Metrosexual Guys


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I am a Metrosexual male. I have been one for about 4 years now. And I think its a safe bet MJ was one as well.

If you don't now what Metrosexual is, please refer to this Wiki article:

I was reading this article and I was shocked to notice that a lot of the things it is talking about describes my behavior to a Tee. Like for example, I spend hours in the bathroom getting ready, I spend obscene amounts of money on things that have to do with my looks(hair products, makeup, moisturizers, facial creams, etc.). I at times wear makeup. Like in my freshmen year in Highschool I wore mascara for about 2 months. In my sophomore year I wore eyeliner for about 2 months. I have since never used makeup since then, but I am considering other makeup techniques. Yet I really don't need it considering my skin is naturally almost flawless, and I have naturally long dark eyelashes. So people do assume I wear makeup when I really am not. I just take good care of my face. I wash my face EVERY night and morning. And use a perspired acne creams on my face to make sure I don't get any kind of blemishes on my face. I also shave my face and other areas of my body a lot(an Oder thing). I get my eyebrows done as often as I can with an arch like MJ's from the Bad era. And I'm not going to get into my hair becuase we'll be here for a while. And becuase of all this, I get a lot of compliments from other women who say they love my hair, eyes, eyebrows, skin, etc. And once I loose the weight I wanted to loose I'm going to be buying more exotic/fresh clothes for myself. And for the record I am ALWAYS checking myself in the mirror. People say I'm conceited and a narcissist. But while I do have all these qualities, I am still manly in many ways. Like my attitude, and my voice. So I'm not a total sissy or anything like that.

Now let me make this clear I am 100% straight, thats why the word Metrosexual is used for people like me.

What are your opinions on Metrosexual Men? Are you attracted to them? Would you date a Metrosexual male?

Lets discuss.
does this mean a pretty boy in a sense just curious, i think metro's are cool i always liked guys clean cut and long haired no offense to those who are not,

btw i'm a girl btw don't let my username confuse ya
metro = pretty boys like my bf! haha .. he likes wearing labels (versace,armani,hugoboss) he likes getting pampered like i do =) i wax his chest :p he comes tanning with me . we get our hair done together haha ..he doesn't wear make up tho .. he doesn't need it hes naturally good lookin (well imo anyways lol) ... but yeah i love metro guys they just know how to take care of themselves .. i don't have to tell my bf to shower or shave lmao .. plus metro guys are good to look at ..just look at MJ! :wub: especially during the bad era ..he was pure metro
If you wore mascara without possessing a vagina,you my friend,are gay.

You just don't know it yet.


Fuck eyeliner on men, bro! Fuck that shit!

I can be particular about my hair at times and look myself over in the mirror A LOT (to an unhealthy degree, in fact), but I don't do the whole fashion obsessed/make-up thing. I also like having facial hair; I believe it's a gift from God. On the whole I find it annoying when dudes go out of their way to minimize their masculine traits and feminize themselves, but it's their right to look how they want. There are a lot of girls who like that look, but then again a lot of girls are retards. They've had it permanently embedded into their heads through movies and TV that real men look like girls, which sounds ridiculous just to say. There are plenty of chicks who go for regular joes, too.

Oh, and MJ gets a free pass because he's better than the rest of us and stuff that's stupid on other people was cool on him :).
Paid up member of the guy liner brigade then I take it?

Mascara is only available in the womens section for a reason....

ps. nothing wrong with being gay by the way.

I'm not paid by anybody. I just don't think you can make statements like that ("if you use a mascara you are gay just you don't know yet") for others. That's very simplicistic and superficial IMO.
I am a Metrosexual male. I have been one for about 4 years now. And I think its a safe bet MJ was one as well.

If you don't now what Metrosexual is, please refer to this Wiki article:

I was reading this article and I was shocked to notice that a lot of the things it is talking about describes my behavior to a Tee. Like for example, I spend hours in the bathroom getting ready, I spend obscene amounts of money on things that have to do with my looks(hair products, makeup, moisturizers, facial creams, etc.). I at times wear makeup. Like in my freshmen year in Highschool I wore mascara for about 2 months. In my sophomore year I wore eyeliner for about 2 months. I have since never used makeup since then, but I am considering other makeup techniques. Yet I really don't need it considering my skin is naturally almost flawless, and I have naturally long dark eyelashes. So people do assume I wear makeup when I really am not. I just take good care of my face. I wash my face EVERY night and morning. And use a perspired acne creams on my face to make sure I don't get any kind of blemishes on my face. I also shave my face and other areas of my body a lot(an Oder thing). I get my eyebrows done as often as I can with an arch like MJ's from the Bad era. And I'm not going to get into my hair becuase we'll be here for a while. And becuase of all this, I get a lot of compliments from other women who say they love my hair, eyes, eyebrows, skin, etc. And once I loose the weight I wanted to loose I'm going to be buying more exotic/fresh clothes for myself. And for the record I am ALWAYS checking myself in the mirror. People say I'm conceited and a narcissist. But while I do have all these qualities, I am still manly in many ways. Like my attitude, and my voice. So I'm not a total sissy or anything like that.

Now let me make this clear I am 100% straight, thats why the word Metrosexual is used for people like me.

What are your opinions on Metrosexual Men? Are you attracted to them? Would you date a Metrosexual male?

Lets discuss.


I think such a man would drive me crazy! LOL! Sorry, I didn't mean offense, I mean it about Michael as well. ;) Yeah, he was probably "metrosexual" if we want to use labels.

