Michael Jackson nominated for five AMAs

WHAT?!?! :bugeyed He's nominated?!

Where the f*ck was all this when he was alive?!?!
This is good I guess, but I don't understand how an old album of even older songs got nominated. It's like when Shelby Lynn got nominated for a "Best New Artist" Grammy, when she had 5 or 6 previous albums.
hey its revenge time... I want all fans to come together and vote for Michael..

no way in **** will Eminem beat him after what he did to Michael.
Awards should be ashamed for even putting them in the same category!!!! *#$(#$

ITA...no where near in the same league as Michael!
This is good, but I don't understand how an old album of even older songs got nominated. It's like when Shelby Lynn got nominated for a "Best New Artist" Grammy, when she had 5 or 6 previous albums.

i think they are going by sales...and...the obvious.. their guilt trip. they should feel guilty.
I can't vote. I need a fake telephone number! I put First Name:Lou Last name: Lou... 117 Beverly Hills California 90210 (hah)
Who would go up and collect the awards? I hope its not Jermaine.

I would love to see Janet or Katherine, or even the kids collect the awards
WHAT?!?! :bugeyed He's nominated?!

Where the f*ck was all this when he was alive?!?!

I know :(

But this is for things like 'artist of the year' or whatever.. he's been selling VERY well this year, we know why...
Ok thank youu. I used the number of The Cheesecake Factory (yum) in Beverly Hills even though its a different street number... I think it worked ..
Great but first feeling I got when I opened this thread was anger! He's nominated just because he's gone. I honestly can't be happy. I'm sad actually.
damn there really giving me a hard time registering I tried the fake everything!
but I'm gonna keep trying Micheal has to win at least one of these
I'm trying to ignore the fact that these a**holes are nominating him now but whatever :sleep:
and BTW what the F*** are lady GaGa and Taylor swift doing there with MICHEAL JACKSON? I mean seriously?
When I saw it on Twitter I tweeted 'funny how people seem to appreciate something when they don't have it anymore.' Where was all the love for MJ when he was alive? Oh yeah, they were all making jokes about him.
WHAT?!?! :bugeyed He's nominated?!

Where the f*ck was all this when he was alive?!?!

um, he was MORE than awarded when he was alive, its not like award shows snubbed him, let's be real here. He's one of the most if not THE most awarded guy in history. There's a lot of slights that Michael experienced, but not being awarded isn't one of them
Michael won plenty of AMA's during his life.

um, he was MORE than awarded when he was alive, its not like award shows snubbed him, let's be real here. He's one of the most if not THE most awarded guy in history. There's a lot of slights that Michael experienced, but not being awarded isn't one of them

Rep points for both of you..

And the thing won't let me vote.
^^^ yes he was no one is saying that he wasn't I know that he won a lot of AMA's in the past but why didn't they nominate him a year ago?
this is also prob based off airplay for the "Number ones" album when MJ passed away as they were prob spinning alot of tracks from there. I know it's bittersweet but hey what to do. Still happy he nominated.
They classified Lady Gaga as leader of pop and MJ as r and b?

I disagree. MJ is the KING of pop!
^^^ yes he was no one is saying that he wasn't but why didn't they nominate him a year ago?

For what? :brow: Why would they? The AMA's are based on sales and popularity. Thriller 25 sold well but not enough for award shows to take notice. Unless you were talking about the KOP greatest hits compilation :smilerolleyes: Michael did nothing noteworthy release wise last year.
^^^ yes he was no one is saying that he wasn't I know that he won a lot of AMA's in the past but why didn't they nominate him a year ago?

nominate him for WHAT last year? thriller 25? meh....i'm just glad (shocked actually) that he's nominated this year, thats really good. but i didn't think that they could for what is essentially all old songs that he's already won for anyway (number ones).
The fact that some of those people are in the same categories as him is laughable.......I mean really. You look at the his name and than the rest of the nominees and it's like......NEXT. Please don't make me laugh.

If these people win....Kayne needs to run his ass up there....lol