Michael's last interview!?

You know what. I'm kind of skeptical too about this after reading some comments as well. :mellow: Hmmm.
The fact that you HAVE to "donate" to a "charity" screams fraud, please fellow fans don't be gullible and give this person any money. If Michael was their "friend" as they described in the interview (swapping emails and whatnot) then making money off of him wouldn't be an option, showing people how great of a guy he was without trying to gain money off of it would be the only option. I love you guys, if you want to donate to a charity then look up the one's that Michael actively gave to and do it on your own accord, otherwise you will be donating to "Chuck's" bank account IMO.
BEE very careful

WHo is Chuck Dakota ???
there is no such person ..
he doesnt even exsist outside of this article
but he is among us

the writing familar and very telling
associated with MJ hoaxes and scams
even on this board _
For those who have ears to hear and eyes to see

We have all recieved God given gifts and talents
use yours dont hide them under a basket .
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The Facts Some Don't Want You to See

It's been a couple of weeks since we've lost "The King of Pop", and those that knew him still have a heavy heart along with each and every one of his fans. If you've been following my work of AC, you've learned that I had a friendship with MJ and was very close to him not because of whom

he was but I had the chance to know the man.

With that honor comes to chance to meet others in his life that were just as close to him almost like brothers. Some of which I've stayed in touch with over the years and it seems that conversation these days on the phone or through email...

Umm, :scratch:in the story about the interview, Chuck said he just met Michael last summer at the interview :doh:

I posted a comment, but it will probably get deleted :smilerolleyes:

Interesting, I thought you just met Michael last summer for the "interview"??? Re: "I had the chance to know the man. With that honor comes to chance to meet others in his life that were just as close to him almost like brothers. Some of which I've stayed in touch with over the years and it seems that conversation these days on the phone or through email"... You stayed in touch with others in his life over what years? That 2 & 2 does NOT add up. I think your interview is fiction Dakota and asking for "donations to hear the audio sounds like fraud. IF this is for real, just sell the interview to a major media outlet, I'm sure you'd have no problem finding one to buy it, then donate the money to a charity.
Posted on 07/29/2009 at 6:07:14 PM

rather than all this speculation, why doesn't someone just take the plunge and give to the charity, and find out whether it's real.

I swear, you guys are more willing to go over every word this chuck guy says and pick every little inconsistency rather than spend a dollar to find out for real.

That being said, I don't want to be the one to do this. :)
I'm calling BS until I hear an audio. Even then, not sure I'd believe it. Something is just "off" about this interview. Can't put my finger on it either.
rather than all this speculation, why doesn't someone just take the plunge and give to the charity, and find out whether it's real.

I swear, you guys are more willing to go over every word this chuck guy says and pick every little inconsistency rather than spend a dollar to find out for real.

That being said, I don't want to be the one to do this. :)

For one, I don't believe it would be given to any charity.
For two, when you're tellin' the truth, there usually ain't no inconsistency,
and for three, this is a discussion.

Lastly, I'm not gonna give one red dime to something I suspect is a fraud.

That being said, why would anybody who doesn't want to be the one to do it, suggest that someone else do it?
Well, this is about the nicest thing I've read since this thing happened.
wow what a great video thanks. michael looked so amazing for that ebony photo shoot :) lovely hearing his voice too...
Wow, that was beautiful:yes:, i wish i had the chance to know him:(, call me stupid, i actually thought i would met him one day, but this kind of interviews is like knowing him, THANKS REALLY:clapping:
have u noticed? all the people who actually met him say he was extremely kind, sensitive, funny, normal, like he wanted to make friends, have u all notice that?? May be he was very lonely at times:(
Twenty minutes later a man came into the room to escort us out and he had a cart full of MJ memorable that included jackets, more signed 8x10's, cd's, dolls, DVD's and so much more. 22 bags in all well worth six to seven hundred dollars apiece and then he handed each one of us an envelope that had the money we paid for the merchandise.

WOW! Now that's a gentleman!!!! Way to go Michael! His kind and loving nature prevails.... finally some nice news for a change!!!!
Now that was a story I geniunely enjoyed. When the interview comes out I will definitely check it out. Is it just me or do others feel like Michael never really left sometimes? I know he's gone but sometimes it just feels like he's still here with us. Weird I know....
omg this is INCREDIBLE! when would it be available?
Now that was a story I geniunely enjoyed. When the interview comes out I will definitely check it out. Is it just me or do others feel like Michael never really left sometimes? I know he's gone but sometimes it just feels like he's still here with us. Weird I know....

i totally agree! I think its because they haven't buried him yet. I don't have that much experience with death in my family, but i'm told that when someone is buried it sort of brings closure to everything. But also, it feels like he is alive because things like information we didn't know before and stuff keep popping out.
Thank you so much!!
He is such a wonderful person, an angel!
I hope the article is real but I am skeptical like most of you. If it happened in Summer of 2008- surely they would release it by now. But I'll wait and see.

The last interview with Ebony aired on NBC ... heartbreaking and inspiring. Michael looked phenomenal in the photo shoot. Ok, the tears are pouring.. so i am leaving.