michael and oprah ~ALL THREADS MERGED~

Re: michael and oprah?

Im watching the Oprah interview with Tom Cruise now and the resemblance of the whole interview, and even the questions are similar to MJ's...its uncanny lol
Hey, I didn't get a chance to watch that. Give a recap please! :flowers:
Re: michael and oprah?

ok O/T...it really wasn't much. First was a tour of his house (like the tour of neverland). And Oprah asked questions about the whole jumping-on-couch/Brook Shields/Scientology stuff and Tom talked a lot about how things are exaggerated and stuff. Most of the line of questioning were similar to MJ's (tackling rumors, friendship, etc). It was nice, just like MJ's interview with oprah, this one set out to show Tom Cruise as a human being instead of just a celebrity.
Re: michael and oprah?

Couple of video parodies on Oprah (actual woman was angered about the latter one):

Ethicists question most of parodies.

Anyway, you can not compare any parody on Oprah to the level of sickness of most of parodies on Jackson.

Still, Oprah does not care, she is all right with insulting and judging Jackson, though being angered when it is done (in much milder way) to her.
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Blah, Oprah is said to be a long time friend of Tom Cruise. His rants on those private videos for scientology that got leaked are enough for me. I feel sorry for him that he was taken in by it. But it's all about who is rubbing each other's back in this industry. Power and control. I don't know she seems to be very easy on the scientologists when she has them on her show to me. She has some connection to them I always felt. Her buddies maybe. So be it. But even when she was doing that Katrina special of giving back a lot of the scientologists were involved in that as well.
I read this whole thread and I agree with most people stated on here.

Do I like Oprah? No, I do not. The woman is fake to me. I admit, I still watch her show only when she has celebrities that I like are that are interesting on there. I remember all of the things that she said about MJ and I did not like any of it. I am not surprised that she did not want Aprodite Jones to come on her show. Oprah is about making headlines not telling the truth. That is how I see it. People based their opinions on what she says and I find that creepy and distrubing. Even her own fans have talked abck to her.

Janet was on Oprah and she knows what Oprah has said about Michael. As usual, we all know that Janet does not care. If Janet needed the publicity, she hangs out with Oprah and talk. Blah.

When Lisa and the evil Priscilla was on her show, Oprah wanted the both of them to trash MJ. LMP did but then stopped and Priscilla kept on going and going. I was bothered by what Priscilla was saying because it sounded racist and disgusting to me. She was even trying to assume that MJ was hitting on LMP when LMP was 16! I mean, Mike was just vindicated of that trash months before that interview. Oprah did not care to tell Pricilla to stop.

There are so many things that Oprah did to MJ that I hated. I love the interview she had with MJ. She did seemed as though she liked him but looking back, it was all fake. It is still one of MJ's best interviews, but the one he did with Geraldo was grand.

Oprah also is biased towards the hip hop community. When she had that panel on her show after the Don Imus mess, she tried to trash hip hop and the rappers. I saw her point of view, but I thought it would have been fair to bring them on the show and let them express their view so that everyone can understand where they were coming from instead of trashing them. I could not understand why she even went there with them and I did not undesrtand what hip hop had to do with Don Imus racist comments about a female basketball team from Rutgers University. I felt Don Imus should have been on the show to explain. Oprah was called out by rapper/actor Ice Cube when he was interviewed in some article. Oprah did her show on a reality show that was aired on the channel FX called "Black/White". A white man and Ice Cube produced the show. Ice Cube said that Oprah did not invite him on her show to discuss the show. He was angered and he felt that she did that because she does not like hip hop. He stated that she would invite molesters, rapists, and even murderers on her show, but not rappers like himself. I felt that Ice Cube made an interesting point and one of the reasons why I do not like this woman.

As for her charitable work - I do believe that she cares about people but I doubt that it is truly from the heart. I feel that if you give back from your heart, you do not have to tell the whole world about it. You just do it and go home. MJ always given back without telling anyone and I like that. Oprah needs to have the press there for some reason. I also want to harp on this - her school that is in Africa had to get rid of one of the teachers because that one teacher (who is female) supposedly touched one of the students inapproately (sp). I thought that was interesting that she trashed a man that would never do that, but tries to deal with that mess that happened in her school and move on.

