Michael Jackson Life of A Legend is Number One

Re: Don't buy it

I could say eleven years of watching, reading and listening mj, but i beleive i am a real fan because of how your book made me feel. I do think you are not a real fan, real fans don't leave any doubt out there, we don't shy away from his personal life infact we are proud of it.

So you've been a fan 14 years less than I have but you're still qualified to say I'm not a real fan? You've never seen him at his peak but you're qualified to tell me you appreciate him to a greater degree than I do?

Michael's cultural significance will be measured by what is tangible. And what is tangible is that he was the most consummate entertainer that ever lived. All of that is up for discussion and THAT is what should be celebrated. That he was the master of his craft.

For you to be 'proud' of Michael's private life suggests that you must have known him personally and, even then, intimately. Only people who knew him personally could have an opinion on his private life. His cultural significance will not be dictated by his personal life but by what he created because of it. That's what the book celebrates.
You'd describe Blood on the Dancefloor as a 'new' album?
of course it is. If HIStory is! then BOTDF is as well. They don't care about us and Earth song are worked on since the Dangerous session. Are you going to say that it's not a new album?
You got some gullible fans to write some messages to be featured in your book some times ago so other readers would think it's a good book to read about MJ. Now, you are promoting your book here with this thread. You use an impressive title 'Life of a legend' to attract consumers and to fool fans into believing that it will truly detail the 'life of a legend' and get others to see his genius. But you 'cleverly' and 'covertly' downplay his influence in pop music culture and implying that he is a bad person dangling 'blanket' over the balcony, alledgely hit bubbles and used injections to lighten his skin. Thought you can leave that bs out? you wrote elvis presley is the king in your book i didn't even know why has it got to do with a book that's about MJ but Michael Jackson is the "king of pop"? "king of pop", is it a doubt to you that he's the KING of POP? what a "clever" way to use " ". The jarvis crocker thing which you mentioned in your book, saying 'he waves his rear in protest at Mj's portraying himself as a Christ-like figure'. Hello? Didn't you know jarvis crocker was drunk? You must either have not good understanding of the truth or you purposely omitted to tell the other half of the story to play with the readers' mind. I believe any fans who are not silly could see the obvious answer.

Shame on you. If you are an MJ fan, then I'm your friend. You are more of a Rock & Roll fan than an MJ 'fan' as shown in your writing style. But I throw your book in the same category as Ian halperin's book. Ian halperin's is better in that he does not promote it as positive book to get fans to buy it. He is more decent than Michael fatley in this way I should say. Moreover, at least his book is more about Michael Jackson than your book who wrote about and mention everybody else. kurt cobain, nirvana, kylie minogue? thought you can leave kylie minogue out. you might as well mention the fans name 'talitha', his grandparents name in that book. what a joke. For fans who have it, sell it. For those who haven't bought it, don't bother to buy it unless you are a fan like the thread starter who don't care about him as a person but just cashing in on his death. obvious marketing tactic.
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samhabib please can you explain why you wrote " the allegation had him scurrying behind the gates of neverland" ????

To be clear, I am not the author. I proof-read the book and edited it where I saw fit. If there was anything that I thought was 'insensitive' or incorrect, I suggested amendments.

'Scurrying', to me, wasn't offensive. It's a turn of phrase which isn't particularly insensitive. It basically suggests that he was hurt by the allegations and by the press comment. Is it insensitive to suggest that? I don't think it is. It definitely DEFINITELY doesn't suggest any guilt!
bring it over to the US! There'll be so much crap published about him in the following months that we need a good MJ book to keep the balance and make headlines!..
Don't buy it

Page 97 "perhaps the clearest sign that Michael's image had been tainted had come in 1996. Invited to the brit awards to pick up an award, his performance of earth song was interrupted by a stage invasion from pulp singer Jarvis Cocker" Cocker was a loser looking for cheap publicity but this book saw fit to go on and quote what he said after doing this.

