Michael is in Heaven with God! Read this!

String theory - quantum theory.

aka - Scientific MUMBO Jumbo --essentially nothing but theology using scientific crap

The 11th dimension has nothing to do with theology. I was just kidding with the remark.

And string theory is far from mumbo jumbo. Funny you should use the term mumbo jumbo in a thread related to 'God'.
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The heaven according to your beliefs. :) It is said that what we generally call "heaven" is initially adapted to fit with our specific current belief system.

No one knows what happens when we die. All people have is wishful thinking and so that should be kept private and not preached as if a person knew more than they did. I know you dont know. Since we are both humans with the same mind. You dont have privately revealed information which i am not privy too. Maybe it makes people feel better, but it doesnt make it true.
No one knows what happens when we die. All people have is wishful thinking and so that should be kept private and not preached as if a person knew more than they did. I know you dont know. Since we are both humans with the same mind. You dont have privately revealed information which i am not privy too. Maybe it makes people feel better, but it doesnt make it true.
It doesn't make it false either. The lore is too big to ignore.
X-rays exist but no average person can prove they exist. Even scientists can't do that unless they have the necessary equipment. And this has happened only recently.

Dreams: almost everybody has them, but why do people believe us when we tell them about our dreams? There's no way to prove we saw them, but we know we saw them. And again: even scientists can't prove we saw these dreams despite all those studies with REM and other stages of sleep etc.

I have personally not experienced any visions of the afterlife (I wouldn't be alive if I did... lol), but I have personally known plenty of reputable people who in their own way have experienced it. Unless you experience it, you can't prove it to someone else. That's how it goes so far. Just like a person who is dreamless and has never dreamt in their life (there is scientific condition for that) cannot comprehend what a dream is and what all the other people are experiencing.
It doesn't make it false either. The lore is too big to ignore.
X-rays exist but no average person can prove they exist. Even scientists can't do that unless they have the necessary equipment. And this has happened only recently.

Dreams: almost everybody has them, but why do people believe us when we tell them about our dreams? There's no way to prove we saw them, but we know we saw them. And again: even scientists can't prove we saw these dreams despite all those studies with REM and other stages of sleep etc.

I have personally not experienced any visions of the afterlife (I wouldn't be alive if I did... lol), but I have personally known plenty of reputable people who in their own way have experienced it. Unless you experience it, you can't prove it to someone else. That's how it goes so far. Just like a person who is dreamless and has never dreamt in their life (there is scientific condition for that) cannot comprehend what a dream is and what all the other people are experiencing.

And if these "reputable" people had been living in a different era their visions would have been applicable to whatever was the common belief at the time. Frankly i dont want to base my beliefs on privately revealed information. We dont know what happens when we die. The simplest answer is that it is that all of these visions are a manifestation of the human mind. Like i said, if that makes you feel better, fine. But, dont expect me to believe it.

Also, what you said about x-rays. As if soon humans will be able to detect the afterlife because human visions are obviously the precursor to discovering something actually exists. Humans also believed illness was a product of demons, possessions etc - surely science would have discovered these demons to exist using technologies. But, instead we discovered germ theory, and that we became ill due to micro-organisms. Turns out people did not know why they were ill and so manifested in their mind the reason based on current popular beliefs. Hmmm.

You can watch an hour long video here on why people believe in such things as Gods and why we evolved to do so:


(and scientists are working on technology which could record a persons dreams)

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And if these "reputable" people had been living in a different era their visions would have been applicable to whatever was the common belief at the time. Frankly i dont want to base my beliefs on privately revealed information. We dont know what happens when we die. The simplest answer is that it is that all of these visions are a manifestation of the human mind. Like i said, if that makes you feel better, fine. But, dont expect me to believe it.

