Michael and the ladies

I remember a story about him and Caroline Kennedy. It said that when they went out together Michael tried to kiss her but she turned him down and said her mother doesn't allow her to date black boys. And this made Michael very upset. Later Jackie Kennedy denied he said anything like that to her daughter. And there was a rumour that Michael actually liked Jackie Kennedy as a woman, not Caroline. And that he took out Caroline just to get near Jackie and she was upset because if true that would mean Jackie was a racist.

In case Jackie-O were racist, how did she visit him at the Thiller set?


Eventhough it isn't confimed, it's a shocking annecdote! :ninja:

Silouette;3633944 said:
I don't know why but this picture is yummy to me. And it aint cuz of spike girl.
Thanks Stella


Thank you Silouette. I totally agree.
To me it’s his posture. He’s so macho. It seems like he's gonna cross a line - which he wouldn’t do. But the possibility alone is – as you put it – yummy. :heat::heart: