MJNI are coming Back

All I have to say is, Diversity is a good thing :)

People have different opinions of/experiences with, various past/present fan clubs. Just as I would not wish anyone to judge MJJC based only on one person's view of us...likewise, I would hope everyone would allow themselves to obtain their own first hand knowledge of MJNI. Then decide which opinions they agree or disagree with.

Community is community ...

Myself, I wish them a happy return. As it offers one more outlet, for fans to gather and support Michael Jackson.
Well, MJNI did alot of good... I was a member of MJNI for a while, and alot of fans really gained alot. Killer Thriller was awesome, and well...
there were certain... 'kinks'. Rumours of Gloria Haydock (the owner) doing things that were not exactly... good. My own personal experiences were being snubbed by Gloria more times than one, and hearing her make some not so nice comments about fans. But then again, catch me on a bad day, I'll probably say the same things. And in the period of my life where I had strange people come up to me and want to say hi just because they knew my face - I am sure I once in a while gave people strange looks if I had no idea what they were going on about...

If you got their ish sorted out, good for them and I support diversity! I just hope their rocky last days with cheating fans out of money, not delivering promises etc are behind them.

Their last party... stunk! We had bought the most expensive tickets and got stuck way up on a balcony where we couldn't see ANYTHING. We pissed off a bunch of fans by first sitting us down on the floor where we could at least see the top half of the screen (They forgave us, though, when they found out we paid MORE for our tickets than they did) and eventually went downstairs to the floor because it was ridicilous. I know they struggled because the trial got in the way of MJ attending, but it was just the way it was handled that was bad. LOADS of fans complained, and the only word was "That's not our problem"...

So yeah... mixed feelings out here LOL
You know what their problem was? they started segregating the fans by making priority places and things for the ones that paid!!! that certainly alienated me big time! now I'm happy to donate if a site is really in trouble but that was just stupid!

They were one of the sites i visited often in the late 90's (together with the mjifc, planetjackson and the kop board when it was still a decent place).

At the moment i only visit MJJC(MJJF) and i respect this place because it was here for us during the good times AND the bad times but i will give MJNI a chance.

Does anyone know why they are back?
I do think its kind of late now...
I know its probably becuase of the gigs in London, i just hope they will be able to live up to the expectations and not screw up again.
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I think there were alot of problems at the end but to say the last party stank, i had a great time, and have never had problems with them before.

One reason Gloria shut it down was i beleive her mother was sick
Gloria and Robin had close contact with michael and sony which was a good thing because if there were problems they had the contact. This has been the problem during this time there has been no real contact with the right people.

The tix the organization has been shit, and i beleive fans should have been treated better. This is no disrespect to mjjc or any other site its that we need a real british fan club and they were
I wish them luck! I never had any problems with them but I know a lot of people did, But hey Mistakes are made in life right? and they made some... Move on from it? :)
They did some great things for the MJ community and that's what I remember them for. Their parties were awesome I went to many and their Magazine was really good.
I loved getting that in the post :lol: I was a lot younger and got excited over little things like that then LOL I was with the from the Off the wall Magazine day's... Meh i'm showing my age :rofl:

All the best to them. :flowers:
Me too off the wall mag was amazing, if the do come back i hope things are done like in the begining and fair

we also need a good party
Aaaaw, my first MJ website :wub: I was choccyswirlgirl on there :lol:

I wish them all the best, can't wait until they're back up and running again :)
If MJNI is coming back I wonder if I'll get my money or some compensation back for the subscription I bought from them.

MJNI had brilliant connections with MJJ Productions and Michael Jackson, but they always treated fans like infants. As the internet has completely changed the how fast fans can get up to date information on Michael, I'm not too sure how KING would function and be as exlusive in new MJ news as it was. Because in the late 1980's with Adrian Grants Off The Wall Magazine which then morphed in to MJNI's KING Magazine in 1994, that was the only way to get exclusive news on Michael.
aww what nice news actually

they didnt end well and it was really sad, but its good they will be around for the next stage of Michaels career :)... cant wait to see how and what they do !
Noone can deny we do need a proper fan club there are only messageboards. During this time the fans have been treated like crap made to spend bucket loads of cash just to see michael. No help from anyone just people saying thats the way it is. We have been left in the dark we need a proper uk fan club. Madonna has one Britney has one so does Mariah so why hasn't Michael. If MJNI come back the way they did in the begining then i will be happy.

But i will will always support mjjc, there is enough room for everyone
I remember that forum
It was good, but not as good as MJJCOMMUNITY!!
If they come back i will see what they have to offer, hope they organize trips like they did before.

I also think if Gloria gets direct contact with michael like she did before then it will benefit all the fans michael liked mjni and knew gloria
i joined there fanclub and never got anything from them tbh it would be nice to have an official fanclub but time has moved on maybe it would be better to have something new rather than a club which caused upset amongst the fans.
In the days before the internet, around History era MJNI were THE biggest and MJ fanservice. Their KING magazine was the only real way of finding the MJ news and info we take for granted in this digital age. While MJNI were the biggest and the best it was not all fun times. On the surface MJNI did a brillant job as a fanclub and thousands of fans all over the world relied on them but internaly they were a mess. These internal disagreements spilled over to the members and as a result MJNI just fell apart. Promises were broken, services were not continued, merchandise not delivered, money not being refunded, arguments between staff and members.