Also, what you said about x-rays. As if soon humans will be able to detect the afterlife because human visions are obviously the precursor to discovering something actually exists. Humans also believed illness was a product of demons, possessions etc - surely science would have discovered these demons to exist using technologies. But, instead we discovered germ theory, and that we became ill due to micro-organisms. Turns out people did not know why they were ill and so manifested in their mind the reason based on current popular beliefs. Hmmm.

You can watch an hour long video here on why people believe in such things as Gods and why we evolved to do so:


(and scientists are working on technology which could record a persons dreams)


I usd to be an atheist. I used to believe the same things discussed in the video for a very long time. It made me feel superior and that I had an explanation for everything. I'm even a biomedical scientist now working with germs and cancer cells on my PhD.
Humans in the past also used to cure diseases that science is only now RE-discovering. If someone wants they can look this up on the web. So not everything our ancestors believed back then is crap. In fact, the biggest misconception we modern humans have today is that all our ancestors were either stupid, naive or uneducated. The atom was discovered thousands years before modern science (6th century BC in India, and also in Greece by Democritus). That the Earth was round and turned around the Sun (they even calculated the size of it), again the same thing in ancient Greece. And even doctors today follow the basic rules of medicine that Hippokrates set thousands years ago. Plato had talked about the One God, even though the 12 gods of Olumpus were widespread belief. And so on, and so on...

But if it makes you feel better... lol
I usd to be an atheist. I used to believe the same things discussed in the video for a very long time. It made me feel superior and that I had an explanation for everything. I'm even a biomedical scientist now working with germs and cancer cells on my PhD.
Humans in the past also used to cure diseases that science is only now RE-discovering. If someone wants they can look this up on the web. So not everything our ancestors believed back then is crap. In fact, the biggest misconception we modern humans have today is that all our ancestors were either stupid, naive or uneducated. The atom was discovered thousands years before modern science (6th century BC in India, and also in Greece by Democritus). That the Earth was round and turned around the Sun (they even calculated the size of it), again the same thing in ancient Greece. And even doctors today follow the basic rules of medicine that Hippokrates set thousands years ago. Plato had talked about the One God, even though the 12 gods of Olumpus were widespread belief. And so on, and so on...

But if it makes you feel better... lol

Nice attempt.

"It made me feel superior and that I had an explanation for everything."

I do not feel superior to anyone. If you notice what i am saying, it is the opposite of being superior. I do not claim to know what happens when we die. I do not claim that humans have a soul or that they are in anyway different to all other creatures in that they are divine or special and so are therefore due for some big reward after this life. Mentioning religion, it is the religious who claim to know absolute truths with no supporting evidence. It is the religious who claim they are a product of creation and that they are so special and interesting that they are being monitored 24/7. Not only their actions but every single thought they have, what they eat, how they dress, who they sleep with etc etc. Religion claims to have an explanation for everything. Science does not.

When did i say people were stupid? The Greeks did know alot. But, hey you almost didnt know this thanks to the Christians burning the library of Alexandria. Pulling mathematicians, astronomers and physicists from their chariots, skinning them alive then dragging their burnt bodies through town. Europe slipped into the dark ages and we have the arabs to thank for recovering the knowledge of the Greeks and bringing it back to europe or we'd still be burning witches.

Religion is arrogance masquerading as humility.
In that case you are right. I agree. I also hate religions. They have done a lot of bad things along with the good. They controlled the masses and they still do, among other things. I'm not religious myself, even though I was baptised a Christian. I call myself spiritual. :yes: It's just a case of... don't throw the baby with the babywater. :)
In that case you are right. I agree. I also hate religions. They have done a lot of bad things along with the good. They controlled the masses and they still do, among other things. I'm not religious myself, even though I was baptised a Christian. I call myself spiritual. :yes: It's just a case of... don't throw the baby with the babywater. :)

I feel bad for what ive said. I hate to make others feel bad about their beliefs. Im not ridiculing anyone and im sure you're all nice people. I know people who believe in spirit guides, angels etc. I just dont need it or believe it. But, its nice to think of.

Maybe the admin can delete these last few posts because they have hijacked this thread.