Michael's last interview!?

do u think this is real? i dunno something just doesnt sound right. ill wait on the audio. who are these ppl who got the interview what exact date. swapping email addys?
I agree. I don't believe this interview ever happened at all. The year specified in the article is obviously wrong, and many things, especially the whole ryder business, seem 100% made up. It sounds very clichéd, more like what any random reporter would expect a Michael Jackson interview to be like. I'd be more than happy to be wrong here, so I'll wait on the audio too, but somehow I have a feeling we'll never get it.
I wish there was video of this.

As some others have said, something about the article seemed a tad off. How was his team able to assemble gift bags within 20 minutes?

Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
I'll wait on the audio. It all sounds nice, but there are a few typos. I don't know, I'll believe it when I hear it
I agree. I don't believe this interview ever happened at all. The year specified in the article is obviously wrong, and many things, especially the whole ryder business, seem 100% made up. It sounds very clichéd, more like what any random reporter would expect a Michael Jackson interview to be like. I'd be more than happy to be wrong here, so I'll wait on the audio too, but somehow I have a feeling we'll never get it.

yeah i think its fake
Hmm I would be sad if it wasnt true, now just pray it is true and come out soon!
I know this 'ryder'. I have heard about this in gossip rags years ago. This is not real.
that was absolutely beautiful! I love reading stories like this. I can't wait until the interview is released.

Thanks for sharing.


I hope it isn't fake. I really do. I saw "summer 2009" and the age thing and was thinking, "When did this happen, exactly?". Anyway, I do hope it's real.
Well, I did a quick google search on the author of this piece, Chuck Dakota, but didn't find much except this site: http://www.associatedcontent.com/user/366218/chuck_dakota.html

He seems a little suspect (especially with a name like "Chuck Dakota". What real person has the name "Chuck Dakota"?) And how would he get access to MJ after having only published a couple nothing-to-shout-about articles. So, alas, it probably is fake. dagnabbit!
It says 'summer of 2008' in the article now. Possibly a typo that's been corrected?

Still seems a bit odd if they conducted this interview last year to sit on it all this time though.
King Michael? Yeah, right :D

I WISH the interview was real, but somehow I just don't believe it.. Guess we'll just have to wait and see..
Yeah i saw the summer 09 initially thinking he'd be 50 not 49. When it said the word angel- then i was convinced this is written by a fan. Ive never heard journalists use that word to describe Michael.
Is this a woman or a man who interviewed him? Sounds like a woman (we notice everything like makeup, etc). Also, why would it take a year to get this interview together. It sounds like she was in contact with him for several months afterwards, so maybe she had to get permission or something to publish?? Skeptical, but want to stay positive.
do u think this is real?

No. He doesn't know how to spell "rider," and if the rider did say all those things why couldn't he guess MJITk? He interviewed Michael in 2008, had time to write up this article (conveniently after Michael's death), but still hasn't transcribed the interview? Riiiiight. And who is this "we"? He never said who he was supposedly writing for.

Also, I don't believe Michael would make anyone call him the king on an informal basis.
Knowing how skeptical Michael was of the people around him and those trying to befriend him, I bet he's REALLY going to exchange email addresses with someone he's known for 30 minutes.
hmm, after reading all your guys' comments, I have become kind of skeptical about this interview...the bit at the end about what an "angel" Michael was did sound like it was written by a fan. I hope it is real, though, it sure was nice to read something positive like this, and I would love to hear the audio if it is real.
we had to refer to him as "King Michael"! By the way, the code... "MJJITK". To this day we still don't know what it means.

Michael Joseph Jackson Is The King...duh! lol Mike was screwing with them if this is real. Something seems odd.
i'd like to think it's true. maybe there was a sense of trust built cause the guy didn't talk about the scandals. and maybe he was being sarcastic when he said he didn't know what mjjitk meant
With such an exclusive interview, would not it have been printed or broadcast already? Why would it have taken so long? I smell a little rat.
Thanks sunnyday for posting ;) It was a great read can't wait to listen to the audio :)
Knowing how skeptical Michael was of the people around him and those trying to befriend him, I bet he's REALLY going to exchange email addresses with someone he's known for 30 minutes.

Agreed. I also heard that Michael didn't use a computer, someone probably did it for him though, and he didn't even know how to use a mobile phone very well. Mark Lester said in an interview I listened too that Michael once rang him to ask him how to switch the mobile phone off. AWwwh..
I guess we'll know soon enough whether or not this is for real...if/when we get the audio. Anyways, here's Part II (links) of the the story:

Interviewing Michael Jackson My 3 Hours with the King PART II

July 21, 2009 by Chuck Dakota

In my first story you learned about my 3 hours with Michael Jackson. It was a moment in my life that will last forever because not only did I get to meet him but a friendship came from it and proved to me this was a man who wasn't anything like the press made him out to be. He was so larger than life not from what he was but because of who he was. He wanted to heal the world and would of given his left arm if he thought it would help someone in need.

