Michael - The Great Album Debate

Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I want to hear ivy's response to being able to tell 100% Michael is on BG, STTR and 12:00.

I have always asked the doubters this question, when I was a believer, "how can you tell?"

I said that because of what Quincy said, "Oh yeah? How can you tell?" Because the voice is so stacked that it truly is very difficult to tell. They, of course, did that on purpose!!! With all the copying and pasting, to make it difficult to tell.

But the thing is, when you listen to the comparisons... if you're honest with yourself I don't know how you can not see, or hear rather, the blatant similarity. My girlfriend, who never listens to MJ, my random coworkers, my mother, and my little brother can tell the voices in the comparisons are identical and the voice annoys them like crazy.

I have tried to justify the whole thing but I am chilled to the bone when I listen to the comparisons. It is too eerie, and just listening to the songs alone I am always asking myself "Where is Michael?!"
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Ginvid, Bumper: :punk: :punk:

cool siggys....

Now, could someone please show me how I can update my siggy to link to the working links? Or, better yet, could someone teach me how to do it?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Wish I knew, but I don't! How does it work now? Could you just update the URL to go to one of the downloads, maybe?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Jesta, great job! I think your cover looks better than the official HT cover and BTM cover. It's quite unbelievable that fans can make better coverwork than the "so-called" professionals at Sony. My only suggestion: change the font and color of the words Michael Jackson. I don't think the font match well with the rest...
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Wish I knew, but I don't! How does it work now? Could you just update the URL to go to one of the downloads, maybe?

I only know how to update to link to the page, not the specific post.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

how did you get post 3374401? isn't that post #12147?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Interesting, I just stole the link from the one in the quote Staffordshire Bullterrier posted, which has that 3374401 number. Both would probably work, no?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

where do you see 3374401 in Staffordshire Bullterrier's post?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

As per Love's suggestion, I've changed the cover's font for the words "Michael Jackson" to something similar to the Invincible font, to represent where it was originally recorded from:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Jesta what does the red crane in the water signify?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

@MJRemixed, I hadn't noticed that before, I just chose a picture of Michigan, Detroit for the picture.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

TeddyRiley1 TEDDY RILEY @
@torikruger Yeah but there are people who don't know what the he'll they're doing. They need to leave this shit to the people who knows MJ.

TeddyRiley1 TEDDY RILEY @
@torikruger I'm fed up with holding back about my friend...They r F ups. After the Dangerous lp...nothing but F up ppl entered MJ's life.

Yes I said it and meant every word. F that, and whoever got something to say, step up. MF F up MJ's lp and life.

Birchey James @
@TeddyRiley1 Reddy Teddy GO!!!!!
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Teddy needs to speak up and be clear about it.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Ginvid, Bumper: :punk: :punk:

cool siggys....

Now, could someone please show me how I can update my siggy to link to the working links? Or, better yet, could someone teach me how to do it?

Aww! Thanks! :clap:
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Someone please give Teddy some soap. He needs to wash his mouth.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Teddy needs to speak up and be clear about it.

Oh I know! Everything he's said has been pure and utter shit and he never makes any sense...
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Waiting impatiently for the shit to hit the fan........
Also want to thank the 'hacker' of Malachi's facebook for bringing Thad into view. Who would have known about him otherwise? He was unheard of until the he made the statement to TMZ (apparently he 'loves' Harvey Levin..yuk)
I had two different snippets of 'Water' on media fire.. just got this. At 7.05pm

