MJNI are coming Back

I agree if mjni can sort this shambles out and make sure fans benefit from this tour then i'm all for them comeing back.

The only thing that makes me angry is the lack of support during the trial.

However i do know that Gloria left because she had to take care of her mother and Liam went to work abroad.

It seems that AEG are getting so much support but really they are ripping fans off, viagogo is nothing but a tout for fans and does michael really know what is going on
Nice, I wasn't really into forums and fan events when MJNI were about but I have heard great things about the place, seems they did alot for fans :) Can't wait
Well if they're back then maybe they'll refund the rest of my membership money....
I loved getting that in the post :lol: I was a lot younger and got excited over little things like that then
yeah those were the days. as soon as it came through the post thats it everything stopped and i had to read it cover to cover lol

he question is now though in what capacity are MJNI coming back? Are they coming back doing what they did best, being a proper fanclub, they way they used to be? If they are doing this, can they hold it together and just get on with the job and not let what caused them to crash and burn happen again? Can they regain the trust and respect in the fan community after just disapearing for soo long without any explination?

Or are they just relaunching the website and forum? Is there a room for yet another forum, starting from scratch when there are already so many well established communities?
yeah. who knows how it will come back in the age of the net there isnt so much of a need for the traditional fanclub interms of newsletters. i remember say around 2001 when i was going on the net regulary and still getting newsletters. id get a newsletter but everything that was in it i had already read in the weeks prior on the net. b4 the net everything was pretty much new news. also who will be running it and what connection they will have to the old staff. it may just be in name only so no connections to any of the problems ppl had with the old mjni and of course the connections via jon morrish are different now. it would be great if it returned as the club it was interms of connections and arranging trips etc but i think that was then and alot of things have changed. it would be great if it did return to that sort of position but maybe we are hoping for to much? time will tell.
I was only ever a lurker on MJNI, I feel a lot more welcome here and always want to join in discussion. I'll stick with MJJC forever. By far the better fan site.

I was never particuarlly impressed with the MJNI discussion board, which often desending on to heated arguments between fans, and the moderators on the site were often quite nasty themselves. I hate to say it, but many UK fans of Michael's are quite aggressive in there pursuite of seeing or getting to meet Michael and have no respect for Michael or his fellow fans. I you could see that attiude on the MJNI message boards. I won't partcipate on the MJNI site, because for my favorite fan sites with message boards or this site MJJCommunity, Michael's official site michaeljackson.com and mjeol.com were you can actually have intelligent and also lighthearted discussions about Michael. And the great thing about this site is that the moderators are impartial and treat members with respect and not like infants.

I don't know what to think about MJNI coming back, on one hand I think it will be great because they gave fans a lot of access to Michael, such as him attended the MJNI, Killer Thriller Party in 2002 which I attended. But I really dislike the way fans are treated like infants.

I miss Planet Jackson more

Planet Jackson was a cool site, but I heard they ripped a lot of fans off. Such as fans buying magazines, books etc from Planet Jackson and never receiving them. Basicially unless Michael's official site michaeljackson.com has a paid for membership I'm not parting with my money, because of MJNI closing down and not honering the money I paid to be a member.
I was never particuarlly impressed with the MJNI discussion board, which often desending on to heated arguments between fans, and the moderators on the site were often quite nasty themselves. I hate to say it, but many UK fans of Michael's are quite aggressive in there pursuite of seeing or getting to meet Michael and have no respect for Michael or his fellow fans. I you could see that attiude on the MJNI message boards. I won't partcipate on the MJNI site, because for my favorite fan sites with message boards or this site MJJCommunity, Michael's official site michaeljackson.com and mjeol.com were you can actually have intelligent and also lighthearted discussions about Michael. And the great thing about this site is that the moderators are impartial and treat members with respect and not like infants.
the mes board was a very small part of mjni and i think alot of more established boards were already around so it didnt have a huge impact. they were more about being an actual fanclub and what went with it.
the messageboard was only at the very end of MJNI's exsistance. Their main focus was KING magazine and all the fanclub activities and projects. One of MJNI's more sucessful projects were the YANA groups. These groups set up by members to meet up with fans who lived near each other. There was usually a YANA group in each main region or city. Each group had a main contact person whose details were listed in the magazine. The groups would send in a report of their activities and a selection of reports were published in each issue of the magazine
I remember when it was announced that MJ was attending the Music And Me event (at the time scheduled to take place at the Dominion Theatre). One of the dancers told me that Gloria was organising an Album-Signing outside HMV & the HIStory Statue to replace the Queen statue (from the We Will Rock You musical).

Such a pity that the 2003 allegations affected alot of things. The event was also on my 21st Birthday :(
I hate to say it, but many UK fans of Michael's are quite aggressive in there pursuite of seeing or getting to meet Michael and have no respect for Michael or his fellow fans. I you could see that attiude on the MJNI message boards.
I sort of felt that too when I went to the Killer Thriller Party in 2002. It had been for 5 years since I last saw Michael at a History tour concert and you can imagine how I felt when my (pen) pal said to me that it's been a year since the last time she saw Michael. Most of us never get to see him even for once.

