Metrosexual Guys

Im not really, but last time I was in Vegas, my girl mate put eyeliner on me for fun ... and I got a threesome out of two girls noticing my eyes first. I haven't warn it since, cos where I live you can't really get away with it. But next time Im in Vegas ...

That kinda sum is up, doesn't it? Great post!
When it works, and when you can get away with it - why shouldn't you ;) Goal achieved!

I like that there's a little bit for everyone - i do not really care about metrosexual, andrygyn or masculin. Some people are just beautifull, I find myself looking at all different types thinking "wow.... he's got something" that something can be all kinds of things.

When it comes to the pick... I like there's a little bit of everything in the guy. He shouldn't be afraid to chose one look over the other - he should do what he feels like. I like that my husband can do a very femine thing in a very masculine way one minute and then do the absolut contrary the other minute. I think this whole masculin/feminin thing is very 1950's and I like that the bordes can be pushed.
I was at a family dinner ones on my husbands side, and he wanted to shave for the occasion, I asked if he could please leave it on, as I found it very hot the exact way he was looking at the very moment. He chose to leave it on, leaving the house proudly, liking the fact that I just found him absolutely stunning. Arrieving to the family dinner, the first comment came instantly from his older brother: "You could at least have shaved!" and to my surprice I saw all of the family men, who are usually all "I work in a garage with mashines and oil - looking" all looking neat and folded all nicely shaved. I couldn't help but say - "he's looking beautifull for his wife tonight" and My husband with eyes shinning like a star replied: "and all I had to do was look the way I prefer, just being me..."

my point being: when you feel you look good, you usually do - it just shines through and have that wow effect
I'd date a Metrosexual male! I especially like eyeliner & mascara on guys (if applied nicely LOL). I'm kinda shocked at some of the responses here, why are some guys so damn angry if some other guy wears makeup? I don't get it. I know some guys have gotten beaten up because of this. Do you feel threatened by makeup? geez
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