Michael is in Heaven with God! Read this!

I used to be an extreme atheist too for many years in the past. Why don't you go to a a bookshop and see if you can find a nice book on the afterlife? It doesn't have to be religious. It may help you a lot even if you don't believe right now. :) That's why many people can recover faster after a loss. I know it helps me a lot!

I know, I've tried...
And my family is very religious, I've grown with orthodox discipline, I still visit church when I'm depressed, I've read bible not once, but unfortunately don't believe anything yet... I want, I really do... but I can't...
I mean yes, I feel that Mike's is still with us, not only because of his legacy... But with that he's no more there and he will never be... He haven't done what he wanted to... Just gone too soon... :no:
It really doesn't matter now. Michael was the one legend that was able to bring people together from all walks, faiths, religions, lifetstyles. That is what is so amazing about the human being that he was.

I think it is a beautiful thing and a testament to Michael's amazing God-given gift that we all can come here together and love and celebrate him even though we come from different places and different beliefs. This is what makes him such an amazing person.
I thought only evil spirits could be contacted using ouija boards?

Yes only evil spirits are the things that contact ouja boards. As far as where Michael Jackson now the bible say the dead are concious of nothing at all he is a state of unconsciousness. His the grave ecclesiastes 9:5,6
Yes only evil spirits are the things that contact ouja boards. As far as where Michael Jackson now the bible say the dead are concious of nothing at all he is a state of unconsciousness. His the grave ecclesiastes 9:5,6
That's not entirely true. Ouija boards are best avoided because it's extremely easy to contact lower energy entities and evil spirits. Even experienced people will avoid that. Of course the dead do not feel anything! lol It's the spirit that's alive! And many Christians believe that.
This is not what that scripture says. This is what it says....

Eccl 9:5-6 For the living know that they will die; But the dead know nothing, And they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten.

This scripture is talking about people who die without knowing Jesus Christ. It is basically saying that they are just as good as dead and forgotten.

The bible also says this....

2 Cor 5:6-8 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. For we walk by faith, not by sight. We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.

Paul was talking about the assurance we have in the resurrection if we truly believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins, left to prepare a place for us AND will take us back with him one day. I believe that Michael believed in Christ and what he did on the cross. I believe he was a believer. When his body gave out, he was still Michael Jackson. And God took him to heaven because he believed.

If you die in Christ, you will be standing before him real soon. There is no need to wait. There is nothing else that needs to be done. Jesus has already paid the price for your sins and given you entry into his kingdom. Michael made it. I am sure he did. From reading over things he has said in the past and things that were said about him, I have no reason to believe that he didn't believe in the God of the bible.


[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]WorldNetDaily[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+2]Did Michael Jackson repent, accept Christ?[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+1]Pop idol reached out to Gospel star Andrae Crouch before death[/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=-1]Posted: June 30, 2009
8:58 pm Eastern

[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] © 2009 WorldNetDaily [/SIZE]

Andrae Crouch
Gospel superstar Andrae Crouch and his twin sister, Sandra, confirm meeting with Michael Jackson and praying and singing with him weeks before his death.
Jackson, raised as a member of the Jehovah's Witness sect and reportedly a convert to Islam last year, sought out the Crouches for inspiration for his upcoming tour, for which he was unprepared, according to a report in Assist News Service.
But while some blogs have reported that meeting led to a spiritual conversion by Jackson, the Crouches say they are not certain.
"Not sure where that came from," said Sandra Crouch on her Facebook page. "We loved and respected Michael and will continue to pray for his family. All the extra is not from us."
A spokesman for the Crouches had this to add: "Andrae and Sandra did in fact visit with Michael Jackson two times, once at the recording studio, and once at his home in the last two months, as recently as three weeks ago, asking for prayer concerning the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and how he could make his music more 'spiritual.' So Andrae and Sandra explained to him about the anointing and about Jesus. He wanted to know what makes your hands go up, and makes you 'come out of yourself,' and what gives a 'spirituality' to the music? He then requested to hear his favorite song that he loves and wanted the(m) to sing to him, so they ... joined hands and sang together, and he said, 'It was beautiful.' He first heard it in New York, and loved it and wanted it on tape. He had the engineer tape the song sang to him by Andrae and Sandra. He definitely had an encounter with them."
(Story continues below)


Was there evidence of a conversion?
The Crouch spokesman said: "He did NOT reject Jesus or the prayer when (we) prayed, and gladly joined in prayer. He usually doesn't touch anybody, but he touched them, and held their hands in a circle as they sang and prayed. There was NO actual 'sinners prayer' however, but they did talk and pray about Jesus and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. They also told him, 'Michael, we consider you as our son,' and he said, 'Yes, yes, yes' and gave him his latest music on a CD, and he told him, 'Andrae I trust you with this,' and gave him CDs of 2 songs ... unpublished, beautiful music."

thank you so much for posting this. I myself am a christian and I have peace about Michael being in heaven with our Dear Heavenly Father. This brought tears to my eyes . Michael was always a good sweet soul.
Since we're talking about God, I don't know if you believe this - I would REALLY want to though. At a recent seance Michael Jackson answered "WITH GOD" when asked who is he with now.


