Michael jackson's debt is paid off

as far as for the reason he died, there are a lot of people with a lot of theories, including those about a certain doctor. so..that's up for debate.
and Mike needed said doctor becuase he was under so much pressure for the 50 shows. If Mike wasn't doing these shows, he probably would have never asked Dr. Murry for propofol and he would still be alive. MJ said that doing a tour would kill him and Mike was unfourtunately right.
He said the same thing after every tour. He said he would never tour again after the Bad tour. However, he did two others and a MGS show, so this in a none point. Michael did these shows for his own reasons, plain and simple.


You do not sell your assets if you do not have to, that is the rule of business. If he could set things up so his kids never have to work, he had every right to do it. You can look back with 20/20 hindsight and say he should had done this and that, but Michael did not want to do this and that.

Any good business man plans for the future, not short term gain. That is why American business men are going out of business because they did alot of stuff for the money now and did not plan ahead. So, Michael was being a good business man.
After the Bad tour, mike did say that he would never tour again. But it was only more recently that MJ was saying such a tour would kill him.
he left much to charity and his kids. giving to charity is how you get back much in return. a good father watches out for his kids for life, if he can. and Michael could. now, the media is putting Michael on blast for whatever they can find...but they can't say that he left his kids destitute. so they're tr;ying to spin how he suddenly is not in debt. that can't happen suddenly. it was a long process.

can you imagine what kind of a field day the media would have had, if he didn't watch out for his kids, financially? MJ did the right thing.
He "suddenly" is not in debt because he earnt a lot since his death. It's not a long process. Why do you think he needs to do the london shows? He did it because he's in debts. His kids would have enough money to last them more than a dozen lifetimes from his catalogues alone. Leaving them abundance of money would only spoill them like what hilton did to paris hilton which is why I think he should have left more to charities.

You do not sell your assets if you do not have to, that is the rule of business. If he could set things up so his kids never have to work, he had every right to do it. You can look back with 20/20 hindsight and say he should had done this and that, but Michael did not want to do this and that.

Any good business man plans for the future, not short term gain. That is why American business men are going out of business because they did alot of stuff for the money now and did not plan ahead. So, Michael was being a good business man.
The thing is he's dead because of him being a good business man.

and Mike needed said doctor becuase he was under so much pressure for the 50 shows. If Mike wasn't doing these shows, he probably would have never asked Dr. Murry for propofol and he would still be alive. MJ said that doing a tour would kill him and Mike was unfourtunately right.
Exactly!!!!!! He knows it!
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and Mike needed said doctor becuase he was under so much pressure for the 50 shows. If Mike wasn't doing these shows, he probably would have never asked Dr. Murry for propofol and he would still be alive. MJ said that doing a tour would kill him and Mike was unfourtunately right.

Michael had sleeping problems before TII, so this was not a new problem and I doubt pressure played as big of role as you think.

Also, you are playing the 'what if' game. We as humans will never know what would of happen if Michael never tour again. He may had lived longer or he could had been hit by a bus the next day. So, saying he would be alive if he never tour is a big 'maybe', because only God knows the answer to that.
and Mike needed said doctor becuase he was under so much pressure for the 50 shows. If Mike wasn't doing these shows, he probably would have never asked Dr. Murry for propofol and he would still be alive. MJ said that doing a tour would kill him and Mike was unfourtunately right.

since he wasn't actually touring when he died, we'll never know that. what he was doing was rehearsing. he looked fine in the movie, and suddenly he is dead. we don't even know if he asked for anything or not. there are a hundred theories. and this doctor supposedly has a track record that is not good. not everybody the doctor killed was doing a tour. so what Michael was doing isn't necessarily a reason for him suddenly to be dead.

when James Brown died, he was working hard, and actually touring. and there was no suspicious doctor on board. there is a difference between the two. and, even so..we can't be sure of all of the mysteries of some things we did not see.
He could sell his assets and they could last him and his kids for more than a lifetime but he chose not to and it costs him his life. If he hadn't chose to do the london shows, he would still be here. And btw it's not like his kids can't get out and work, why did he need to leave so much to his kids? If he really care about the world and the suffering kids, he should donate more to charities instead of leaving everything to his kids.

