MJ and Klein -- Affection for Injections

I think all those IM Injections in such little time are fishy...
One thing that I didn't know about was that Mike had glaucoma - or was in incipient stages...:-( Then again it,s not that uncommon for ppl getting it as they grow older...(That's what Latanoprost is used for in case you're wondering)

And yes, he may very well have been overbilling, who,s really gonna keep count and call him out on it?
Klien was a dermatologist which means he deals with skin , hair and nails , NOT EYES .
Klien was a dermatologist which means he deals with skin , hair and nails , NOT EYES .

Uhm, I know what a dermatologist does, that's exactly why it's fishy.
And I've never read anywhere that Latanoprost can be used to grow hair , it may have eyelashes growth as a side effect but then again, he was using Latisse as well, which does exactly that - grow lashes.

Klein may be full of sh*t for all we know....
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This is when the fans on this very board, were NOT finding it weird for MJ to travel to klien's office everyday and accepting the "good friend" explanation...just goes to show the naivety of some fans!!
Actually, even if we thought it was weird you couldn't really say anything then, just as you couldn't say that he was thin without being accused of wanting to start something...

Anyway, what's done is done, it matters what happens next.
b/c at the time, we were not allowed to speak of his health. considering the circumstances, it makes sense that we ammend that rule
Michael made a good point in an interview he once gave....."everyone else can have plastic surgery..but...If Michael Jackson does it ...it is wrong".........I think we can learn something from Michael.....even if it was the smallest thing he had done......that was his business not mine......I dont like Kline in anyway shape or form but..but I wasn't in the room with Michael so I dont know what Kline gave him.....SO WHAT Kline gave him botax like treatments...that is Michael's business.
Did anyone see that interview on Larry King Live two or three weeks ago when Kleine said, "I lost my best friend."

Just when I thought he couldn't get any further after already crossing the line.....he did.

What's next?

"We were like brothers"?

But seriosuly. I bet he was REALLY thinking, "I lost MJ dancing for me in my office in those damn sexy tight pants, especially the black and white leopard ones."