MJNI are coming Back

I have nothing but great memories of MJNI and the services they provided back in the day. I very much look forward to them getting going again. I have a warm place in my heart for them. They helped me get tickets to my one and only MJ concert in London back in 97. I was coming from Florida here in the states so it was a bit of a trek but I always felt alot of love for them helping me out with that. The King magazine was excellent as well. Glad to have them back.

I wish them luck! I never had any problems with them but I know a lot of people did, But hey Mistakes are made in life right? and they made some... Move on from it? :)
They did some great things for the MJ community and that's what I remember them for. Their parties were awesome I went to many and their Magazine was really good.
I loved getting that in the post :lol: I was a lot younger and got excited over little things like that then LOL I was with the from the Off the wall Magazine day's... Meh i'm showing my age :rofl:

All the best to them. :flowers:

i was signed up to the off the wall magazine and news letter before it changed to mjni . i was 18 at that time. now i feel really old :timer:
Post by Pompous Git at http://www.maximum-jackson.com/discussion/...8988#post238988

MJNI's services and content are now being created & published by my company, LICAS digital. We've been working solidly for over a year with a small and very dedicated team of volunteers to prepare for this; in fact, my own emails first discussing bringing back MJNI under the leadership of LICAS date back to 2006!

Regarding the timing; from my point of view, that Michael announced concerts is a coincidence in as much as had he announced a new album, or (yet another) Greatest Hits package, or even a new Charity venture... To some people in the fan community, the timing might fuel cynical speculation as to some nefarious desire to "cash in". I shan't worry about that; my team rest well at night knowing they were working hard on this long before "This Is It" was announced. I hope that the majority of fans will suspend cynicism and choose to judge MJNI on what it actually does now, and not on when it does it...

For the sake of brevity; we are planning to focus on the things we always did best - original MJ-friendly journalism and, at some point down the line, special events. Beyond that, I'm really not ready to discuss the exact services and products we'll be providing, though I do hope you'll be pleasantly surprised with some of the decisions we have made. Wait and see!

Ownership of MJ News International UK Ltd (the full name of the old fan club business, by the way) rests with Gloria Haydock. However, that's a different entity, quite separate to the MJNI we will be launching this summer. We considered a whole new name, but I'll admit to having pride in much of what we achieved all those years ago. Gloria's tragic personal circumstances meant the club feel into decline; call me a sucker for hard luck cases, but I felt compelled to see if we could restore some of the trust and faith the fans once had in MJNI. And hey - if it doesn't last, at least we tried!

Again, thank you so much for your keen interest - please share this email reply with any other MJ fans who might be wondering what's happening. I haven't been making any grand announcements about MJNI because I think that's a little pompous and, at least until we're actually launching, somewhat premature.

I will tell you this, because it's deeply important to me and it has shaped much of the direction of the new MJNI; I believe the old days of "grand imperial" fan clubs is antiquated and doomed to failure. We're focused on creating a fan experience that embraces fan clubs, fan sites and fan communities everywhere, one and offline, without all those old-fashioned bitter rivalries and the very public condescension expressed by those who are seen as leaders in the fan world. This might not make much sense now - I hope it will be clearer when we launch in the summer.

Right - I'm off. Lots to do! Thanks again, I really appreciate you taking the time to get in touch.

Very warmest wishes



Thanks for posting that for me. :)
As far as I'm concerned MJNI coming back can only be a good thing. Michaelmania is gonna be reigning this summer and fans all over can only benefit with more Michael Jackson fan sites to be apart of.

Lets just see how it all unfolds.....
Oh please dont let it be! That site harboured all the scary crazy obsessed "mj Fans". If you were to question something about mj, you would just get massive abuse from these people!
I knew Liam would be there he did have his favourites, ireally don't know what to think to be honest. It was its best with Adrian Gloria and Jayne Ross
Oh please dont let it be! That site harboured all the scary crazy obsessed "mj Fans". If you were to question something about mj, you would just get massive abuse from these people!

And you don't think that they're here too? Lol. This place is just better moderated!
MJNI was great up until around Invincible and then its like they just gave up. One day their site was up and the next....gone.

I had great respect for them. They did alot of hard work. I also remember the old Planet Jackson website and prefered that moreso than MJNI simply because the people who ran it were closer to Michael and got an inside edge on the news. 2Bad they shut down. :(
It's funny how some people thought it was internet-based when they heard "biggest fan club". :lol: They were such a godsend to us fans when there was no internet community! I suppose it's good they are coming back, better late than never.
I'm glad MJNI will be making a comeback. I wrote a couple of articles for King Magazine. I wish the team the best of luck. :yes:
Oh please dont let it be! That site harboured all the scary crazy obsessed "mj Fans". If you were to question something about mj, you would just get massive abuse from these people!

Myself and my wife met on MJNI. Neither of us are the "scary, crazy obsessed" fans you mention.

There were some, yes, but to suggest they were all MJNI had is not true.
I have fond memories of mjni. I still have my old off the wall & king of pop magazines. I used to go to meetings in Liverpool which was organized by a Kathleen who was somehow connected to mjni. We went to a couple of HIStory shows, the premiere of Ghosts in London & a local screening in Liverpool. I went to one of the mj days too. It was all a lot of fun! I wish the fan meet ups were still going on, i really miss those days!