Merry Christmas Michael

Greeting cards have all been sent
The Christmas rush is through
But I still have one wish to make
A special one for you

Merry Christmas darling
We're apart that's true
But I can dream and in my dreams
I'm Christmas-ing with you

Holidays are joyful
There's always something new
But every day's a holiday
When I'm near to you
The lights on my tree
I wish you could see
I wish it every day
Logs on the fire
Fill me with desire
To see you and to say

That I wish you Merry Christmas
Happy New Year, too
I've just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
I wish I were with you

Logs on the fire
Fill me with desire
To see you and to say
That I wish you Merry Christmas
Happy New Year, too
I've just one wish
On this Christmas Eve
I wish I were with you
I wish I were with you

(Merry Christmas, Darling - Carpenters)
Merry Christmas Michael. Christmas ain't the same without knowing you're here somewhere having fun. Love you and miss you xxxxxxx
Michael Jackson

& his children
Prince, Paris & Blanket
Merry Christmas, Michael. Love you & miss you. Thank you for everything. May God keep you there happy and safe, always & forever! Amen :)
Merry Christmas, dear Michael!

Nothing I write here can adequately express the loss I feel, but I wish you nothing but Peace and continued heavenly rest. Thank you for all the wonderful Christmas memories of the past. Even though you're not here this year, you've still given me Christmas memories to remember. It's not so much a happy one, but the Opus is amazing. I will cherish it for all time altho I'd trade it in a heartbeat to have you back in the flesh. Love you and miss you most dearly. xoxo :heart:

P.S. I decorated my Christmas tree in your memory. It's as royal, bold, spicy, and sparkly as you ever were. Everytime I look at it, I think of you and smile. Here's hoping you are looking down on it from heaven and smiling, too. Altho I've been known to keep my tree up as late as Valentine's day, I'm seriously thinking about pulling a Blanket and keeping it up all year long. :wub:
Michael- this is the first Christmas without you. I miss you so much and will hold you forever in my heart.
It's a bitter sweet day today.

It's bitter because you are not here physically.
It's bitter because you are not with Prince, Paris, and Blanket physically.
It's bitter because millions of people around the world are missing you.

It's sweet because we celebrate the life and message of our Savior Jesus Christ.
It's sweet because you no longer live in a world that treated you with so much hate.
It's sweet because you are forever in the loving arms of your Father.
It's sweet because no amount of hate can diminish the love of millions of people around the world for you.

We love you, We love you MORE, We love you MOST.

Merry Christmas Michael.
I can't stop loving you. Merry Christmas Michael.

Merry Christmas, Prince, Paris & Blanket.
I hope you heard what I read out to you for your beautiful babes last night Michael.
Merry Christmas, you have always been an Angel in my eyes.
Thank you for everything.
With out you, I would not be who I am today.
And I miss you so very much.
I love you.
I hope you heard what I read out to you for your beautiful babes last night Michael.
Merry Christmas, you have always been an Angel in my eyes.
Thank you for everything.
With out you, I would not be who I am today.
And I miss you so very much.
I love you.

I feel such a huge sense of loss right's quite overwhelming. :cry:
well, Mike..the last time i encountered an angel, he lifted me off of the street, near the curb, along with my bike, and, on to the sidewalk. when i turned around to see what was up, i couldn't see anyone. then i saw a car careen up that part of the street, banging against the curb, and a drunk driver was driving. naturally, i thanked the angel...thanked God.

next time, an angel saves my bacon, i'm going to assume that it's you, and i'll call you by name, and thank God, again.

Have a good Christmas, up there, Mike.
I will say it simply...I love you with all my heart and soul, Michael..You are a true angel...Always have been! Merry Christmas!
Dear Michael :waving: to start...:writing:
Merry Christmas dear angel, our guardian, our king :king:
We hope you hear our prayers and the songs to you we sing:listeningtomusic:
We hope you are dancing with the angels in the heavens above:worship:
We know you are looking down on us :cloud9::girl_blush:and
We send you all our love!! :give_heart::girl_butterfly:
Love you more :wub: :angel:
Merry Christmas Michael... (omg - as I just finish typing that my ringtone Smooth Criminal went off - my cell phone has not gone off all day)

Today has been harder than expected and I miss you so much. I hope you can feel all the love from me and everyone that we feel for you today, tomorrow and forever. xoxo
Merry Christmas to you, heaven's most beautiful angel. I hope you are well wherever you are now, and that you can see and feel the love we have for you and all the ways in which we show it. Like Maya Angelou said it, sing your songs among the stars and dance your dances on the face of the moon. You are always in my heart, and I'll always love you more!
Merry Christmas, Michael.


There'll be one missing Christmas,
one place at table - bare,
one smiling face we'll yearn for
just knowing you're not there

One present left beneath the tree
after all have been passed out,
with pretty ribbon posed atop -
a heartfelt gift, no doubt

Voices soft, diminished,
we'll sing a Christmas song,
hoping next year's easier
for you haven't been gone long

The joy of your great laughter
as the children gathered 'round -
your spirit more like 'Peter Pan'
in revelry and sound

The snow outside - light falling,
of which you were so fond,
swift on skis and snowboard,
and skating on the pond

Cozy by a crackling fire
we'll surely quiet sit,
recalling times your lengthy frame
would stretch in front of it

We'll have to gather all our faith
and be of one accord,
knowing you are safe with Him -
spending Christmas with our Lord …

Poem by Tamara Hillman.
Copyright 2006

Michael, I miss you!
Merry Christmas, Michael! Although you are physically not here anymore, I believe your spirit will alway be with us, the ones who love you so deeply. I send you all my love :)
Merry Christmas MJ....though you may not be here in the physical form, your spirit is most definately here with us....and through all of us fans, you will live on FOREVER!!! Peace & L.O.V.E. 2 you 'King'
I wish you much joy and happiness up there during this holiday season. I hope you can feel the outpouring of love in your direction. Still missing you after all this time, which only feels like a moment since you left the earth. I hope your family and children are having a nice Christmas too. You are always in my heart. :cry: