Michael jackson's debt is paid off

stop saying things that are flat out lies and just plain wrong and you'll stop me from posting. If you continue to post made up bullshit, I'll continue to call you out on it.

sorry but its you who doesnt have a clue what you talking about. your "facts" are totally false.go read up on the merger between sony and the ATV cat.

Liquidation may be good for the short term, but it is the worst thing to do for your long term future. Michael wanted to make sure that his kids were taking care of, so he didn't sell his investments. So, he chose the long-term benfics over the short-term gain that get many businesses in trouble.
exactly well said.even a non business minded person can see that
Where does the "6 albums" reference come from originally? I'd like to know that.

probably from reports saying there were around 70 or so songs left that could be released so i guess average them out and u get around 6 albums?
OK, and you are posting this why?

to show that your are posting false info i presume

I never said he sold the ATV catalog. He sold a 50% stake in the ATV catalog to Sony for $90 million and it was merged to create Sony/ATV. Again, I never said he completely sold his catalog.
you obviously dont understand the difference between merging something and selling it.mj merged it and was paid for the privilage as stated many times.
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if mj wanted to make quick cash he could have done a few interviews that would have made him 10's of million or taken up the vegas offers of doing some one off shows etc. as were been offered to him since 2006.he wanted to do these shows as the final curtain call. do one last set for the fans then move onto to films etc. things hed always wanted to do. but as with mj if he were going to go out on a bang he wanted it to be big as we saw from the rehearsals.it was always all or nothing with mj thats why he had waited so long to decide what to do as he and kenny were spotted together in either early 07 or 08 in vegas discussing ideas

but as ramona has said the debt was already being taken care of so this was not about that. and if it was just about getting some cash flow as i said hed would/could have just a few interviews and thats a quick 15 plus million at least.this was about mj doing the final shows for the fans and going out after the biggest comeback of all time. so if some of you who are so quick to go on about why mj was doing this. perhaps you should look closer to home as to why he was doing it.instead of blaming him for putting himself into a postion where he had no choice. a position that he turned down several times over 2-3 years when these rumours were first doing the rounds..

but as others say none of this matters now anyway but that shouldnt allow others to post blatently false info in order to rewrite history
and Mike needed said doctor becuase he was under so much pressure for the 50 shows. If Mike wasn't doing these shows, he probably would have never asked Dr. Murry for propofol and he would still be alive. MJ said that doing a tour would kill him and Mike was unfourtunately right.

yes I think so too, it was the pressure that lead to all this. I believe he didn't want to do more than 31 shows he was suppose to tour other cities too after London. I remember when the tickets were selling out in London they were adding more dates from one hour to the other I truly believe Michael woke up that morning in LA to find out he was doing 50 shows, remember Phillips said he was begging him "no more shows"?
lilsusie - Michael never wanted his kids to be spoiled rotten brats, the way you think they will end up. MJ always taught everyone around him including his kids to give back and help others when you are fortunate enough to have so much money. and he left 20% of the estate to charities so what are you talking about him not leaving anything to charities?
as far as I know the kids will never have complete control over the estate even after a certain age they can't just throw the money out the window or sell whatever they want...as far as I know. Michael wanted to protect the estate and the children to be reasonable
The King of Pop's estate has apparently grossed almost half-a-billion dollars through the music CD royalties and box-office collection of the film 'This Is It.'

This Is It's box office result is 240 million.
let go 135 million for Sony.

that's 105 million left for MJ (90%) and AEG (10%)

and This Is It CD might have sold 2 million copies worldwide now? (best estimate?)

MJ's music royalities are 7% right?

so how can half-a-billion dollars be possible through the music CD royalties and box-office collection of the film 'This Is It'?

do some math!
If he really care about the world and the suffering kids, he should donate more to charities instead of leaving everything to his kids.

He gave out more than 500 million to charity during his life time, and left 20% of his money to charity after his life time. No one in this planet could compare with Michael's charity work, his humanitarian effort, his concern of human condition, race, children's right...He also hold the world record of his charity donation. For the man with such a pure, caring, loving, unselfish, generous, angelic heart, you are using the cruel and ignorant words.