In the days that article has been on the site, I've gotten hundreds of emails wanting to hear the audio or read the transcripts. Well part one is here! Below you will find the transcripts from the actual interview. It's a typical interview, one you would do when putting together a special for broadcast. As you read, imagine his soft spoken voice answering each question wanting the world to know him as Michael Jackson, the man and father not Michael Jackson, tabloid headline!

We stayed with Michael for several hours each word captured on tape. Those transcripts will be up in a few days. I wanted to do this in parts so you could feel the excitement we did and understand how our conversation played out.

As far as the actual audio goes, it's coming to. We've been asked to give it to the family and we did. However we've also made the decision to do a special show to air next month with the same audio. In broadcasting we sell advertising on the show and we've made a plan to do so and each dollar that is made from the show will go to his favorite charities. We're not doing it to make money or get our names out but to show the world how special Michael Jackson was. The first show only gave the interview in segments. In the new show we're playing all the audio so the world can see him for what he really was. An Angel! In fact we're not using our names, just our voices and his music so he has the spotlight like he deserves!

Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next »


All things considered, including the misspellings, the fact that none of us found this audio that was supposedly posted online for a year, somethin' just ain't right. I'd be very cautious about downloading because of the virus factor.. this could all be a hoax :(

Should anyone get this audio, please post it here.

UPDATE: I am shocked and sickened by some of the comets left on this page. Some people need to get a life. You don't make money on AC so this story was something I wanted to share and a select few want to do nothing but turn it upside down and pick it apart. A few facts you need to know. Number one.. my pen name is Chuck Dakota. It's not my professional name. I do this as a hobby because I love to write. Get a clue! Next, the audio was online for almost a year when he was alive and well but now that he's dead you want to listen to it so bad when you had the chance for close to a year. Third.. I'm going to sale the copies of the show you question. Why you ask.. Well it's simple. This was EXCLUSIVE content and the few low lives that picked it apart, stole it and posted it on other people's web sites, blogs and forums and claimed it or said it was ok to publish and for that I'm coming after you. I will not tolerate copyright infrengments regardless of what it is including
Posted on 07/28/2009 at 2:07:31 AM

intellecital copyright. Working with AC and my attornies we've found just about ever repost and have the owner of the site, address and city which means in the next few weeks you're going to be getting a cease letter followed by a suit for damages! How about that! Now if you want the audio send me an email at chuck@audio71.com. You will be asked to make a donation to a charity that Mr. Jackson supported. You will be given a confirmation number once you do that. Email me that number and you'll get the link to download instant. However if your IP is associated with any of the sites I'm coming after, you won't get it. It's sad that I'm forced to do this but I have no other option. People in this world are cruel and like to take advantage of others and I won't put up with it. Please also note the audio will have a unique file in it that will prevent you from reposting it or burning it to CD. For those that really wanted to hear it, I'm sorry I had to do this, you can thank the
Posted on 07/28/2009 at 2:07:20 AM

Read comments (35)

All things considered, including the misspellings, the fact that none of us found this audio that was supposedly posted online for a year, somethin' just ain't right. I'd be very cautious about downloading because of the virus factor.. this could all be a hoax :(

Should anyone get this audio, please post it here.

UPDATE: I am shocked and sickened by some of the comets left on this page. Some people need to get a life. You don't make money on AC so this story was something I wanted to share and a select few want to do nothing but turn it upside down and pick it apart. A few facts you need to know. Number one.. my pen name is Chuck Dakota. It's not my professional name. I do this as a hobby because I love to write. Get a clue! Next, the audio was online for almost a year when he was alive and well but now that he's dead you want to listen to it so bad when you had the chance for close to a year. Third.. I'm going to sale the copies of the show you question. Why you ask.. Well it's simple. This was EXCLUSIVE content and the few low lives that picked it apart, stole it and posted it on other people's web sites, blogs and forums and claimed it or said it was ok to publish and for that I'm coming after you. I will not tolerate copyright infrengments regardless of what it is including
Posted on 07/28/2009 at 2:07:31 AM

intellecital copyright. Working with AC and my attornies we've found just about ever repost and have the owner of the site, address and city which means in the next few weeks you're going to be getting a cease letter followed by a suit for damages! How about that! Now if you want the audio send me an email at chuck@audio71.com. You will be asked to make a donation to a charity that Mr. Jackson supported. You will be given a confirmation number once you do that. Email me that number and you'll get the link to download instant. However if your IP is associated with any of the sites I'm coming after, you won't get it. It's sad that I'm forced to do this but I have no other option. People in this world are cruel and like to take advantage of others and I won't put up with it. Please also note the audio will have a unique file in it that will prevent you from reposting it or burning it to CD. For those that really wanted to hear it, I'm sorry I had to do this, you can thank the
Posted on 07/28/2009 at 2:07:20 AM

Read comments (35)

Say wha... ? :huh:

Call me stupid, but I feel like laughing :lol:
haha this sounds like scam central...psssh why waste all that time making up a interview you had with mike...someone living with his mummy at 45 me thinks...sadlt some people are gna buy into this and give this fraudster money...i mean it could obv be real but this now pushes me in the pessimistic camp..pssh wa a foolio this guy is