Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

if is is really Michael then i guess he chose this woman to get a message across.
How would she be able to do that without stepping forward.

Right. If Michael wanted to get a message across, he would certainly choose someone that would help him to do that...but not in a sleazy "look at me" kind of way, which is what this woman isn't doing. It's not for "show".

Also, this woman is not shouting out everything she has channeled from Michael. She respects his privacy, as previously stated, and is keeping some things between her and his family.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

If she didn't put on youtube how we would be discussing this now? lol Obviously if Michael talks to someone it will be so his message will be spread. Otherwise he could just talk to the spirits in the afterlife, there are plenty. lol Of course if he feels exploited then he will stop and find another person.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I've read many of the "interviews" from beyond the grave. This one seems to sort of seem more real then the others. Lots of things she say remind me of Michael. I want to beleive it but I am very skeptical right now..

He has done more 'interviews' dead then alive this year.. :no:

I just wanna beleive he's at peace!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Did no one have wat happen to me as she was saying all wat she was saying in the trance her voice changed into his,was really strange as for me it still hasnt sunk in wat has has happen :cry:,i think if u r a believer or not then thats fine as its an open world but just dont diss anyone or say hurtfull things as the only way we will ever know the truth is when we are gone,but it doesnt mean we dont have to believe now,as im someone who has this wat thay call the gift i could defflt tell some storys,i just dont do readings anymore but it doesnt mean i dont see or hear things,i must say there r many fakes out there that just want to make cash and that i dont agree with as its a gift so why cash in,people do have to be carefull for all the fakes thats for sure x

I feel that too cuz I didn't see her face. I am reading this thread from post#1 and open youtube in other tap for listening her sound only. I feel that
and 'its not nice' Michael used in the interview before .. i know its cant proof anything but i just feel this probably him.

I don't think that Michael would go out of his way to prove it is him to his fans. I think (and this is just what III think) that he probably thinks, if they believe me, they believe me. I think he has learned that through his entire lifetime, people will believe what they want and there is NOTHING you can do to change someones mind.

I think the only people Michael REALLY would care to touch, and reach and have them REALLY believe it is him, would be his children and his family.

Don't get me wrong! He loves his fans, but I think he is reaching out here to get to his family. I'm sure in time he will send a message out to his fans, hopefully. He just needs to get through his important issues first.

I agree :yes:

Ok, I keep wondering this now... I wonder what type of appearance will Michael want to take in the afterlife. The person I'm in contact with said that Michael appears to her now as he was recently (the concert rehearsals) but a bit Dangerous-ish era, however he would change attire freguently. lol Once he wore a shirt that looked like the one in the TII photo, and after a request from err... myself by email MJ appeared to her wearing the Bad video costume (or something like that, lol). He also sometimes appeared to be wearing his sunglasses. I believe this is for identification purposes. However I wonder if he will keep this form later on, and how we are going to recognise him when it's our time... lol


I m cryin right now listening his song smile after those 2 vdo. I m wondering the last chance of mine if i can meet him in the heaven or whatever that place named can i recognize him?. Is there just like "what dream may comes" or not ? I just want to meet him.

He appeared in my dream for 2 times. First, he looks not good in suit he didn't smile to me didn't hug me while I m on the line with other fan to give give him a hug but when my q he ignore me...i was so sad when wake up but I can remember it well.

2nd he dance in funny step with other person and he comes in suit again but still didn't smile or talk to me.

Is he really in peace I ask myself? and Am I a bad fan ? or ...

I so hate that phrase right now... This is it... so final... when I hear it down the street I cringe...
I remember seeing this phrase on a sign outside a church yard, very soon after I went to the press conference (it said something about God, but can't remember what). I was sitting on the bus and when I saw it, I kept wondering if it's a sign for something (I also got a bad feeling for a few seconds but I quickly dismissed it - just like the premonition dream I had a few days before MJ died...). But who would knew, right...

On the day he announced TII show I was on stream live at his official site and recorded it all by mobile phone. I got some feeling that day like its not like he comes to tell that he coming back now but like he comes to say goodbye. He use deep voice and "you have to know that i love you so much really from the bottom of my heart" thats tell me like he say goodbye but I didn't share this feeling to anyone cuz yeah you will get banned easily. I feel so bad too to hear this is it !

and read Moonwalk again and found that "final curtain call" and "this is it ! words used in Moonwalk. Just the words but that words gave me chill :(

I m looking forward to know more from this lady
Thankss for posting :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

um the only thing i dont understand is the word "love" was not used.
michael would have said that at some stage iam sure,unless i missed it.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

um the only thing i dont understand is the word "love" was not used.
michael would have said that at some stage iam sure,unless i missed it.

He did in later channeling...if you look at the most recent video the woman did. :) I seem to have to keep repeating things in this thread :p ...probably because it's gotten so long that no one will actually read through all those But again, those first 2 vids were taken only about a week after his passing, that I would assume with everything being so new and fresh he would have still be in a state of concern/worry/loss.