Does anyone know why they are back?
I think it would be stupid of them not to make a come back. Mike is coming to England to live there for months and new music and the concerts.

The old fashioned Fan club with magazines and news papers is probably dead, thanks to the internet but if MJNI are clever they'll have something for MJ fans of the internet era.
MJNI were a great fanclub to be involved with, particularly HIStory era. I'd love to see them re-emerge so us fans have some proper communication and organisation on Michael events. God, I remember ringing that info line religiously every Sunday night! :)

We all certianly would've benefitted from them being around pre O2 announcement, perhaps fans would've been better catered for in terms of ticketing for the shows. We'll see what happens.
I thought they were a pretty good fanclub up until just before they stopped. Was never quite sure why they ended. Only got 2 King! magazines from my last subscription and they issue of magazines became less and less towards the end with more time between each issue, so I was quite disappointed.

All the same, I was disappointed when they finished - for whatever reason - because were they good magazines and they were a good group.
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By the time Michael gets this tour started and releases his new album, EVERYBODY will be coming back, including fans that had left. The more the merrier to me.
I recall during that time MJNI was designated as the Official Michael Jackson Fan Club
that's when Stuart Backerman was MJ's PR Manager
Gloria Haydock and that team was very protective of MJ

I recall during that time MJNI was designated as the Official Michael Jackson Fan Club
that's when Stuart Backerman was MJ's PR Manager
Gloria Haydock and that team was very protective of MJ


I miss those days :(
AHHH MJNI ye Adrian Grant used to do the Off The Wall magazine which was brilliant and then it became King mag and mjni...

through them i went to the Ghosts premiere, mj and friends concert, killer thriller party where mj attended and i met him

in my opinion they were exactly what true fans needed - enthusiasm excitment and exclusives were rewarded for our loyalty

i went to some of the off the wall parties yeaaaaaaaars ago in the 90s ANYONE ELSE go!!!??? i must have been to nearly every party from mjni - they kept you going!

im still subscribed to them thou lol i think they have something up their sleeve
Lol i wished so much bck then that i could go to those parties...They must have been heaps fun!
Ha.... I remember getting the MJNI Hotshots, I didn't really spend much time on the site, but I remember those. And then one day they just stopped, which didn't matter much to me because I wasn't spending much time online then anyway, but it still kinda ticked me off... I too see it as a bit of "jumping back on the bandwagon" but as many before me have said here, glad to see them coming back, and the more the merrier.

I'm curious to see if they make it a competition between themselves and MJJC, which seems to have emerged as the MJ site online in the wake of MJNI's closure.. I have noticed through browsing around that though we are all fans, there is a distinct site/fanclub loyalty out there. There are people on other sites that are just bound determined that their site is the best...
I'm curious to see if they make it a competition between themselves and MJJC, which seems to have emerged as the MJ site online in the wake of MJNI's closure.. I have noticed through browsing around that though we are all fans, there is a distinct site/fanclub loyalty out there. There are people on other sites that are just bound determined that their site is the best...
Well, the politics between fanclubs/sites/forums will always be there, no matter what and there's nothing that will change that imo.

I remember being told by someone that when Adrian Grant organised his 10th Annual MJ Day in 2001 (and Michael appeared) there were certain fans that didn't go due to loyalty to Gloria Haydock. Then when MJNI organised the Killer Thriller Party a year later, again there were certain fans that didn't go due to being loyal to Adrian. To some, this may seem an impossibility when it comes to being fans of Michael Jackson, but the reality is that conflicts of interests will always be there.
I LOVED MJNI & had the King magazine subscription. i remember they had a preview of Scream on a hotline so you could hear it just before the release.
I remember my Mum calling Gloria Haydock to ask if it was safe to send me on their organised trip to the HIStory concert in Paris (I was only 15!) and she convinced her it was (for which I'm very grateful!).
They also sold loads of rare stuff through their shop (I got a replacement of my orginal History album with the original lyrics).
It all depends as to what extent they come back really.. We will have to wait and see. They may just simply be another message board. And Gloria might not even be involved.
I recall during that time MJNI was designated as the Official Michael Jackson Fan Club
that's when Stuart Backerman was MJ's PR Manager
Gloria Haydock and that team was very protective of MJ

MJNI was made Michael's official fan club when Number Ones was released in 2003. It's printed in the CD's album notes.

Well, the politics between fanclubs/sites/forums will always be there, no matter what and there's nothing that will change that imo.

I remember being told by someone that when Adrian Grant organised his 10th Annual MJ Day in 2001 (and Michael appeared) there were certain fans that didn't go due to loyalty to Gloria Haydock. Then when MJNI organised the Killer Thriller Party a year later, again there were certain fans that didn't go due to being loyal to Adrian. To some, this may seem an impossibility when it comes to being fans of Michael Jackson, but the reality is that conflicts of interests will always be there.

