Michael Jackson’s Manager: I Had To Tell The Children

Yep, the media are creating alot of sensational stories to talk about. They can't just stick to simple, sweet facts (of which there are alot).
We're jumping the gun with all the child custody talk. The Jacksons are a huge loving family, best place for them to be right now, or with Grace. For some reason I dont even forsee Debbie being a huge part of their future, even with whats happened. Its all a bit too early to wonder/speculate.

I will come to terms with whats happened eventually, and I can only imagine how his kids are feeling. THinking of their hurt is more painful than mine, I pray for them to be OK.
I just saw a pic of Paris crying in a car on CNN. Heartbreaking. I am so sad for those kids :-(
it does look media created.

california peeps said that deb's rights were not terminated and she can have the kids...if she wants them. just the older two, michael and paris. she can't take prince(blanket)

i don't think she would split them up but i have a feeling allred is waiting around to say the grandparents are too old. i think if they let deb have visitation (if she wants it) then it should go well.

deb hasn't even said anything. they're creating this.they asked her lawyer and she said if deb wants them, she can get them. but not that she would.

so it looks like the media is trying ot fuel the fire. the jacksons are talking to tmz. and now they say they will fight tooth and nail to prevent her from taking them. y create animosity? especially when nothing has happened yet?

it's the media that will make this a nasty damn fight. i can feel it
Y r the Jackons talking now? You would think they would have learned something from MJ. Why doesn't everyone keep quiet? let the media try to stir but the Jacksons and associates should keep quiet for now.
b/c their brother died of a sudden cardiac arrest. their spokesperson is saying he was a drug addict. there's reports that his dr. did something and then went m.i.a. i think they're trying to help and also show the fans that the kids will be taken care of.

mj was never this public w/ his life but now they have no choice. IF this gets messy, it'll be played out all over the world on a public stage. looks like they're settingup for the war right now and letting everyone know where they stand.

no more being screwed over. no more
But they are speaking with little to no information. Oxman should just SHUT up and the rest should process before they say anything. They should tell Oxman to quit. All that needs to be said is the relevant information.
who knows. im suprised brian still has a job. but nothing suprises me anymore.

it looks liek the media is fueling this and people arond her say that deb was devastated last night. i hope to holy hell she wouldn't try to separate the kids. especially not now.
There's really no indication Debbie Rowe is interested in being a full-time mother. In fact, quite the opposite. I don't see a custody battle taking shape.
actually im hearing reports taht she indicated she may want to but her attorny said she couldn't even talk. inconsoloable. i don't think she will separate her children from their little brother. it's not what mj would have wanted and i think so long as she can see them from time to time, she'll let the family have them. the family justneeds to not shut her out
Alot of old folks are back. Welcome back to all. I missed you. *sigh*. What a surreal time for us.
The last paragraph both hurts me and makes me smile. Im glad that Michael felt good about himself and his future and was happy. He was on the up and knew that the world was embracing him again. That it all has been cut so tragically short hurts a lot.

It is just so sad that when he was working so hard to get things together, this happens. This just isn't right and I don't understand why him at this time.

His children must be so grief-stricken.

I think that it would be more consolable if we found out that this was unavoidable in terms of a physical defect. What would be even more crushing is if this could have been avoided in some way.

Same thoughts here. Just when I thought I've cried out something does me in again. Hearing about the kids' reaction is heartbreaking altho I expected no less. Sometimes I wonder if Michael's soul can actually rest being separated from his babies. :cry: I think it's great that his Mother has them but she is up in age. Perhaps she and Grace could work together in raising them. My heart goes out to them. This is something that is going to effect them profoundly for the rest of their lives. Definitely going to keep them in my prayers.

As for the media, yes they would love a custody battle to keep MJ drama going. Vultures. Perhaps Debbie should wait to find out if those kids are interested in seeing her. Right now it seems they are asking for Grace. I pray she lets them be and not put them thru any further trauma.
I cry again. Can't imagine the kids feel right now :( I m so sad
Just when I thought I've cried out something does me in again. Hearing about the kids' reaction is heartbreaking altho I expected no less. Sometimes I wonder if Michael's soul can actually rest being separated from his babies. :cry:
Me as well. I'll finally calm down and think there's no possible way to cry more... my eyes are so swollen I look like an alien... how could there possibly be more tears? And then something triggers it again all over. It's worst when I'm alone, even for a few minutes. I can't imagine a world without Michael. :cry: And yet that's where we're stuck.
God knows best........as DL Hughley said earlier today...he has broken all the records in the industry ...giving his "all" to us... so it was just time to go now...

and the irony of having Frank being his manager now instead of someone else who
really didn't know him...
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Those beautiful chilren...my heart is literally breaking for them :cry:
My sis just called me to tell me that CNN has said the kids aren't his biologically. I didn't have the strength to argue.lol. I just said goodbye.
my sis just called me to tell me that cnn has said the kids aren't his biologically. I didn't have the strength to argue.lol. I just said goodbye.

they said whatt!!!??
That's what she said. I don't know who she heard say that; maybe one of those ever-knowing-but-never-coming-to-the-truth analysts.
^ i doubt they would say that now....how would they find out anyway..???
just saw some spots on msnbc.com with Bains doing an interview with Accesshollywood...

Billy asked her about Michael as a father and she really said some nice things..
Oh my God...i am torn apart.

I can't stop sobbing.

I just can't.
I thought I was more or less OK then I had to go into Sydney city centre to buy a cable for my TV - life goes on- Iwalked into this store and there were 30 or 40 huge TV screens ...........................all playing MJ's Bucharest Tour DVD and he was singing "I just cant stop loving you" there..............................aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............shopowners please dont do this to us!
Oh how i wish he never prepared a comeback. :cry:

I just want him to be alive and healthy with his children. That's all. :cry: :cry: :cry:

I don't know what to say, what to do. I prayed for the kids like crazy last night.

Please God, heal them, please God.
“I was with Michael everyday going to rehearsals – Wednesday and Thursday he was the happiest,” the manager recalled. “On Wednesday, he put his arm around me at the end [of the day] and he said, ‘Frank, I’ve never been happier. We’re going to make this work… It’s our time again Frank. We’re going to do this!’”

I thought I was more or less OK then I had to go into Sydney city centre to buy a cable for my TV - life goes on- Iwalked into this store and there were 30 or 40 huge TV screens ...........................all playing MJ's Bucharest Tour DVD and he was singing "I just cant stop loving you" there..............................aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............shopowners please dont do this to us!

I went into jb hi store today, they played his music.......i was nearly in tears...