Michael Jackson to receive Lifetime Achievement Grammy


one of the best posts I've read on this forum. you hit the nail on the head. I'm guilty of what you speak. I admit it. what can I say? it's gonna take some time. right now, I'm hurting and just really angry. no one's been charged, the LAPD are silent as night, and Michael's gone. I am so angry I could scream.

so forgive me please. it's just... it's gonna take some time.

Guilty? You guilty? No, friend, don't say that. We have all gone through this one time or the other. As you say, we are facing the hardest time ever. We thought things were hard back at the trials... but even then, there was hope of better things to come. Mike is now gone and our small world of music, dance is makig is broken forever.

It's going to take a long, long time to heal. Or at least, just to learn to live with this pain. Almost six months now... are you feeling better? I am not.

You are not guilty at all. Big hugs and thanks for your words. We have such a long way ahead...
Great honor. I am glad that they are doing this and I hope they put together a nice tribute for Michael. There seems to be six other recipients, so I don't know how this is going to go. I wish Michael received a Kennedy Center Honor while he was alive.

Anyways, ITA with the above. I actually would like to see Katherine receive the award since it's her son and she gave birth him. But I know that she is too shy. My next choice would be Jackie and/or Marlon. Too much Jermaine being in the spotlight.

I agree. I too would have like to see him receive a Kennedy Center Honor when he was living. Diana Ross already has hers. It would be nice to see Katherine, Jackie or Marlon accept the award; but I think it'll be Jermaine accepting and bringing his kids with him on stage.


one of the best posts I've read on this forum. you hit the nail on the head. I'm guilty of what you speak. I admit it. what can I say? it's gonna take some time. right now, I'm hurting and just really angry. no one's been charged, the LAPD are silent as night, and Michael's gone. I am so angry I could scream.

so forgive me please. it's just... it's gonna take some time.


nicely worded APM. I think I might use that 'horse' thing sometime, too.

At the same time, we all know he got screwed by them a couple of times in the past. I'm still angry that BAD didn't win a single thing.

That is just a head scratcher. :no: He should have won something for that.
I think Janet should accept the award on MJ's behave......or better yet....if he was up to it, and if the family allowed it...Prince Michael Jackson I
I think an AMAZING tribute idea during the grammy's would be clips of him accepting grammy awards throughout his years, especially the night in 1984 when he broke grammy history and won 8 awards in one night breaking the record.
I think Janet should accept the award on MJ's behave......or better yet....if he was up to it, and if the family allowed it...Prince Michael Jackson I

Oh, that would be wonderful. :)

But we know that Michael didn't want them on camera.

But just the thought of Michael's own child accepting any award for him, that would just bring tears of joy to my eyes.

But I don't think it will happen.
While I can see the point in saying "why didn't he receive one of those when he was alive?", maybe it's just not their fault or something? I mean, maybe he WOULD receive one of those if he was alive, but sadly passed away before it? I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
While I can see the point in saying "why didn't he receive one of those when he was alive?", maybe it's just not their fault or something? I mean, maybe he WOULD receive one of those if he was alive, but sadly passed away before it? I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.

Michael recieved a number of grammy awards, including a special Legend award. I wish he had gotten more awards for his albums outside of "Thriller", but it's not as though they didn't recognize him when he was alive, they did. It would have been nice as I said if he had been recognized more for his later work, but at least he had been recognized by the Grammy's. I'm not complaining.

I'm glad he'll be recieving this award. Michael deserves it.
Gosh its one of those bitter sweet things all over again... Yeah it is amazing that he is being honored, but its to little to late!! :(

Oh and like others said please please dont let Jermaine accept the award, please!! I cant watch that!! I get so angry watching Jermaine thank everyone that he wants to thank, ITS NOT YOUR AWARD JERMAINE!

Sorry i am not bashing just angry!
All I'm going to say is this is an important award and I hope Jermaine dies not accept. We need somebody articulate & intelligent. I'm so over Jermaine he makes me sick with his glove & kissing awards yuck
Agreed..I am unsure who should accept it though, perhaps Randy..

Oh GOd, please, NO.

Janet, Katherine, Jackie or Marlon - not Randy, Joe, or Jermaine.

And when the MJ3 are older, they can do it for their daddy.
Michael Jackson is the celebrity of any kind to get the most awards.
Maybe we can somehow write Jermain and tell him NO, don't accept the award. Let Michael's own child do it, whichever would be up for it. Or even all three.

And if his children do not feel comfortable doing so, then.....idk...

I don't want to say, let Janet accept it, and not him. That's rude. But if we say let Michael's own child or own children, that's not rude.
Its about 10-15 years late, but that's okay. Better late than never
Yey for Michael!...At least their honouring him, would have been better if he was there to collect it himself though...
Who are the rest of these people?
BTW, hypocrites grammy. Give MJ back his 1988 awards!!!!
Actually, Michael received loads of awards during his lifetime.

He definitely should have received more grammys than he did. When I think of the artists and records that actually win grammys these days, and Michael only received 13, with Thriller receiving 8, meaning the rest of his phenomenal work was only acknowledged 5 times with grammys, it borders on the criminal.

But outside of the grammy's, he received a lot of recognition from various other sources.
yes, actually MJ is the most awarded artist in HIStory.
And when the MJ3 are older, they can do it for their daddy.

Yes, please, ONLY when they are older and ONLY if they feel like doing so. MJ didn't want them on the spotlight, so there is no use and doing that again. Please... not the kids! We get upset if they are shown by the media, so personally I don't think they should be exposed to ANY of this.
Yes, please, ONLY when they are older and ONLY if they feel like doing so. MJ didn't want them on the spotlight, so there is no use and doing that again. Please... not the kids! We get upset if they are shown by the media, so personally I don't think they should be exposed to ANY of this.

Exactly - IF they feel like it & when they are older. Not now.
I'm still angry that BAD didn't win a single thing.


Who are the rest of these people?
BTW, hypocrites grammy. Give MJ back his 1988 awards!!!!
:lmao:...but truth.

I wish Michael received a Kennedy Center Honor while he was alive.

*Sighs* Me too. I can think of a few prestigious honors he should have been granted - Honorary Knighthood, TIME's Man of the Year, and a Carnegie Hall performance (even I've done that. :blink: And Michael's talent ROFLMAOs in my face. :cheeky:) But regardless, he did alright in the awards category. ;)
thats really cool but to be honest this means nothing when michael is not here to recieve it himself. why are all these award shows now honoring Michael after his death?? what was wrong with honoring him while he was alive?? i dont get it.

becuz Michael had such extreme success at a young age (in his twenties) he racked up hundreds of awards already.....
nicely worded APM. I think I might use that 'horse' thing sometime, too.

At the same time, we all know he got screwed by them a couple of times in the past. I'm still angry that BAD didn't win a single thing.

mhmmm that's exactly what I was sayin when I saw this thread. He was robbed when BAD didn't win a single Grammy, which is crazy!
mhmmm that's exactly what I was sayin when I saw this thread. He was robbed when BAD didn't win a single Grammy, which is crazy!

I remember that - I saw the cast - the industry and the academy was JEALOUS and thought that it was time to honor other artists, other than MJ.

Then, he left the world in shreds with his MITM performance.

mhmmm that's exactly what I was sayin when I saw this thread. He was robbed when BAD didn't win a single Grammy, which is crazy!

Thats great.. he absolutely deserves it! Good to hear that the Grammys will be doing something. But, this should happen before 25th June 09. Not now! After died only can received the awards, that's mean all the people who wanna received this awards must die 1st? :weeping:

All these accolades now after he's gone....where were these people before he died? :(
Is Mike the youngest person to recieve this specific award from the Grammy's dead or alive? I think I read that somewhere. If so, then it's crystal clear that he is only getting this because he's no longer here, if he were alive, he would've probably have had to wait another 10 years or so before he was recognized.
Think you are right. Group of artists receives this honor and most of them are dead or elderly.There is no big tribute actually.The honorees accomplishments are mentioned and they or their relatives take a bow from their seats.Maybe the grammys will do it differently this year because michael was a global icon and the reaction to his death was so overwhelming. Not to mention mj is good for tv ratings.