His Humanitarian Efforts from 1979 to 2003:

Michael Jackson was the king of giving, too
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lol this comes from a tabloid . u dont expect them to work out things properly. i guess they think every cent goest to the estate. hardly
Has anyone seen the video of Michael on Youtube around 2007 when someone asks him 'Michael, what is your financial situation?' and he says 'I have an incredible finincial situation, I just wrote someone a cheque for 500 million dollars'
Has anyone seen the video of Michael on Youtube around 2007 when someone asks him 'Michael, what is your financial situation?' and he says 'I have an incredible finincial situation, I just wrote someone a cheque for 500 million dollars'

yeah it was talked about at the time.most thought mj was just messing to get ppl talking
6 CD's - it sounds like exploitation to me all the music will be released all at once, it doesn't matter which one he liked or not, everyone will hurry up to buy his CD's, then the hype will die down and people will start to forget about it. this is not how Michael was doing things
This Is It's box office result is 240 million.
let go 135 million for Sony.

that's 105 million left for MJ (90%) and AEG (10%)

and This Is It CD might have sold 2 million copies worldwide now? (best estimate?)

MJ's music royalities are 7% right?

so how can half-a-billion dollars be possible through the music CD royalties and box-office collection of the film 'This Is It'?

do some math!

Agreed. The numbers in this article are a bit out to lunch however, MJ's estate WILL be racking in some serious dough. When TII leaves theaters next week, global numbers will be $250 million. Now let's do the logical math. $60 million of that goes directly to Sony to re-coup costs with AEG. Sony will take another $40 million for advertising, marketing, distribution costs, etc. Finally they will take $50 million for profit. When all is said and done, the estate will have profited $100 million from this movie. DVD sales for TII will bring in another $200 million+ roughly, $100 million of that will go to the estate. Then finally we have the TII rights sold to MTV. Financials have not been disclosed but I'm guessing they paid north of $50 million for the rights. That's a grand total of $250 million to the estate for TII.

Then we have album sales. MJ will have sold 20-21 million albums in 2009. Let's take 21 million for arguments sake. Average sale price of a CD is $10 (10 X 21,000,000) is $210 million. I know for a fact that MJ has a huge royalty rate ($3 per CD). That would take his estates CD earnings to $63 million ($147 million remaining goes to Sony and music retailer). DVD sales for this year are 8 million (8 mil X $15 average selling price) is 120 million. Apply the same math as CD's, and the estate receives roughly $35 million on DVD sales. Then we have digital downloads. (18 million globally, 18,000,000 X 1.00= $18 million in revenue. 33%(MJ's share) takes total to $6 million)

Remember, there is also radio airplay royalties, music rights for MJ's songs, The Sony/ATV catalogue revenue, etc.

So without merchandising MJ's estate will have made $250 million from TII, another $63 million from CD sales, $35 million from DVD sales, $6 million from digital downloads taking totals to $354 million. Then add in the radio royalties, rights to acquire MJ songs for public television shows, Sony/ATV revenue, and the estate has made over $400 million. I have no clue the merchandising revenue, but that would take the grand total even higher.

So this article exaggerates some numbers, however when you break it down...the estate will in fact be making enough money that if they chose...his debt could be cleared by mid 2010.
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Agreed. The numbers in this article are a bit out to lunch however, MJ's estate WILL be racking in some serious dough. When TII leaves theaters next week, global numbers will be $250 million. Now let's do the logical math. $60 million of that goes directly to Sony to re-coup costs with AEG. Sony will take another $40 million for advertising, marketing, distribution costs, etc. Finally they will take $50 million for profit. When all is said and done, the estate will have profited $100 million from this movie. DVD sales for TII will bring in another $200 million+ roughly, $100 million of that will go to the estate. Then finally we have the TII rights sold to MTV. Financials have not been disclosed but I'm guessing they paid north of $50 million for the rights. That's a grand total of $250 million to the estate for TII.

Then we have album sales. MJ will have sold 20-21 million albums in 2009. Let's take 21 million for arguments sake. Average sale price of a CD is $10 (10 X 21,000,000) is $210 million. I know for a fact that MJ has a huge royalty rate ($3 per CD). That would take his estates CD earnings to $63 million ($147 million remaining goes to Sony and music retailer). DVD sales for this year are 8 million (8 mil X $15 average selling price) is 120 million. Apply the same math as CD's, and the estate receives roughly $35 million on DVD sales. Then we have digital downloads. (18 million globally, 18,000,000 X 1.00= $18 million in revenue. 33%(MJ's share) takes total to $6 million)

Remember, there is also radio airplay royalties, music rights for MJ's songs, The Sony/ATV catalogue revenue, etc.