One other thing guys that I think is that in the first video, the woman was saying how the line in Michael's song Billie Jean, kept being repeated to her ..."the kid is not my son". Makes me think about the current speculation with Omer Bhatti.......
Re: Psychic channels Michael

This is interesting...
Don't know what to think, My heart wants to believe it.. and my head actually too, because, well, yeaaah that'll sound crazy and I'm scared if I tell you it won't happen again.

I was watching TV yesterday evening and at one moment I felt a presence behind me. My ''brain decide'' it was Michael (let's put it this way). Well that presence hold me in his arms from behind for about 1 minute, and I felt so good, then I felt him leaving and started to cry..

That was weird.. wow..what your brain can do to make you feel better.

Just so wish it was really him... Thanks to that woman for making me believe it was him.. when she said 'others have felt my presence too, and they're right' (or something like that...) Made me cry...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'm sorry about my first post, guys. There are a few things that the psychic had said that I believe that ALL of us have experienced, like the songs playing over and over in our heads, duh. That sounds like pretty common knowledge to me. And then when she said, "The son is not mine," ... it made me upset.

This psychic could very well be channeling Michael. It's just that I have seen so many Youtube 'Interviews' from other "channelers" who were clearly blowing smoke up people's asses. It made me very upset when I saw them because even in death, it seems his soul cannot rest. :(
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

This is interesting...
Don't know what to think, My heart wants to believe it.. and my head actually too, because, well, yeaaah that'll sound crazy and I'm scared if I tell you it won't happen again.

I was watching TV yesterday evening and at one moment I felt a presence behind me. My ''brain decide'' it was Michael (let's put it this way). Well that presence hold me in his arms from behind for about 1 minute, and I felt so good, then I felt him leaving and started to cry..

That was weird.. wow..what your brain can do to make you feel better.

Just so wish it was really him... Thanks to that woman for making me believe it was him.. when she said 'others have felt my presence too, and they're right' (or something like that...) Made me cry...
I think what you described was an angel hug! :D It happens to many people, it happened to me one day too after my father died and I was sad. I can't say if it was Michael indeed who hugged you, but it was definitely your angel, spirit guide or a beloved relative giving you comfort! :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

This is actually making me feel better. To know that Michael is not gone forever, that he is in a place so near, I just wish for him to find peace. Thank you for this thread. I am glad I am not the only one believing in these kinds of things. I dont know if its because my brain wants it so much, but something tells me this is really him. Once again thank you. I really mean that. I feel less alone knowing I am not the only one.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I think what you described was an angel hug! :D It happens to many people, it happened to me one day too after my father died and I was sad. I can't say if it was Michael indeed who hugged you, but it was definitely your angel, spirit guide or a beloved relative giving you comfort! :)

Damn, you got me crying again... I'm at work now!!! Can't cry!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I watched an interview last night that made me laugh because even some of the basic facts were wrong!

It was a lady, I can't even think of her name now...but she kept saying that Michael missed his '2' children over and over and over again. I was like, uhh 2 children? And she also said that Michael told her he was 'extremely happy, and moonwalking on the clouds with James Brown'...Uhh...okay.

It is all just too wishy-washy and too typical thinking for myself to believe! Plus she had it as a 'transcript' and could barely even form a sentence! It was as if she was just pulling things out of her a** while she was recording herself talk. I got really irritated so I turned it off.

I hate it that people are trying to make a name for themselves off of poor Michael's passing. If you aren't genuine you should just stay away, because no one wants to hear the line of B.S. you are spouting anyways!

Bonnie Vent on the other hand, she is the only one who has actually put a video of herself channeling on YouTube. If she somehow ISN'T genuine, atleast she is very upfront and real with what she is ATTEMPTING to do.

EDIT: I think she also said that Michael was performing his 'new songs' for everyone in Heaven. Umm...okay, yet again. LOL I just dunno about that one...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Are there only 2 videos?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Ok, in the new video Bonnie posted from yesterday she said that she channeled Michael through trans channeling. I tried to look up what that was and tried to get an understanding of it but I really don't get it. Can somebody explain this to me? Does the spirit just go into the medium's body? That's what I was getting out of it but I'm not too sure. And how would she ask him these questions?

