The answer lies within the "you KEEP on breaking the news".
cut/paste is not as easy as it might look. It's hard to match up recording and voice characteristics. As you see at the KEEP. It seems way out of place sonically - not the first time, but the last 3 times (as shown in the soundcloud example). Also the YOU is pasted. And it's most probably MJ, why would they paste it, if not.
And why did they paste the YOU KEEP three times in the end, but failed to do so at the first "you keep on breaking the news" ?
(In truth of course they didn't paste it 3 times, but reused the one pasted line. They did NOT however reuse the perfectly fine non-pasted 'you keep on breaking' line, which they also had.)
We'll never know. Probably to make the fraud not as offensive. But does it make sense for a believer? No, not at all. Because a believer would say, the first not pasted 'you keep' is MJ alright.
So any believer might answer the question, why they replaced a genuine MJ 'you keep' with a pasted MJ 'YOU KEEP' later in the song.
By the way, also the breath at the beginning is sampled.
This ... is ... fraud. As simple as that.
Here the soundcloud example:
You hear slowed down
1) you keep on breaking the news
2) YOU KEEP on breaking the news #1
3) YOU KEEP on breaking the news #2
4) YOU KEEP on breaking the news #3
5) you vs. YOU
6) keep vs. KEEP
You can even hear artifacts at the pasted 'YOU' (also on the 'KEEP'), which is qualitywise far weaker then the first non-pasted 'you'. Those very artifacts strongly resemble artifacts you get, when you filter frequencies to get a acapella out of a song. So I assume, the 'YOU' is NOT taken from an acapella. It's also less in tune, than the non-pasted 'you'.
So why paste a WEAKER MJ 'YOU' if you have a far better MJ 'you' ?
Easy. The first one is not MJ. That's the only logical explanation. And they wanted to paste more real MJ into the song, hence the weaker but authentic samples.