Page 123 "in october a book by his former brother-in-law claimed that Michael hit pet monkey bubbles and used injections to lighten his skin" This is tabliod style crap.

Page 126 here the book quotes the sun "J***O HAS SUPERBUG" and goes on to tell the story of an mrsa style flesh eating infection which has spread throughout his body. Tabliod crap.


Please don't buy it.
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I agree ^ about the allegation " Whatever the truth, the allegatons had michael scurrying behind neverlands secruity gates" errrrr seriously why would a positive book write that, why write " whatever the truth" AS A FAN YOU KNOW WHAT THE TRUTH IS WHY ALLOW SUCH AN OBVIOUSLY AMBIGUOUS STATEMENT WHICH TO THE AVERAGE PERSON SUGGESTS THAT EVEN MICHAEL'S FANS HAD DOUBTS. Samhabib i really dsagree with you, "scurrying" isnt a nice word it suggests he handled it pathetically and without any dignity, think how it sounds to the average person, things like rats scrurry about in sewers, it gives a sense of shame.
Wow! I saw this book everywhere in my bookshops but I haven't bought it yet! I didn't know that this book is also linked to MJJC! I'm so proud and I can say that I'm part of the production team too! lol!! I'll get it soon!
Don't buy it

Re: Michael Jackson Life of A Legend is Number One

It's nothing to be proud of, the book struggles to be pro Michael and the whole written by a fan story is just to boost sales.
Why would my thread be moved, this is the discussion thread and we were having a discussion about it. I have been a fan since history but i don't really believe i have to explain myself to someone who has rushed a book onto the market to cash in on the current situation.

You have said that my claims are baseless:

His sudden death in july 2009.
His 50 year old body, weakened by prescription drugs, might have failed to answer his demands.

And while he was never to be convicted of the charges laid against him in a high profile 2005 trial.(I WOULD HAVE SAID HE WAS FOUND INNOCENT)

this picture is the history tour not the bad tour.

Page 97
Prehaps the clearest sign that Michael's image had been tainted had come in 1996. Invited to the brit awards to pick up and award, his performance of earth song was interrupted by a stage invasion protestfrom pulp front man Jarvis cocker." My actions were a form of protest at the way Michael Jackson sees himself as some kind of christ like figure with the power of healing"

The year of 2002 was spent in the shadow of invincible's failure.

In october a book by his former brother inlaw claimed that Michael hit pet monkey bubbles and used injections to lighten his skin.

In january 2009 the sun tabliod newspaper splashed the front page headline "***** has superbug", claiming an MRSA type infection was threatening to eat Michael's flesh. He was they claimed, receiving antibiotics via a drip to counteract the bug, true or not, it painted a picture of a man who was a long way from the super fit all singing all dancing phenomenon of his heyday.

Stupendous though his contribution to music and popular culture had been, even the most fanatic of Michael Jackson fans had by 2009, consigned the man's current musical relevance to the past.

the workload was too much for a man in his fifties. The stress of trying to rekindle the magic that once had fans in raptures appears to have been a factor in ensuring Michael would never make it to the opening of the this is it live shows.

All this in a book written by a fan celebrating Michaels life. It's up to the fans if this is want to read but i'm just giving them fair warning.
This is pitiful. Completely pitiful. But it's good of you to keep it in the public forum. For your information, it's number one again this week.

His sudden death in july 2009.

One genuine error which has been corrected on reprint.

His 50 year old body, weakened by prescription drugs, might have failed to answer his demands.

'Might' being the operative word.

And while he was never to be convicted of the charges laid against him in a high profile 2005 trial.(I WOULD HAVE SAID HE WAS FOUND INNOCENT)

When you write your book, you do that.
this picture is the history tour not the bad tour.