So without merchandising MJ's estate will have made $250 million from TII, another $63 million from CD sales, $35 million from DVD sales, $6 million from digital downloads taking totals to $354 million. Then add in the radio royalties, rights to acquire MJ songs for public television shows, Sony/ATV revenue, and the estate has made over $400 million. I have no clue the merchandising revenue, but that would take the grand total even higher.

So this article exaggerates some numbers, however when you break it down...the estate will in fact be making enough money that if they chose...his debt could be cleared by mid 2010.

theater owners don't work for free. They keep an average of 50% of ALL receipts.

therefore that 240M is split: 120M to theater owners; 120M to Sony, AEG & the estate. Sony initial investment (60M+40M), leaves little profit for the estate. I hope their take on the DVD sale is bigger.

No way will the estate reap 100M from the movie's run in theater
. Would have been nice though.
He could sell his assets and they could last him and his kids for more than a lifetime but he chose not to and it costs him his life. If he hadn't chose to do the london shows, he would still be here. And btw it's not like his kids can't get out and work, why did he need to leave so much to his kids? If he really care about the world and the suffering kids, he should donate more to charities instead of leaving everything to his kids.
Sell his assets and live on what for the next 20 years?
Who says they are not going to work?
Just because the paps say so?
Which rich kid doesn not work these days? Even recently married Ivanka Trump, daughter of Donald Trump (close friend of Michael) helps to run the business.
And hell yes! even Paris Hilton (Bless her, really dig her kinky-ness)worked for realty TV show "Simple Life" with Nicole Ritchie and her own music CD (somethin' like ..."the stars are out tonite...:lol:)
Anything wrong with parent(s) amassing their fortune and leaving it to their children? Nothing like a NEST EGG TO FALL BACK ON.
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So this article exaggerates some numbers, however when you break it down...the estate will in fact be making enough money that if they chose...his debt could be cleared by mid 2010.

Thank you for the explanations!!!

Why some "reporters" dont research facts before posting such articles.
I think Michael was wise to hang onto the Sony/ATV catalog. I'm happy his estate is solvent. (And I do believe it was this way before, or well on it's way as Ramona mentioned.) Now once Branca and co. take care of those pesky lawsuits hopefully everyone can move on, and his kids won't have to worry about money... evah. :angel:
Its great news to hear that there is more than enough money to pay off the debt. Now all the future earnings are now earmarked for the MJ3, which it should be. They'll know what their father wanted and will do accordingly.
theater owners don't work for free. They keep an average of 50% of ALL receipts.

therefore that 240M is split: 120M to theater owners; 120M to Sony, AEG & the estate. Sony initial investment (60M+40M), leaves little profit for the estate. I hope their take on the DVD sale is bigger.

No way will the estate reap 100M from the movie's run in theater
. Would have been nice though.

That's not true. Nobody would bother making movies at all if that was the case. In fact theaters admit they get very little profit from ticket sales, most lose money. The real money comes from food and beverage sales plus advertising. If theater owners took 50% of all box office receipts, then the companies would never make movies since there would be no financial motive to do so. Out of that $250 million, only a fraction would go the theater chains. The estate will still end up with close to $100 million in revenue. They expected the movie to do around the quarter billion, and would not have ventured into it knowing they would only pocket a mere 10-20 million.
That's not true. Nobody would bother making movies at all if that was the case. In fact theaters admit they get very little profit from ticket sales, most lose money. The real money comes from food and beverage sales plus advertising. If theater owners took 50% of all box office receipts, then the companies would never make movies since there would be no financial motive to do so. Out of that $250 million, only a fraction would go the theater chains. The estate will still end up with close to $100 million in revenue. They expected the movie to do around the quarter billion, and would not have ventured into it knowing they would only pocket a mere 10-20 million.

That explains the overprice candy and drinks. Thanks for the info. :)
Some of you should would make a damn good accountant. :mellow: :lol:

My dad got a business degree and we talk alot, so I picked up a thing or two. Also, with recent events here in the US I think everyone here picked up some basic business information.

I am no means an expect in any of this, but I did learn a thing or two.