MJ and Klein -- Affection for Injections

no...lol..what i mean is, i have a feeling people are charging MJ interest that doesn't exist in frivolous claims. Tmez said, that people were interested in phantom lawsuits, when it came to MJ, just cus he's MJ.

oh ok..lmaoo:doh::D
You got that right though, I shld've sued MJ, just because I paid good money to see him during the Victory and Bad tour and should've gotten a backstage pass, plus a signed piece of clothing.. Hell everyone else seem to sue him for dumb stuff..
Klein tacked on some hellafied interest
In the UK what Klein has done is breach acts of confidentiality!
I aint really interested in what Klein has to say or any other scumbag loosers to be honest, they can go and skip for all I care .... :)
Up to a quarter of the $20,000 his practice generates a day comes from Botox treatments, he said, and Allergan paid him more than $100,000 a year.

wow , I guess 40.000$ is not that huge to klien
Ok, Michael is not here to dispute all this. But If you look at the Medical Healthcare in the US, there is fraud, where they charge the government all this money for service done on patients, when in truth it was never done.
Klein did the same thing. Michael did have a few things done but not what Klein is claiming. Klien could of ordered these drugs and used on other Patients and is now claiming it was for Michael, thereby collecting double money for the medications used..
There you are. That is what he did. The guy is all about money. Now that Michael is not here hs still wants to collect.
Go to Hell Klein.
again no where in his lawsuit he talks about demerol, IM injection does not mean demerol , it covers a hell lot of other drugs, klien would not sue the estate to get 40.000$ and admit he injected mj 51 times with demerol which means basically incriminate himself.

a demerol abuser takes it many times a day , because after 4 hours its effect disappear , mj would not have been able to skip it for three days before his death . and must of all mj did not look drugged up to all the critics who watched the movie, everyone is saying "how could he hide his addiction?" maybe because he was not addict .
Klien is a paid consultant for Allergan which manufacture Botox and Latisse. He is paid 100.000$ a year.
51 cosmetic procedures in three months!? It is just doesn't make any freaking sense.There is a video on YouTube. After each "cosmetic procedure" he showed up drowsy etc.

The STory is Bull Shyt

He didnt show up drowsy after each procedure _ WEVE WATHED THOSE VID A 100'S OF TIMES each
time he left Kleins s office _ he looked fine - one time he looked like he didnt feel good it could have been
for several reasons - the nose injections are very painful so he would be getting something for pain when that
procedure was going on _ and he was having his nose filled out with several injections _ we seen just about
every vid where Mj leaves kleins and he didnt appear drowsy _ he looked fine most the tine he was masked
so it would be hard to say ..

Im not going with the MJ was a pain pill JUNKIE story ..:( It that what you want to promote

None of that was found in his system _

This is just speculation .. I m Injection is not Demoral
Its most likely one of the procedural injections Arny uses for
cosmetice fill ins _ that is his specialty _ he really did a super
job repairing Mjs nose with out any SURGERY

Ill wait and not jump the gun based on this Taloid speculation
Im not into accusing people before I see solid eveidence and proof
It not the righreous thing to do in my opinion ...

plus I kind of like Arny _ I know Michael did :)
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IM injections is nothing to do with nose, I think. Yes it could be anesthetic if Kline was still working on his nose, but he wasn’t. So he injected him with something 51 times. And who knows what medication he used. It could be anything MJ was not aware of. I do NOT trust Klein, period.

Sorry you are wrong
You really seem bent on wanting Mj to be a junkie
the Im injections were for the nose and possible other areas you have
to inject several small areas of the nose over time so it is even and
smooth you will see in the end that this is NOT demeral -

If Mj was being pumped with demoral or pain killers
he woudl be aware of it _ He is NOT a DUMB ASS
he knows what that is .... give him some credit please

What this Is ... Is TMZ needing some hits today for
sensational story ...

Michael was not being pumped full of demoral
sheesh _ fans are just so anxious to bring him down
and agree with the tabloid shyt written about him
This story is just another attack on MJs character

Dont fall into the TRAP
MJ killer is still out and about...So "they" Blast off on Klein to cover up whats about to come out. Bum ass clowns I swear
I need people to research before they go accusing Klein of medical fraud.

There are tons of pics of Michael visiting Klein's office between March and June and in that time all kinds of procedures could have taken place. Klein said that he was "fixing" Michael's face because he wanted to look good for the shows. And as much as ppl HATE to want to admit to this, Michael did have many things done to his face... this is not anything we haven't already known.

As for why the bill was so high AND why did he wait so long to ask for the money... These are all cosmetic prodecures which are expensive here in the US. Even if Mike DID have health insurance (I'm not sure if he did or not) cosmetic procedures wouldn't have been covered ANYWAY, so these expensive procedures would have been out of pocket expenses for Michael.

