Michael Jackson Album Sales After Death: An In-Depth Look

Susan Boyle is very popular in the US and UK markets. Those two countries make up over 70% of her sales. She was a huge Internet star, getting over 150 million views on You Tube. The reason she is doing so well is because she gets people talking. People are in awe that this woman can have so much talent looking the way she does.

Your right, Thriller at it's peak was selling over 2 million copies per week globally, 1 million of that in the US. Expect Boyle's album to slow down significantly after the Christmas season. Still, when all the dust settles, it will sell 4.5 to 5 million copies in the US, and 10 million globally. She is a one hit wonder, this is her time to shine. It proves just how powerful the Internet can be in the right circumstances.
Susan Boyle is very popular in the US and UK markets. Those two countries make up over 70% of her sales. She was a huge Internet star, getting over 150 million views on You Tube. The reason she is doing so well is because she gets people talking. People are in awe that this woman can have so much talent looking the way she does.

Your right, Thriller at it's peak was selling over 2 million copies per week globally, 1 million of that in the US. Expect Boyle's album to slow down significantly after the Christmas season. Still, when all the dust settles, it will sell 4.5 to 5 million copies in the US, and 10 million globally. She is a one hit wonder, this is her time to shine. It proves just how powerful the Internet can be in the right circumstances.

Your right. The las time sopmeone sold 10 million from an album I belive was Amy Whinehouse with her album. I forgot what it was though.

But she sold around 11 million in 2 years. But nothing can top the 40 million that Thriller sold in thefirst 2 years ALONE(1983 and 1984).

And I find it so fasinating how the internet can make or break someone. One minuet no one can sell becuase of internet downloading, and the next someone is selling 10 million becuase of it. But now that I think of it, the internet may not be the only problem here. The problem may lye in the artist. No one is creative anymore. You need to have a lot of talent AND have a mystique about you to makepeople talk. Thats whatMJ did and it worked. He denied interviews, became reclusive and inaccessable. In turn it got people talking and created a legend. I mean lets face it, you want more of what you can't have. And the less you give the public of yourself the more people want you.
Guys HDD is saying MJ has sold around 29 million albums globally within 6 months period;

"Now, in the less than six months since his death, Jackson albums have collectively sold nearly 7 million albums in the U.S. alone, the vast majority physical units—both staggering achievements in this day and age—while the This Is It documentary has far surpassed the box office of any previous musical film, with the upcoming DVD all but certain to shatter more records when it’s released in late January. Posthumously, Jackson has reminded us of the golden age of the music business, an era driven by superstars…and he may well turn out to be the last of them. Certainly, no other act is capable of selling an astonishing 29 million albums worldwide in less than a half year."

These numbers can't be inflated.,HDD is very reliable source and they have very strong sources.
^ I think IB Bad made a typing error, I have been tracking album sales and MJ has not sold 29 million albums in 6 months. Media Traffic has been accurately posting global album sales and if you use these numbers, MJ has sold 20.5 million albums since his death around the world, and a total of 22 million for the year of 2009. I have no clue where HDD is getting this 29 million figure. The only thing I can think of is that HDD is referring to the total units shipped by Sony, instead of total sales.
media traffic is off of 20 % at least...so it makes 27 M at least.

HDD figures seem not too high
I tend to believe that HDD is right, Traffic Media is not always accurate, and imo sometimes partially tendentious.
anyway, I cant find any article referring to Michael as the best seller of the 2009 pointing out to the 20+ mill. albums sold...

There is Taylor as the artist of the year, here we have the Susan Boyle mania... thy the media reports try to pretend that Michael is not so "in", or they incline to report that Michael is overshadowed by them...???
anyway, I cant find any article referring to Michael as the best seller of the 2009 pointing out to the 20+ mill. albums sold...

There is Taylor as the artist of the year, here we have the Susan Boyle mania... thy the media reports try to pretend that Michael is not so "in", or they incline to report that Michael is overshadowed by them...???

That's why I hate the media. They are so biased when it comes to Michael.
^ I think IB Bad made a typing error, I have been tracking album sales and MJ has not sold 29 million albums in 6 months. Media Traffic has been accurately posting global album sales and if you use these numbers, MJ has sold 20.5 million albums since his death around the world, and a total of 22 million for the year of 2009. I have no clue where HDD is getting this 29 million figure. The only thing I can think of is that HDD is referring to the total units shipped by Sony, instead of total sales.

Yes.,you might correct on last one.,HDD may be got these data from Sony directly. HDD is not unpredictable like their weekly album sales when it comes to news. I think they are the first ones who gets latest,breaking news regarding music industry. As I said before their sources are very strong, reliable when it comes to industry news.

