Michael’s personal chef Kai Chase talks about upcoming book ‘Fit for a King’

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Update on Kai Chase book:


Kai Chase
I want to thank all the MJ Fan Clubs, Kai Chase FB friends and Kai Chase, Celebrity Chef Fans for supporting me in my plight to publish MJ's "Fit For a King" cookbook. This cookbook is something Mr. Jackson encouraged me to write during his days preparing for the "This Is It" tour and something he believed and was a true advocate of..."Healthy Eating!" So with the love and support from you guys and at God's speed it WILL be DONE! Remember..."One Monkey, Don't Stop No Show" Keep Michaeling! XoXo
17 minutes ago

Really??? :scratch: :unsure: :smilerolleyes: Well.... ok. :fear:
The fact that the kids like her or mention her show their had/have a good relationship. It doesn't mean she's not using some opportunities. Those kids are not a barometer of what we should think of people. They're just kids and theres a lot they don't know about the world and some of the people around them.
The fact that the kids like her or mention her show their had/have a good relationship. It doesn't mean she's not using some opportunities. Those kids are not a barometer of what we should think of people. They're just kids and theres a lot they don't know about the world and some of the people around them.

Very well said!
Some of you act like people should do work for free and that making money is evil. She isn't doing any harm in writing about her experience with michael. I guess Michael is the only person good enough to have our money. Some of you are just weird for no reason.
Some of you act like people should do work for free and that making money is evil. She isn't doing any harm in writing about her experience with michael. I guess Michael is the only person good enough to have our money. Some of you are just weird for no reason.


Btw if she was doing this for her own gain she would have did this book back in 2009 when the media was interested in her. We HARDLY heard from her the last 3 years except for the CM trial and since the announcement of the book.
Don't really know what to make of the cookbook. But I did find an interesting link. Turns out this was a book that has been talked about since 2009, - maybe it has taken that long to find a publisher???


The Michael Jackson diet
Posted by Jonathan Bender on Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 9:40 AM

There's our world and then there's the world of Michael Jackson's personal chef.

Kai Chase recently told the Associated Press about her experiences cooking for the Jackson family and about his last few days. She also just so happens to have a draft of an unpublished cookbook, Fit For a King. You make the connection.

In breaking down his breakfast, lunch and dinner choices, Chase paints the picture of somebody on a restricted diet who also has the means to hire a personal chef. Granola for breakfast, a spinach salad for lunch and seared ahi tuna for dinner.

In an effort to spice up the family's diet, she offered to make Saturdays about comfort food -- barbecue chicken, corn on the cob or soul food. But as Jackson's planned summer concert tour got closer, it was back to a healthy diet. "He wanted food that would not make him cramp up while dancing," she says.

Chase is clearly immersed in the celebrity world. Her godfather is comedian Red Foxx. She's been a private chef for Macy Gray, Jamie Foxx and Cedric The Entertainer. It also appears as though the publicity photo for her Web site was taken by Shaft actor Richard Roundtree, unless there's another photographer by that same name (Fat City couldn't locate one in Los Angeles).

And now Chase seems to have developed a desire for celebrity herself. Her cookbook will focus on the recipes she made for Jackson and talk about their time together. The dishes better be sweet because something needs to cover up the bitter taste.
^^^ I was thinking that she might have put on hold her book because of the trial. Wasn't she supposed to write her cook book book late 2009 or 2010?
I remember her testimony when David asked her about the interviews and how much she got from them.
I thought myself that perhaps they (Kai and David W) talked before the trial, and agreed that she shouldn't release her book as it would be used against her (trying to make her to appear as money hungry) during the trial by Murray's lawyers.

Anyways, I don't see anything wrong her writing cook book.
There were two types of people in Michael's life, one that betrayed him and ones that didn't. I would put Kai in the latter category.
She never said anything bad or nasty about Michael, as a matter of fact she spoke very nicely of Michael and the kids.
She easily could have taken Matt Fiddes (and some others) route and make up stories, sell them for big money,but she didn't.
Wow it looks like Kai's book isn't published yet. I guess some publishers wanted negative books about Mike then...


I bet my last cent that she has nice words about her time with Michael.
The book would have been out in 2009 if she had written that Michael made her to sacrifice chickens in the back yard, spiced it up with a bit of voodoo, and then cooked chickens for family dinners.

