Michael’s personal chef Kai Chase talks about upcoming book ‘Fit for a King’

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^ lol Sure why not?! :) And let's throw in there Dancing The Dream too. ;) Which to me was more personal and revealing in MJ own words then Moonwalker itself.
^ lol Sure why not?! :) And let's through in there Dancing The Dream too. ;) Which to me was more personal an revealing in MJ own words then Moonwalker itself.

Oh of course! Dancing the Dream is a glance into his soul ;)
Krshna28;3609557 said:
I wouldn't mind finding out about the recipes of Michael's favourite food!!!!

But I doubt this book will have the secret to KFC!!!!!

LOL! I read that when Michael was on tour in Romania once (can’t remember which tour) he got a craving for KJC and the staff couldn’t find any. The chief had to make fake KFC and he said he tried his best because MJ hadn’t eaten anything all day.
Why does it have to be related to Michael? ONCE MORE?

Well the week after he died she was on different TV programs saying he told her to make a cook book. I guess she wants to say that she is living up to what he wanted her to do. From the first post it seems that the book includes food he ate and some happy times she had with him. My position is based on the last list of insider authors, like Cascio, Jermaine, Latoya she seems to be the least dangerous. At least from what she has been saying and the first post, it seems that we will not get hints of drug abuse like in the last book by you know who.
Victory22;3609575 said:
LOL! I read that when Michael was on tour in Romania once (can’t remember which tour) he got a craving for KJC and the staff couldn’t find any. The chief had to make fake KFC and he said he tried his best because MJ hadn’t eaten anything all day.

Neither in 92 nor 96 we had any KFC so it could have been any of it.

We have now too many though..and because of Michael is the only junk/fast food I"m eating :)
Why do some of you have so negative attitude to this book beforehand?
Seems the following quoting explanation answers this question:
I just think fans are cautious at this point. I'm one that had been anxiously awaiting the bodyguards book, then they defended Murray. Not saying that would be the case with Ms. Chase at all, just cite them as an example of many disappointments that have led to low expectations and even suspicion about people relating their thoughts and writing them on MJ.
I don't see anything wrong with this book yet, at least until it's published. Especially if Mike even told her to do that earlier.. so that means he liked how she cooked. I'd love to have such a cookbook with some nice recipes :)
"I want to talk about the fun times — the practical jokes played on me in the house, me and the kids planting gardens. I was seeing him every day and working with him every day. He talked to me about a lot of things, as a boss and as a friend — how to move on with your career, write books, this and that.”

I'd like to read those things. Didn't she say in some program that one time she was cooking,she turned around and caught Michael checking her behind:D
I suppose the proof of the pudding etc ('scuse the pun) It just sounds odd to me as if she wanted to do a cookery book and the way to sell it is to use Michael. But to be fair, I was beating on in the Frank Cascio thread about not judging until we have read it so I guess the same should apply here, but honestly, it's not one I would run out to buy.
I'd rather read this than some of the other garbage out there which is MJ related.
I don't know this book is good or not good..
But I'd like to know MJ's favorite foods (except KFC) and time she spent with MJ :)
Wasn't she out talking about a cookery book soon after Michael passed away? She said, back then, that Michael had encouraged her to write a book, so maybe this is that?

I've nothing against her really. She has been respectful towards Michael from the start, and I believe she was genuinely fond of working for Michael and his family, and they her. I'll wait for her book to be released before I pass judgement, and I do have a feeling it will be positive and well received among fans :)
FYI, She actually has her OWN business so she has money. She defended Mike well in the CM trial.

her own business didn't keep her out from taking money on tv show talking about Michael soon after his passing. So her own business isn't the reason not to get money.
but at the second hand i really don't think she's gonna do it for money. more or less, she's a public person so writing books is one of the way to publicize herself.
I think some of us just tired of a bunch of books that was published last months and years. How many books about Michael's creative life we have since 2009? I think I need only two or three fingers to count. But it looks like every staff member, every friend or cousin thinks he have to show he's own look on Michael's private life to the whole world. So it annoys a lot
I'll wait and see. I appreciated the stories she told during the trial, and if there are recipes in there too, that would be cool. :) I'm not about to condemn her yet.
and also WHAT was MJ eating on his last days... The way Kenny Ortega talked about it was mashed up stuff like potatoes with broccholi (around This Is It)... It almost sounds like something someone eats when they're old and can't chew!

