One good thing is they'll certainly have filmed the items on display in Ireland and possibly the US. We could see some more great things.
In general though, I think you're right about the synopsis for the documentary. These programme makers are so negative and predictable. These people are so insistent on pushing their 'MJ is broke' agenda that they don't even bother to mention the Sony/ATV catalogue anymore. I want them to atleast mention that he STILL owns 50% stake in that catalogue and that it is worth a total of more than $1 - 2 billion! Sadly, when they say he's $200million in debt, even the most dim-witted person would be able to do the maths and figure he can't be too poor.
Is this programme the one that's being filmed by Zig Zag Productions, or is that a different one?
I sent Zig Zag an email the other day suggesting that following the success of the O2 ticket sales, perhaps people want to see a great comeback story, not more negativity for negativity's sake.