Michael Jackson to receive Lifetime Achievement Grammy

I think they should make a new award "The Michael Jackson award" or something like that, and do a tribute on this years Grammy awards.
I think they should make a new award "The Michael Jackson award" or something like that, and do a tribute on this years Grammy awards.

Like Michael Jackson Humanitarian Award or something to promote this generation of artists to do greater in charity.

Or to recognize those that devote time and efforts to humanitarian things...... as Michael did.
I think when they mention all his achievments, they should mention his achievements outside of entertainment also.

I wish they would mention all his wonderful entertainment achievements though, that would take up a good couple of mintues.....and also how he helped others THROUGH his music and dance, for me, that was his BIGGEST achievement
Arg, another thread about Michael getting honored, and more griping about it (just came from the David Gest one about him creating a positive documentary). I've come to the conclusion some people can't be pleased :(

As for the '88 Grammy's, yeah the results are messed up, but Joshua Tree is still considered a classic and arguably THE quintessential U2 album, so it's really not as strange as, say, "Don't Worry Be Happy" (lol) which I hadn't known beat MitM. And Michael must have gotten over it and forgiven since he showed up for the Legend Award in '93. Point is I guess the Grammy's like any other awards show missed the mark, but whatever, I prefer good publicity for Michael over nothing.

PS: Prince's Sign O the Times from '87 rocked too.

Like Michael Jackson Humanitarian Award or something to promote this generation of artists to do greater in charity.

Or to recognize those that devote time and efforts to humanitarian things...... as Michael did.

Yeh i reckon he should be reconginzed for that more definately :yes:
Call me crazy but I'm still incredibly bitter about BAD losing in all the categories it was nominated back in the day. Though it gives me a reason to watch the awards this year. I kinda hope someone besides Jermaine accepts the award.
I supposed there will be a proper, very proper TRIBUTE TOO, i mean this award is wonderful yes, but Michael does not know it now.... too late, im hoping for the tribute, and JANET SHOULD GET THAT AWARD, she and Michael kids; never jermaine,he's such a leech, always wanting camera, ridiculous man...
I SUGEST MJ KIDS TO RECEIVE IT, i want to see them! see how they are doing, they are the ONES, they are the REAL reminders of Michael here on earth, Prince Michael I, Paris Katherine, and Prince Michael II