Second genuine error which has been corrected on reprint.
Page 97
Prehaps the clearest sign that Michael's image had been tainted had come in 1996. Invited to the brit awards to pick up and award, his performance of earth song was interrupted by a stage invasion protestfrom pulp front man Jarvis cocker." My actions were a form of protest at the way Michael Jackson sees himself as some kind of christ like figure with the power of healing"

This didn't happen?

The year of 2002 was spent in the shadow of invincible's failure.

Get it right. The quote is "The year of 2002 was spent in the shadow of Invincible's 'failure'" with the word 'failure' in apostrophes. Suggesting that it ACTUALLY WASN'T a failure. Are you beginning to see how baseless your accusations are yet?
In october a book by his former brother inlaw claimed that Michael hit pet monkey bubbles and used injections to lighten his skin..

This didn't happen?

In january 2009 the sun tabliod newspaper splashed the front page headline "***** has superbug", claiming an MRSA type infection was threatening to eat Michael's flesh. He was they claimed, receiving antibiotics via a drip to counteract the bug, true or not, it painted a picture of a man who was a long way from the super fit all singing all dancing phenomenon of his heyday.

This didn't happen? Read it again. "He was, THEY claimed..."

Stupendous though his contribution to music and popular culture had been, even the most fanatic of Michael Jackson fans had by 2009, consigned the man's current musical relevance to the past.

1 album of all new material in 14 years. Current?

the workload was too much for a man in his fifties. The stress of trying to rekindle the magic that once had fans in raptures appears to have been a factor in ensuring Michael would never make it to the opening of the this is it live shows.

Let's read it again shall we. 'Appears to have been', ie. not definitive.

The problem here is your lack of comprehension. Not the content of the book. If that's the worst that you could find... and I'm sure you tried... than I pity your level of comprehension.

Do you want to quote what it says about Michael Jackson the performer? No?

Stop wasting your time. You're only embarrassing yourself and showing your obvious desperation at trying to promote your own brand of propaganda.
I know a lot of these things didn't happen that is reason i am asking why have you included them in the book. If you really wanted to write the truth then you would have waited until the investigation has been concluded and toxicology reports relaesed. Instead you want to make money off the fans that are buying eveything Michael. If you had waited another couple of weeks you wouldn't have to speculate but then you probably wouldn't have slod the same volume of books.

I think if you are to continue in this career of proof reading which you are obviously not very good at as you didn't even notice the wrong month of his death then you should learn to accept criticism where it is due.

Also i have asked you many times where the proceeds are going and you have refused to answer.
I know a lot of these things didn't happen that is reason i am asking why have you included them in the book. If you really wanted to write the truth then you would have waited until the investigation has been concluded and toxicology reports relaesed. Instead you want to make money off the fans that are buying eveything Michael. If you had waited another couple of weeks you wouldn't have to speculate but then you probably wouldn't have slod the same volume of books.

I think if you are to continue in this career of proof reading which you are obviously not very good at as you didn't even notice the wrong month of his death then you should learn to accept criticism where it is due.

Also i have asked you many times where the proceeds are going and you have refused to answer.

Referring to the book as having a 'sickening tone' is not criticism. It's nonsense. And a lie. And propaganda. Everything you mentioned had a context. Every allegation you made has been debunked. Forget it, you're out of your element.

I proof-read the book. I didn't designate proceeds. So I'm not in a position to answer that. Even then, that's only a desperate attempt by you to cast aspersions on the book.

