michael and oprah ~ALL THREADS MERGED~

Re: michael and oprah?

Michael and Oprah are both business people. If the public wants to hear only ish about Mike just because it's a pervert sense of feeling (with the likes of mass media!), well she'll give the public what the public demads.
And to support my first statement about Mike and O being business leaders I think if The public wants Michael on the set, she'll contact him and maybe they will do 'history' once more after the '93 interview thing, don't you think?
They both do bussiness there, not jokes.:punk:
Re: michael and oprah?

Oprah is a backstabbing, hypocritical phony. I never liked her, regardless of what she's said about Michael. Every time she does anything for charity, it somehow always is featured on her TV show. How selfless, lol.

Further more, Michael made her an international star. Before that interview which he gave her the privledge of couducting, nobody knew who Oprah was outside of the US. He made her as big as she became, seeing as he was already the biggest star in the world. It just rubbed off on her ass.

She's not his friend and never was. But she pretended to like him and all this junk. But as soon as the going to tough, she turned on him like most everybody else. She's concerned with one person only, and that's Oprah Winfrey. If she want's to know the truth about the accusations, she only need talk to Michael and actually listen to him. But like most people, what he says, for her, goes in one ear and out the other. She isn't hearing him. She's just nodding and smiling and counting the dollars she's making in her head.

Listening to Michael is how you would know he is innocent.
Re: michael and oprah?

LOL ok first MJ and Oprah were never friends...thus she never backstabbed him. And they BOTH mutually benefited from that interview in 1993 and I really do believe that pre-allegations Oprah loved and saw a another side to MJ. Now fastforward...I don't think Oprah "hates" or "dislikes" Michael. Just because u diss someone doesnt mean u don't like them. I think she, along with most other people, were just frustrated with how MJ spent time with kids. As ya'll said she is very judgemental plus she was asused as a kid so naturally she's gonna question MJ sleeping with kids regardless if she thinks he's guilty or not. I mean lets be honest, from a non understanding non fan point of view that LWMJ documetary and the way it was edited WAS disturbing to some folks...and one of em was O.

You do of course recall Oprah having a slumber party over at her house with little girls, don't you? That's no different then what Michael did, yet Orpah's got a problem with it. Lovely.
Re: michael and oprah?

For a bunch of people who "hate" and "dislike" Oprah, you guys sure know a lot about the show, lol...

The interview was 15 years ago! Move on already!!!
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Re: michael and oprah?

For a bunch of people who "hate" and "dislike" Oprah, you guys sure know a lot about the show, lol...

The interview was 15 years ago! Move on already!!!

LOL, hey man, we're here to say 'out loud ' our opinion, right?:D:lol:
Anyway, I like her show, not always but when I get by chance and time to see her show, I do enjoy it...HER SHOW. I will refrain to judge her as a person because I don't know her but as I've seen so far, the giving away so much money for those in need, well, THAT'S DEFINITELY GOOD.
Re: michael and oprah?

LOL, hey man, we're here to say 'out loud ' our opinion, right?:D:lol:
Anyway, I like her show, not always but when I get by chance and time to see her show, I do enjoy it...HER SHOW. I will refrain to judge her as a person because I don't know her but as I've seen so far, the giving away so much money for those in need, well, THAT'S DEFINITELY GOOD.

I agree with everything you said!! The things that Oprah has done for good FAR outweighs a few bad remarks that people say she's said about Michael.
Re: michael and oprah?

For a bunch of people who "hate" and "dislike" Oprah, you guys sure know a lot about the show, lol...

The interview was 15 years ago! Move on already!!!

We know her a lot because we used to watch her programme back in the 90's but right now it is no more the case , so if we think shes a fake she is fake period !! only matter of opinion .

If you think that someone who likes dissing frenquently another one especialy michael live in her programme sometimes by making the other people dissing him , if you think that somebody like that is respectable well that's your businness .
Re: michael and oprah?

We know her a lot because we used to watch her programme back in the 90's but right now it is no more the case , so if we think shes a fake she is fake period !! only matter of opinion .

If you think that someone who likes dissing frenquently another one especialy michael live in her programme sometimes by making the other people dissing him , if you think that somebody like that is respectable well that's your businness .