But I don't really like labels like "metrosexual" or "asexual". It makes it sound like those were sexual orientations, when IMO they aren't. Heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual are sexual orientations, but "metrosexual" or "asexual" aren't in my opinion.

As far as I am concerned not every man has to be hairy and scruffy to be a man. In fact I like men who are well-groomed and I don't like hair on the chest, for example. LOL. But your case sounds a bit extreme to me (just like Michael's). I mean a guy who spends hours and hours in front of the mirror being concerned about his looks, well that would drive me crazy. In Michael's case I think that it was because he grew up in showbusiness and he was told from a small age how important his looks are and he always has to look good so that his fans like him. And that made him a bit overdoing things later. Of course, his vitiligo didn't help either - I think he used make-up to cover that.

(And "asexuality" is just the low level of sexual drive, not an orientation either IMO, but that's another subject.)
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^ Isn't the metrosexuality kind of superficial in and of itself? :lol:

Man,these dudes need to man the fcuk up!

Walking about in skinny jeans and big hair,you can't tell the sex from the back ffs!

Looking after yourself and your appearance should be expected,but walking about like you just raided your sisters wardrobe?

negro please.
I don't think metrosexuality has anything to do with whether somebody is gay or not.

In fact, you see people like Freddie Mercury and George Michael who looked masculine, had facial hair etc. and they were gay. And you've got people like Michael or Prince who used make up, looked feminine and they weren't gay.
I don't think metrosexuality has anything to do with whether somebody is gay or not.

In fact, you see people like Freddie Mercury and George Michael who looked masculine, had facial hair etc. and they were gay. And you've got people like Michael or Prince who used make up, looked feminine and they weren't gay.

You do know why Freddie and George had facial hair right?

So what about Michael? he wore mascara too and he is NOT gay.

Its called guyliner lol
I know some pretty guys that wear makeup and are not gay :)

Tommy Joe Ratliff

Pete Wentz

Lukas Rossi

Billie Joe

Dave Navarro

Johnny Depp

Bill Kaulitz


Oh Jesus Christ. I just refreshed this thread and my poor unsuspecting eyes fell victim to a lethal dosage of gayness (as well as a picture of MJ at the end which kind of made it better).

Nonsense nothing.

MJ wore stage make up all his life,completely different from some guy heading out to tesco wearing make up.

I'm not saying I wanna see guys running around in make-up in Tesco. All I say is metrosexual is not equal to being gay.
I find Adam Lambert to be the most beautiful man living right now. :wub: He is gorgeous and gay. I've seen alot of straight males actually wanting to copy his style. Quite the trend setter. Oh I think he would make a good shopping buddy too :)


Oh Jesus Christ. I just refreshed this thread and my poor unsuspecting eyes fell victim to a lethal dosage of gayness (as well as a picture of MJ at the end which kind of made it better).


:lmao: Hes from that band Tokio Hotel.
That thing that looks like the pic was taken in a wind tunnel,WTF? I mean WTF!

To back up an argument about guyliner you put up a pick of that mutant!

MJ,Prince and Johnny Depp wear it well,but lets face it,they are good looking guys.I see 18 stone guys with black holes in there ears,Mohican's and guyliner jumping out of moms minivan.

'cos that's how they roll.
Ok, you can't just say it's ok for Michael to wear make-up...but no other guy. A guy is a guy. (ok, MJ isn't just any guy...but you get my point)

Straight, gay, bi - whatever, I don't see what is wrong with them wearing a little something if they want.

If you want to bag a guy for wearing manliner...or guyliner...whatever :lol: don't forget....Michael had his own personal make-up artist! And she wasn't just for the stage, it was everyday life.

I don't see why it's ok for a girl to embrace some male quirks (like certainly clothes, boots, hairstyles etc etc) but it's frowned upon if I guy does it. Strange.

So long story short...what was this thread about...of yeh, they metrosexual male. Of course, they are always sterotyped as being gay, but being gay isn't about your look - so I think guys should be free to look any way they want, just as girls do.

p.s. Johnny and Mikey look hot with a little makeup on :p With our without, those boys are blessed!! Yum hehe
Ok, you can't just say it's ok for Michael to wear make-up...but no other guy. A guy is a guy. (ok, MJ isn't just any guy...but you get my point)

First off,every pic posted is a guy wearing a damn sight more than mascara,they are photo shoot or stage pics.
Second off if you walked down my street with that amount of cake on your face you'd get a severe kicking.

It's a fact,the guy you see on tv might look cute in his guyliner but the guy walking down my avenue will get jumped if he tries it.

This is not tv or the movies.

I'd love to live in the wee bubble some of you live in
First off,every pic posted is a guy wearing a damn sight more than mascara,they are photo shoot or stage pics.
Second off if you walked down my street with that amount of cake on your face you'd get a severe kicking.

It's a fact,the guy you see on tv might look cute in his guyliner but the guy walking down my avenue will get jumped if he tries it.

This is not tv or the movies.

I'd love to live in the wee bubble some of you live in

To be fair, Michael didn't just wear make-up on stage. He had it tattooed onto his face. He wore bright red lipstick when he was out and about shopping. The "he-wears-make-up-because-he's-an-entertainer" line doesn't really hold up with MJ.

The same with most male entertainers who wear make up. I don't think I've ever seen a picture of Prince without eyeliner and cover-up.

Kurt Cobain used to wear eye-liner on and off stage as well, so it's not just men with high pitched singing voices.