Again, your motives need to be called into question. What kind of a Michael Jackson fan joins a Michael Jackson forum to beg, day-in and day-out, for fans NOT to buy one book in particular?
You are very correct, i have only joined recently but i am also on other fan sites and you should remember that i am not the one who started a thread on this book.
I had just started reading the book when i seen your thread and i thought i should voice my opinion on the book. I did find the book sickening. The photo's are great and that is the reason i choose this one but once i started reading i was very annoyed.
Everyday we have to read tabliod rubbish about Michael and it is very annoying when you buy a book celebrating his life and you find more of this rubbish. when i logged on here and found there was a fan involved in this i couldn't let it go.
Will you not admit that you should have taken more time with it and got everything right before printing it and can you not see why being an MJ fan i was disappointed to find a story from the sun in it or to read a quote by Jarvis cocker or to read that Michael scurried back to neverland.
I wonder if i bought a book celebrating elvis's life would i read about drug addictions, his inability to write his own songs, his weight issues.
I think there is enough bad press out there on Michael with out us feeling we have to add to it.
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You are very correct, i have only joined recently but i am also on other fan sites and you should remember that i am not the one who started a thread on this book.
I had just started reading the book when i seen your thread and i thought i should voice my opinion on the book. I did find the book sickening. The photo's are great and that is the reason i choose this one but once i started reading i was very annoyed.
Everyday we have to read tabliod rubbish about Michael and it is very annoying when you buy a book celebrating his life and you find more of this rubbish. when i logged on here and found there was a fan involved in this i couldn't let it go.
Will you not admit that you should have taken more time wtth and got everything right before printing it and can you not see why being an MJ fan i was disappointed to find a story from the sun in it or to read a quote by Jarvis cacker or to read that Michael scurried back to neverland.
I wonder if i bought a book celebrating elvis's life would i read about drug addictions, his inability to write his own songs, his weight issues.
I think there is enough bad press out there on Michael with out us feeling we have to add to it.

I'll admit to this. If you want a completely distorted view of historical events in Michael Jackson's history where none of the challenges he faced are defeated then this isn't the book for you.

If you want an intelligent, balanced book which pays tribute to Michael Jackson and shows you what challenges and obstacles he overcame, then this is the book for you. Admittedly with one or two genuine honest mistakes (which have been edited on reprint) - not related to Michael's status.
its written several times that the concert (opening History) in Prague was on 8 September...well it was 7 September --
You are very correct, i have only joined recently but i am also on other fan sites and you should remember that i am not the one who started a thread on this book.
I had just started reading the book when i seen your thread and i thought i should voice my opinion on the book. I did find the book sickening. The photo's are great and that is the reason i choose this one but once i started reading i was very annoyed.
Everyday we have to read tabliod rubbish about Michael and it is very annoying when you buy a book celebrating his life and you find more of this rubbish. when i logged on here and found there was a fan involved in this i couldn't let it go.
Will you not admit that you should have taken more time with it and got everything right before printing it and can you not see why being an MJ fan i was disappointed to find a story from the sun in it or to read a quote by Jarvis cocker or to read that Michael scurried back to neverland.
I wonder if i bought a book celebrating elvis's life would i read about drug addictions, his inability to write his own songs, his weight issues.
I think there is enough bad press out there on Michael with out us feeling we have to add to it.

Thank You. I didn't Know about that.

I won' buy that book.
You are very correct, i have only joined recently but i am also on other fan sites and you should remember that i am not the one who started a thread on this book.
I had just started reading the book when i seen your thread and i thought i should voice my opinion on the book. I did find the book sickening. The photo's are great and that is the reason i choose this one but once i started reading i was very annoyed.
Everyday we have to read tabliod rubbish about Michael and it is very annoying when you buy a book celebrating his life and you find more of this rubbish. when i logged on here and found there was a fan involved in this i couldn't let it go.
Will you not admit that you should have taken more time with it and got everything right before printing it and can you not see why being an MJ fan i was disappointed to find a story from the sun in it or to read a quote by Jarvis cocker or to read that Michael scurried back to neverland.
I wonder if i bought a book celebrating elvis's life would i read about drug addictions, his inability to write his own songs, his weight issues.
I think there is enough bad press out there on Michael with out us feeling we have to add to it.

