Michael Jackson’s Manager: I Had To Tell The Children

I don't believe for one moment Debbie Rowe would gain custody of the children, no court is going to send two of them to a stranger and leave one of them with Katherine.

Prince and Paris are old enough to have their opinion taken into account. I am so glad Michael was happy and excited in his final days, and not the stressed out drugges wreck the vile media are trying to suggest that he was.
Sunnyday, Im watching too. Didnt think I'd be able to but I am. Kinda makes me feel that Michael hasnt really gone away.

Now that montage at the end to Man in the Mirror has just started me off again.
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Sunnyday, Im watching too. Didnt think I'd be able to but I am. Kinda makes me feel that Michael hasnt really gone away.
Next one is on ITV1 at 9 I think. For the first time since yesterday I felt a little calmer... Also, my mom just called me from Greece and she said not a single person is saying a bad word for Michael. It's very big news there, too.

edit: emmah, yes, it's those emotional pieces I'm trying to avoid. I would cry even if it wasn't for MJ.
This has made me even more sad :cry:
His beautiful children meant the world to him
. . . I am so glad Michael was happy and excited in his final days, and not the stressed out drugges wreck the vile media are trying to suggest that he was.

You know that I had such hopes last night for how they would report this, but that is gone. Same BS in death as was in life! Da*n them reporting rumors and gossip as fact instead of concentrating on reporting about the real man through people who actually knew him. Will we ever get that?
I hope Mrs. Jackson gets them. I will be praying for those innocent children and his family (and myself). I'm sure they don't understand esp. blanket.

At lease he was happy, i wish it could have been his time, we will never know.

Why couldn't the world be kind to him before he passed on..I hate that. Its a little to late to play video now after the constant bashing of his name. UGH I hate hate this!

I hope he didn't suffer in last moments.
I can't find words to say how much it hurts my heart to see those children have their father taken away from them so suddenly. Those kids were Michael's life. They were his pride and joy. It was OBVIOUS how much he loved and adored them. I can not believe Michael would have left this earth volunteerly and without a fight. I can't believe he would have taken something to put his life in jeopardy because he knew he was everything to his children as well. It breaks my heart to know those beautiful children have lost their daddy. It just isn't fair. And if their daddy was taken away from them by someone who didn't have Michael's best interest in their heart....I am going to be heartbroken beyond words.
I hope Mrs. Jackson gets them. I will be praying for those innocent children and his family (and myself). I'm sure they don't understand esp. blanket.

At lease he was happy, i wish it could have been his time, we will never know.

Why couldn't the world be kind to him before he passed on..I hate that. Its a little to late to play video now after the constant bashing of his name. UGH I hate hate this!

I hope he didn't suffer in last moments.
I'm sure he didn't really suffer. He most probably fell asleep.
It is just so sad that when he was working so hard to get things together, this happens. This just isn't right and I don't understand why him at this time.

His children must be so grief-stricken.

I think that it would be more consolable if we found out that this was unavoidable in terms of a physical defect. What would be even more crushing is if this could have been avoided in some way.
You know that I had such hopes last night for how they would report this, but that is gone. Same BS in death as was in life! Da*n them reporting rumors and gossip as fact instead of concentrating on reporting about the real man through people who actually knew him. Will we ever get that?
The nasty hate in these ppl's heart would never allow them to report the truth. They even got my dad regurgitating that he killed himself from drugs crap. They just can't give him the respect he deserves.

You know what's really got me mad is the fact that BRIAN OXMAN is the once who started that "over using prescription pills bit". I wish that man would just shut his mouth. Where you there brian at the time he passed. Nooooo. So how do you know:bugeyed!Micheal doesn't even have dealing with him and had to put him in his place during the trial for the junk he's always talking. SHUT UP OXMAN!
It is just so sad that when he was working so hard to get things together, this happens. This just isn't right and I don't understand why him at this time.

His children must be so grief-stricken.

I think that it would be more consolable if we found out that this was unavoidable in terms of a physical defect. What would be even more crushing is if this could have been avoided in some way.
I agree when something's unavoidable you just accept it easier, but if it could be prevented, then you'll always wonder: What if?
It is just so sad that when he was working so hard to get things together, this happens. This just isn't right and I don't understand why him at this time.

His children must be so grief-stricken.

