MJ and Klein -- Affection for Injections

The question is about 51 I.M. Injections. Cosmetic procedures are listed separate as I see.

Also for eyelash growth (from google search)

Michael couldn't see well with one eye. Probably it was glaucoma. Eyelash growth sounds like BS.
KING: All right, what about the nose?

KLEIN: The nose was a very special thing, because his father and his brothers supposedly, from what I've read, made fun of his nose all the time. So he was very sensitive to the nose. And...

KING: What was wrong with his nose?

KLEIN: I originally didn't think there was much wrong with his nose.

KING: Yes. KLEIN: I thought he had a nice-looking nose. But in the beginning, it was never able to come off his body. But it got to the point where it was far too thin. It didn't look natural to me.

KING: Now, you helped him rebuild it?

KLEIN: I rebuilt it, yes.

KING: How?

KLEIN: Using fillers. I used Rezulin. I used hydronic acids because -- and they worked very well. And it's not -- it's an arduous procedure, because you don't want to put too much in. And you have to do it exactly, so you can flow the material so it's perfectly smooth.

So we rebuilt them. And I'm telling you that he was beginning to look like the nose was normal again. And that's all I wanted -- and regain the breathing, you know, passages of his nose, because there was a total collapse of the cartilage.

KING: In the last photos that we've seen, his nose has been built up, right?

He's looking better?

everything beside the IM injection has nothing to do with the NOSE , right ? so I assume the IM injections are related to the nose rebuilding Klien was doing .
anyone can 'create' a document. if MJ really got all that done, then he would have paid the doctor, then.

but hey...people will believe what they want. as TMez said, MJ was not used to honorable legal representation.

Well I don't believe everything I read, but yet I felt it shld be posted since he wants to sue for the money.. Looking at the document, he charged a few grand for a weekend call.. Lawd have mercy... Klein is a "thief"...lol... Talk about sticking it to your "friend"... So let's see, he couldn't get ahold of the kids, so he is going to go after the money... I understand your comment about creating a document, he let MJ get this stuff done for "free" when he was alive, but now that he is no longer here, and can't dispute the charges, he has somehow come up with pages of medical procedures done to MJ...
all those above listed are cosmetics , his skin , botox , eyelashes but where does the nose rebuilding thing is covered ? the I.M injections , which klien was using rezulin hydronic acids which were not mentioned .
That is what the Latisse was for- Eyelash growth... Latanoprost has a side of effect of eyelash growth.... Honestly I hope he did use it for eyelash growth, bcuz otherwise that horrible author Halprin (sp?) wld be right about MJ having eye problems...

Man 51 I.M injections... good lawd..
KING: Was he still working at that?

KLEIN: No, because I think we got to the point where he was very happy with the way he looked and he filled in the cheeks a little bit and did a lot of little things
IM injections is nothing to do with nose, I think. Yes it could be anesthetic if Kline was still working on his nose, but he wasn’t. So he injected him with something 51 times. And who knows what medication he used. It could be anything MJ was not aware of. I do NOT trust Klein, period.
Of course we all know MJ is the only person on Earth that has ever gotten cosmetic surgery, so the press is going to blow this up.(sarcasm)
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I had to come back ... sorry.

DEMOROL was NOT FOUND IN MJs SYSTEM in the autopsy.

I.M. Injections = Intra Muscular .... AND????

So what?? Michael got some Botox here & there. He didn't need it, but WHATEVER.

Demerol did not KILL MJ.

Dr. Murray and his negligence or malice....DID KILL MJ.
I had to come back ... sorry.

DEMOROL was NOT FOUND IN MJs SYSTEM in the autopsy.

I.M. Injections = Intra Muscular .... AND????

So what?? Michael got some Botox here & there. He didn't need it, but WHATEVER.

Demerol did not KILL MJ.

Dr. Murray and his negligence or malice....DID KILL MJ.