Tell me, what DIDN'T happen? You said there were things that didn't happen... what didn't happen?
You printed stories like Michael hitting bubbles which we know didn't happen, how is my expecting this trash not to be in the book me looking for a distorted view of history.
So you won't admit that you have made any mistakes when they have been pointed out to you, or is it that when i point them out you won't admit it. I can't understand how you as a fan didn't find the word scurry offensive, did not notice the wrong concert picture, wrong date of death.
You printed stories like Michael hitting bubbles which we know didn't happen

Get it right. We printed the fact that the story had been published. Was it published by his brother-in-law? Yes. We didn't print the story as our own. Can't you distinguish the difference?

So you won't admit that you have made any mistakes when they have been pointed out to you

Again, completely baseless and meritless.

Try to read this again:

Admittedly with one or two genuine honest mistakes (which have been edited on reprint) - not related to Michael's status.
You should just stop wasting your time. You're only embarrassing yourself further. If you can't read something and distinguish what is being said - that's NOT the fault of the book.
I know you havn't made these claims but i still can't see the reason for them being in the book. There have been literally thousands of false MJ stories in the press over the years, why don't you feel that they should all be in the book because you said to leave them out would be a distortion of history.

We all know your reason for defending the book is to try and make more money from it but what do you think my reason for saying all this is. The only reason i am saying all this is because i honestly found the book offensive. I did not spend 20 euro on it so that i could slate it. I was looking forward to reading it but i wasn't far in when i realised the writer just isn't a Michael fan and that it was obviously thrown together in a rush.
I know you havn't made these claims but i still can't see the reason for them being in the book. There have been literally thousands of false MJ stories in the press over the years, why don't you feel that they should all be in the book because you said to leave them out would be a distortion of history.

We all know your reason for defending the book is to try and make more money from it but what do you think my reason for saying all this is. The only reason i am saying all this is because i honestly found the book offensive. I did not spend 20 euro on it so that i could slate it. I was looking forward to reading it but i wasn't far in when i realised the writer just isn't a Michael fan and that it was obviously thrown together in a rush.

That's a very strong accusation. That I am defending the book to try to make money from it. I haven't defended it at any stage, just assisted you with your confusion. There's a difference. If you can't decipher a quote from content thaen that's not down to a problem with the book.

You're accusing the book of 'bashing' Michael Jackson which, as well as being comedic, is completely baseless and meritless. Yet you still can't comprehend that.

You've then tried to turn on the proceeds of the book. And then to my status as a fan. You're concerns are all over the place and at once misguided.

It's impossible to discuss sections of the book with someone who deliberately misquotes from it.

Only you can explain your desperation in literally begging fans not to buy it.
Only you can explain your desperation in literally begging fans not to buy it.

If they found the book offensive, then that's their opinion and you trying to tell them they're wrong and it's not offensive is redundant.

From what I can see, GTBT simply wanted to have his/her say in the book and it's shortcomings, and as someone who spent hard earned cash on it expecting a fitting tribute and was disappointed, I fail to see how they are so 'desperate' to find something wrong with it. You on the other hand have a motive and a book to sell. Which is I assume the reason you posted this thread in the first place. Free publicity.

@ Gottobethere, maybe a review on amazon would be more helpful.
If they found the book offensive, then that's their opinion and you trying to tell them they're wrong and it's not offensive is redundant.

From what I can see, GTBT simply wanted to have his/her say in the book and it's shortcomings, and as someone who spent hard earned cash on it expecting a fitting tribute and was disappointed, I fail to see how they are so 'desperate' to find something wrong with it. You on the other hand have a motive and a book to sell. Which is I assume the reason you posted this thread in the first place. Free publicity.

@ Gottobethere, maybe a review on amazon would be more helpful.

He set up 2 threads in order to beg people not to buy it. Literally pleading 'please please please' in one of them. When he realised that his claims about the book ('sickening tone') were baseless, he then resorted to attacking me (and other fans that liked the book) personally, claiming that I wasn't a fan (and that they weren't 'real' fans). Once that was proved incorrect he then started questioning where proceeds were going.

I don't mind criticism. I mind propaganda.