Metrosexual Guys

There was a Metrosexual guy in my College class called Lee, he was rather annoying but i think he was a closeted Gay, he was too camp not too be Gay lol i know Metrosexual Men can be quite Camp but there was Camp then Lee
Ok, you can't just say it's ok for Michael to wear make-up...but no other guy. A guy is a guy. (ok, MJ isn't just any guy...but you get my point)

Actually, I can say that. I can hypothetically say anything I want :). Like this: most guys look like fruits with that particular look and a rare few pull it off. The majority of those pics MJStarlight posted made me groan six times in five seconds :lol:.

The convo really isn't about whether or not it's "okay" for a guy to wear make-up and eye-liner, because they have the freedom to wear anything they want, so it's okay no matter what I think. Conversely, I and many other people are free to think they look like clowns. They wouldn't dress themselves up like that if they didn't want to stand out and if they didn't want people to take notice. So they do stand out, and people do notice. Unfortunately, standing out can't be all about people thinking you look "sexy" and "unique." Some people will think different. It's just a fashion choice that I find nauseating in most cases.
hahahha this is a hilarious thread!

I personally don't care if a guy wears a makeup or tries hard to look good. To me it like this: do whatever makes you happy, just don't kill anybody. lol
Martin Lee Gore from Depeche Mode wore make up too. And he isn't gay either.

To be fair, Michael didn't just wear make-up on stage. He had it tattooed onto his face. He wore bright red lipstick when he was out and about shopping. The "he-wears-make-up-because-he's-an-entertainer" line doesn't really hold up with MJ.

To be fair, also MJ didn't wore make-up just for fun, like those other entertainers. He wore it to cover his vitiligo/lupus.
BTW, this thread shows that in entertainment business nothing is what seems to be: guys who look masculine are gay (like Freddie Mercury, George Michael), other guys who look feminine and wear make-up are straight. LOL.
To be fair, also MJ didn't wore make-up just for fun, like those other entertainers. He wore it to cover his vitiligo/lupus.

Yeah, but he started wearing blusher and eye liner way before the days of vitiligo, even in the early 80s.
I am a Metrosexual male. I have been one for about 4 years now. And I think its a safe bet MJ was one as well.

If you don't now what Metrosexual is, please refer to this Wiki article:

I was reading this article and I was shocked to notice that a lot of the things it is talking about describes my behavior to a Tee. Like for example, I spend hours in the bathroom getting ready, I spend obscene amounts of money on things that have to do with my looks(hair products, makeup, moisturizers, facial creams, etc.). I at times wear makeup. Like in my freshmen year in Highschool I wore mascara for about 2 months. In my sophomore year I wore eyeliner for about 2 months. I have since never used makeup since then, but I am considering other makeup techniques. Yet I really don't need it considering my skin is naturally almost flawless, and I have naturally long dark eyelashes. So people do assume I wear makeup when I really am not. I just take good care of my face. I wash my face EVERY night and morning. And use a perspired acne creams on my face to make sure I don't get any kind of blemishes on my face. I also shave my face and other areas of my body a lot(an Oder thing). I get my eyebrows done as often as I can with an arch like MJ's from the Bad era. And I'm not going to get into my hair becuase we'll be here for a while. And becuase of all this, I get a lot of compliments from other women who say they love my hair, eyes, eyebrows, skin, etc. And once I loose the weight I wanted to loose I'm going to be buying more exotic/fresh clothes for myself. And for the record I am ALWAYS checking myself in the mirror. People say I'm conceited and a narcissist. But while I do have all these qualities, I am still manly in many ways. Like my attitude, and my voice. So I'm not a total sissy or anything like that.

Now let me make this clear I am 100% straight, thats why the word Metrosexual is used for people like me.

What are your opinions on Metrosexual Men? Are you attracted to them? Would you date a Metrosexual male?

Lets discuss.

OMG!! Thanks for posting that link! I have had the devil of a time trying to figure out what you mean by the word "Metrosexual". Hilarious!!
I am a Metrosexual male. I have been one for about 4 years now. And I think its a safe bet MJ was one as well.

If you don't now what Metrosexual is, please refer to this Wiki article:

Now let me make this clear I am 100% straight, thats why the word Metrosexual is used for people like me.