I think that it would be more consolable if we found out that this was unavoidable in terms of a physical defect. What would be even more crushing is if this could have been avoided in some way.
yeah they tried for more then and hour the doctors and before that 40minute by EMS. The thing is he didn't have a pulse when EMS got there. My thing is what the heck did that personal doctor do before somebody final decide to call 911. GOD! What happen to him!:no:
My thing is what the heck did that personal doctor do before somebody final decide to call 911. GOD! What happen to him!
do we know how long it took to call
I think that it would be more consolable if we found out that this was unavoidable in terms of a physical defect. What would be even more crushing is if this could have been avoided in some way.
true but i think the medical would have brought anything up they would have used kcg and alsorts
Geez, reading that last part about how MJ felt good, just breaks my heart. :(
frank knew about the drugs, there's no way he didn't.

Its the same story over and over again: Elvis, Cobain, Ledger, and now Michael. It just makes you wonder, y'know. I'm sure Mikes family tried to help and Frank too hopefully.

Dammit, I'm starting to get angry.
Omg those poor children. Not only have they lost their father, they've lost one in a millon. Their relationship with him was unique. He adored them and they adore him. This is so heartbreaking. I hope they will forever be protected from all evils.
I'm glad michael was happy, at least we can be thankful for that. But how tragic he never got to show us what he was so happy about. :(
true but i think the medical would have brought anything up they would have used kcg and alsorts

Elusive, that is a really good point. What is now confusing after you stated this is putting it in perspective of what Deepak Chopra just said during an interview with CNN moments ago. He talked about his certainty that Michael was abusing prescriptive pain-killers based on his interactions (but stated that Michael would usually not admit such). He thought that Michael did not need some of what he would take when it could be dealt with other ways. Would that type stuff just not have been in the medical exam that he undertook for the concerts?

But, on the other hand, Michael may not have been taking these to the degree others thought that he was.

By the way, he said that the children were asking for Grace and that she was heading back to L.A. He didn't say what his sources were for that.
Oh those poor little ones. My heart goes out to them. Thank you for this report that they're with Katherine. Why did this have to happen ?
To go along with the comment by Frank about how happy Michael was, there is a quote from Kenny Ortega on his blog taken from an interview that backed up this sentiment. It is so awful Michael was unable to see something that he was so proud of come to reality.
Well Deepak has direct connections with Grace, so she could be his source.

Secondly, isn't Deepak a kind of alternative medicine guy? If so, we have to be wary of how we interpret his statements. He did say he thought MJ could deal with whatever in alternate ways but that is most likely his naturalistic self talking. Whereas someone like me (who supports the use of pharamaceutics more) would think it is perfectly fine.

An aside: Did we see any pic of MJ at the medical building this week?
Elusive, that is a really good point. What is now confusing after you stated this is putting it in perspective of what Deepak Chopra just said during an interview with CNN moments ago. He talked about his certainty that Michael was abusing prescriptive pain-killers based on his interactions (but stated that Michael would usually not admit such). He thought that Michael did not need some of what he would take when it could be dealt with other ways. Would that type stuff just not have been in the medical exam that he undertook for the concerts?

thin the last pic at arnies was with the lepoard skin trousers a couple of weeks back?

i dont think they would go that far as testing for drugs. but i dunno can that be picked up in normal blood tests? maybe it was picked up but u cant tell the mount so mj told them yeah i take pills for xy and z

deepac said he rang grace up to tell her the news in london so hes in direct contact with her
“On Wednesday, he put his arm around me at the end [of the day] and he said, ‘Frank, I’ve never been happier. We’re going to make this work… It’s our time again Frank. We’re going to do this!’”

I can hear his voice saying this. It put a smile on my face while a tear came down too...
Sadly, I think that the media would love nothing more than a custody battle; you can sense if from some by how they keep angling any mention of the children. This is sad because all I'm hoping for is that they are where they need to be to get the comfort that they need now. The thought of Michael himself not being able to raise these children into adulthood has always scared me.

The one thing is that with any custody battle, the facts and reality have to be of the utmost importance; not rumor.
its media created imo there wont be anything of the sort they are shit stiring
its media created imo there wont be anything of the sort they are shit stiring

I hope and pray so also. Right now it is media created; they need more to talk about and can't bring themselves to stick with the true details and information.

By the way, did anyone hear on that Chopra interview when he mentioned Grace coming back, how he described Michael's spirit? It was just amazing. I sat there thinking "Wow" what a person he must have been to get that kind of description despite all that Chopra was saying about a possible prescription pill dependancy.

This is what I love to hear. Not that he didn't have faults but that his spirit far outweighed those faults. I'm sure his children know this and can cling to this. I can only imagine if he was such a charismatic person to adults what he must have been in his children's view from their young perspective.