Michael Jackson Guitarist Slams Gene Simmons' Child Abuse Accusations


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
February 27, 2010, (Sawf News) - Michael Jackson's former tour guitarist has slammed Gene Simmons' recent allegations against the King of Pop.

In an interview earlier this month, Simmons told Classic Rock that a musician friend had quit a Michael Jackson tour after 'seeing boys coming out of the hotel rooms'.

But Jennifer Batten, who accompanied Jackson on all three of his world tours, says the allegations are untrue and that nobody ever left a Jackson tour after it hit the road.

She said: "Number one, there's no truth to it. Number two, I would guess that it was somebody who got fired. Somebody who was embarrassed that they got fired and so they made up a story."

Batten added that only two musicians were ever fired and they were let go 'like a week before we took out on the road', meaning that they couldn't have witnessed anything going on inside hotels.

The guitarist also blasted the media for widely publishing inaccurate stories, saying that after Jacksons death, "They were respectful for about two or three hours and then they turned it into a tabloid festival... It's all about money now, not about truth. People can be very cold."

Look out for Charles Thomson's full interview with Jennifer Batten on Sawf News next week....

I am glad Jennifer Batten stuck up for Michael....Gene Simmons is a skank...a loser has been...Michael is a LEGEND!!!......It is definitely all jealousy..
GENE SIMMONS LMAO he needs all the publicity he can get, he sucks
I knew that Gene Simmons was talking nonsense. He is full of prunes (my G-rated version of the 'ish' word). Good for Jennifer Batton calling Gene Simmons out on his stupidity. You go girl!
The guitarist also blasted the media for widely publishing inaccurate stories, saying that after Jacksons death, "They were respectful for about two or three hours and then they turned it into a tabloid festival... It's all about money now, not about truth. People can be very cold."

Wow! I like that, she could of been jealous that MJ did not take her on the TII tour and got Orianthani or what's the name of the new Austrialian guitarist. But she did not she stuck up for the truth wish allot of of other people were like that.

Gene Simmons is so jealous it is obvious. When he is dead ppl might talk about him for 2 seconds, not like they would about Mike 4 ever.
"They were respectful for about two or three hours and then they turned it into a tabloid festival... It's all about money now, not about truth. People can be very cold."
This is so true. Great interview :clapping: Thanks for posting.
didnt that attention seaking fool go to the memorial. that tells u all u need to know
we all recognize the lies..but it's always wonderful that the people that actually were with MJ, come out and tell the truth.

thanks, Jennifer, for the truth.
GENE SIMMONS LMAO he needs all the publicity he can get, he sucks

It's great to see someone who worked with Michael stand up for him and expose Simmons lies. Like you say, he has no talent so the only way he can get publicity is to be controversial. Sad and pathetic what a has been will do to be in the spotlight again.
Gene Simmons and his tongue are a piece of sh**.
Jennifer is right about Simmons and the media. Thanks God Michael met one or two decent people in his life time as well.
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Gene Simmons is an arseh0le!!!!!

Jealous that Diana was flirting with cute Mike back in the 80's huh?


Puh-leaze..... Michael = GORGEOUS. GENE = UGLY BUTTHEAD! :p
Wow...who is Gene Simmons and what is all this stuff about allegations? This comes out of nowhere for me....why the hell are people still doing this shit?