I went to both Adrian Grants 10th Annual MJ Day in 2001, at the Hammersmith Odeon and Gloria Haydock's Killer Thriller Party at the Equinox in Leicester Square. Why some fans wouldn't go out of loyalty of each fan club is stupid, when their loyalty should be the Michael and the pleasure of attending an event where you get to see Michael in person.

Adrian Grant is the person that really got the whole UK connection between Michael and his fans going. Even though I don't like certain aspects of MJNI, Gloria Haydock did an amazing job in making Michael more accessible to to fans.
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There are good and bad aspects about all fan clubs and when money is exchanged problems occur especially if orders are not forth coming. Persoally I had no time for Gloria Haydock whatsoever, whose ethics on many things were deplorable. She was scared to death of anyone with knowledge and who had a different route to Michael. She had her band of little helpers or sicko fantics. For Michael's 40th Birthday she organised a full page tribute in Billboard magazine, paid for by the fans. Wonderful you may think, until she just put her own name on it, taking all the glory. Thats my opinion. Shame really as she did run her fan club reasonably well until the end. I wonder why this rumour as suddenley popped up. Some out of pocket fans may want answers from last time.
There are good and bad aspects about all fan clubs and when money is exchanged problems occur especially if orders are not forth coming. Persoally I had no time for Gloria Haydock whatsoever, whose ethics on many things were deplorable. She was scared to death of anyone with knowledge and who had a different route to Michael. She had her band of little helpers or sicko fantics. For Michael's 40th Birthday she organised a full page tribute in Billboard magazine, paid for by the fans. Wonderful you may think, until she just put her own name on it, taking all the glory. Thats my opinion. Shame really as she did run her fan club reasonably well until the end. I wonder why this rumour as suddenley popped up. Some out of pocket fans may want answers from last time.

I remember reading or seeing something in KING Magazine asking for money to contribute to paying for an full page tribute for Michael's 40th Birthday for Billboard magazine. I never bothered paying for it, as I don't pay for anything where I don't get to see Michael in person. If I ran a Michael Jackson fan club I'd pay for a full page advert with my own money, purely because I'm a fan and admire Michael Jackson so much.

I went to a Michael Jackson photo exhibtion in London 3yrs ago which was sponsered by Sony (which was free admission), as part of the promotion for Michael's Visionary Singles. And there was a big book inside the Gallery were you could sign your best wishes to Michael. I'm sure he was given the book, and that is one of the many ways Michael knows he gets fully appreciation from fans, where it doesn't cost fans any money.
Post by Pompous Git at http://www.maximum-jackson.com/discussion/...8988#post238988

MJNI's services and content are now being created & published by my company, LICAS digital. We've been working solidly for over a year with a small and very dedicated team of volunteers to prepare for this; in fact, my own emails first discussing bringing back MJNI under the leadership of LICAS date back to 2006!

Regarding the timing; from my point of view, that Michael announced concerts is a coincidence in as much as had he announced a new album, or (yet another) Greatest Hits package, or even a new Charity venture... To some people in the fan community, the timing might fuel cynical speculation as to some nefarious desire to "cash in". I shan't worry about that; my team rest well at night knowing they were working hard on this long before "This Is It" was announced. I hope that the majority of fans will suspend cynicism and choose to judge MJNI on what it actually does now, and not on when it does it...

For the sake of brevity; we are planning to focus on the things we always did best - original MJ-friendly journalism and, at some point down the line, special events. Beyond that, I'm really not ready to discuss the exact services and products we'll be providing, though I do hope you'll be pleasantly surprised with some of the decisions we have made. Wait and see!

Ownership of MJ News International UK Ltd (the full name of the old fan club business, by the way) rests with Gloria Haydock. However, that's a different entity, quite separate to the MJNI we will be launching this summer. We considered a whole new name, but I'll admit to having pride in much of what we achieved all those years ago. Gloria's tragic personal circumstances meant the club feel into decline; call me a sucker for hard luck cases, but I felt compelled to see if we could restore some of the trust and faith the fans once had in MJNI. And hey - if it doesn't last, at least we tried!

Again, thank you so much for your keen interest - please share this email reply with any other MJ fans who might be wondering what's happening. I haven't been making any grand announcements about MJNI because I think that's a little pompous and, at least until we're actually launching, somewhat premature.

I will tell you this, because it's deeply important to me and it has shaped much of the direction of the new MJNI; I believe the old days of "grand imperial" fan clubs is antiquated and doomed to failure. We're focused on creating a fan experience that embraces fan clubs, fan sites and fan communities everywhere, one and offline, without all those old-fashioned bitter rivalries and the very public condescension expressed by those who are seen as leaders in the fan world. This might not make much sense now - I hope it will be clearer when we launch in the summer.

Right - I'm off. Lots to do! Thanks again, I really appreciate you taking the time to get in touch.

Very warmest wishes