It seems that Kai had problems with publishing house, they didn't believe Michael ate?
kai chase ?@chefkaichase
A publishing house told me my MJ "Fit For A King" cookbook was a risk because they believe Michael didn't eat!!... http://fb.me/12ldlwfe5
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Btw, if Elvis can have his cook book, Michael should have one too:D
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I don't want to judge Chase or her motivation for what she's doing. But there seems to be two groups of people now, to me anyway : the Fiddes camp, who keep slandering Michael for money, and what I would call the Jermaine camp, who appear to have understood how much benefit could bring praising Michael.
I dont know, again, why Chase is writing this book and what it will be about exactly. Writing a cook book is only natural for a chef; now writing a cook book about Michael sounds very suspicious to me.
Now to each their own. And you can call me paranoid. I have all the reasons to be.
The fact that the kids like her or mention her show their had/have a good relationship. It doesn't mean she's not using some opportunities. Those kids are not a barometer of what we should think of people. They're just kids and theres a lot they don't know about the world and some of the people around them.

very true. its a strange assumption that fans should like someone because mjs kids do. going by that we should all think weisner is wonderful. The kids are exactly that and speaking generally not about chase the kids are cluless about the motives of some ppl and are cluess about many things that went on over the years.

personally i dont really like to see anyone using their connection to mj to make money etc. by talking about personal things and what not. It makes no difference whether it is positive . of cause if they are going to do it id rather it be positive but just cause it may be positive doesnt make it right.i can understand to a point ppl like bush doing a book about his work with mj as that is part of history. but when you have ppl like chase and for example bodyguards who worked for mj for months writing books on their experience of being with mj it reeks to me of scraping the barrell. fine if chase wants to write a book but do it off your merits and the career she created before she met mj. but the book and title is using mj to get attention and sales. dont even bring him up bar a couple of sentences if the book is based on your own achievments. as your career is 99% not about mj. but the book was created and promoted based off her connection to mj nothing else and to me thats called using mj even though mj was a tiny % of her career

i have no doubt she has great effection for mj and the kids and there is no malice but it doesnt change the fact shes using that experience to garner publicity and $ for herself instead of writing abook based on her own merits.and as a fan whos seen it happen time after time it get tiring after a while so its hardly surprising some fans are suspicious when they see ppl doing this regardless of whether the intent is good or not
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Agree with elusive, you tend to get fatigued by all those wanting to exploit their connection to mj to the max. Personally, I find it an odd project - to want to publish a jolly cookbook full of recipes and anecdotes about mj during a period of time where we know from the trial that he was being used as a medical experiment by murray every night, having this cocktail of drugs and anesthesia administsered to him because of the stress and anxiety of returning to the spotlight. I'm sure kai chase is a nice person but to me it's just distasteful to build a book around this time.
Agree. shes scraping the barell big time in creating a book around that
As long as it's not a cheap tell all gossip book, I am fine with it. I think Michael wouldn't mind either. At least Kai's cook book or Bush's book is about their expertise, not gossip and criticise Michael's life relationships like they are in Michael's mind, know the whole picture.
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The fact that the kids like her or mention her show their had/have a good relationship. It doesn't mean she's not using some opportunities. Those kids are not a barometer of what we should think of people. They're just kids and theres a lot they don't know about the world and some of the people around them.

I'm not even trying to imply that. I'm just saying.
And how is this book about their time with MJ?? It's a freaking cookbook! She might add some tidbits about him in the book as well. You don't see her yapping to the media here & there for the past three years like some certain people have. And how shes writing the book experience to garner publicity and $ for herself? NO ONE knows Kai's motive or her personally. So I'm not gonna judge until the book comes out...
Agree with elusive, you tend to get fatigued by all those wanting to exploit their connection to mj to the max. Personally, I find it an odd project - to want to publish a jolly cookbook full of recipes and anecdotes about mj during a period of time where we know from the trial that he was being used as a medical experiment by murray every night, having this cocktail of drugs and anesthesia administsered to him because of the stress and anxiety of returning to the spotlight. I'm sure kai chase is a nice person but to me it's just distasteful to build a book around this time.
The trial happened last year and was more than 8 months ago. It's not fresh anymore. The media & public doesn't really care for Murray anymore. The biggest thing right now in the American news is the US Election.
The books called fit for a king its been written about her time with mj. was put into plan after june 09. kinda obvious dont u think. like i said if the book was based on her career then very little mention of mj would be made as he was a tiny % of her career span.she certainly wouldnt be writing a book called fit for a king about the food she cooked for him. sorry but i think some are incredibly niave to think one if she never worked for mj and two he was still here this book would still be happening.
^well, things changed a bit since Michael's death, the publisher may interest a bit about some overall positive books of MJ but some negativities or juicy stuff is also essential. That's why we had jermaine's so called 'escape plan', we had Frank Cascio's drug drug pot pot fake fake stories. The bodyguards and Karen Faye all said they had offers from some publishers but they want some juicy stuff and they cannot have full control of the contents. So I am not surprise Kai chase has hard time find publishers. After all it's a cookbook and Kai chase always speaks positively about Michael so far. I am sure if she was gonna write a gossip book about Michael's last days, she will get many good offers.
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I personally don't buy books about Michael based on what his kids think of the author, or whether to author intend to write a book full of praise for Michael. I buy books based on my perception of the author, for example, I would never buy Weisner's or rabbi Schmuck's books (didn't buy Jermaine's book either no matter how positive it is), and what the content of it going to be. So far my perception of Kai C has been positive, so I'm ok if she writes a cookbook and adds a little anecdotes of her time with Michael and kids.
I doubt that she'll make millions of it anyway.