I agree Shimar, I agree...:yes:
I had to come back ... sorry.

DEMOROL was NOT FOUND IN MJs SYSTEM in the autopsy.

I.M. Injections = Intra Muscular .... AND????

So what?? Michael got some Botox here & there. He didn't need it, but WHATEVER.

Demerol did not KILL MJ.

Dr. Murray and his negligence or malice....DID KILL MJ.

Everybody will say that is speculations but it might be that Klein injected him with something WE DO NOT KNOW, so when Murray injected him with Propofol it killed him, they killed him Murray and Klein. This is what I mean.I wonder when was the last time Michel visited Klein’s office before June 25th?
The service code listed next to the I.M. Injections is 90782. According to http://www.reimbursementcodes.com/medical_billing_d.html this code is used for: "90782: Therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic injection (specify material injected); subcutaneous or intramuscular."

Next to some of the I.M. Injection items is listed a diagnosis code of 7061. According to http://icd9cm.chrisendres.com/index.php?action=child&recordid=6781 this code is used for:

"706.1 Other acne
acne rosacea (695.3)"

Not sure if this is helpful or not, but just wanted to point out that the I.M. Injections could really be anything relating to therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic medications. It angers me that the media immediately mention demerol for the sensationalism factor.
The service code listed next to the I.M. Injections is 90782. According to http://www.reimbursementcodes.com/medical_billing_d.html this code is used for: "90782: Therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic injection (specify material injected); subcutaneous or intramuscular."

Next to some of the I.M. Injection items is listed a diagnosis code of 7061. According to http://icd9cm.chrisendres.com/index.php?action=child&recordid=6781 this code is used for:

"706.1 Other acne
acne rosacea (695.3)"

Not sure if this is helpful or not, but just wanted to point out that the I.M. Injections could really be anything relating to therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic medications. It angers me that the media immediately mention demerol for the sensationalism factor.

:clapping: thank you very much
Well I don't believe everything I read, but yet I felt it shld be posted since he wants to sue for the money.. Looking at the document, he charged a few grand for a weekend call.. Lawd have mercy... Klein is a "thief"...lol... Talk about sticking it to your "friend"... So let's see, he couldn't get ahold of the kids, so he is going to go after the money... I understand your comment about creating a document, he let MJ get this stuff done for "free" when he was alive, but now that he is no longer here, and can't dispute the charges, he has somehow come up with pages of medical procedures done to MJ...

yes...too many people love money to make me believe something like that can be done for free. i'd like to find some of these doctors so i can get some proceedures done. lol
see? no big woop, he was simple having cosmetic procedures but as usual the media is trying their best to make him look like a self-destructive druggie
Murray is the doctor who gave him too much medication in the last weeks of his life
oh and if he wants money from MJ he needs to stand in line lol
Klien said on Larry King said :"once, on occassion I gave him demerol" . ONCE , not 51 times
see? no big woop, he was simple having cosmetic procedures but as usual the media is trying their best to make him look like a self-destructive druggie
Murray is the doctor who gave him too much medication in the last weeks of his life

yes I agree
yes...too many people love money to make me believe something like that can be done for free. i'd like to find some of these doctors so i can get some proceedures done. lol

lol, ok.. hell along with a pharmacy that allows me to get my meds on credit... hmm wld luv to get my bc for free, save me $360 a yr...

I think it was a barter type thing going on with MJ/Klein... Klein probably let him get his procedures done for next to nothing when he was alive as long as he could get photo-ops, got to events with MJ, get all access backstage passes to any MJ event, be invited over for dinner or hell be able to drop by whenever he felt like it, name drop MJ's name, etc... But now since he is dead, Klein can no longer get the perks bcuz everyone thinks he enabled MJ...
Klein is a quack. I saw a report earlier that he's suing the estate for some 100 and odd procedures he did for Michael in the months leading up to his death.

