Michael Jackson Guitarist Slams Gene Simmons' Child Abuse Accusations

Jackson guitarist denies Simmons claims
Monday, March 1 2010, 12:58 GMT

By Mayer Nissim, Entertainment Reporter

Michael Jackson's former tour guitarist Jennifer Batten has denied recent claims from Kiss frontman Gene Simmons that the singer abused children.

The musician told Sawf News that Simmons's suggestion that a friend had quit Jackson's tour after "seeing boys coming out of the hotel rooms" was untrue.

Baton said: "Number one, there's no truth to it. Number two, I would guess that it was somebody who got fired. Somebody who was embarrassed that they got fired and so they made up a story."

She added that no musicians had left a Jackson tour after it had started and that only two were fired "like a week before we took out on the road".

Of media reports on Jackson after his death last June, she added: "They were respectful for about two or three hours and then they turned it into a tabloid festival... It's all about money now, not about truth. People can be very cold."

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Thank U Jennifer for speaking the truth!

Gene is just a jealous, nasty old fool.
Gene Simmons only made himself look stupid. No one quoted this nut on any tabloid show or even CNN, or Fox who usually grab anything about Michael but NOt this time.
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Gene Kelly only made himself look stupid. No one quoted this nut on any tabloid show or even CNN, or Fox who usually grab anything about Michael but NOt this time.

I think you mean Gene Simmons. Gene Kelly is dead.
Gene Simmons, that pathetic joke must foam at the mouth with jealousy that the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inducted Michael TWICE, while Simmons' Kiss gets rejected every year. Because Kiss is a big fracking joke based on gimmicks. I hope the Jackson estate sues his sorry, lying ass for defamation. It seems like every greedy two-bit snake tries to sue the Jackson estate, so they might as well sue these bastards back.

Michael was also inducted to the SONGWRITERS Hall Of Fame...

jelousy all the way... pathetic has been "man", meant to say JOKE, he is a joke

Jennifer Baten is one of the best female guitarists ever :yes:
Hardly anyone knows who Gene Simmons is these days. Hes just jealous because hes not relevant anymore.