MJNI are coming Back


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Apologies if this is posted in the wrong section:


Kinda predicted they will, but never this late. Assumptions tell me they're gonna start FanClub Trips for The O2 (something similar to HIStory tours, MJ & Friends and the MSG shows).
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I've heard great things about that place in the past. Looking forward to seeing it.
Is it proper to "promote" other MJ sites?

The question is there a logical reason you cant post about another fan site?

MJNI was great in the 90's but towards the end, well we all know what happened. I will wait and see what happens.........
Why does there have to be segregation? We are all fans. One club doesn't have to be separate from all the others. I don't consider myself solely belonging to MJJC and like to hear of other places.

I see your point, but I'm glad that this is posted.
It can stay in the GD/News as it is news, unless we're told to move it. MJNI was one of the biggest MJ fanclubs ever and was well respected. Michael adored MJNI.

Welcome back MJNI!
MJNI was the greatest back in the day. But I don't know how I feel about this. They up and closed shop then when MJ makes it big again they jump back on the bandwagon.
MJNI, heh. Can someone tell me about them? You say the were the biggest fan club? Were they international? Where were they headquartered?

I came in on the internet fan sites during the Invincible era so I probably missed out on some of this stuff.
MJNI, heh. Can someone tell me about them? You say the were the biggest fan club? Were they international? Where were they headquartered?

I came in on the internet fan sites during the Invincible era so I probably missed out on some of this stuff.

Same, I wasn't around on the internet when MJNI was about, would like to know more! Sounds cool though.
huh..how big was this site? was it bigger than mjno or over here member wise? michael liked it? did he register anonymously
I don't know anything about their past history so as long as their cool I'm cool. Good or bad history; just be cool and and we're alright, lol.
ah, thats good. i missed them bk in the days
hope gloria doesnt rear her head nah it will be someone else i reckon

i reckon id do a pretty good job doing something like that if had the chance :cheeky:
MJNI, heh. Can someone tell me about them? You say the were the biggest fan club? Were they international? Where were they headquartered?

I came in on the internet fan sites during the Invincible era so I probably missed out on some of this stuff.
They pretty much were the biggest MJ fan club for a while back in the late 90s, early 2000s. They were based in the UK I think. They got a heap of exclusives because the owners of MJNI had contact with MJ himself. I can recall he made phone calls to MJNI and wrote into them on occasion. He wasn't an anonymous user or anything. Not that we know of anyway. MJNI hosted the Killer Thriller event in 2002. It was pretty massive. Michael attended and I think that was where he gave his famous "you ain't seen nothin' yet" quote leaving fans anticipating a new record that still hasn't come out yet, lol. I remember they stuck around through Michael's arrest in late 2003 because I remember it was the first place I read the shocking news. I can't remember if they stuck around for the duration of the trial or not because I started to join other fan clubs at that point. But they started having some internal battles and they banned a lot of really popular members and stuff eventually leading to them shutting down the forum and website. Now they're back because all of a sudden MJ is huge again. Which I see as kind of jumping on the bandwagon. But it could turn out to be a good thing because, it was before my time but, I heard they played a big role in helping fans out during the HIStory tour with getting tickets and finding accommodation and meeting up with other fans. They pretty much broke every MJ story before everyone else because they had a heap of "insiders" or whatever. If they have the same contacts they did back then they'll be a huge asset to the MJ fan community. Though I hope fans don't forget that MJJF, now MJJC stuck around even through MJ's down-time when not much was happening and he wasn't as popular.
mjni were based in the uk they made the king magazine and were basically a fanclub in the old fashioned sense.u were a member and got magazines and news letters. there were very close with sony and jonathan morrish at the time and arranged many trips/events because of that to concerts and other events mj attended. providing tickets etc. they also had mj days. wondered if they would come back intresting to see whos involved if anyone from the old days and whether the club will be the same type of thing.they did so well at the time because of their links to sony via jonathan morrish but obvousily things have changed since then so who knows if it will be anything like its former self. it did go down towards the end on then just disapeared altogether.but if it can provide half the service it did during its peak it will be an asset to the community
Not that we know of anyway. MJNI hosted the Killer Thriller event in 2002. It was pretty massive. Michael attended and I think that was were he gave his famous "you ain't seen nothin' yet" quote leaving fans anticipating a new record that still hasn't come yet, lol
that was the world musics awards
Yea MJNI was pretty boss back in the day. The websites I always used to go to were MJTKOP, MJNI and Steadylaughing. MJTKOP is gone I believe, I don't specifically remember why MJNI dissapeared in the first place, and SL is on a hiatus due to the owner having too much to do/MJ's inactivity.

I'm all for MJNI opening up again. It's not like it's competition or anything, it's just another site. The way I look it as is MJNI was a good site, MJJC is the best forum, and I used to go SL to check out the huge ass picture gallery.
Is that where the infamous "Sitting on the toilet" and "looking through the window" would post?
I was a proud member of MJNI. I subscribed to King magazine and the newsletter and it was always a 'thrill' when I received my stuff through the mail. I even attended one of their MJ parties in New York back in 1999.

I am delighted to hear that they may be coming back. As Elusive said, they will be a real asset to the community.
I was a member of MJNI for about three years from 1999 to 2002. Luckily my membership expired before they ended so I got all the stuff that I had payed for.
Killer Thriller Party was great, that was also the event where Michael accused Tommy Mottola of being very, very, very devilish. :D

It'll be interesting to see how MJNI will do from now on. And what has changed.

The KING mag was so cool. I think I got like 15 of them.
Is that where the infamous "Sitting on the toilet" and "looking through the window" would post?

From what I remember SOTT AND LTTW used to post in KOP discussion and I think also in MJJF.

Those were weird times, I loved the riddles lol but was never able to make any sense of them. I think I still have some of those posts
MJNI was the greatest back in the day. But I don't know how I feel about this. They up and closed shop then when MJ makes it big again they jump back on the bandwagon.
I feel the same, why wait for MJ to make a comeback to relaunch MJNI? I did love MJNI though, must give them respect.
they owe me money for a full subscribtion and merchadise and they did not even write back to us! they stole money and left michael when he needed support . now they come back, they just want money just like every body else who uses michael just to cash in on his popularity i wrote to them asking if the next issue of king could please be a full of fans message to michael tellin him how much his real fans love and BELIEVED in him i guess they did not believe or care enough about michael then..!. f them !!!!!