What are your opinions on Metrosexual Men? Are you attracted to them? Would you date a Metrosexual male?

Lets discuss.
Well I like pretty guys and they are often metrosexual. I think it's cool that men are more open to these grooming things, it's really not just for women. Women have been playing with gender roles for like centuries. And it's ok, more western men should embrace their feminine side, highlight their feminine features if they want to and not be thought of as gay. Actualy I think the word "sexual" should be dropped from the word metrosexual because it has nothong to do with sexuality.
The only aspect I don't really care for in metrosexuals is the superficial side. I'm not into fancy clothes and stuff, it's not important to me. I might date a metrosexual guy but I don't think it would work out if he was too superficial.

I don't think metrosexuality has anything to do with whether somebody is gay or not.

In fact, you see people like Freddie Mercury and George Michael who looked masculine, had facial hair etc. and they were gay. And you've got people like Michael or Prince who used make up, looked feminine and they weren't gay.
That's right.
I love their swagger they are very smooth and when they step out on the streets every body is watching swagger right from the shades, jean,shoes, suites etc they put a lot of other dudes to shame. I respect Metrosexual Guys not scared to be different and stand out and there is nothing Gay about them at all they are not scared to be themselves and to be different like my moomoo :wub:they love to romance a woman big all to all u sexy brothers on MJJC
I use spot creams, skin moisturizers and spend time on my hair and clothes, these words confuse me :lol: I just like to look nice and presentable, but I have never used make up :p and why has this thread moved on to being gay :lol: :)
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To be fair, Michael didn't just wear make-up on stage. He had it tattooed onto his face. He wore bright red lipstick when he was out and about shopping. The "he-wears-make-up-because-he's-an-entertainer" line doesn't really hold up with MJ.

The same with most male entertainers who wear make up. I don't think I've ever seen a picture of Prince without eyeliner and cover-up.

Kurt Cobain used to wear eye-liner on and off stage as well, so it's not just men with high pitched singing voices.

Why in hecks name did MJ wear bright red lipstick? I have seen pics of him with no lipstick, and all I can say is YUMM!!!
Now I would never go as far as looking like those guys on the first few pages. I don't even wear eyeliner anymore. And I don't wear makeup anymore. I have a natural looking look. Not a scary, cross-dressing look. lol. I have a look similar to MJ's in the Bad Era. Thats all I'm going for. Now I don't do my nails or feet or anything like that. I just mainly make sure my face looks good. And when I say I send a lot of money, I don't mean like hundreds of dollars. Thats way too much.
This whole thread has me cracking up :p

There are guys who wear eye makeup in every day life.... just take a walk around Sydney any day of the week! I think it's just maybe more acceptable in certain areas/metro/cities etc.... like in NYC nobody would think twice but in Milwaukee people might be like..... WTF is that?! :blink:

As far as MJ and lipstick/tattoo, I always assumed it was a Vitiligo thing? :unsure: I love the dark eye makeup MJ wore.... totally highlights his eyes :D Personally I'd take a metro over some hairy guy any day. I was married to a hairy/beer drinkin/football loving/jeans and flannels dude for five years and jeez.... :ph34r:
Yeah, but he started wearing blusher and eye liner way before the days of vitiligo, even in the early 80s.

I thought the blusher was to cover a symptom of lupus:

"with Lupus revealing a possible tell-tale of a ‘butterfly-rash’ or malar rash on the cheeks and bridge of nose, a discoid rash- sores on the face, neck and chest, mouth sores or ulcers and a sensitivity reaction to sunlight"

This thread is the best thing I have read on here all week! Totally cracking me up!

Personally – I don’t like my guy to be prettier than me or stealing my beauty products – but you know, what does it really matter if you are a good person.

Eyeliner is not really a big deal. And if truth be told – tons of people in show business wear makeup everyday – or they would just looked washed out under all those lights or when the paparazzi is chasing you... these days – you gotta look good doing your laundry or taking out the trash!

Lipstick.... umm, I dunno – I don’t even wear that – but you can have some of my pink tinted chapstick!

In regards to Michael, I was never huge fan of when Michael wore a lot of makeup. I honestly thought he was just so beautiful without it – but I totally understand why he did and liked to wear it.

