michael and oprah ~ALL THREADS MERGED~

Re: michael and oprah?

MJ does not have a relationship with Oprah Winfrey. She interviewed him once because he was a celebrity that she wanted to interview.

...And because it would get her televison show that much more attention and ratings.

I don't know what caused this but it's the very reason I don't like her. She did act like she liked him (in 93) but that was probably her being fake.

Oh, she is very good at being fake. :)

Oprah was molested as a kid and hates MJ because of the 2 allegations. I think she liked MJ before the allegations.

I wish she could investigate more in to the situation and see that MJ was framed,but it looks like she assumes he's guilty.

Wow I never thought of it like that, really.

But, she started out as a true journalist/reporter, so if she's so interested in the truth, she needs to do her research before making blind assumptions. If you truly have done your research on the case of his allegations, I don't see how you could come up with a "guilty" conclusion.

oprah is a phony biatch who will pretend to like anyone for the ratings. and yes she does diss MJ on her show. she probs jealous he benefitted more from the 93 interview than she did! lol

lol true.

If you want to really convince her, or anyone, that Michael's innocent, she needs to interview Jordan Chandler and Gavin Arvizo. Because for me, it was the accusers' own words that convinced me that Michael's innocent. Actually most jury members and everybody who witnessed the court hearing first hand said it was the testimonies from the Arvizo family that convinced them they were lying.

100% Agree!
Re: michael and oprah?

She's also made the accusation on her show that Michael has something called body dismorphia disorder and talked a bunch of smack about how he didn't want certain pictures of him shown during her interview with him in 93, as though that were a bad thing. I guess she can talk smack about his plastic surgery but her audience can't right?. She's encouraged her guests to make jokes about him. And I swear to God I remember she had a slumber party with a bunch of little girls at her house once and promoted it all over her show as though it were the best thing in the world. So for her to say she disagrees with Michael letting children sleep in his room, that's just another instance of her incredible hypocricy.
I missed this one. What was the topic or the point of her having the slumber party? Was this something she did and she was suggesting to others to do? Or was it some kind of promotional bit? What were the ages of the girls? Were they actors or friends of hers? Was this before or after the Bashir mockumentary because it certainly gives new meaning to her comments.

I'm sorry to overload you with questions! :lol: I'm just surprised to learn this given her prior comments.
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Re: michael and oprah?

I can't remember anything about it. I never actually saw the show, I just read about it. It was several years ago, but I do vividly recall this happening. I'm sure someone else on here remember too.
Re: michael and oprah?

That McCartney thread reminded me of another "offense." She encouraged McCartney to mock Jackson when he was on her show. He very happily did so.

I don't blame Winfrey for a lot of this. I mean, her guests needn't entertain such things. I remember when she attempted to encourage the Wayans to mock Jackson, but they spoke quite highly of the whole Jackson family. She quickly changed the subject.

I was surprised by that considering how hurt and offended she was by their mocking of her on "In Living Color." (And it was pretty hard core. They had Kim Wayans playing Winfrey, wearing an exaggerated fat suit, roasting chickens while hosting her mock show, rocking mock guests in her lap like a 1930s mammy character, and finally ranting about food being her life, swelling up like Violet Beauregarde, then exploding in a shower of chicken and pork chops and various other food items.) The Wayans claimed not to do such hurtful things towards her anymore and she smiled and the audience applauded. Yet she turned right around and tried to encourage them to mock Jackson.

As a fan of hers, it has been quite awkward for me to see her do this. Not just to Jackson, but others as well. It has made watching her show a tense experience for me. Yet I still believe she has a big heart.

Edited to add:
About the Body Dysmorphic Disorder episode, she had another show about a woman who had been diagnosed with this very disorder. She was obsessed with cosmetic surgery and must have had over a dozen procedures done to her entire body. In her video segment, she said she liked Jackson's small nose and various other body parts of other celebrities. Then she went on to talk about everything she had tucked and raised and cinched and so on to achieve these looks she so admired. Not to mention the regular visits for botox injections. After her video segment, Winfrey zeroed right in on her admiration of Jackson's nose. "You like Michael Jackson's nose?" Winfrey asked incredulous. She didn't mention anyone else.
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O' Oprah interview

I just watched a clip on youtube when Oprah interviewed Michael Jackson in 93. While I sat here watching it struck me what kind of impact that 90 minutes long tv-show has done to me. I have a question for you guys, or - I wonder if there are any other people out there who can relate LOL, do you know the Oprah interview by heart?!? I know every word!!!! Every single sigh and gasps!!!