Wow, you must have a fantastic memory if you can remember an episode of a TV show that's over 15 years old thats doesn't air reruns...Dissing frequently? When was the last time Oprah even whispered Michael's name on her show? If you don't like her, that's fine. I'm not the head of her fan club either. I just think it's weird that people can judge another person's entire personality based on whether or not they like Michael Jackson, lol...It's kind of creepy.
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Re: michael and oprah?

Oprah only cares about her show. Nothing else. She grew up having a crush on Jackie Jackson. And Michael was the only person who she had to go to in order to interview him. He did not go on her show. She had to go to him. That is why she couldn't put him on that DVD she released. She talked about how nervous she was when she went to Neverland.

But I don't think she dislikes Michael. I remember watching her show one time and this woman stood up from the audience and started asking about why Michael lies about his plastic surgery and Oprah simply shut the woman down and defended Michael. She told the woman, "would you tell us what kind of plastic surgery you had?.....he doesn't owe us an explanation for his plastic surgery any more than you do". The woman just sat down in her seat. This was right after LWMJ showed.
I agree. And that woman had plastic surgery herself as it was revealed (hypocrits always get judgemental of others). One women did the same and Oprah sat her down. that women was overweight and did not want that to be revealed and someone in the audience said "that is none of your business about what Michael does" and the lady said "I know it not my business but if he would lie about plastic surgery, what else would he lie about?" Anyway, Oprah sat her down by asking about her weight. I do not think Oprah dislikes Michael either, I do think Oprah think Michael put himself in positions to be set up. That is the way she comes across to me.
Re: michael and oprah?

For a bunch of people who "hate" and "dislike" Oprah, you guys sure know a lot about the show, lol...

The interview was 15 years ago! Move on already!!!
That only comes from someone seeing the show, post it, and the rest is history. YOu do not have to watch or follow a show in order to hear outtakes that was posted by ONE person. Anyway, I do not think she dislikes Michael.
Re: michael and oprah?

LOL ok first MJ and Oprah were never friends...thus she never backstabbed him. And they BOTH mutually benefited from that interview in 1993 and I really do believe that pre-allegations Oprah loved and saw a another side to MJ. Now fastforward...I don't think Oprah "hates" or "dislikes" Michael. Just because u diss someone doesnt mean u don't like them. I think she, along with most other people, were just frustrated with how MJ spent time with kids. As ya'll said she is very judgemental plus she was asused as a kid so naturally she's gonna question MJ sleeping with kids regardless if she thinks he's guilty or not. I mean lets be honest, from a non understanding non fan point of view that LWMJ documetary and the way it was edited WAS disturbing to some folks...and one of em was O.
You summed it up. And for MIchael to be accused a second time having kids in your room made her (along with others) even more judgemental. it is like, "you did not learn nothing from the first time".
Re: michael and oprah?

Wow, you must have a fantastic memory if you can remember an episode of a TV show that's over 15 years old thats doesn't air reruns...Dissing frequently? When was the last time Oprah even whispered Michael's name on her show? If you don't like her, that's fine. I'm not the head of her fan club either. I just think it's weird that people can judge another person's entire personality based on whether or not they like Michael Jackson, lol...It's kind of creepy.

What are talking about ???

I used to watch her programme frenquently back in the 90's and i don't speak about only the one she made with MJ i speak about her show, but you are right the one with mj i can remember all the details of that cause i have it on a tape and anyway it is all over youtube .

The last time she dissed mj was right after the trial with LMP , when she made LMP dissing mj .

MJ is part of my life , i grew up with his music since i am 5 , my little brothers grew up with mj's music because of me , he is like a brother part of my familly , so i cannot support or respect someone you like dissing my mom or bro or somebody who is part of me, i don't care about how much she donates for poor people , she dissed somebody who is important for me and tha'st the only thing which counts .

Everybody has his opinion , mine is i don't like jugdemental people like her whatever how much she donates for poor people , giving money is not a proof of a wonderful spirit money is nothing , i prefer loyalty and respect , if you cannot understand these kind of feelings well that's your mind , maybe you need to be more spiritual than material .

Sorry for my english .
Re: michael and oprah?

You summed it up. And for MIchael to be accused a second time having kids in your room made her (along with others) even more judgemental. it is like, "you did not learn nothing from the first time".