:brow: Whaatt? He left 20% to charities. Because he left something to his kids too he didn't care about the world and other suffering kids? A good father provides for his children. Also you can easily say that if Murray wasn't hired and another doctor was hired Mike would still be here rather than saying if he didn't choose to do the shows.

He "suddenly" is not in debt because he earnt a lot since his death. It's not a long process. Why do you think he needs to do the london shows? He did it because he's in debts. His kids would have enough money to last them more than a dozen lifetimes from his catalogues alone. Leaving them abundance of money would only spoill them like what hilton did to paris hilton which is why I think he should have left more to charities.

Yeah when he decided to do the 50 shows that is exactly what popped in my head after the excitement. I remember after James Brown died Michael said he did not want to be like him, broke and forced to tour at an old age which ultimately killed him

lilsusie, you seem to have a problem with Mike's kids getting his money. If he wants to leave them a lot of money, that's his business. Those are HIS kids. Just because he left them money doesn't mean that they are going to be spoiled. It doesn't mean that they aren't going to have careers of their own. Regarding the bold in these two posts above, see this post:

Michael's debt was already taken care of even before his death. In 2007 he had all his earnings for the ATV catalog go into paying down his debt. By the year 2011, he would had been completely debt free, so that was not a problem. The problem was that Michael was cash poor, so he did not have alot of liquid money to spend. However, he was never in the financial trouble that people are saying he was in.

Also, he wanted to keep Neverland for estate purposes, however, his manger at the time, Randy screwed up. While Michael was in the Middle East, Randy and his goons ran Michael's estate into the ground and did not pay Michael's bills. That is why he got sued so many times in 2007. It had nothing to do with his debt. Randy did not pay to keep up Neverland or to keep the employees paid.
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Michael had sleeping problems before TII, so this was not a new problem and I doubt pressure played as big of role as you think.

Also, you are playing the 'what if' game. We as humans will never know what would of happen if Michael never tour again. He may had lived longer or he could had been hit by a bus the next day. So, saying he would be alive if he never tour is a big 'maybe', because only God knows the answer to that.
Mike said if he toured again it would kill him. Mike tried to tour again and now he's dead. Seems cut and dry.
He "suddenly" is not in debt because he earnt a lot since his death. It's not a long process. Why do you think he needs to do the london shows? He did it because he's in debts. His kids would have enough money to last them more than a dozen lifetimes from his catalogues alone. Leaving them abundance of money would only spoill them like what hilton did to paris hilton which is why I think he should have left more to charities.

Well, that is you. You can nitpick about what Michael 'should of' done for his kids, but you are not there father. You do not know how his kids will come out, so saying that will be spoil if they don't make their own money is your opinion on the subject, not fact. Also, Paris does make her own money now, so she is not that poor. He is very smart actually because she made alot of her own money in the beginning by doing nothing but partying. So who is the dumb one, the media or Paris?

As I have said before, he was not touring again because of his debt. He had his own reasons which had been stated several times. Whether you chose to believe it is up to you.
since he wasn't actually touring when he died, we'll never know that. what he was doing was rehearsing. he looked fine in the movie, and suddenly he is dead. we don't even know if he asked for anything or not. there are a hundred theories. and this doctor supposedly has a track record that is not good. not everybody the doctor killed was doing a tour. so what Michael was doing isn't necessarily a reason for him suddenly to be dead.

when James Brown died, he was working hard, and actually touring. and there was no suspicious doctor on board. there is a difference between the two. and, even so..we can't be sure of all of the mysteries of some things we did not see.
When Mike said doing another tour would kill him, he didn't mean that he would die while he was performing on stage. Going on tour requires a lot of preparation.
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Mike said if he toured again it would kill him. Mike tried to tour again and now he's dead. Seems cut and dry.

He also said he the media would kill him, so what is your point?

Also, the tour didn't kill him. He died before he even did the first show. It was the drugs Murray gave him that killed him. When Michael made that statement, I am almost certain he meant he would dropped dead on stage if he tour again.