IF that's true then Klein needs to have his license taken away. There's a fine line between "dermatology" and madness.
lol, ok.. hell along with a pharmacy that allows me to get my meds on credit... hmm wld luv to get my bc for free, save me $360 a yr...

I think it was a barter type thing going on with MJ/Klein... Klein probably let him get his procedures done for next to nothing when he was alive as long as he could get photo-ops, got to events with MJ, get all access backstage passes to any MJ event, be invited over for dinner or hell be able to drop by whenever he felt like it, name drop MJ's name, etc... But now since he is dead, Klein can no longer get the perks bcuz everyone thinks he enabled MJ...

i have a hard time with that, because MJ wasn't in love with money. i mean, for gods sakes he gave much away to charity. he paid for videos, he paid his lawyers, he didn't feel a need to hold onto money..he enjoyed spending it. if fact you know that he was accused of spending it too much. and he once told a lawyer not to overnegotiate when acquiring the catalogue of songs, and he outbid McCartney. and now i'm supposed to believe he held off on people? naahh. too inconsistent. he's a rarity. a lot of people might want to barter, but not MJ. he's a rarity, but his record speaks for itself.
i have a hard time with that, because MJ wasn't in love with money. i mean, for gods sakes he gave much away to charity. he paid for videos, he paid his lawyers, he didn't feel a need to hold onto money..he enjoyed spending it. if fact you know that he was accused of spending it too much. and he once told a lawyer not to overnegotiate when acquiring the catalogue of songs, and he outbid McCartney. and now i'm supposed to believe he held off on people? naahh. too inconsistent. he's a rarity. a lot of people might want to barter, but not MJ. he's a rarity, but his record speaks for itself.

I don't think MJ loved $, I'm just giving an example.. I am sure MJ's accountant paid his medical bills that he got from Klein.. Then on the other hand they didn't pay ppl on time... I'm just saying that apparently Klein wasn't 2 worried about that bill when MJ was alive now all of after he got shot down in court to have access to them kids, he feels he needs to sue the estate... As a friend, why not get your money quietly instead of suing the estate knowing damn well TMZ has someone go and check the courthouse records daily...
I don't think MJ loved $, I'm just giving an example.. I am sure MJ's accountant paid his medical bills that he got from Klein.. Then on the other hand they didn't pay ppl on time... I'm just saying that apparently Klein wasn't 2 worried about that bill when MJ was alive now all of after he got shot down in court to have access to them kids, he feels he needs to sue the estate... As a friend, why not get your money quietly instead of suing the estate knowing damn well TMZ has someone go and check the courthouse records daily...

well..when it comes to 'on time'...some people may be more in a hurry than others..
anyway..none of us really know...but..i don't think MJ got all those proceedures.

to each, their own belief tho..
well..when it comes to 'on time'...some people may be more in a hurry than others..
anyway..none of us really know...but..i don't think MJ got all those proceedures.

to each, their own belief tho..

Black/bold- lol, u must be spying on me, lord knows i procrastinate I am a true Libra, when it comes to bills they are on the bottom of my to do list..lol:cheeky:

Red/bold- I so agree with you.. I just can't fathom getting 51 injections unless he is diabetic (not saying he is), and damn Klein charges alot, he really takes the meaning of inflation to another level... We all know he was going there weekly/daily but damn his list of procedures is a bit excessive.
Black/bold- lol, u must be spying on me, lord knows i procrastinate I am a true Libra, when it comes to bills they are on the bottom of my to do list..lol:cheeky:

Red/bold- I so agree with you.. I just can't fathom getting 51 injections unless he is diabetic (not saying he is), and damn Klein charges alot, he really takes the meaning of inflation to another level... We all know he was going there weekly/daily but damn his list of procedures is a bit excessive.

no...lol..what i mean is, i have a feeling people are charging MJ interest that doesn't exist in frivolous claims. Tmez said, that people were interested in phantom lawsuits, when it came to MJ, just cus he's MJ.