I wonder why she won't bring her REAL cousins onto the show to talk dirt about her molesters the way she pulled the Presleys onto her show, referred to them as cousins, and then dogged MJ?

Great point. Yeah, I also found it distrubing that she was happy when she found out that she was cousins to the Presleys as if it was a great thing. Now, if the Jacksons were her cousins, would she have felt the same way? Maybe towarsd Janet. I was also distrubed when she did a whole show on the Osmonds and have never invited the Jacksons to her show. Why not? That is something to think about.

Overall, I am not impress by Oprah aka Orka. I just watch her show and if she talks about new age nonsense or invite Dr. Oz, I just change the channel. I think the woman hates MJ because of the false allegations (if she didn't, why just bring T-Mez or Ms. Jones to the show to talk about the book? Or Geraldine Hughes?), the trash LMP and Priscilla said to her about MJ (why didn't she asked LMP what she meant when she said that MJ "used and manipulated" her?) and the fact that MJ is not paying attention to her.
Well Oprah wants to be the most famous and rich black person on this planet and she has a too big ego to accept MJ. That's all... btw she was praying MJ to come to her show after the trail and she would have paid him more than 10 million $. I don't think he ever replied to her.
Well Oprah wants to be the most famous and rich black person on this planet and she has a too big ego to accept MJ. That's all... btw she was praying MJ to come to her show after the trail and she would have paid him more than 10 million $. I don't think he ever replied to her.
Is that true? When did she say that? She probably has never gotten over the fact that she had to go to him to have her biggest interview ever.
Yes, it was just after the trial, MJ got several requests to go to talkshows and Oprah offered 10 million $ to him to have him on her show like an other talkshow did. MJ refused all of them.
Yes, it was just after the trial, MJ got several requests to go to talkshows and Oprah offered 10 million $ to him to have him on her show like an other talkshow did. MJ refused all of them.
I think it is dispicable for her to be offering him money i such a public way. That isn't how it is done. I have lost all my love for that woman.
Lord, those videos were pretty bad! I can see where she would be hurt by them. It is something how they continue to jab at her over something very painful she has struggled with her whole life.

Well everyone did at that time, not only her.
Where did you get this informaiton about her offering him money for a post trial interview? :flowers: That's my first time hearing about that!
Yes, but still those two videos-parodies on Oprah are nothing compared to parodies not Jackson; hardly anything ever can be any near to that sick.

If Oprah would be fair, then she would not be against such parodies on her.
Yes, it was just after the trial, MJ got several requests to go to talkshows and Oprah offered 10 million $ to him to have him on her show like an other talkshow did. MJ refused all of them.

How true is this?....as I've never heard of any such thing before.....
It was on the newspapers. There was this article about it, about the fight which was going on between channels and talkshows for getting an interview with mj.
Like always can't be sure if it is true. But it was written like that.
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It was on the newspapers. There was this article about it, about the fight which was going on between channels and talkshows for getting an interview with mj.
Like always can't be sure if it is true. But it was written like that.

Sounds like they wanted to carryon where the DA had left off. I am sure they had an agenda. they weren't happy with the result so they wanted to do what the court didn't do. The bas,,tards.
you know she has dissed him a bit, but it would be nice for him to do another oprah interview....
as of late watching the Oprah show I have noticed her attitude becoming ncreasingly cocky and arrogant. I don't know if that was normal of her nature but she has certainly started to annoy me. I can't watch her show anymore...Ellen DeGeneras is alot more amiable.
I can't make my mind up about Oprah. When I first found out about some of the things she's said about MJ, I couldn't stand her. I still think she has an arrogant side. You can tell she's let her fame go to her head. I still admire her in some ways, though. Since so many people watch her show, it's wonderful when she decides to do episodes that help cast light on certain issues that need attention, like puppy mills. When I watched that episode, I had tears in my eyes and Oprah was crying as she spoke during the show. But I can't understand what would make someone who seems to care so much about some things be so closeminded when it comes to MJ, and completely write him off before she even knows the whole story. :scratch: