Question : if those comparisons of one word here, and one word there, and all of those small, insignificant, barely-there details you and your friends are so convinced you hear are so convincing, so clear-cut, so obvious, why have they no scientific value? Why are we still having this debate?
You guys do realize that while we haven't seen the results of the professional voice comparison the Estate did, we know that that comparison did take place (as Randy Jackson admitted, as Friedman reported, and as the Estate has confirmed), and we know that, whatever the results were, they were felt to be convincing enough as to shut down any hope the Jacksons might have had to sue the Estate and the Cascios?
So basically, if it all comes down to a vocal comparison, we have to choose between one done by real professionals, with scientific value, and considered good enough to settle the issue as far as the main parties are concerned; or one done by 20-year-old fans on the Internet, with no expertise, no technique, and a bias as big as Groenland.