However, the same could be said of John Lennon when he predicted that some loony will kill him someday.
Quit trying to play the semantics game. When Mike said doing another tour would kill him, he didn't mean that he would die while he was performing on stage. Going on tour requires a lot of preparation.

you nor i know what Michael does, and what he's thinking when he's rehearsing. and it's all irrelevant, because, like i said, this doctor has a track record. so you don't know what exactly killed him. all we have, are theories. and many of them are believable, including the ones about the doctor. but nobody has proof.
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He also said he the media would kill him, so what is your point?

Also, the tour didn't kill him. He died before he even did the first show. It was the drugs Murray gave him that killed him. When Michael made that statement, I am almost certain he meant he would dropped dead on stage if he tour again.

However, the same could be said of John Lennon when he predicted that some loony will kill him someday.
Mike is a perfectionist, so when he said doing a tour would kill him, I'm 100% confident that when Mike thinks tour, he is also thinking about all the preperations that go along with it, Not just the 2 hours he is on stage.
Michael Jackson's debt is paid off

LONDON: The money needed to pay off Michael Jackson's huge debts has been raised within five months after his death.

The King of Pop's estate has apparently grossed almost half-a-billion dollars through the music CD royalties and box-office collection of the film 'This Is It.'

Also, there has been an additional income from the sale of Jackson souvenirs and memorabilia.

However, administrators of Jackson's estate, John Branca and John McClain, still face close to six lawsuits.

The cases include a $300-million action filed by New Jersey based company AllGood Entertainment. The company claims that the singer had backed out of a TV reunion concert with his brothers in Texas.

Administrators said solutions may be reached "by early in the New Year".

Re: Michael Jackson's debt is paid off

So, that means only six lawsuits with some sort of validity to them. It seems to me that I heard about a new lawsuit every day from either total nutcases or money-hungry a******s.
But hey, I'm happy for the estate if the debt has been paid off!
Im sure this is good news, it just doesnt feel like it. Much rather he was broke and alive.
Yes, this is good news, if true. Like others, I also wish Michael were here to see the celebration of him (which is bringing in the money) himself! He'd deserve it!

About Sunday Express, is this another tabloid? It looked like a kind of 'semi-tabloid' (is there such a thing?) to me. Part of the front page looks legit but somehow I'm getting a tabloidy vibe from the mag. Humm... Actually too many publications are 'semi-tabloids' these days, at least periodically...

I am so happy!!

Finally no debts!! That means the kids won't have to worry about it in the future! YAY!
Yeahs its dishonest of them to act like he was "screwed" somehow. Michael was estimated to make ~$500 million from the London concerts alone, and he wanted to tour the world after that.

Also... six new CDs next year? Whaaaat!?
He gave such incredible amounts of money to charity, children...Even when he was in debt and accused, he was still giving :(
Tabloid trash

But I do hope MJ's estate make a ton of $$$. That can't only piss off the Jacksons even more.
If he really care about the world and the suffering kids, he should donate more to charities instead of leaving everything to his kids.

I can't believe someone can question this. It hurts because he cared so much.

He gave such incredible amounts of money to charity, children...Even when he was in debt and accused, he was still giving :(

Agreed. :(
He sold 50% of the catalg to Sony. I think it was for $90 million.
false. he MERGED the ATV cat with the sony cat in or around 1995. he was paid 90 mill by sony to do so because his cat was more valuable than sonys. he owned the sony/atv cat 50% 50% with sony. a few years back they had an option to buy 25% of mjs 50% but never took up the offer.

article from a tabloid and frankly who cares the debt was been taken care of anyway. id rather it be paid off in 2011 and mj still be here than it being paid off now and him not.
About Sunday Express, is this another tabloid? It looked like a kind of 'semi-tabloi
yes its a tabloid.thought they were banned.funny the media pushed the debt upto 500 mill the weeks after the 25th. now its gone down again. *yawn*
He could sell his assets and they could last him and his kids for more than a lifetime but he chose not to and it costs him his life. If he hadn't chose to do the london shows, he would still be here. And btw it's not like his kids can't get out and work, why did he need to leave so much to his kids? If he really care about the world and the suffering kids, he should donate more to charities instead of leaving everything to his kids.

Maybe you should do the math:

He left 20% to Charities

80% to his three children = 26.67% for each.

So the money he left to each one is a mere 7% more that the charities.

MJ, again, was the smart one.