MJ's last meals were probably NOT his favourite meals... They were considered healthy but MJ was very skinny, he needed to eat some meat not mashed potatoes and stuff! Remember the days with KFC and stuff???
This sounds like it will be a positive book. I could tell from her TV interviews and her court appearance that she was bursting at the seams to talk more about her time working for MJ...in positive ways. And if she throws in a few details about what she made for him and his children I don't see the harm.
^^ I agree. The more positive books written about Michael the better. He is truly the most famous man in the world and he will be written about one way or another. I hope One day all the works written about MJ could fill a whole library :) and we need all the more positive stories published so people can learn about him.
I am going to wait and see what this is all about. She seems like a nice person and hasn't done anything that has bothered me yet. I remember during the trial you could tell she wanted to say more good things about Michael but was cut off. She was in the house the day Michael died and I am sure that will stay with her forever.

If he encouraged her to do a cookbook then maybe she is just acknowledging that and thanking him for the encouragement. I think it's okay to say he liked this recipe or something. It's a just general comment. Maybe she will say what other people she worked for liked too and why. Let's just wait and see.
^ It's not certain but the title, fit for a king, (king of pop i assume) and talk of mj's last days suggests it's going to be more than just a traditional cook book.

I just feel that so much of mj's life was played out in public often to such devastating effect that i think the man should be allowed some private life in his own home with his children, esp during his last few months when we know from the trial how pressured he must have felt preparing for the tour, rather than have his personal stories served up to the public to get more sales for some cookbook.
Maybe she means well, but we don't need yet another book on this man's personal life...maybe they're just little stories or anecdotes, but he was living in a fish bowl for his entire life...his need for privacy is a little different than for you or I, basically because he was never afforded the right to actually have a private life...What we need is more books on his music and and artistry...everything else just needs to be left alone...
I understand. I don't know maybe there won't be a lot mentioned of Michael in it. Will see whenever it comes out.
Maybe she means well, but we don't need yet another book on this man's personal life...maybe they're just little stories or anecdotes, but he was living in a fish bowl for his entire life...his need for privacy is a little different than for you or I, basically because he was never afforded the right to actually have a private life...What we need is more books on his music and and artistry...everything else just needs to be left alone...

I agree with your post...we don't NEED to know what it was Michael ate for breakfast , lunch and dinner...that was HIS personal business. Kai doesn't need to share that information...the title of the book tells me all I need to know...she is trying to appeal to MJ fans with this book...I am sure she will add her little stories to make the book even more fan friendly...however..FOR ME....I am not interested in what she has to say....imo..THIS is not the kind of book that most fans would be interested in, Its Michael the person...the musician...the humanitarian ..the father,,,these are the things that fans are interested in....not what he ate for dinner last night and how SHE prepared it. IMO....she is just another one person using his name to make money to get herself some recognition. If she wants to do the fans a favor and tell stories about Michael....how about she tells the REAL story about what she KNEW was going on around that house in the days before Michael died. She knew ,.,,and i am not letting her off the hook just because people will say that she was a paid staff member and she minded her business. To that I say bullsh*t....she just pretended not to see...so why should I trust anything she says? I surely wont be buying this book. Like I said the title of it tells me all I need to know.
..... REALLY?? :eek: I thought she had given up the idea of ??releasing this book ($$$$$$$). :smilerolleyes: :nono: :fear:
Like I said before you can never please some fans on here...

EVERY person who writes a book about Michael is shady as hell.. [sarcasm of course)

I'll give her a chance because she seems very genuine (I follow her on Twitter). What's wrong with some nice personal stories? It's not like she is gonna talk about drugs or his sex life or things that Michael would be embarrassed of like a certain friend he knew for more than 20 years...

Besides we are all cool with famous people that tell nice stories about Michael thru the media so what's the problem???

Yes Mike was VERY personal person but he did shared some aspects with his life with the fans.
This book does not appeal to me. I actually think Kai Chase is a nice woman. But, I'm not interested in a cook book. I have absolutely no desire to know what kind of salad she made for Michael. To me, such details are trivial.

There are way too few books written on Michael's artistry. For a person who made such significant and unprecedented impact on popular culture, Michael is still intentionally neglected.

We have got many memoirs written by family and friend with funny and heartwarming anecdotes. But, only two books on Michael's music and films - Joe Vogel's Man in the Music and Willa Stillwater's M Poetica.

For me personally, I am experiencing MJ books fatigue. Don't get me wrong. I'm forever fascinated by Michael. However, instead of shallow stories that don't reveal anything new, I'd prefer reading more in-depth and challenging analysis. That just me though.

I guess it's indeed better to have more "positive books" published. I just wish a more comprehensive study will be published in the future.
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..... REALLY??
I thought she had given up the idea of ??releasing this book ($$$$$$$).

Looks like she changed her mind
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