Metrosexual Guys

If you wore mascara without possessing a vagina,you my friend,are gay.

You just don't know it yet.

Michael Jackson wore make up. You just called Michael Jackson gay on a Michael Jackson forum. Excellent work.

Mascara is different to eyeliner btw, and its not available in just the mens section. They make special eyeliner for men.

I'm very metrosexual, but I dont wear eyeliner. I'd look way too girly.
Some men can pull of wearing makeup, and Michael was one of them...I think a bit of eyeliner on men sometimes looks pretty hot...but it depends on the facial structure...if you have a very masculine looking face with a strong jawline, then it sorta doesn't look right....but with Michael, he did have feminine features, even back in the early 80's...but he still had a masculine with both those feminine AND masculine features that he had, it just SUITED him....and he was sexy as hell with or without makeup....
Michael Jackson wore make up. You just called Michael Jackson gay on a Michael Jackson forum. Excellent work.

:clapping: :cheeky:

I think metrosexual guys can be really hot. Of course there are many hot non-metro guys too. Not sure if skinny jeans are counted as metro, but I'm not a huge fan of them on guys. I like it when guys wear jeans that are kind of fitted (straight cut?) but definitely NOT the baggy ones. Ew. The same goes for t-shirts/shirts - way more flattering when they fit nicely...without suffocating
I moisturise my skin. I sometimes use certain creams. I also sometimes spend ages in front of the mirror. Does this make me gay?

One word for this thread: Judgemental.

EDIT: Also the guy below is the most famous "metrosexual male" in the UK...and he's about to marry arguably one of the most beautiful women in the world Katy Perry!!!


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^^^ and himself is hot as hell! :)

I never thought about it. I guess my pick wouldn't be metrosexual men, but I'd agree some are pretty/hot.
I think it's an interesting topic to discuss, and if we can do it in non-judgmental way, that would really be cool.
I remember this thread. Good times. Unfortunately I said everything I wanted to say in the first few pages so have nothing left to say without being redundant. I think I'll just instigate and say that I agree with everything Ghost of Jealousy has said and that "gay" is a magnificent descriptor for this particular topic. Not necessarily the literal meaning of gay but also the Edward Cullen version.
I remember this thread. Good times. Unfortunately I said everything I wanted to say in the first few pages so have nothing left to say without being redundant. I think I'll just instigate and say that I agree with everything Ghost of Jealousy has said and that "gay" is a magnificent descriptor for this particular topic. Not necessarily the literal meaning of gay but also the Edward Cullen version.

If he were human, I'm pretty sure Edward Cullen would get more action than a non-metrosexual version of himself. :p
I would draw the line at wearing make up and bottled fake tan. It just doesn't do it for me. Anything else goes. Waxing now and then when and where needed and sun beds now and then keeps the zits away personally.

I don't see a problem with guys wanting to look good.
This seems a bit silly to me...........

Because most people who regularly get photographed or filmed (models, presenters, singers, actors) uaually have some sort of make-up on.............

..........And its easier to count how many Hollywood stars don't have cosmetic surgery!!!!!!!!!

Life was much easier when it was just Hetro and Homo!!!!!!!!!
The whole point of actors and models wearing make-up though is so that they look like they have a regular skin tone on film and in photos. Even Charlie Chaplin wore make up
If you wore mascara without possessing a vagina,you my friend,are gay.

You just don't know it yet.

What does wearing mascara without possessing a vagina have to do with liking to have penis in/around your mouth?

I mean, I'm straight and I don't know how people label something as "gay" even though there's no actual connection between that and their sexual preferances.
Michael Jackson wore eyeliner, does that make him gay? Nope.

Metrosexual guys are great! I'd prefer a guy who could look after himself and smell nice rather than some tradie from the local construction site. Give me someone with a bit of hygiene any day of the week, haha!
Paid up member of the guy liner brigade then I take it?

Mascara is only available in the womens section for a reason....

ps. nothing wrong with being gay by the way.

That reason being society thinking that certain things are for men, and others are for women. However, these things by definition have absolutely NO gender assignment whatsoever. In and of itself, there is nothing feminine about mascara, nor masculine about, say, a basketball. These traits are qualities which we project unto them as a result of the massive amount of conditioning we collectively undergo, which only a few people (such as myself) have always been strangely immune to.

For example, I am biologically female but consider myself male, but partake in some things society/people would say are feminine. However, I don't see them in that light--there is nothing about the activities/objects themselves which would suggest they are exclusive to females (or males, for that matter.) That whole gender-role 1950's thinking makes me sick. Bleh!

P.S. I like "feminine" guys and metrosexuals. "Masculine" men are just not attractive to me at all, perhaps because I consider myself to be the masculine in the hypothetical relationship.
Again, Michael Jackson wore eyeliner for most of his adult life, people. You're on a Michael Jackson fanboard. Need I say anymore?

That reason being society thinking that certain things are for men, and others are for women. However, these things by definition have absolutely NO gender assignment whatsoever. In and of itself, there is nothing feminine about mascara, nor masculine about, say, a basketball. These traits are qualities which we project unto them as a result of the massive amount of conditioning we collectively undergo, which only a few people (such as myself) have always been strangely immune to.

For example, I am biologically female but consider myself male, but partake in some things society/people would say are feminine. However, I don't see them in that light--there is nothing about the activities/objects themselves which would suggest they are exclusive to females (or males, for that matter.) That whole gender-role 1950's thinking makes me sick. Bleh!

P.S. I like "feminine" guys and metrosexuals. "Masculine" men are just not attractive to me at all, perhaps because I consider myself to be the masculine in the hypothetical relationship.

I'm confused. Does that mean you are transsexual or are clearly a woman but feels more like a man?

Either way, I agree with your post. It's all conditioning.
I guess I just consider myself genderless. An "it", per se. Although, mentally, I feel male, but I like "feminine" things.
I guess I just consider myself genderless. An "it", per se. Although, mentally, I feel male, but I like "feminine" things.

And does that have any influence on your sexual orientation? ...I know this might not have anything to do with this topic but I saw you saying that a couple of times and I was just curious. :D
AndreyZidane™;3341315 said:
And does that have any influence on your sexual orientation? ...I know this might not have anything to do with this topic but I saw you saying that a couple of times and I was just curious. :D

I think not. Gender identity and sexual orientation are two different things. Someone can be perfectly comfortable being male or female and still be homosexual/lesbian/bisexual/asexual/straight.
Im not really, but last time I was in Vegas, my girl mate put eyeliner on me for fun ... and I got a threesome out of two girls noticing my eyes first. I haven't warn it since, cos where I live you can't really get away with it. But next time Im in Vegas ...
Im not really, but last time I was in Vegas, my girl mate put eyeliner on me for fun ... and I got a threesome out of two girls noticing my eyes first. I haven't warn it since, cos where I live you can't really get away with it. But next time Im in Vegas ...

What happenes in Vegas, stays in Vegas!

...except for herpes, that sh*t will come back.

(Name that movie :lol:)