MJNI will always have a place in my heart though, as it was though them I first became involved with the fan community. I found their address in the back of Adrian Grants book and sent them a letter and the rest is HIStory!
I don't know anything about MJNI before
It will be great if this site brings MJ fans back and help to promote MJ :) but I'd like to say I love MJJC :D heehee
what alot of you who have only beome part of the fan community since the interent,dont realise is that MJNI were not just a forum. They were a traditional fanclub in the days before the interent. You paid a yearly subscription and when MJNI were most popular and sucessful you recieve a professionally produced magazine 4 times a year and a monthly newsletter. They also had a merchandise store and in the UK a phone line where you could ring up and hear the latest news.

Other things they did was to organise tickets and travel packages to concerts. I wasnt part of MJNI during HISTORY when they did alot of these but I did travel with MJNI to the MJ and Friends concert in Munich in 1999. As it was my first time to travel to see Michael and I hadnt got a clue what to do, it was a really great way to experience my first Michael trip. MJNI organised everything, flights to and from Munich, hotel room and concert ticket. All I had to do was turn up at the airport.

Another thing that MJNI did was to organise yearly fan parties which Michael usually acknowleged in some way, usually by a fax.

When the interent started MJNI were one of the first to have a website and before the forums started they used to have an email news service called MJNI HOTSHOTS.

the question is now though in what capacity are MJNI coming back? Are they coming back doing what they did best, being a proper fanclub, they way they used to be? If they are doing this, can they hold it together and just get on with the job and not let what caused them to crash and burn happen again? Can they regain the trust and respect in the fan community after just disapearing for soo long without any explination?

Or are they just relaunching the website and forum? Is there a room for yet another forum, starting from scratch when there are already so many well established communities?
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Other things they did was to organise tickets and travel packages to concerts. I wasnt part of MJNI during HISTORY when they did alot of these but I did travel with MJNI to the MJ and Friends concert in Munich in 1999. As it was my first time to travel to see Michael and I hadnt got a clue what to do, it was a really great way to experience my first Michael trip. MJNI organised everything, flights to and from Munich, hotel room and concert ticket. All I had to do was turn up at the airport.

was it also them who organized the "welcome party" for Michael at the Bayerischer Hof hotel, and the party for the fans for the long wait in the afternoon? I remember there was a stage and Gloria sometimes talking on it. That hotel-party was fun :)

When the interent started MJNI were one of the first to have a website and before the forums started they used to have an email news service called MJNI HOTSHOTS.

yeah i remember when me and my friends started to use the internet and browse Michael sites, "MJNI" and "MJIFC" were the most popular ones, and everyone was talking about them
MJNI also had 300 tickets for the 1996 BRIT Awards :)

Wish I was a member then, but unfortunately I wasn't a fan at the time :(
I have very dear memories of MJNI, and the King-magazine. If they come back now, that's cool, I'll definately welcome them back.
And that doesn't mean I would turn my back on MJJC! No way. This place is home to all fans... :group::friends:
was it also them who organized the "welcome party" for Michael at the Bayerischer Hof hotel, and the party for the fans for the long wait in the afternoon? I remember there was a stage and Gloria sometimes talking on it. That hotel-party was fun :)

yes that was MJNI together with the German fanclub ANGEL. The 2 fanclubs came together and organised a welcome to Munich party for Michael outside the Bayerischerhof Hotel.

There were about 4,000 fans there that day. There were a barriers all long the road in front of the hotel and the full length of the barriers were covered with fan banners. A local radio station sponsered the event and set up a stage with a dj playing Michael music all day. There were also performances by MJ performers including Danny Oliver, Suliman ( who went on to come second on Britains got talent ) and Navi.

Then when Michael arrived he did a walkabout along the barriers and it went kinda crazy.
I travelled with MJNI to amsterdam in Sept 96 and it was a truly memorable experience as this was my first concert , I subscribed to their gold membership from the start of King magazine and they were of excellent quality and the pieces that Robin Meltzer wrote were interesting, I am not sure what happened at the end of its demise but reading some posts here things obviously went horribly wrong and i am sad that some fans were let down and left out of pocket.

The one thing I hope is that whether it is MJNI or MJJC I do hope we can get an official fan club where members are able to get tix for gigs because even though i was lucky to get tix during the lottery of the pre sale it just simply was not the correct way to get the tix to the correct people.

Gaz i really do hope that the statement you make about MJJC delivering on all fronts will mean that members/fans can gain benefits like tix, news events, merchandise.etc

Also I would like to offer my help to you and the mods here if required on helping deliver.

Welcome Back MJNI,

Looking Forward To Become A Member There Again:yes:
