Michael Jackson's doctor says others gave him propofol

Here is the thing. I don't want to argue him as a nice guy. Clearly, he screwed up. I just think his life circumstances lead him to this awful place and he took this job with the hopes of fixing his money problems. He was a working cardiologist in a clinic that didn't get paid a lot and he continued to do that for the people who he felt needed him. I am sure he could have gotten a job somewhere else but he wanted to keep this clinic going.

Its easy for all of us to judge but being broke is not a crime.

the problem with your thinking is that a life is a life is a life. painting him as being close to a saint because he wanted to keep that clinic in the poor area open is a joke. I know you're not really calling him a saint, but there's no reason to feel sorry for him. he was being reckless with Michael's life because he was getting 150K by doing what he did. it makes him a murderer to the 2nd degree, most probably.
thanks for the link Soundmind. yes Houston sorry. hmm so the police know what's in those boxes. that's fine with me. this is a real mystery that needs to be solved. where are the other bottles?
we don't know whether they found out what was in those boxes .since we did not hear about any raid or search warrant served on any other pharmacy outside california , he could not purchase anything in california , we can assume he bought propofol from applied pharmacy only, and that's why TMZ keep reporting the detectives are trying to figure whether there was any other source to propofol beside applied pharamcy .
as Beachlover said the only reason Murray was hired was to give propofol , he was calling Dr.Adams and another colleague to join him in march , he had no intention of treating mj's insomnia , he was hired to give propofol, the last thing he wanted to do was to introduce mj to a safe and cheap solution . he can't claim i was hired first and after i left my clinic and family , i discovered he wanted propofol and i had no choice but to give to him . murray was asking about propofol since march two months later he was hired officially .

they would be able to trace the propofol , i think this is the problm now , they want to know how much propofol exactly this man had given mj during the weeks before his death, that's why tmz are reporting the DA want to make sure no one but applied pharmacy gave him propofol.

there was no excessive use of propofol as murray suggested , he occasionally spent the night at that house , according to his own lawyer Matt Alford . mj was making phone calls to people all the time during the nights .

that's the main focus now , this whole story about "I tried to wean him off of propofol " when the supply of propofol suggest a completely different story .

they interviewed him for three hours you would think he told them where he obtained the propofol from, that would support his story of giving mj propofol every night for six weeks .

he obviously did not tell them , BUT WHY? does not he want to provide evidence jackson was "addicted" to it ? by giving the investigators what they want, the amount he purchased and administered would have been a clear evidence of what happened during the last two months .

he already confessed he gave propofol, he gave it for six weeks , but he chose not to disclose where he obtained it from , or what amount he purchased . this guy is retard indeed.

the investigators are building their case on what amounts he purchased from applied pharamcy and they don't want their whole case to crumble in case murray had another mean to obtain propofol . i can only think of one reason why they believe it is a top priority to determine for sure whether there was no other place he got propofol from . the amounts obtained from the applied pharmacy are not huge at all . they don't support murray's story .
Then Murray deserves what he gets.