Michael is in Heaven with God! Read this!

I really hope there isn't an afterlife. Imagine the horror of having to live forever.

I would go insane.
To live in Peace, Joy, Happiness, Bliss and serve the Lord and to be with people you love dearly all eternity!!! What could be better?
I really hope there isn't an afterlife. Imagine the horror of having to live forever.

I would go insane.
lol You will always have the "option" to "fuse" with the energy of God, like a drop of water in the ocean, if you don't like eternity. Not many souls do that though. Besides, I'm sure, once there you'll change your mind for sure! :D Time passes differently in that dimension.

To answer your questions about ouija boards, it is true evil entities can contact you, especially if you haven't taken prior precautions in the form of prayers and rituals, but it's not only bad spirits that can come through. Good ones are equally likely to connect. It's just that with the average person using such a board, it makes it much easier for the evil ones to come through. For this reason, ouija boards are best avoided.
I am a born again Christian and would love to talk to other Christians here.

I read that article shortly after Michael's passing and it did really give my mum and I a great sense of peace. We knew he was a believer and was God fearing but he was now really SEARCHING, you don't just ask about being anointed with the Holy Spirit unless you have some real questions.

I do believe that all of us have a chance to repent and accept Jesus as our Saviour when we pass away, our God is a beautiful and forgiving God and he would not deny anyone that opportunity. I truly believe that Michael has found his peace in heaven and is being held in the warm arms of his true Father.
Michael is with God. What came to me today is that God took MJ now because for once in a very long time, MJ was feeling happy about his life. He was feeling like much of it was now under control.

God took MJ now to prevent him from feeling down-troddened again.

Also, MJ had a spiritual awakening that took place between the date of his 2002 will and the 2009 date of his leaving. He wanted to put it into his music so he could share the feeling with his fanbase and this is why he spoke with the singers of gospel.
I know, I've tried...
And my family is very religious, I've grown with orthodox discipline, I still visit church when I'm depressed, I've read bible not once, but unfortunately don't believe anything yet... I want, I really do... but I can't...
I mean yes, I feel that Mike's is still with us, not only because of his legacy... But with that he's no more there and he will never be... He haven't done what he wanted to... Just gone too soon... :no:

I understand you. Baybe it's beacause my country was also communist and the only country in the world who was officially atheist.
Indra, you have to enable private messaging in your control panel (go to "edit options") to receive messages.
After watching the Memorial, hearing that lovely rendition of "Soon and Very Soon" from the choir, listening to the wonderful pastor open the ceremonies and close with a beautiful prayer, hearing Marlon talk about Michael saying hi to his brother Brandon (Marlon is a known Christian), and also seeing Rebbie's message in the program....it just more solidifies the fact that Michael believed in God and Christ for me.

Somebody said that Jermaine spoke about the memorial not being a religious event. Well...I thought the opposite. I thought it was very religious. And I really enjoyed every minute of it.
Indra, you have to enable private messaging in your control panel (go to "edit options") to receive messages.

I've been trying to do that and I thought I've done it but it doesn't seem to work, or I don't know how to do it.
It says I have to be friends with the people I write to so that they can respond. I don't know how to change that?
Anyone who can help me?
I've really tryed many times in different ways to get this working. :(
I'm not christian but I am verrry spirtual. I don't know if I believe in God but I KNOW Michael is in Heaven surrounded by beatufuil angels and I know he has all the love in the world around him...and even though I don't believe in God exactly, I know God is with him...which means I do believe in God but I don't so really I DON'T KNOW
It really doesn't matter now. Michael was the one legend that was able to bring people together from all walks, faiths, religions, lifetstyles. That is what is so amazing about the human being that he was.

I think it is a beautiful thing and a testament to Michael's amazing God-given gift that we all can come here together and love and celebrate him even though we come from different places and different beliefs. This is what makes him such an amazing person.

Very true :)

go to this page and then Archives in the top right coner. Choose the video for june 28. It's about 78 minute into that clip, the guy talked about Michael.
Just listen to it and tell me what you think?

Now he gets it a little bit wrong about it being Michael writting "man in the mirror" but the point he's making about that song is still good.
i am a born again christian and i pray that MJ accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior
but from what i have read from Andre Crouch and Mary Mary it does not sound like he did at the time he spoke with these fine people however no one will ever know what MJ said or asked God in his private time before he died,,,,,,MJ had such a quiet soul and such a loving heart how could he not want to know more about Jesus? Jesus is the Prince of Peace and we all should be praying for his family to find the real peace and comfort that only Jesus can give,,,,,,,, guess we will all find out when we meet up in heaven if MJ accepted Christ,,,,i sure pray so...miss u MJ..
i am a born again christian and i pray that MJ accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior
but from what i have read from Andre Crouch and Mary Mary it does not sound like he did at the time he spoke with these fine people however no one will ever know what MJ said or asked God in his private time before he died,,,,,,MJ had such a quiet soul and such a loving heart how could he not want to know more about Jesus? Jesus is the Prince of Peace and we all should be praying for his family to find the real peace and comfort that only Jesus can give,,,,,,,, guess we will all find out when we meet up in heaven if MJ accepted Christ,,,,i sure pray so...miss u MJ..

Did you watch the video I posted above?
It might give you even more comfort than Michael just talking to the Crouch siblings...
i did go to the site but it would nbot let me go the the date on the archive you said it was on.....
^ Then....dont view the thread? o.o

Anyway, i, too, KNOW mikes at peace, but if you've seen any of my posts, you know why XD

i was thrilled about him wanting to be more spiritual. =p
if he knew he.d die, why going to rehearsals instead of spending time with his children?
i did go to the site but it would nbot let me go the the date on the archive you said it was on.....

On the top right corner, you see Archives? Press on that. Then in the bottom of the page there are clips, then clck on the right arrow til you find the one for June 28th. Click on that one and then skip to the 78 minute.
It should work. It worked for me just a while ago...
Thanks for the vid with the Ouija board.... I've used one in the past... frankly anyone who says those things are fake have never used one.. anyone who wishes to know why I say this, feel free to pm me and I'll fill you in on the story, it's not MJ related just so you know... Anyway, I'm not particularly religious, but I too tend to believe Michael is in heaven, or as Brooke Shields put it "perched on a crescent moon"