That's not what he problem is. She's just being safe. She doesn't want to be associated with him as a defender or supporter because it's controversial. She's only looking out for herself, as usual. If she would do even the smallest amount of research, she would know that Michael DID learn from the last time, hence one of the reasons why the case fell flat on its face. He took percautions. Helping people, which is what Michael was doing, isn't something he should be critisized or reprimanded over. It's something he should be commended for. It's not his fault if there are people who are willing to betray him and sell him out for the love of money. That's their fault, not his. He was only trying to do something good. Are we going to demean him because he opened up his heart and gave the benifit of the doubt? That's backward logic.
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Re: michael and oprah?

What are talking about ???

I used to watch her programme frenquently back in the 90's and i don't speak about only the one she made with MJ i speak about her show, but you are right the one with mj i can remember all the details of that cause i have it on a tape and anyway it is all over youtube .

The last time she dissed mj was right after the trial with LMP , when she made LMP dissing mj .

MJ is part of my life , i grew up with his music since i am 5 , my little brothers grew up with mj's music because of me , he is like a brother part of my familly , so i cannot support or respect someone you like dissing my mom or bro or somebody who is part of me, i don't care about how much she donates for poor people , she dissed somebody who is important for me and tha'st the only thing which counts .

Everybody has his opinion , mine is i don't like jugdemental people like her whatever how much she donates for poor people , giving money is not a proof of a wonderful spirit money is nothing , i prefer loyalty and respect , if you cannot understand these kind of feelings well that's your mind , maybe you need to be more spiritual than material .

Sorry for my english .

Oprah had Lisa and Priscilla on her show before the verdict was ever rendered. Oprah hasn't mentioned Michael since he was acquitted I don't think, unless she said something to Janet back in 2006, when Janet was promoting 20 YO
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Re: michael and oprah?

Oprah is two-faced, the only reason she had him on her show was because it would pull in the ratings. She didn't even include his interview on her DVD, which proves how she feels about him.
Re: michael and oprah?

What are talking about ???

I used to watch her programme frenquently back in the 90's and i don't speak about only the one she made with MJ i speak about her show, but you are right the one with mj i can remember all the details of that cause i have it on a tape and anyway it is all over youtube .

The last time she dissed mj was right after the trial with LMP , when she made LMP dissing mj .

MJ is part of my life , i grew up with his music since i am 5 , my little brothers grew up with mj's music because of me , he is like a brother part of my familly , so i cannot support or respect someone you like dissing my mom or bro or somebody who is part of me, i don't care about how much she donates for poor people , she dissed somebody who is important for me and tha'st the only thing which counts .

Everybody has his opinion , mine is i don't like jugdemental people like her whatever how much she donates for poor people , giving money is not a proof of a wonderful spirit money is nothing , i prefer loyalty and respect , if you cannot understand these kind of feelings well that's your mind , maybe you need to be more spiritual than material .

Sorry for my english .

i like this post. actually, people who toot their horns this way about giving, are usually compensating for something on the opposite. if that's what it takes for her to do some good in the world..she should keep up the giving..but it doesn't excuse her for what she did. MJ gives without tooting the horn..and if it weren't for digging media..we'd never know about MJ's philanthropic efforts.
Re: michael and oprah?

what exactly did Oprah say, though? I have never seen her even mention his name, let alone diss him. Was it back during the trial?

A lot of it was during the trial period. Since his acquittal, I haven’t heard her say much about him either. Then again, I haven’t watched her show in a while. I’ll try and list the ahh…”offenses” as best I can and I welcome others to please correct my memory lapses or add something I may know nothing about.

She had a show about unrelated men who share intimate relationships with one another (a deep closeness, no sex) yet continued to insist they were heterosexual. Something like that anyway. One of the men said that he often shared a bed with his friends (again, no sex) and Winfrey laughed and said “You’re sounding like Michael Jackson.”

Then there was her interview with Chris Rock for his movie “I think I love my wife” where she pointed out and played a particular scene where the main characters (all Black) discuss (and insult) Jackson, his father, and his case. After that, she asked her audience if “White people do this?”

During her interview with Lisa Marie Presley, she pondered if Jackson used Presley and joined her in her belief that Jackson took advantage of her tendency to feel sorry for the misunderstood. Winfrey claimed she was the same way and that Jackson “sucks you in” with his “I’m so misunderstood” thing.

