Michael Jackson Guitarist Slams Gene Simmons' Child Abuse Accusations

Yay! Jennifer, you're great! :clapping:
I know there are certain people who will always show some respect for Michael!
I bet there were a bunch of underaged girls among the 4000 women, he claims to have slept with.
great guitarist, great story, loved Jennifer during the Dangerous Tour!
just because you see somebody coming out of a motel room that doesn't automatically mean they are having sex with inisde that room.
Gene Simmons is an arseh0le!!!!!

Jealous that Diana was flirting with cute Mike back in the 80's huh?


Puh-leaze..... Michael = GORGEOUS. GENE = UGLY BUTTHEAD! :p

I want to be Diana so friken much!:wild:

And Gene is just jelous. :mat: And I have a feeling that is why he so mad at Mike.
Gene Simmons, that pathetic joke must foam at the mouth with jealousy that the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inducted Michael TWICE, while Simmons' Kiss gets rejected every year. Because Kiss is a big fracking joke based on gimmicks. I hope the Jackson estate sues his sorry, lying ass for defamation. It seems like every greedy two-bit snake tries to sue the Jackson estate, so they might as well sue these bastards back.

I agree. It seems that the only time this nonsense will stop is when someone sues these news mongers. I remember that a stupid comedian said Cary Grant was gay in the 1980s. Grant made a big thing about it and sued. No one ever repeated that nonsense again. Until the estate or his kids sue big money from these idiots, it seems this tragedy will continue.
I am glad Jennifer Batten stuck up for Michael....Gene Simmons is a skank...a loser has been...Michael is a LEGEND!!!......It is definitely all jealousy..
:clapping::clapping::clapping: Total Jealousy!!

GENE SIMMONS LMAO he needs all the publicity he can get, he sucks

So true! :punk:

Wow! I like that, she could of been jealous that MJ did not take her on the TII tour and got Orianthani or what's the name of the new Austrialian guitarist. But she did not she stuck up for the truth wish allot of of other people were like that.

Gene Simmons is so jealous it is obvious. When he is dead ppl might talk about him for 2 seconds, not like they would about Mike 4 ever.

You are sooooo right! Jealousy is the root of all evil! and evil is Gene Simmons ! :clapping::clapping:
I was really upset with Gene for saying that, and I stopped watching his show lol
Good for her for defending Michael. That's what they all should do because we all know it's not true, and he's not even here to defend himself. :no:
Shame on Gene Simmons. Maybe we should start some rumors about him and see how he likes it.
Good for Jennifer. I just sent the link to Huffington Post, TMZ & E-Online
I just don't get it anymore why some people keep claiming this nonsens. Is it all for his few minutes of fame from the tabloids?

Gene Simmons was together with Diana Ross at the beginning of the 80s. So I guess he is just jealous that Diana considered Michael a better man than him.
just because you see somebody coming out of a motel room that doesn't automatically mean they are having sex with inisde that room.

Of course. But tell that to a man like Simmons who was having sex with dozens of groupies while on tour. He cheated on Diana also.
Thank you Jennifer! So true re getting fired and turning it around into something else.
Stupid jealous people.
I'd say spread the truth.

Here it is:

Gene Simmons is HOMOSEXUAL

(and all his stories about sticking his long tongue into women's mouths is obviously only a cover-up...!!!)
Gene Simmons , your straight up silly :rolleyes: .
michaels the man and you kno it .
sit down old man.