Michael Jackson Estate to Joe: No, No, No

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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I highly doubt that anyone would file a civil lawsuit before "the trial." I also HIGHLY doubt that there will be a trial. That's why I hope that a civil suit goes forward, after Murray pleads-out. Doesn't matter if he doesn't have any money. The purpose would be to get at the truth. If possible.

Just read on Karen FB board she syas we have to call LAPD and say that protest is going to happen if they do not arrest Dr. Murray. Juts letting you know guys.

I posted this months ago, That MJ fans should get together and Protest against Killer Murray going back to work........
Where am I wrong? Had MJ been declared dead at ohm, the police would have sealed the house and go through t with a fine toothed comb before opening it again to the family.

In the evening of june 25th, lots of people went to the house to move things....therefore evidence is not reliable.

Latoya and her boyfriend claiming to have found tar heroin in the house...which turns out to be false.

The house would not have been turned over to the family for days. we don't know what they took away, if evidence was moved...

He never received support directly from MJ.

ROFL, How does one Know unless they were an insider? Joe old azz hell, Somebody had to be giving him loot, Social Security don't pay much money....
Even if Joe get an allowance he still have right to the medical files. The only ones who can legally request them are Michael's mother, his kids, and the estate, no one else. If Michael's mom filed out an request, she would have standing since she is in the will.

So instead of blaming the estate for blocking Joe, why don't you blame Michael's mom for not spending the request herself or publicly support Joe. She said nothing and that is very telling. The estate can say no, but if Michael's mother wanted the records, they are not in position to block her because she has equal standing to them. Unlike Joe who has no standing.

Katherine is playing this smart, She's not going to do ANYTHING that would jeopardize her share of the will. Joe is not apart of the will So him questioning, challenging, suing anything and everything possible would not have an affect on her what so ever...Why should she do anything at all and have the fall on her behalf and Joe can do all the dirty work for her???????

OXHEAD is a joke and a nightmare of an attorney....what on earth is JOE or anyone doing with him????....ridiculous! Joe needs to exert all his attention to this case..WHAT is the LAPD doing negotiating with this murderer? They arrested MJ on the spot and took pleasure in handcuffing him for the world to see...it's all grotesque! WHY is he getting special privelages? Murray bail is a joke, MJ bail was 3M....what is really going on here.....it's all disgusting and disturbing! A complete MOCKERY!

Oxman is a lawyer, he gets paid to do a job. If he was murray's lawyer, he would represent Murray, If he was Michael's lawyer, he would represent Michael, If he was Katherine's lawyer, he would represent her, at the end of the day, he is there to do what he is getting paid to do, besides, who on earth Doesn't want a lawyer that will do just about anything and everything to win a case????
Joe has no legal standing in these matters.

So What, Joe is A G.....Joe is NOT backing down from anybody and he will NOT roll over and play dead and let people just walk all over him like they've been trying to do since michael passed and he STILL hasn't backed down and still sticking to his guns..

Oxman is a lawyer, he gets paid to do a job. If he was murray's lawyer, he would represent Murray, If he was Michael's lawyer, he would represent Michael, If he was Katherine's lawyer, he would represent her, at the end of the day, he is there to do what he is getting paid to do, besides, who on earth Doesn't want a lawyer that will do just about anything and everything to win a case????

I would guess that would depend on what anything and everything actually is and who it might hurt.

That said, I sure as hell WISH Oxman was Murray's lawyer..........
I would guess that would depend on what anything and everything actually is and who it might hurt.

That said, I sure as hell WISH Oxman was Murray's lawyer..........

With Joe being Michael's father and Oxman Joe's lawyer, Im pretty sure Oxman is not in the loop on whats going on with the case against Murray and on updates on what might of happened to Michael, If Oxman wanted to really do damage, he most likely would have BEEN done it already instead of waiting 7 months later. A lot of people might not agree with me on this because oxman isn't on everybody's most liked people's list on this board, but at the same time, Oxman hasn't dropped any info as of yet, and "I" don't think he will....
With Joe being Michael's father and Oxman Joe's lawyer, Im pretty sure Oxman is not in the loop on whats going on with the case against Murray and on updates on what might of happened to Michael, If Oxman wanted to really do damage, he most likely would have BEEN done it already instead of waiting 7 months later.

which is why when Oxman speaks out on it, it is inaccurate and often he wrongly puts Michael in a bad light. I won't forget how quickly he spoke up right after Michael's death about the cause probably being opiate abuse. Him and Geraldo - Geraldo was first and he went right along with it. So, yeah, IMO Oxman does damage to Michael every time he opens his mouth. I'd LOVE it if he was Murray's lawyer - I'm sure he'd be convicted then.
which is why when Oxman speaks out on it, it is inaccurate and often he wrongly puts Michael in a bad light. I won't forget how quickly he spoke up right after Michael's death about the cause probably being opiate abuse. Him and Geraldo - Geraldo was first and he went right along with it. So, yeah, IMO Oxman does damage to Michael every time he opens his mouth. I'd LOVE it if he was Murray's lawyer - I'm sure he'd be convicted then.

When Michael first passed, Half of all the media said Michael was an addict, TMZ reported it and even had a live feed about it, but yet they have their own section of TMZ stories on this board Which many use as their "reliable source"....My Point is Media is media, and this is what they do, print stories that may be accurate, others may not be. And Oxman STILL hasn't released in valuable information that he "MIGHT" know on Michael which may Make or Break this case.
So What, Joe is A G.....Joe is NOT backing down from anybody and he will NOT roll over and play dead and let people just walk all over him like they've been trying to do since michael passed and he STILL hasn't backed down and still sticking to his guns..


he can do whatever he wants. But the judge will tell him NO.
he will have to pay his lawyer's bills
oxman don't represent the family, he don't the case, he's fishing

We ALL knows he doesn't represent the Family, but he does represent Joe and with that being said, he could very well know whats going on in the case..Lets not forget Joe IS STILL MICHAEL'S FATHER......

