out on the right hand side, disorentated :p
LOL! :lol: He would probably make a couple of turns to camouflage it! lol
Hey RockSteady101, your friend is well informed. lol! Well, until the debut will appear many, many, many rumors and too difficult to know what is truth and what is a lie. I believe that Michael did not want any information about the details of the shows are available. And if that happened, unfortunately, Michael has no people working for him who can keep his mouth shut. lol! I prefer to wait until the 13th July and see the great surprise that Michael is preparing for us. :)
i would love to see that :p but cant really see how it could be done without waiting ages for the conveyer to move arround, using a double, or michael stumbling out on the right hand side, disorentated :p

:hysterical: I just got a visual..... that would be hilarious! :hysterical:
Yea he would probably clean it up with a spin to make it look cool. Aww I wub Michael...:wub: