Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Soso Deaf

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
je suis de maroc
not to burst anyone's bubble right now but it looks like mj is suing julien's auction house for not returning his property. apparently he wanted the auction called off and they haven't met his requests....

maybe he'll mention that tmrw as well! lol

[] Suing Over Creepo Auction
Posted Mar 4th 2009 6:32PM by TMZ Staff
Michael Jackson's production company is suing the company trying to auction off all of []personal property -- including the hands from Edward Scissorhands, rhinestone gloves and socks, a tacky robe and the gates from Neverland.

In the lawsuit, filed today in L.A. County Superior Court, []camp claims Julien's Auction House is "not legally entitled to retain possession of Michael Jackson's personal property."

The suit claims the auction house has repeatedly refused to return the stuff.

The auction is scheduled to take place April 22 in Bev Hills.
Re: Michael in London! Press conference March 5th @ 4pm GMT possibly to announce concert dates..

not to burst anyone's bubble right now but it looks like mj is suing julien's auction house for not returning his property. apparently he wanted the auction called off and they haven't met his requests....

maybe he'll mention that tmrw as well! lol

[] Suing Over Creepo Auction
Posted Mar 4th 2009 6:32PM by TMZ Staff
Michael Jackson's production company is suing the company trying to auction off all of []personal property -- including the hands from Edward Scissorhands, rhinestone gloves and socks, a tacky robe and the gates from Neverland.

In the lawsuit, filed today in L.A. County Superior Court, []camp claims Julien's Auction House is "not legally entitled to retain possession of Michael Jackson's personal property."

The suit claims the auction house has repeatedly refused to return the stuff.

The auction is scheduled to take place April 22 in Bev Hills.

i hate tmz
Re: Michael in London! Press conference March 5th @ 4pm GMT possibly to announce concert dates..

not to burst anyone's bubble right now but it looks like mj is suing julien's auction house for not returning his property. apparently he wanted the auction called off and they haven't met his requests....

maybe he'll mention that tmrw as well! lol

[] Suing Over Creepo Auction
Posted Mar 4th 2009 6:32PM by TMZ Staff
Michael Jackson's production company is suing the company trying to auction off all of []personal property -- including the hands from Edward Scissorhands, rhinestone gloves and socks, a tacky robe and the gates from Neverland.

In the lawsuit, filed today in L.A. County Superior Court, []camp claims Julien's Auction House is "not legally entitled to retain possession of Michael Jackson's personal property."

The suit claims the auction house has repeatedly refused to return the stuff.

The auction is scheduled to take place April 22 in Bev Hills.


Um lets move this to the general discussion. :(
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

okay how many threads on this now lol.

WOW! I printed out the registration form just this past weekend and was going to register and get my catalog this week. The only thing that stopped me was the official word that he'd be making an announcement this week at the O2. Hotdangit that was close!!! If they're going to fight about this then it's possible everyone's money is tangled up in the litigation at this point. Refunds could be slow or long in waiting if they refuse to return his stuff and he gets some kind of injunction to stop the auction. Seriously tho, wtf happened?!! I mean, just.....Lawd!!!!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Well now, ain't this a sticky wicket. :doh::scratch:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

WOW, this is suprising!!! Well this in a way is kind of cool, Michael will keep his stuff!!! LOL
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I think I'll wait to believe it until it comes from a more reliable source.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I guess this means MsSnoop was right in the other auction thread when she said she'd heard Michael was calling off the auction last Friday. I think she came on to ask if anyone else had heard about it? Just....WoW Wow and WOW!!! I don't know whether to be happy or what? Sooo conflicted at the mo. lol
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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

It's true. Legal papers will be able to be downloaded shortly...

How did this happen?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Well, they better refund the money people spent on those dang catalogs. That's weird, but oh well I suppose.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction



(Photo: WENN)
So you thought the gates of Michael Jackson's famed Neverland Ranch and one of the white gloves first unveiled in his 1983 Billie Jean video
were going up for auction in a 2,000-item sale organized by the self-styled King of Pop? Not if Michael has his way. The gloved one is suing auctioneer Darren Julien. Bottom line, Michael says his stuff was stolen and he wants it back. Jackson claims he never agreed to auction many of the items from Neverland Ranch. The property is worth millions of dollars and many of the items have extraordinary sentimental value
and are priceless, Michael claims in a new lawsuit filed today in Los Angeles Superior Court against Julien's Auction House. Michael said he wanted to review what items were to be sold at auction, and he claims that never happened. Julien claims Michael can bid on his items just like anyone else. The five-day auction in Beverly Hills, scheduled for April 21-25, was to be the first organized by Jackson, who has been living as a virtual recluse since his acquittal in 2005 on child sex abuse charges."

Source: http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2009/03/michael-jackson-sues-auction-house.php
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Well, they better refund the money people spent on those dang catalogs. That's weird, but oh well I suppose.

This is the part that's going to be nastiest cuz it's not as easy as refunding ppl's money to them as easily as it was given. Once a lawsuit if filed, all the money that's been transfered gets tied up or held hostage til the matter is resolved. Since the auction is scheduled for April 22, Michael has at least until then to stop the auction (with a temporary restraining order) and get some kind of Order from a judge as to how to proceed or what should be done. It depends on the contract MJ had with the auction house...or if there ever was one. The fine print probably says under what conditions the auction may not go forward or and/or what the consequences will be if it doesn't. If Michael filed suit then he must believe he has a right to do so.

The question now is what will Julien's response be IF they have refused to return the items? If they refuse to give the stuff back they must think they still legally have claim to it. It could ugly. I mean these ppl have been all in the press lately hyping this thing up....saying MJ was moving on and the items were going to some museum in Ireland. Just..... *speechless*
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction



(Photo: WENN)
So you thought the gates of Michael Jackson's famed Neverland Ranch and one of the white gloves first unveiled in his 1983 Billie Jean video
were going up for auction in a 2,000-item sale organized by the self-styled King of Pop? Not if Michael has his way. The gloved one is suing auctioneer Darren Julien. Bottom line, Michael says his stuff was stolen and he wants it back. Jackson claims he never agreed to auction many of the items from Neverland Ranch. The property is worth millions of dollars and many of the items have extraordinary sentimental value
and are priceless, Michael claims in a new lawsuit filed today in Los Angeles Superior Court against Julien's Auction House. Michael said he wanted to review what items were to be sold at auction, and he claims that never happened. Julien claims Michael can bid on his items just like anyone else. The five-day auction in Beverly Hills, scheduled for April 21-25, was to be the first organized by Jackson, who has been living as a virtual recluse since his acquittal in 2005 on child sex abuse charges."

Source: http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2009/03/michael-jackson-sues-auction-house.php
GO MJ!!!!:clapping:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction



(Photo: WENN)
So you thought the gates of Michael Jackson's famed Neverland Ranch and one of the white gloves first unveiled in his 1983 Billie Jean video
were going up for auction in a 2,000-item sale organized by the self-styled King of Pop? Not if Michael has his way. The gloved one is suing auctioneer Darren Julien. Bottom line, Michael says his stuff was stolen and he wants it back. Jackson claims he never agreed to auction many of the items from Neverland Ranch. The property is worth millions of dollars and many of the items have extraordinary sentimental value
and are priceless, Michael claims in a new lawsuit filed today in Los Angeles Superior Court against Julien's Auction House. Michael said he wanted to review what items were to be sold at auction, and he claims that never happened. Julien claims Michael can bid on his items just like anyone else. The five-day auction in Beverly Hills, scheduled for April 21-25, was to be the first organized by Jackson, who has been living as a virtual recluse since his acquittal in 2005 on child sex abuse charges."

Source: http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2009/03/michael-jackson-sues-auction-house.php

Well now, I have just five words. Oh Heeel to the Nawww!! :rant:

Edit: THIS.IS.INSAAAANE!!! Not AGAIN!!! It's the Universal fiasco all over again. HOW did this happen??? :weeping:
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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Go michael!
We all here with u on this 100%! :D..as we always are
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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

first of all, i thought of some words for the initials tmz, but i'm not gunna post em here cus i'll get in trouble. second of all, they're not always reliable. third of all..well..other sources are saying this might happen. fourth of all..wow....
you need mercedes benz brakes in the world of michael jackson. lol

but it's interesting how it might make sense, since it was a convenient way to say MJ is in the poorhouse by saying he's having an auction, even tho buku stars have auctions all the time for no reason. always worth repeating. maybe that's the gist of MJ's announcement..further adding more mystery to the King of mystery. lol..but i know he's always looking out for his fans, despite some big evil organisations that would love to kill off the love affair between MJ and his fans.
now, this julien character is wanting mj to bid on the items too. wow...

God's looking out for u MJ..even if it means putting on brakes at the last minute.

we fans love u very much!!!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

i know those fools did not say he can bid like every1 else when its his stuff. they will hear 4rm me
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Thanks for the documents. :flowers:

I think I need to get a snack for this. 14 pages.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

The last part of the article (from radaronline.com) is total BS because he was seen in various places after he was freed of BS. Typical hating a.ss media, never getting anything 100% right. Personally, if Mike gotta sue, sue, but I am more excited about the major news tommorrow. As for tmz, their timing is so obvious.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

!4 pages..wow
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

THANKS TMZ to shot this new right before jackson speach! damn it!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

The last part of the article (from radaronline.com) is total BS because he was seen in various places after he was freed of BS. Typical hating a.ss media, never getting anything 100% right. Personally, if Mike gotta sue, sue, but I am more excited about the major news tommorrow. As for tmz, their timing is so obvious.

amen on the tmz timing.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

THANKS TMZ to shot this new right before jackson speach! damn it!

Dont worry bout tmz and all the whinging media...THEY ARE JUST PEEVED OFF COZ MJ IS BACK BABY!!!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I'm glad michael wants his stuff back or wants it period (meaning who knows if they shoulda had it to begin with). WOW what a past couple of days.

Do da' thAng mike!