The dispute here is the IM injections and what TMZ is saying that these injections could have been. If people took the time to RESEARCH instead of just blindly accusing they could GOOGLE search and see that an IM injection has NOTHING to do with Demerol. A quick look at some websites says that these IM injections could have had to so with the administration of prednisone which treats autoimmune diseases like LUPUS... the IM injections could have been other drugs as well, botox, things like that. NOTHING TO DO WITH DEMEROL. RESEARCH PEOPLE. Google is your FRIEND.

That being said, he may have waited so long to get paid because he and Mike have had a LONG history together and may have come to some kind of payment arrangements we know NOTHING ABOUT. And because NONE of us were there, in the office with Mike and Klein NONE of us are in ANY position to say what procedures were or were not done.

I am NOT a fan of Klein, please believe me. I just can't stand when people get all excitable around here without RESEARCHING FIRST. All the information you need is at your fingertips... Really. It is.
Sorry you are wrong
You really seem bent on wanting Mj to be a junkie
the Im injections were for the nose and possible other areas you have
to inject several small areas of the nose over time so it is even and
smooth you will see in the end that this is NOT demeral -

If Mj was being pumped with demoral or pain killers
he woudl be aware of it _ He is NOT a DUMB ASS
he knows what that is .... give him some credit please

What this Is ... Is TMZ needing some hits today for
sensational story ...

Michael was not being pumped full of demoral
sheesh _ fans are just so anxious to bring him down
and agree with the tabloid shyt written about him
This story is just another attack on MJs character

Dont fall into the TRAP

You are WRONG here. I have never wanted to say that MJ was junkie. This is NOT my point, it is opposite actually. I am afraid that Klein could use some medications MJ was not aware of. Then when Murray injected him with dose of Propofol Michael went under cardiac arrest. And this could be a murder from Klein side as well, not just Murray. I have never said that Mike was an addict, because he never was. He had kids to take care of.

pS.The media say a little bit of the truth, a little bit of lie, put all of it together creating chaos of information. It is very difficult to separate the truth from complete fiction.
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Injections does not mean Demerol. Now why are we believing this? It is all Tabloid rubbish.
Because Michael Visited Klein does not mean he was given Demerol. It was not found in his system. There are many iv injections that are not painkillers..And If Klein is doing a botox or whatever he will give him a local injection of lidocaine, Just like what you get when you go to the dentist..Man!!!
Never heard of anyone becoming addicted to a Local anesthesia..
and this 3 to 4 times a day injection rubbish..Look at the proximity of Michael's home in Sunset Blvd and Klein's office in Beverly Hills and then to the Staples centre..Those three places are quite some distances apart.
Also botox isn't just ONE injection... people who get botox can get as many as 10 or 15 little injections all over their face in different places IN ONE SITTING. So when you think about it that way 51 injections of botox over4 months isn't that excessive at all.
u don't need that much botox. it lasts several months. that's number one.....

number two, how many 'intramuscular' shots can a DERMATOLOGIST give? little to any and in the face? don't think so.

can u not see the beauty of this lawsuit? the dumbass incriminates himself. appreciate his stupidity and roll w/ this.

what he did far contradicts the hippocrattic oath by far
can u not see the beauty of this lawsuit? the dumbass incriminates himself. appreciate his stupidity and roll w/ this.
then what the hell y'all tripping over? like honestly?

even deb don't understand his stupid ass no'mo...she never did.

Debbie Rowe: Arnie Klein Is a Mystery

Posted Oct 29th 2009 12:30AM by TMZ Staff
Michael Jackson's ex-wife Debbie Rowe -- Arnie Klein's former nurse -- claims she has no idea why her former boss injected Jackson 51 times in three months, telling us, "I don't know why Klein does anything. He's Arnie Klein."

TMZ ran into Rowe as she walked into a screening of the Jackson bio-flick "This Is It." We're told Rowe absolutely loved the movie.
Interesting for Debbie to say that. Honestly I'm not sure what to make of her these days, sometimes she seems ok and other times she seems like a gold digger.
This guy should be charged and put in jail. I am waiting for these doctors to get what is coming to them. They didn't care about Michael or his health. Just how much money they could make off of him.
There are certain things that it is impossible not to laugh.

Acne at 50 years of age with skin that perfect?

This really is new to me. Michael spent a long time of puberty.

No comments...

It is possible ashtanga, it's called "adult acne".


And about that "article"

Who really cares what he was paying for, it's his body to do as he pleases in which ever ways make him happy. Leave him alone already.....
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I'm 46 and still struggling with and being treated for acne (though can't afford the treatments MJ supposedly received). I'm not sure it ever really goes away...