On an episode about Body Dysmorphic Disorder (an emotional disorder that makes “normal” looking people feel they are grotesquely ugly) Winfrey stated –after quickly pointing out that she interviewed Jackson before his “sexual abuse problems”—that before the interview, Jackson was insistent upon controlling the editing. Of course, Winfrey was also insistent upon controlling the editing and wasn’t going to give way to Jackson. While going through childhood photos, she said Jackson kept hiding his face and saying “Oh, oh I’m so ugly.” Winfrey says she didn’t know if he was serious about that or if it was a tactic to try and get her to relinquish control of the editing. She showed a picture of Jackson at fourteen stating that she thought he looked “fine this way” then went on to compare a professionally taken picture of fourteen year old Jackson to a news photo of Jackson during the trial (amid eews from her audience) she proceeded to say that she thought he must have BDD.

Another episode of her show dealt with show business parents. One father said he admired the Jacksons and wished for his entertainer children to be just like them. An appalled Winfrey set her new resident therapist “Dr. Robin” loose on the guy to tell him how wrong he was because one of the Jacksons is obviously “struggling” and he shouldn’t want his children to end up like them.

When she had Jay Leno on her show, she asked him “What kind of jokes do you tell on your show.” (Who couldn’t see where that was going.) He said, of course, Michael Jackson jokes. She went on to ask about his trial experience. When he talked about “wanting to crack a few jokes” during his testiphony, she ended the conversation there.

Then of course there was the time Larry King asked her if she felt sorry for Jackson. She smiled slightly before saying no.

That’s all I know about. Winfrey is more than entitled to her opinion. But lately, every time I see her, hear about her, or see her picture—literally EVERY TIME—I sing this to myself: If you see an old friend on the street and he’s down, remember, his shoes can fit your feet. Lord, I’m singing it now! :lol:
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Re: michael and oprah?

Irishfaery, you pretty much summed it up.. Oprah is a fake. She hasn't said a word since his acquittal. She's one of the ones eating crow I guess
Re: michael and oprah?

Oh yeah, I forgot about her asking Presley if she and Jackson had sex during their marriage which a lot of people (not just Jackson fans) thought was a little tacky on her part. Especially since she has gone out of her way not to be the kind of "Springeresque" talk show host that she was when she first got on the air.

She also chastised Jackson in a way when Jon Stewart was on her show talking about him "dancing" on top of the SUV. Stewart called him an idiot while she said that she heard--heard not confirmed--that Jackson compared himself to Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela and that she thought that was wrong. She didn't state where she heard that yet we all know she was talking about the Jesse Jackson interview that she made obvious that she didn't bother to listen to otherwise she would have known that wasn't what Jackson was doing.
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Re: michael and oprah?

^ thanks for that! I've only seen the Jay Leno one. Still, she's not that bad.
I don't think everyone here--me included--thinks she's so bad. This is just the exact opposite of what she built her show around. Not to put her on a pedestal or anything, this sort of thing just makes one question her sincerity. It makes her seem, like some have said here, phony. (Tom Cruise and James Frey comes to mind again.) Like I said before--back in the day--folks in the media and much of what has become her most ardent viewers didn't think she was any better than Jerry Springer. She made a bold move by moving away from that type of programming and people were predicting her downfall because of it. (Now those people are "eating crow" so to speak. Does anyone know if she featured any of those old school shows on her 20th anniversary DVD?) I think her fans here wish she had handled a matter as sensitive as Jackson's--a matter she has made her mission to educate people about--the way, say, Montel Williams did. Williams--as far as I know--not only did not speak unkindly of or mock Jackson, he would not let anyone else talk about him either. That's as far as I know. Anybody up for calling Williams out? :lol:
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Re: michael and oprah?

Originally Posted by serena williams
What are talking about ???

I used to watch her programme frenquently back in the 90's and i don't speak about only the one she made with MJ i speak about her show, but you are right the one with mj i can remember all the details of that cause i have it on a tape and anyway it is all over youtube .

The last time she dissed mj was right after the trial with LMP , when she made LMP dissing mj .

MJ is part of my life , i grew up with his music since i am 5 , my little brothers grew up with mj's music because of me , he is like a brother part of my familly , so i cannot support or respect someone you like dissing my mom or bro or somebody who is part of me, i don't care about how much she donates for poor people , she dissed somebody who is important for me and tha'st the only thing which counts .

Everybody has his opinion , mine is i don't like jugdemental people like her whatever how much she donates for poor people , giving money is not a proof of a wonderful spirit money is nothing , i prefer loyalty and respect , if you cannot understand these kind of feelings well that's your mind , maybe you need to be more spiritual than material .

