Michael - The Great Album Debate

Bumper!! I have been likened to many things in my time, but THAT is the most insulting EVER!!!! And I have been told numerous times that - with my hair down - I look like Hagrid from Harry Potter!

... Besides, I had to shave this week for a practical Performance Studies exam, without a member that decided to drop out one week before the exam, taking half of the piece with her...
Bumper!! I have been likened to many things in my time, but THAT is the most insulting EVER!!!! And I have been told numerous times that - with my hair down - I look like Hagrid from Harry Potter!

... Besides, I had to shave this week for a practical Performance Studies exam, without a member that decided to drop out one week before the exam, taking half of the piece with her...

Before shaving, I am sure you must have looked like this:

Since when could women grow beards? I respect the fact he respects MJ, but apart from that I can't stand him! And he's Canadian!! Could you be any MORE annoying?
Just to accept yourself the way you are. Look at the man in the mirror and you'll see The Biebs. :D


*Looks in mirror*


I still frighten my female peers to a soul-crushing extent, but no, I don't really look like...


BIEBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_
Believe me, even with experts analyses it wouldn't be sufficient for the simple reason that the Estate (representing MJ) recognize those songs as his. Which means that going to court and claiming that those songs are not MJ, is just as saying that MJ didn't sing on the album BAD when he was alive and asking MJ to prove it was him.

So, let's say this is true.
There's no "legal threat" for them plus the album sold 2.5 million in 1 year (not that good but not bad either).
Does that mean we should just expect more Cascio releases in the future?
So, let's say this is true.
There's no "legal threat" for them plus the album sold 2.5 million in 1 year (not that good but not bad either).
Does that mean we should just expect more Cascio releases in the future?

Yes I want more Cascio's releases in the future and I will fight for this. I want every word recorded by Michael Jackson in the Cascio's house. Yes, I treat MJ the same like da Vinci, Chopin, Mozzart or Bethoven and I want to see everything what they ever did. Got it?
^^Will you try to tone a bit down your attitude because you're being quite provocative.
Yes I want more Cascio's releases in the future and I will fight for this. I want every word recorded by Michael Jackson in the Cascio's house. Yes, I treat MJ the same like da Vinci, Chopin, Mozzart or Bethoven and I want to see everything what they ever did. Got it?

So despite the destruction that these highly questionable songs caused, which many fans, including myself, believe with good reason to be performed by Jason Cupeta and do not reflect the work of Michael Jackson in any way shape or form, you still want them released? I can tell you that if there is another release that includes Cascio tracks, the outcome will be even worse. We will not sit back and watch people rape Michael's discography in such a way. And you already have every word that Michael recorded at the Cascio house on your copy of Thriller 25.
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Yes I want more Cascio's releases in the future and I will fight for this. I want every word recorded by Michael Jackson in the Cascio's house. Yes, I treat MJ the same like da Vinci, Chopin, Mozzart or Bethoven and I want to see everything what they ever did. Got it?
I would love to hear everything MJ has recorded as well...but for commercial release where his music and ART are compromised, I put aside my wants and desires because what Michael worked so hard for his whole life will always be paramount...from what we know of Michael's perfectionist ways, I do not believe for a second that the release of these Cascio songs is what Michael would have wanted....You can believe all you want that they are Michael, but they are poor representations of his immaculate collection of music and to me it's disgusting that these songs were released in the first place...whether they're him or not...
I would love to hear everything MJ has recorded as well...but for commercial release where his music and ART are compromised, I put aside my wants and desires because what Michael worked so hard for his whole life will always be paramount...from what we know of Michael's perfectionist ways, I do not believe for a second that the release of these Cascio songs is what Michael would have wanted....You can believe all you want that they are Michael, but they are poor representations of his immaculate collection of music and to me it's disgusting that these songs were released in the first place...whether they're him or not...
Well said! I couldn't have said it better myself.
Believe me, even with experts analyses it wouldn't be sufficient for the simple reason that the Estate (representing MJ) recognize those songs as his.

There's no "legal threat" for them plus the album sold 2.5 million in 1 year (not that good but not bad either).

I will disagree with "no legal threat" idea. If you have experts saying the opposite of what the Estate/ Sony experts are saying it would make it a question for a jury to answer.

example : such as in Katherine Jackson - AEG lawsuit , AEG argues that as the contract is not signed it's not binding, KJ argues that as there's an oral agreement there's an employee relationship. They have alternating theories but can support it with contract law. This would be similar to two experts are saying different things based on same evaluation methods and a jury deciding who to believe. (very similar to Murray lawsuit as well different experts saying two different things)

fan opinions aren't enough though.

Example: this would be like the example of helen in the trials section, Helen "believing" Michael was stalking her, prank calling her etc and then Michael / Estate is getting expert reports that says she has issues and there's no tracking devices. Similarly if fans go to court with nothing more than a belief that can be thrown out by a simple expert report.

I can tell you that if there is another release that includes Cascio tracks, the outcome will be even worse. We will not sit back and watch people rape Michael's discography in such a way.

what'cha gonna do? Other than writing on forums and so on that would make a difference?
I would love to hear everything MJ has recorded as well...but for commercial release where his music and ART are compromised, I put aside my wants and desires because what Michael worked so hard for his whole life will always be paramount...from what we know of Michael's perfectionist ways, I do not believe for a second that the release of these Cascio songs is what Michael would have wanted....You can believe all you want that they are Michael, but they are poor representations of his immaculate collection of music and to me it's disgusting that these songs were released in the first place...whether they're him or not...

You don't have to buy it. I will buy it and over 2 mill. people will buy it. The greatest artists not always were perfect. Of course he would not release something what was done as "jamming" in the basement of the pretty modest house. If he would be alive. But he is dead now and people like me ( who are researching "the greatests") have the right to buy what they want.
So people bought that album because of what reason?
It was a 'Michael Jackson' album
The Cascio tracks were good.
I prefer Jason Malachi 1,000,000 times over Justin Bieber.

@dam2040 Well because it has 10 great Michael Jackson songs including one of his last recorded Best Of Joy and we the fans want hear what he was working on over the years. We cannot expect the songs to be perfect since from now on they will all be posthumous releases.
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You don't have to buy it. I will buy it and over 2 mill. people will buy it. The greatest artists not always were perfect. Of course he would not release something what was done as "jamming" in the basement of the pretty modest house. If he would be alive. But he is dead now and people like me ( who are researching "the greatests") have the right to buy what they want.

When did I indicate that you didn't have the right to buy what you want??? Yes, he's dead, but MILLIONS of fans actually have some respect for treatment of the man's art...Whether he's alive or not is actually irrelevant....His art deserves to live on, but done with dignity...not for the sake of MONEY...not to be pissed on by covering that voice with crazy amounts of processing (assuming it's him) to make it releasable...Releasing music where a mass amount of his fanbase can't hear that it's actually him is NOT respecting his art...It's raping it...