Sometimes I thought it was too much and on any other man – whoa... NO.

Michaels’ inoffensive non-gendered androgyny is what gave him such mass appeal.

Why in hecks name did MJ wear bright red lipstick? I have seen pics of him with no lipstick, and all I can say is YUMM!!!

Yeah Linda... now that’s what I am talking about. Hello gorgeous.
First let me start off by saying..nice thread.:)..Ok..Now..I am a 42 year old woman who has been married to my husband for 25 years. He abesolutly takes wonderful care of himself...he uses the latest wrinkle creams and all the jazz..although he looks wonderful for his age and doesn't need it. He doesn't wear make up or anything..but ..the rest of the metrosexual him to a T..I have said this for years. Now the pics of the guys that MJStarlight posted....I think they are all good looking guys. ...and yes the eye makeup looks amazing. I live in the city..I have a teenage daughter...she is in love with every boy who looks like that..(she may even end up marry one someday who knows). Now ...I believe that Michael looked amazing no matter if he wore makeup or not..I love him way. To me he is hot and sexy with or without it. For some reason I just cannot seem to put Michael in a category of if he was metro or not.....To me he was just Michael..I love him no matter what he was...I guess he is just to special to me...I think he has his own category as far as I am concerned.. and that is just special.
I don't see why they have to give it a name 'metrosexual' its just men who like to take care of themselves. Its not a sexuality.

I first heard the term 'metrosexual' like years ago, they were using it to describe David Beckham. I think thats when the term came into common use, for David Beckham.

As for make up -

I think Michael looked best with less (just eyeliner) or no make up.

And for the record I like smudged eyeliner on men: See Johnny Depp and Jared Leto

OMG :heart:



Guyliner should generally be worn smudged to give a rugged, less defined look to make the man look edgy and mysterious while also contouring the eye. Using a cotton bud or a brush with a dark gray or black shadow will effectively smudge the eyeliner so it looks messy and effortless.

And our guy -


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My cousin is Metrosexual and its not vanity, hes just a normal guy who likes to look good and cares about they way he looks! Its nice! Most women are like that so why shouldnt men be!

Now I would never go as far as looking like those guys on the first few pages. I don't even wear eyeliner anymore. And I don't wear makeup anymore. I have a natural looking look. Not a scary, cross-dressing look. lol. I have a look similar to MJ's in the Bad Era. Thats all I'm going for. Now I don't do my nails or feet or anything like that. I just mainly make sure my face looks good. And when I say I send a lot of money, I don't mean like hundreds of dollars. Thats way too much.

Bad Era Mike? Yum! :lol:
Wanna know what I want to know? I wanna know just where the term "Metrosexual" was created? Was someone riding the Metro, saw some guy with eyeliner on and decided to his/herself "Yeah. Now that is some wierd category all by itself. Lets see...the eyeliner, the way the guy does his hair....yep....I'm riding the Metro....VIOLA!! I got it!! He's a METROSEXUAL!"
LoL.. yehh I don't like the term. Its just guys taking care and being interested in their appearance..
Stylish clothes, tonnes of after shaves (every girl likes 'Boss energise', lads ;-) trust me, lol) moisturise... more or less most of them things, but not to the extent of make up, and tight fitting clothes.

By the way, that aftershave is my closest guarded secret... ha.
Really, in Australia anyway...the term "metrosexual" is used for guys who dress a certain way, with certain styled hair. Has NOTHING to do with makeup. More clean cut with a trendy edge.

But in regards to the whole make-up debate here...I still don't see how people can say that eyeliner is one thing, but a full face is another. So one is ok-ish..but the other isn't, when referring to guys. Make-up is make-up. wether you wear one thing, or a face of the stuff, you are still wearing it. If a guy wants to wear a face full, so be it. If you think it looks bad, then so be it. But there are plenty of girls I see walking around with way too much gunk on their face also.

So yeh, just my opinion :p

Personally, I embrace a guy who likes to wear a little something.

And to the person who referred to the bubble I live in. It's nice living here, people treat each other equally - no judgement. Just what I learnt from Michael. If only the rest of the world could live in my "bubble"
