Michael Jackson For Sale (New Documentary)


Michael Jackson For Sale

Channel Five (UK) will air a new documentary called "Michael Jackson For Sale" starting 10pm April 27, 2009. The programme is about the cancelled auction and MJ's financial situation after the trial.
I want to buy him for my collection of.. people that I've bought!!
it's not everyday MJ related things are on t.v. :huh:
I smell yet another negative ''documentary'' and i'm not surprised. Since Michael announced that he'd be performing at the 02 arena in London it was only a matter of time untill a negative ''documentary'' was made.

I predict that this ''documentary'' will go something like this. The called off auction seems to be the main attraction to this ''documentary'' but i'm sure that a few negetive things like these will be thrown in there also

1. First of all we'll be seeing clips from Thriller, Billie Jean and Beat It. Once again the media making it look as though MJ has only ever made one album with only three songs
2. Plastic Surgery metions will be thrown in there
3. Then they'll talk about the whole 1993 episode
4. Then they'll mention that whole balcony incident
5. Then they'll bring up the whole 2003-2005 episode
6. Then they'll talk about Michael being broke and that's why he needed to do these performances in London 02
7. and final we'll get some '' musical expect'' talking about whether or not these performance in the 02 will be a success or not
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Is there anyway someone can view this in the U.S.?
I smell yet another negative ''documentary'' and i'm not surprised. Since Michael announced that he'd be performing at the 02 arena in London it was only a matter of time untill a negative ''documentary'' was made.

I predict that this ''documentary'' will go something like this. The called off auction seems to be the main attraction to this ''documentary'' but i'm sure that a few negetive things like these will be thrown in there also

1. First of all we'll be seeing clips from Thriller, Billie Jean and Beat It. Once again the media making it look as though MJ has only ever made one album with only three songs
2. Plastic Surgery metions will be thrown in there
3. Then they'll take about the whole 1993 episode
4. Then they'll mention that whole balcony incident
5. Then they'll bring up the whole 2003-2005 episode
6. Then they'll take about Michael being broke and that's why he needed to do these performances in London 02
7. and final we'll get some '' musical expect'' talking about whether or not these performance in the 02 will be a success or not

:lol: spot on! Sad but true! Especially it being on Channel5!
yea they'll probably twist it so the story will be something like:
MJ decided not to sell his items after realising the tour will be so expensive so he wont make anything afterall cause he has to spend every thing he earns on tour effects.. that's why he is now saving his clothes and furnitures after realising he CAN'T buy new ones after the tour!!!!! that poor man michael jackson.
Sounds like a negative stupid program that will claim MJ is broke and bankrupt and done for!

I hope I'm wrong, but it doesn't sound like it to me.
Sounds like a negative stupid program that will claim MJ is broke and bankrupt and done for!

I hope I'm wrong, but it doesn't sound like it to me.

Thats what first came to my mind, will probably be gash.
This without a doubt will be a negative piece.....95% negative, 5% positive (and that probably will be mention about the O2 concerts!)

Its inevitable, just watch out for all these 'specials' that will pop up as the concerts draw closer.
if i worked for Mj's team, i would film him sitting on a couch watching the documentary while he's laughing when they talk about him being broke,then show him he sitting in his lavish london mansion being cooked for and waited on, then put it on youtube. channel 5 would look like fools. HIRE ME MJ!
^^that would be HIL-AIR-Rious...
They probably were gonna claim that Michael needed money and that's why he did the auction. But now that he has retrieved his belongings, they are gonna say that after he realized how many tickets had sold for O2, he decided he didn't need to sell his personal belongings for money. Then they are gonna go on an on about why he may not be able to pull off the tour.
I think too that this will be a negative documentary
It's gonna be negative and I have exams to prepare for so I'm not watching.
I'm expecting it to be largely fictional and mostly a total effing waste of time.
Not to mention the title is so rude...wtf..."Michael Jackson For Sale"?!?!
it usually takes me 10 seconds to decide wether to watch a mj doc or not. i'm sure it's the same for you guys. just listen to the voice and tone of the "i know everything for a fact narrator tabloid garbage" voice
I think "documentary" should be ignored by most of the fans ..i think you shouldnt watch it , and the adminst. should put it in the enough is enough .

I dont want any updates from the fans who are going to wathc this "documentary" , i just want to ignore it totaly like it doesnt exist , seriously its a waste of time and energy .
They probably were gonna claim that Michael needed money and that's why he did the auction. But now that he has retrieved his belongings, they are gonna say that after he realized how many tickets had sold for O2, he decided he didn't need to sell his personal belongings for money. Then they are gonna go on an on about why he may not be able to pull off the tour.

That's exactly how I think it'll go! They'll probably query why the Elephant man's bones and the hyperbaric chamber weren't in the auction too! :smilerolleyes:
One good thing is they'll certainly have filmed the items on display in Ireland and possibly the US. We could see some more great things.
In general though, I think you're right about the synopsis for the documentary. These programme makers are so negative and predictable. These people are so insistent on pushing their 'MJ is broke' agenda that they don't even bother to mention the Sony/ATV catalogue anymore. I want them to atleast mention that he STILL owns 50% stake in that catalogue and that it is worth a total of more than $1 - 2 billion! Sadly, when they say he's $200million in debt, even the most dim-witted person would be able to do the maths and figure he can't be too poor.
Is this programme the one that's being filmed by Zig Zag Productions, or is that a different one?
I sent Zig Zag an email the other day suggesting that following the success of the O2 ticket sales, perhaps people want to see a great comeback story, not more negativity for negativity's sake.