Sorry for my english .

i like this post. actually, people who toot their horns this way about giving, are usually compensating for something on the opposite. if that's what it takes for her to do some good in the world..she should keep up the giving..but it doesn't excuse her for what she did. MJ gives without tooting the horn..and if it weren't for digging media..we'd never know about MJ's philanthropic efforts.
I like these two posts. Exactly my thoughts :)
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Re: michael and oprah?

Just because Oprah might not like MJ doesnt mean she's a bad person and it's definately not enough of a reason to dislike her IMO. A lot of my friends don't like MJ and sometimes make the occasional joke about him, but that's their opinions and that's fine with me. I dont hate or even dislike them at all for their opinions on MJ.

I don't ever remember Oprah bashing Michael on her show except for the time when she said she completely disagreed with him sleeping in the same bed as children (which from her view point as a victim of molestation I can understand). During that same show she even dismissed one of the audience members from talking about his plastic surgery. If she really hated MJ that much then Im sure she wouldnt loved to have made fun of him for all his plastic surgery, but she didnt.

Anywho, I just think it's dumb to completely dismiss or hate on someone who you've never met just because they dislike someone who you happen to like a lot.
Re: michael and oprah?

I don't like Oprah because she's a hypocrite. She doesn't like when people talk about her or crack jokes on her, yet she's willing to treat Michael unfairly
Re: michael and oprah?

She's also made the accusation on her show that Michael has something called body dismorphia disorder and talked a bunch of smack about how he didn't want certain pictures of him shown during her interview with him in 93, as though that were a bad thing. I guess she can talk smack about his plastic surgery but her audience can't right?. She's encouraged her guests to make jokes about him. And I swear to God I remember she had a slumber party with a bunch of little girls at her house once and promoted it all over her show as though it were the best thing in the world. So for her to say she disagrees with Michael letting children sleep in his room, that's just another instance of her incredible hypocricy.
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Re: michael and oprah?

I don't know anybody who hasn't hated some pictures taken of the, I can't tell you how many pictures I screw up and throw in the bin because I hated them I am sure Oprah has many of those too, if she hasn't then she aught to, cause some of the earlier pictures of her, I didn't even recognise them as her, and they were not a pretty sight.
Re: michael and oprah?

From my understanding Michael & Oprah were friends until the 1993 Allegations went public...along with many of his so callled friends.

Think about it, just when Mr.Jackson needed his so called friends the most...they all disappeared...

In the begining of her career, she truly had a pure heart. Now, I feel that Oprah has forgotten where she came from. She comes acrossed as snobby, stuck up wealthy person and tends to sensationalize her popularity with the public for ratings.

Basic Business 101; many of the things she gives away, are usually promotional donations from businesses that donate their product, hence forth...charity tax right off, promotion for the business/person that she is associated with...

But in the eyes of the public, she always comes out smelling like a rose...
Re: michael and oprah?

Oprah was molested as a kid and hates MJ because of the 2 allegations. I think she liked MJ before the allegations.

I wish she could investigate more in to the situation and see that MJ was framed,but it looks like she assumes he's guilty.

And what I find strange is...she doesn't even use her show to dog those that actually molested her. And when I say dog them, I mean dog them the way she dogs MJ who is someone that did not touch her at all. MJ is not the one that violated a part of her that is supposed to be regarded as sacred. She did not even have access to him when she was going through that. She was unknown to him and he is not the true source of her painful memories, so she needs to stop acting like he is.

I wonder why she won't bring her REAL cousins onto the show to talk dirt about her molesters the way she pulled the Presleys onto her show, referred to them as cousins, and then dogged MJ?

I mean, I know she did a show about what her relatives did to her because I watched her show when she was talking about it, but she doesn't harp on it and drag them through the dirt the way she's doing the man that had nothing to do with it. What she is doing is backwards.

Whenever she feels the need to dog MJ, maybe she should bring her true molesters onto her show and tell them to their faces that she hates what they did to her so she can stop taking it out on MJ. Because as it stands right now, her televised anger is misplaced and she is causing MJ pain for nothing.
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Re: michael and oprah?

I have this extra copy of "Redemption" and have decided to send it to her. She may never get it / read it but it dosn´t cost me much money and I believe if you never try you can never succeed :) . I mean it can´t hurt to try and it would be the best if we could get her on our side. This is ofcourse if she is not fake but I kind of trust terrells judgement on this.
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