The file water.mp3 identified by the key (czgocexp7432fj4) has been deleted for a violation of our Terms of Service or our Acceptable Use Policy.
If you feel this was in error after reviewing our Terms of Service, located at http://www.mediafire.com/terms_of_service.php, and our Acceptable Use Policy, located at http://www.mediafire.com/abuse_policy.php, please contact Support.
The specific reason for the removal was:
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My name is Brad Roberts and I am the business manager of Jab Me Music Publishing. The website www.mediafire.com is infringing on at least one copyright owned by my company. The unauthorized and infringing copies can be found at: http://www.mediafire.com/?9pus5o9nid8bg1d http://www.mediafire.com/?vp5a43e4cy3dyye http://www.mediafire.com/?i6314z7qzcwqgjc http://www.mediafire.com/?czgocexp7432fj4 This letter is official notification under Section 512(c) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”), and I seek the removal of the aforementioned infringing material from your servers. I request that you immediately notify the infringer of this notice and inform them of their duty to remove the infringing material immediately, and notify them to cease any further posting of infringing material to your server in the future. Please also be advised that law requires you, as a service provider, to remove or disable access to the infringing materials upon receiving this notice. Under US law a service provider, such as yourself, enjoys immunity from a copyright lawsuit provided that you act with deliberate speed to investigate and rectify ongoing copyright infringement. If service providers do not investigate and remove or disable the infringing material this immunity is lost. Therefore, in order for you to remain immune from a copyright infringement action you will need to investigate and ultimately remove or otherwise disable the infringing material from your servers with all due speed should the direct infringer, your client, not comply immediately. I am providing this notice in good faith and with the reasonable belief that rights my company owns are being infringed. Under penalty of perjury I certify that the information contained in the notification is both true and accurate, and I have the authority to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright(s) involved. Should you wish to discuss this with me please contact me directly. Thank you. Brad Roberts 154 Stonegate Trail Cresskill, NJ 07626 9177160018 angeliksonmusic@gmail.com -- *Angelikson Music*
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

OK, so we got Angelikson Productions email. I assume some of you are going to utilize it quite well?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

ah look Jab Me is a "publishing" company and is related to Angelikson productions. See? Do not underestimate the power of common sense and logic.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

ah look Jab Me is a "publishing" company and is related to Angelikson productions. See? Do not underestimate the power of common sense and logic.

Quoted for truth.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Jab Me Music Publishing is the publishing company for Angelikson Music. Or something like that.

I believe I deserve some credit. ;)

Also, funny how the Estate removed their "You never know. ;)" tweet that was a response to someone asking if "Monster" would ever become a single.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

^^ I actually noticed that too. They took down that "you never know" the DAY they posted it. it was only up for a few hours before they deleted it
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

It should have been one, then everyone would be calling radio stations going, "Who the hell was that person in the song?" and Sony would have some answering to do.

"It was Michael Jackson." "No it wasn't."
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

^^ My sister heard a Cascio track in a clothing store the other day.....She says to me, 'Oh by the way, I heard one of those fake songs in the store the other day'....I was like....fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck :( :lol: She doesn't remember which one though,...However, it wasn't KYHU, cuz she said it was a faster song....:puke:
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I showed someone Breaking News the other day and they said "It doesn't even sound like him." Of course, I'll let you know, I told them they were fake beforehand but still. They could have said, "Well it sounds like him."

Conversation was like,

Me: You like Michael Jackson?
Person: Nod.
Me: He has a new album out and they faked three songs on it, they copied-and-pasted his vocals over it to sound more like him and released it as his "new songs." This is one of the songs.
Person listens and their face looks annoyed at the weird voice.
Person: Doesn't even sound like him.

Which is basically the same reply I got from my brother.

My mother, who adores MJ, doesn't think he's on the tracks and thinks the vibrato is so weird. She says, "Michael doesn't sound like that. He has a beautiful voice." One of her first comments is that it sounds like a goat and shaky and it really bothers her.

I have shown her and my girlfriend the comparisons and they cannot tell the difference. My girlfriend says it all sounds the same to her and she can't tell and put her hands over her ears and freaks out and tells me to stop. I tell her to calm down, it's okay!
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Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I believe I deserve some credit. ;)

Also, funny how the Estate removed their "You never know. ;)" tweet that was a response to someone asking if "Monster" would ever become a single.

you do and I believe so do I :)

They are reading everything.