Michael knew foreign languages?

I thought he was Indian as he was born in Indiana (which I assume is in India, judging by the name of the city)
No, he was born in the city of Gary, which is in the state of Indiana, and Indiana is a state in the USA

So how come he has a weird way of pronouncing words when his native tongue is English?
His grammar was bad too and he spoke rather slowly.. are you guys sure he was a native speaker?
geez, his grammar wasn't that bad!!-lol!!!!!
And people have different 'accents'- you could have a southern accent, a mid-west accent, a Boston accent, Jersey, etc... But yes, English is his first language
No, he was born in the city of Gary, which is in the state of Indiana, and Indiana is a state in the USA

geez, his grammar wasn't that bad!!-lol!!!!!
And people have different 'accents'- you could have a southern accent, a mid-west accent, a Boston accent, Jersey, etc... But yes, English is his first language
So what's his accent?
I don't know if he knew any other languages fluently. He said a few phrases, as others have said, in different languages. I studied German at school but I know just enough to get by in Germany. I do wish I was fluent in a foreign language though!
he grew up in gary, had some detroit mixed accent like when he said audience...it's a psuedo nyc way of saying the word. then mix that w/ uber elitist beverlly hills. like the way he said 'white' he said it like hhhhwhite lol

but indian is not an accent and he doesn't have a northern accent either. it's just something that proves he was a citizen of the world
In the Brazilian version of "They don't care about us" begins with the voice of a woman (Brazilian). I saw an interview of her (can not remember her name and she lives in the United States) which in reality was to be the voice of Michael at the start talking about music in Portuguese. She said it was done with his voice, but was a little strange. lol!

So it was decided to put a female voice of a Brazilian at the start of the song. It just says in Portuguese: "Michael, eles não ligam pra gente" >>>> "Michael, they don't care about us." I never heard the audio with the voice of Michel speaking in Portuguese and not know it exists. This interview went in a Brazilian TV station.
Indiana is a purple colored state on here.
I think Michael only spoke English, his mother language (I'm laughing because of some comments in this thread), but we all know that he traveled a lot, so, of course he knew a couple of phrases in different languages.
I doubt he was fluent in any language, just knew different phrases here and there from different countries. It's great that he could say "I love you" in all different languages so all his fans could know it. :angel:
he spoke fluent french. i remember the owner of planet jackson, he said one day someone called him or his staff and was speaking french to them since that was th eir native lang. and it took him a while but they realized it was michael! lol he fooled them badly!

and the kids also were learning multiple languages. i hope that still continues
Wow I didn't know he spoke fluent French, cool! I study French too, I have something in common with Michael, yay! lol :D
he spoke fluent french. i remember the owner of planet jackson, he said one day someone called him or his staff and was speaking french to them since that was th eir native lang. and it took him a while but they realized it was michael! lol he fooled them badly!

and the kids also were learning multiple languages. i hope that still continues

Awesome story! Thanks soso :cheeky:

the majortiy learn some lanuage in school doesnt mean u have a clue other than knowing a few words when u get into adulthood lol

:lol: I seriously think it must have been better back in the day learning languages in school b/c I took spanish (and know others who did too) and remember some phrases but there are older people who learned a language in school and can still speak it fluently.
i cant believe some fans didnt know he was american...lol thats really odd
whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa yea homie was fluent in french. spoke some spanish and was an oddball in english always mispronouncing things! Lol
well I kinda like it. it shows how global his image truly was in that there are fans who don't think he's American :)
he grew up in gary, had some detroit mixed accent like when he said audience...it's a psuedo nyc way of saying the word. then mix that w/ uber elitist beverlly hills. like the way he said 'white' he said it like hhhhwhite lol

but indian is not an accent and he doesn't have a northern accent either. it's just something that proves he was a citizen of the world

I always got a kick out of the way he said "Audience", being a native New Yorker who moved to Indiana. I wonder if he picked up that pronunciation while living in NYC during the Wiz? LoL