I do understand some people has reservations for some of the books that are written/to be written by past employees, friends, managers etc, as there are people with sinister ulterior motive.

I was thinking the name of her book, can she have a cookbook named Fit for a King if there already (Elvis' cookbook) is one with the same name?
anyone is wrinting books now...money, money, money..

but it's true we all were gelous on Micheal fit form, so a nice diet would be good...
The fact that the kids like her or mention her show their had/have a good relationship. It doesn't mean she's not using some opportunities. Those kids are not a barometer of what we should think of people. They're just kids and theres a lot they don't know about the world and some of the people around them.

^^I like this. I say buy the book if you are interested in the contents and not because some kids like the person. Let's leave the kids out of this. Maybe some of us might even try to make some of the dishes, that is, if she includes such information.

Well since she is having trouble getting a publisher, she could change the name of the book and make a basic cook book, and simple include some of the dishes she made for Michael. I mean there are many cookbooks out there and people buy them, but I guess she does not want to relinquish the Michael connection in the title. Maybe she could publish on line.
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I'm not interested in the book because the kids like her. I just put that there was interested in Frank's book and I thought the kids stopped talking to him completely and someone said Paris said she didn't like Frank on one of her social network accounts.

I'm interested in Kai's book because I wanna know what kind of foods Michael ate and I don't mind the personal positive stories just as long it's not too personal lol. I think don't Kai knows Mike on a personal level like tge bodyguards so I'm not expecting much tbh.
If she's having trouble finding a publisher because it's not "juicy" enough, I hope she eventually goes the self publishing route rather than adding gossip to please a publisher. It's so much easier to self publish these days, I think its either free or very cheap to publish on amazon's kindle store. It might not get the big promotional run that a big company would provide but at least it would be written on her terms and people interested will seek it out. If the book is any good, it will have some longevity and spread by word of mouth.

I never understood the concept of trashing Michael just to get people to buy a book, haters won't waste their money on a Michael Jackson book and niether will pissed off fans.
If she's having trouble finding a publisher because it's not "juicy" enough, I hope she eventually goes the self publishing route rather than adding gossip to please a publisher. It's so much easier to self publish these days, I think its either free or very cheap to publish on amazon's kindle store. It might not get the big promotional run that a big company would provide but at least it would be written on her terms and people interested will seek it out. If the book is any good, it will have some longevity and spread by word of mouth.

I never understood the concept of trashing Michael just to get people to buy a book, haters won't waste their money on a Michael Jackson book and niether will pissed off fans.

I agree, it amazes me how publishes help to cement the negative images out there by insisting that only negative Michael material will sell. I mean there are many books out there, e.g., self-help, cook books, do-it-yourself that do not rely on the trashing of another, so what is it about Michael that make publishers insist on the negative. I wish her all the best and hope she stays true to her cause, whatever that is.
MsCassieMollie;3653422 said:
And how is this book about their time with MJ?? It's a freaking cookbook! She might add some tidbits about him in the book as well.

I'm just going by the OP, it seemed to me to be more about mj's last days - the subject of a crimnal trial and also soon, a civil trial -

She tells us, “When you read the book, you’ll see how things were different” as far as the portrayal of Michael’s world. “I was feeding him and his children. He was going to rehearsals and the recording studio. He was energized, looking good, feeling good. I want to talk about the fun times — the practical jokes played on me in the house, me and the kids planting gardens. I was seeing him every day and working with him every day."

Bubs;3653635 said:
I was thinking the name of her book, can she have a cookbook named Fit for a King if there already (Elvis' cookbook) is one with the same name?

Surprised that the publishers haven't gone and suggested 'fit for a self-proclaimed king'.
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