Do you really think Joe doesn't have any more information then the rest of u?????
We ALL knows he doesn't represent the Family, but he does represent Joe and with that being said, he could very well know whats going on in the case..Lets not forget Joe IS STILL MICHAEL'S FATHER......

Do you really think Joe doesn't have any more information then the rest of u?????

Yeah, based on some of the things Joe has actually said in interviews, I do think he doesn't have much more, if any, info than we do. He really does seem to be left out of the loop - whether by his lack of interest in asking or family just not informing him, I don't really know.
Yeah, based on some of the things Joe has actually said in interviews, I do think he doesn't have much more, if any, info than we do. He really does seem to be left out of the loop - whether by his lack of interest in asking or family just not informing him, I don't really know.

Why would Joe give inside Scoop on whats going on with Michael to the MEDIA for? If Joe didn't have ANY involvement on what was going on in Michael's life what so ever, he wouldnt been the one outside Michael's gates trying to get Michael away from all those "ENABLES" who isolated him from everybody, Joe wouldn't have been trying to negotiate anything that involved money with the 02 concerts, Joe wouldn't have been around the last month they family got together, and last be not lease, HE wouldn't have been around Michael's children who he loved dearly and spent Thanksgiving with....
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When Michael first passed, Half of all the media said Michael was an addict, TMZ reported it and even had a live feed about it, but yet they have their own section of TMZ stories on this board Which many use as their "reliable source"....My Point is Media is media, and this is what they do, print stories that may be accurate, others may not be. And Oxman STILL hasn't released in valuable information that he "MIGHT" know on Michael which may Make or Break this case.

The first one out there saying Michael was a drug addict was OXMAN!!!!!!!!!

Oxman is an idiot. I guess the only reason Joe has him on his case is because he is working pro boon...hoping to share in the profits later one.

He is as incompetent as Murray in their respective field.

Wake up dead? really? No matter how many times I have read or heard it, I still cannot get over it. wake up dead.

Originally Posted by RockWithMichael4eva
When Michael first passed, Half of all the media said Michael was an addict, TMZ reported it and even had a live feed about it, but yet they have their own section of TMZ stories on this board Which many use as their "reliable source"....My Point is Media is media, and this is what they do, print stories that may be accurate, others may not be. And Oxman STILL hasn't released in valuable information that he "MIGHT" know on Michael which may Make or Break this case.

He will break the case alright...for the DEFENSE!!
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It was reported today by a family source that MJ was dead on arrival at UCLA i know this is a true fact because of who it came from.. Still Katherine should be asking for these if she wanted to file a wrongful death not Joe

Katherine Jackson is too afraid. She is not going to do ANYTHING that will upset the Executors of her son's Estate.
If it is clear to me and it is to others that Brian oxman does not represent the entire jackson family, then why does'nt 'the family' issue a press release stating that Mr. oxman does not speak for them?

Everytime I see his bumbling butt on TV I just wanna puke!
Katherine Jackson is too afraid. She is not going to do ANYTHING that will upset the Executors of her son's Estate.

I can understand her not wanting to upset anyone but she now has Adam Streisand representing her and he isn't afraid of anyone, and he would be the one to file the papers. It is possible he has already done so and already has a case prepared for this case.

It is also possible he has the information already and we have just not been told about it. Katherine was very wise to hire a lawyer who has experience in this type of thing.

Why would Joe give inside Scoop on whats going on with Michael to the MEDIA for? If Joe didn't have ANY involvement on what was going on in Michael's life what so ever, he wouldnt been the one outside Michael's gates trying to get Michael away from all those "ENABLES" who isolated him from everybody, Joe wouldn't have been trying to negotiate anything that involved money with the 02 concerts, Joe wouldn't have been around the last month they family got together, and last be not lease, HE wouldn't have been around Michael's children who he loved dearly and spent Thanksgiving with....

He also wouldn't have called the police 1 week before MJ passed & Alvarez wouldn't have called Joe wanting to know what to do on the day & Joe screaming at him to call 911. Alvarez must have trusted Joe, that's why he called him. Very telling IMO.
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He also wouldn't have called the police 1 week before MJ passed & Alvarez wouldn't have called Joe wanting to know what to do on the day & Joe screaming at him to call 911. Alvarez must have trusted Joe, that's why he called him. Very telling IMO.

Forgot about that part, Thanks for the reminder.
Katherine Jackson is too afraid. She is not going to do ANYTHING that will upset the Executors of her son's Estate.

She's not afraid, She's playing it safe, Katherine don't want to jeopardize her share of the estate and with Joe doing all the dirty work, She's safe.

She's not afraid, She's playing it safe, Katherine don't want to jeopardize her share of the estate and with Joe doing all the dirty work, She's safe.


Katherine can request medical records and sue anyone she wants to without jeopardizing her share of the estate. I have no idea why people think it would????

The only thing that could remove her as benificiary is if she were to challenge the will itself, because that is part of the terms of the will. So it does not matter what else she does, she cannot be removed or lose any part of what Michael wished her to have. She has far more legal right to act than Joe does because she is the children's guardian as well as one of Michael's heirs, and she would not lose anything because it does not have anything to do with challenging the will.

Could be she has a GOOD lawyer who has everything in place and is just waiting for the criminal trial to finish. No need to provide Murray's team with any information they don't yet have or any prosecution strategies through a civil trial before the criminal trial is done. It could also very well be that Katherine has already seen and is aware of what the medical records show and is waiting for the right timing. That's something none of us know.