Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)
Yep.That's what I was saying.I think both should post their thoughts about it.
I'd rather some facts than their thoughts.
-Was there a meeting about the impostor or not?
-If yes what was said? (To go on with the project Michael and try to convince us it is not an impostor?)
-If there was no meeting, why were we told that there was going to be a meeting about the impostor? (In that case, who lied then? Smooth or his uncle?)
We don't need any thoughts, just some facts and answers to what has been told.
-Furthermore, if Breaking News was a wrong mix, what happened to the tracks such as Monster and Keep Your Head Up? The voice is closer to JM's than to MJ's.
-Are Cascio tracks demos or not?
-If yes, why can't we hear the unprocessd versions without copy-paste and melodyne stuff? Eddie and Teddy had the opportunity to bring them on Oprah, why didn't they?
-If no, where are the demos then? (Erased? Lost? Destroyed? Why?)