In 93 I was 13/14 years old. No youtube. No internet. I taped the damn thing and watched it over a hundred times that year!! I even watched it straight after I saw it the first time. Stop. Rewind!! I got myself to be brainwashed back in the day!! LOL =/

I haven't watched the interview in years so I thought I had forgot it by now, but no. It's stuck!! I can do the whole interview by myself! It's like the interview is a song. Your favorite song that you know every word to and sing along. While most people sing along to Beat it and Billie Jean, I sing along to Oprah Winfrey interviewing Michael Jackson :lol: :lol:

God. So what do you think? Are there any other people out there who feel that they may have overdone it a little too much watching that tape?
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Re: O' Oprah interview

"How can you ask me that question?...i'm a gentleman. I'm a gentleman"

tee hee. :lol:
Re: O' Oprah interview


thats something thats private, i mean....................

Re: O' Oprah interview

I was so in love with the king of pop back then. Looking back, no wonder why I slept with his picture under my pillow :lol: :lol:

It's not healthy!! :lol:
Re: O' Oprah interview

I can do something for the Primetime Live Interview which was only 2 years after the oprah interview. So much happened in that 2 years!
Re: O' Oprah interview

Yes I think I know that word for word too :mello: It was his first proper interview I think it's something most of us watched over and over :unsure:
Re: O' Oprah interview

Oprah has said that her knees were shaking during that interview :lol:.
Re: O' Oprah interview

About plastic suregery: "Read my Moonwalker."

Ummm....thats the movie Mike. Your book is just Moonwalk. ;)

And lol @ the fire alarm going off + it always ticked me off that when MJ beatboxed WII that Oprah interrupted with her off-key bass attempt!! :lol:
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Re: O' Oprah interview

yes...i was mesmerized by it..but i didn't tape it..

somehow that retained it in my heart...
Re: O' Oprah interview

With no disrespected...Quite frankly...Oprah has become a very self absorbed individual... Personally, I am very disappointed ~~~
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Re: O' Oprah interview

Yes! I, too, know every word.
Indeed I put the whole interview on audio tape. *lol* I still keep those tapes for souvenir.

It was another time really... :timer:

Re: O' Oprah interview

With what happened to Michael it is just it- "Matrix". Beautiful, beautiful dream. And "Give in to Me" video premiere. I can distingly remember all school talking about it, and can even understand my mother being fed up with me watching it over and over again. OOOOH! Take me back!
Re: O' Oprah interview

i bought this interview back then astil have it and at least back then oprah still was on mj s side
a pitty she isnt these days i d love to see a replay of a present mj in a 90 minute interview lol
Re: O' Oprah interview

for me it all started with that interview
here is the answer to your q

except from I know the Polish version of the interview by heart lol
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Re: O' Oprah interview

i bought this interview back then astil have it and at least back then oprah still was on mj s side
a pitty she isnt these days i d love to see a replay of a present mj in a 90 minute interview lol

how come she is not on his side, what has she said?
Re: O' Oprah interview

how come she is not on his side, what has she said?

Just like many so called friends of Mr.Jackson's...Oprah was NEVER a true friend as she claimed to be...

Out of all the trials and tribulations, at least Michael now knows who is a true friend of his and who isn't..!
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Re: michael and oprah?

Oprah goes back and forth with her comment about Mike...the last time I remember her talking about her is when she had Lisa and Priscilla on and she encouraged them to bash him.......
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Re: michael and oprah?

hey. i dont know if its personal or not, but i was wondering, what connection mj has with oprah, i have been told oprah h8s mj, and i have seen her diss mj on her show, since when did she start doing this and why? the 93 interview was so good and she seemed to like him?
please someone tell me if i am out of line asking this?

I don't think they've ever had any form for friendly relationship. Michael did the interview to give people a look inside his world. I think he managed well.

Oprah is not exactly my cup of tea - but she does do some very nice and enlightning shows. However, she must have been offended, personally, by the alligations but that doesn't make it alright to judge Michael without doing her research. I hope she has a bitter taste in her mouth today for saying what she said.
Re: O' Oprah interview

it happens to me all the time, especially with michael's movies... i havent watched Ghosts in 2 weeks and i still know every breath, every move, every word by heart... it happens to me with other movis as well... such as KISS KISS BANG BANG, PINK PANTHER, Charlie and the chocolate factory, edward scissor hands... (well not every bit of the movies, sentances... )
Re: michael and oprah?

Im watching the Oprah interview with Tom Cruise now and the resemblance of the whole interview, and even the questions are similar to MJ's...its uncanny lol