-This Is It re-entered the US Top 10, coming in at #10 this week. The album sold 115,000 copies taking it's US total to over 1,150,000 since it was released!

-Number Ones also seen a sales increase this week selling over 50,000 copies coming in at #33 on the US chart.

-Thriller and Essential both sold around 20,000 a piece, up over 30% over last weeks sales.

-Total US sales this week surged to over 250,000 up from 190,000 last week.

-Since Jackson's death he has now sold over 7.8 million albums in the US alone. He will break the 8 million mark by the end of next week.

*Just a quick reminder that the week before Jackson's death, MJ's catalogue sold a combined 10,000 albums. Here we are 6 months later and his catalogue sold 250,000 (a 2500% increase). That is phenomenal and proves how MJ's popularity has risen dramatically since his death. His sales are simply unreal.
Hey Smooth Criminal.

Do you know anything about Elvis' sales and what he sold after he died?

Because there are a lot of Elvis fans who honestly believe he sold a billion records and that he sold like 20 million the day after he died or 600 million in the months after.
Hey Smooth Criminal.

Do you know anything about Elvis' sales and what he sold after he died?

Because there are a lot of Elvis fans who honestly believe he sold a billion records and that he sold like 20 million the day after he died or 600 million in the months after.

Guys.,people will say MJ have sold 5 billion after his death if MJ too lived an era where record statistics,data are not accurate and not available like today.
I believe those artists numbers are hugely inflated due to no accurate numbers available at those days. If it also the case with MJ I think people would say by now MJ has sold around 10 billion records!

Well actually he might not far away from that figure too......If there's a way to calculate illegal downloads and pirate CD copies sold in developing countries. In Asia all the MJ live shows and DVD's come in one DVD and there are whole lot of pirate music CD's available and I don't see there's Elviss' or Beatles CDs.,their stuff never available like that.
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Guys.,people will say MJ have sold 5 billion after his death if MJ too lived an era where record statistics,data are not accurate and not available like today.
I believe those artists numbers are hugely inflated due to no accurate numbers available at those days. If it also the case with MJ I think people would say by now MJ has sold around 10 billion records!

Well actually he might not far away from that figure too......If there's a way to calculate illegal downloads and pirate CD copies sold in developing countries. In Asia all the MJ live shows and DVD's come in one DVD and there are whole lot of pirate music CD's available and I don't see there's Elviss' or Beatles CDs.,their stuff never available like that.

In Asia,Michael is extremely well-known,as well as The beatles but Elvis? who '.' ?
Elvis has not sold 1 billion records. We have to remember that Elvis' manager refused to allow him to tour internationally. Elvis' popularity is restricted to the US, Australia, UK, and a few other western nations. He in no way has the global appeal that Michael Jackson has. One place where Elvis has sold amazing is in the US. That is by far his largest fan base. According to my sources who have the most reliable sales stats both nationally and internationally, Elvis Presley has sold between 350 and 400 million globally. The 1 billion figure is completely exaggerated.
Elvis has not sold 1 billion records. We have to remember that Elvis' manager refused to allow him to tour internationally. Elvis' popularity is restricted to the US, Australia, UK, and a few other western nations. He in no way has the global appeal that Michael Jackson has. One place where Elvis has sold amazing is in the US. That is by far his largest fan base. According to my sources who have the most reliable sales stats both nationally and internationally, Elvis Presley has sold between 350 and 400 million globally. The 1 billion figure is completely exaggerated.

The majority of Elvis's sales are in the US, which does not say much. Most of MJ's sales on the other hand are abroad. In fact, MJ was the first American artist certified for selling more than 100 million albums abroad. The problem with the Beatles and Elvis are that the sources and information surrounding their sales are poor and incomplete. A lot of the numbers were also purely fabricated to generate interest. What we know FOR SURE is that either the Beatles, MJ, or Elvis is the greatest selling act of all time, but we don't know which one it is exactly.

Elvis has not sold more than 500 million records worldwide, let alone a billion. No artist has actually sold more than 500 million. The thing that's important to realize here is that numbers for MJ are much more solid and documented whereas those for Elvis are up to wild speculation and sometimes downright fabrication. This is because Elvis lived at a time when people weren't quite so obsessed with numbers as they are now. But just look at world charts and you'll see Elvis can't possibly have sold that many; the figures just don't add up. He doesn't have any albums in the top of....anything. He's sold many albums (second most all time in the United States), but that's because he produced so many as well. Singles sales were bigger back then, and those are the ones that have been puffed up, to say the least.
The Elvis and The Beatles non-existing numbers we should take just as a knowledge that someone tries to reduce Michaels status as the best seller artist. (as well as most awarded artist)

Its waste of time to quarrel with Elvis or Beatles fans, they will always claim and support their "heroes", not let Michael be better than Elvis or Beatles even though he has always been!

Anyway, Billboard ignored Michaels impact on the charts this year, if it was allowed, Michael would have the record breaking TOP10 success, the Beatles re-editions were not so successful, so it means a lot.

But Elvis fans can be very active next year in January, just a week before TII DVD and Blue-ray will be released.

3CD of 75 tracks of Elvis career will be released, it will hit no.1 at Billboard official chart so Elvis will break another record making him the most successful chart breaker, because he will be the only artist having no.1 album after 50 years!!!

Every media reports will be reporting and boosting this as the mega success and that Elvis is the King of Music, reducing Michael Jackson as the artist.
Plus, the album can reach no.1 in many countries around the world now, because of the media agenda boosting him as the KING and the album will be maybe awarded of some awards...

Thats my prediction.
^ Enough with the negativity, MJ will be hitting #1 next year as well with his new album and will be #1 in years to come when new Mj albums are released. Wait til he tops the Billboard 100 this year with his new single and extends his reign of #1's from 1970 with I Want You Back to the new song in 2010 (40 year span).
^ Enough with the negativity, MJ will be hitting #1 next year as well with his new album and will be #1 in years to come when new Mj albums are released. Wait til he tops the Billboard 100 this year with his new single and extends his reign of #1's from 1970 with I Want You Back to the new song in 2010 (40 year span).


You said it all, smoothcrim05..... BRAVO! :D
It's not possible to accurately track worldwide sales. So the foolishness of any label saying any person/group has sold 1bil records is beyond nonsense. :sigh:
The Elvis and The Beatles non-existing numbers we should take just as a knowledge that someone tries to reduce Michaels status as the best seller artist. (as well as most awarded artist)

Its waste of time to quarrel with Elvis or Beatles fans, they will always claim and support their "heroes", not let Michael be better than Elvis or Beatles even though he has always been!

Anyway, Billboard ignored Michaels impact on the charts this year, if it was allowed, Michael would have the record breaking TOP10 success, the Beatles re-editions were not so successful, so it means a lot.

But Elvis fans can be very active next year in January, just a week before TII DVD and Blue-ray will be released.

3CD of 75 tracks of Elvis career will be released, it will hit no.1 at Billboard official chart so Elvis will break another record making him the most successful chart breaker, because he will be the only artist having no.1 album after 50 years!!!

Every media reports will be reporting and boosting this as the mega success and that Elvis is the King of Music, reducing Michael Jackson as the artist.
Plus, the album can reach no.1 in many countries around the world now, because of the media agenda boosting him as the KING and the album will be maybe awarded of some awards...

Thats my prediction.

:lol: That is the most stupidest, highly exaggerated prediction I have ever read.

Yoga is really good for relaxation hun ;)
I still believes Elvis is well know in developing countries than the Beatles But none popular than Michael Jackson.
It's not possible to accurately track worldwide sales. So the foolishness of any label saying any person/group has sold 1bil records is beyond nonsense. :sigh:

thats holy truth, but explain that the Elvis and Beatles fans..., we (all) know its not true, and thats it.

:lol: That is the most stupidest, highly exaggerated prediction I have ever read.

Yoga is really good for relaxation hun ;)

this is 46th page of the thread, so I will remind you this in January, ok? :cheers::fortuneteller:



First off, I want to say sorry for the delay, with Christmas and all I was very busy and did not have time to make any posts yesterday.

-THIS IS IT was #8 this week and continued to be positively affected by strong Holiday sales. The album sold 309,000 (up from 265,000 last week) copies taking it's grand total to over 2.8 million since it's release!

-THIS IS IT will break the 3 million mark next week for the final reporting week in 2009.

-Number Ones sold 65,000 copies this week, up from 50,000 the week before.

-Thriller, Essential, Bad, Dangerous, Invincible, and King Of Pop all seen double digit gains over last week. This can be attributed to the Holiday season.

-Jackson sold another 550,000 albums this week (up from 450,000 last week)

-Jackson has sold over 21 million albums since his death from countries that publicly release music sales. Sony has shipped a staggering 29 million units since this time.

-Sales will remain strong next week (the last for 2009) as it will include the 3 days before Christmas plus the huge Boxing Day sales as well.
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-Jackson has sold over 21 million albums since his death from countries that publicly release music sales. Sony has shipped a staggering 29 million units since this time.


That is definitely a record. Thanks for all your updates smooth_criminal05 xo