Only God can contact his people. Don't trust ouija board's, fortune teller's etc...they are the work of satan and demons, many demons/bad spirits make contact pretending to be other people.

Stay vigilant and DON'T ever try to contact the other side.

If you must reach out to Michael, pray to him.
Only God can contact his people. Don't trust ouija board's, fortune teller's etc...they are the work of satan and demons, many demons/bad spirits make contact pretending to be other people.

:scratch:I do understand this is your belief and I respect that, however, saying that they are all the work of satan and demons is going a little bit far...

Yes, Ouija boards are dangerous, and yes, bad spirits can use ouija boards as well. However, Ouija boards have a long history, not all of them have been negative. Although to be honest, I'm not too found of a Ouija board myself.

I'm not sure why you include fortune tellers as well, but that is your opinion. I do know that there are gifted people outside. Of course, there are more fake ones then real, but my opinion is that you can make contact (without the use of a board)
Please, lets stop talking about the oji board, or whatever it is. I know some people who do that board and there family is just a complete mess!

Anyway, Michael.....He who is like God (hebrew meaning) is up there with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. I know that.

What also comes to my mind is stories I have read of people who died on the operating table and went to heaven for a moment before being returned back into their bodies. A common thread I notice is that they always are met by a loved one or someone that was close to them. Of all the people that are in heaven, they always meet someone they know. I believe that when I go to heaven, Michael is gonna be one of the people I get to see.
I think this is a good time for me to share one of my favorite experiences with Michael in Neverland with all of you. My best friend and I went to the "You're not alone" gathering held at Neverland before the trial began. There were sooo many amzing things that happen that day. As we crossed the bridge and were approching the main house we saw Michael coming out of the guest house. We walked with him to an area set up next to the main house. There was a stage a few couches set up in a half circle and several rows of chairs. Michael along with Kathrine and Joseph sat in the middle couch and his sibblings on the remaining couches. By some miracle I was invited to sit on the armrest of one of the couches next to Rebee and Latoya.

Andre Crouch and his sister were there, they took the stage and sang a few songs. "Will you be there" and "Amazing grace" were two of the songs they sang that night. After they finished singing Pastor Paula White came on the stage and asked all of us to join her in prayer for Michael. The prayer Pastor Paula led us in was beautiful and strong. I have to tell you she included the "sinners prayer" in her prayer. All this to say that I truly believe that our beloved Michael has found his rightful place in heaven.

I, just like all of you here am completely devestated. The pain I feel is beyond words. The only thing that I can take some comfort in is knowing that he is in a much much better place and someday in the future we will see him again.
Thank you soooooooooo much for posting this article! I had so many doubts when I first heard of his death. I was worrying myself to death at night about it. I had also been asking God for some sign that Michael had truly gone to heaven, and then you finally post these articles, and I am just overjoyed!!! Honestly!

For Christians, at least from all the Christians I am surrounded with, and in the Bible, it is stated that the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ. I knew Michael was very spiritual, and he constantly gave praise to God for his work, and always praised Jesus for letting the children come to him and being childlike in the eyes of God. Well these articles just felt like a wave of happiness for me! I'm really hoping they are truthful. Obviously no one knows Michael's true heart except God, but after reading the encounter these people have had with him, I just can't waiver the fact that Michael could have accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior. I truly hope so, and will continue to pray for this!

Thank you, you have lifted a big burden off my shoulders!
Well now this is being reported.


Now I can't find Sandra's Facebook page and on Andrae Crouch page it says the something about this too, but it also says that we should read all three (?) of Sandra’s comments on this case. I can't find her page so I don't know.
Very confusing it is, because to judge from what Andrae Crouch spokesperson said in this article you could almost still think that what was said before is true but from what Sandra say it wasn't.

BUT to point one thing out, as long as we're here on earth, no matter what believe you have, none of us will for sure know what was in Michael’s heart. We all know he was a great person and the kindest there was.
If this is true or not really doesn't determent if he's in heaver or not because we don't know what his heart believed. As a Christian, just knowing that Michael was with these people some weeks ago gives me comfort to some degree.
Allthelovelyflower... thaaaank you sooo much for posting this.

by this hour Michael has also meet my mom and she surely smiled.

I were praying for Michael for 25 years now, I will continue praying for his family now specially his children. And I will meet him in heaven. I want to hug him, I always wanted in my heart to meet him, and the only thing is that I will have to wait a little more, but now so much.. because what is this life? so short.. just few years.
God bless you and thank you
Im feeling sad to say good bye to him, but glad with this because its just a "see you soon".
The only thing that I can take some comfort in is knowing that he is in a much much better place and someday in the future we will see him again.
That was very comforting, thank-you. I believe this too.
Well as a Christian, even if the part about Michael accepting Christ is made up, I find comfort also in the fact that he just some weeks before his death talked to Sandra and Andrae Crouch about things like this, that they were singing gospel and praying. I'm sure we know this for a fact because that's what Andrae Crouch has written on his facebook.
It doesn't mean that he was a Christian but it does at least mean he had interest in it and that there might have been a seed of faith in his heart.
But like I said before, we will not know until the last day.
No where does it say in scripture that one must be a "Christian". In fact that word does NOT appear anywhere in the original texts of scripture.

The only distinction made by Christ himself is "Believer" or "Non-Believer".

Michael was definitely a BELIEVER. It's in his music, it's in his being, it's in his speeches and it's all over his entire earthly empire. If you don't see it, then you've got blinders on.

I don't need Andre or Sandra to tell me Michael was a believer.

Don't get me wrong, I love the Crouch family, but Michael was a believer regardless of what they say.
I think what Michael was or wasn't will somewhat be put to rest when people see the funeral, that does show somewhat (not ALL!) of what his faith MIGHT have been.
But was I heard that Jermaine Jackson said last night on Larry King Live that it will not be a religious funeral. At least that should put to rest all the rumors of him being a Muslim, Christian, witness or whatever else is out there.
I just wish people would stop the whole thing in a way. If you go and look at stuff online, the "Michael Jackson is a Muslim" thing is everywhere on YouTube, for example.
It's weird when people so bad want to make them "their".
At the end, only God knows and that is also how everyone should be thinking, and not put him under one religion. Michael’s always been open to everyone and everything, why can’t the world just see that instead.
I don't know if this is the place to write this but I'm gonna do it anyway and hope I’m not breaking any rules or anything.

Is there anyone here who is a Christian and feel like talking. None of my Christian friends are big MJ fans and they really can't understand me in this. I really feel that I need someone to just talk to. If there is anyone who feels they have the time and energy I would really really appreciate it. Please just send a private message to me or something. I so need this, maybe I can be there for someone else too...
I truly believe Michael is in Heaven. Deep down i feel as if he was truly an angel. He had the most humble, sincere, loving spirit known to mankind. Kinda like a God like spirit. Today just confirmed even more the power of his music and how great of a soul he was. I went to the mall at the Galleria today in Houston and in one of the stores all the workers were dressed in Michael Jackson wear (the fedora hat, white socks and the penny loafers) and the store was playing all Michael music. I was singing and dancing in the store's mirror and this one girl comes up to me and she starts to cry and says how big of a fan she is and how she's so heartbroken. We both shared a Michael Jackson moment It was so cool to see everyone in the store jamming to Michael and smiling at each other while singing his music...Michael sacrificed his life for his music and for his fans and because of that he touched the lives of so many people.
Not sure if there's such a thing as a "1 true religion" or not. What I am sure of is there's surely something after death and the humanitarian we all know Michael was and since he did what he could to make the world a better place, he has certainly made it to whatever Bliss, Heaven, Nirvana lies beyond.

I saw this very good NEW article about Michael Jackson and the rumor about him being a Muslim.
Now I’m not posting this because I want to get into a whole religion discussion but I think it's very good and brings out some very good points about the how untrue this story really is.
Please make sure people will know about this, it's so spread out on the internet, so many YouTube clips where they have taken the rumor and made it into the truth.

I just want the world to remember him by the truth, the way he was, not by what the media said. So please take the time to let the world know the truth as far as we know it.
As a christian who believes in Jesus Christ, I'm very glad to read this.

I sincerely want to see Mike one of these days when I (hopefully) make it to heaven.
My grandma and one of my best friends died earlier this year

And now Michael died.

My heart tells me, and through prayer I know that Michael has found rest in Jesus' arms.

In God's arms.


Like you I lost my grandmother, and a cousin, and friends all this year along with Michael and like you I believe he is resting in the arms of Jesus. He suffered so much here and I believe his suffering is over.
It doesn't matter if you're Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan or whatever. You are all going to see Michael in heaven.