I'm not being skeptic or anything I'm just wondering how this all works. I'm curious. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

What I understand after reading about it is that the consciousness of the person doing the channeling is put aside and the spirit overshadows the persons conciousness.
I'll copy paste some things from that website:

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Genuine trance is a strong sharing of mental and physical energies and consciousness between the medium and the spirit communicator. There is generally -- although not always -- manifested, within the medium, the following: [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]A slowing of the heart rate. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]A slow, deep, and steady breathing pattern. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]No rapid eye movement, or REM. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]A lowering of body temperature. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]A greatly reduced reaction to touch and pain. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Various degrees of unconsciousness. [/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Furthermore, because in the trance condition the spirit communicator is speaking directly through the consciousness of the medium -- rather than the medium relating what is being mentally given to him or her -- the voice pattern, inflection, and general manner of speech differ from that normally exhibited by the medium. [/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]One final point needs to be mentioned: that of control. What does it mean to be controlled by spirit? First of all, it does NOT mean that the medium is, in any way, possessed by a spirit personality. Possession -- or attachment (apparently a new and, in my opinion, disturbing buzz word) -- is extremely rare. Nor does it mean that the medium leaves his or her body and the spirit enters therein. [/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Mediumistic control means a sharing of mental and physical energies between the medium and spirit communicator or operator. Control signifies a telepathic rapport between the two. How strongly en rapport they are determines the degree of control. Control can range from inspired thought, to conscious control, to light trance, to deep trance, to very deep trance. It all depends upon the work at hand and the mental and physical energies available to the spirit communicator or operator. [/FONT]
Re: Psychic channels Michael

TheOriginalPYT said:
This psychic could very well be channeling Michael. It's just that I have seen so many Youtube 'Interviews' from other "channelers" who were clearly blowing smoke up people's asses. It made me very upset when I saw them because even in death, it seems his soul cannot rest.

I quite agree with you that it's upsetting to see many people rising up in a completely false way, which in turn only puts more lies out there...all to get something out of Michael's death. It's very sad indeed...and can be hard to discern who is actually telling the truth and who isn't. Because of all the bullcrap stuff being put out there now, I certainly am skeptical of anyone who says they have been in contact with Michael since his passing. Bonnie Vent however, is the only one to stand out and FEEL right to me...and it was only out of me really digging deep in sea of internet that I found her. Her story didn't come across as "HEY! LOOK AT ME AND WHAT I HAVE TO SAY!" She wasn't shoving her story every where she could...and when I actually heard her speak, although much of the information could have easily been just FELT like Michael.

Also in regards to music playing in her head. True, we all have this happen. However I must say, in personal experience, I have MANY TIMES had a song suddenly pop into my head out of nowhere, that I haven't heard in years...and a particular lyric will be stuck in my head when I realize's a message or answer that I really needed at that time concerning a specific issue in my life. I felt like Bonnie was having the same kind of experience, where a particular lyric was sticking out in her head...and maybe it was because of all the recent gossip over Omer. But then again, maybe it meant absolutely NOTHING...and Michael was only putting some of his songs in her head to get her to recognize his presence. I do understand that not everything may have some kind of meaning. hah :p

strawberrypie999 said:
I think she also said that Michael was performing his 'new songs' for everyone in Heaven. Umm...okay, yet again. LOL I just dunno about that one...

Where are you getting that from? I did not hear this mentioned anywhere by Bonnie. All of the messages she has received have been far from wishy-washy like others.

Angel said:
Are there only 2 videos?

There is well as written information. It's on the same link in my first post...on Bonnie's website.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I have to point out one other great thing about Bonnie Vent. She did state this:

"I cannot prove the spirit person is Michael Jackson. I can only say that he makes that claim and thus far the information that can be proven has been correct."

This shows that Bonnie herself isn't even claiming that she KNOWS this is Michael. Only that so far, from what she has channeled, she has seen proof of connections. Obviously we as viewers still have to make our own decision. But that statement really speaks to Bonnie's character, to me.

Edit: Her titles on the videos really speak for themselves: "YOU DECIDE".
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

I have to point out one other great thing about Bonnie Vent. She did state this:

"I cannot prove the spirit person is Michael Jackson. I can only say that he makes that claim and thus far the information that can be proven has been correct."

This shows that Bonnie herself isn't even claiming that she KNOWS this is Michael. Only that so far, from what she has channeled, she has seen proof of connections. Obviously we as viewers still have to make our own decision. But that statement really speaks to Bonnie's character, to me.

That's what makes me trust and believe Bonnie more. Other mediums who claim to have made contact with Michael tend to say that it was indeed Michael that they made contact with and say a bunch of other junk.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

What I understand after reading about it is that the consciousness of the person doing the channeling is put aside and the spirit overshadows the persons conciousness.
I'll copy paste some things from that website:

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Genuine trance is a strong sharing of mental and physical energies and consciousness between the medium and the spirit communicator. There is generally -- although not always -- manifested, within the medium, the following: [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]A slowing of the heart rate. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]A slow, deep, and steady breathing pattern. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]No rapid eye movement, or REM. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]A lowering of body temperature. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]A greatly reduced reaction to touch and pain. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Various degrees of unconsciousness. [/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Furthermore, because in the trance condition the spirit communicator is speaking directly through the consciousness of the medium -- rather than the medium relating what is being mentally given to him or her -- the voice pattern, inflection, and general manner of speech differ from that normally exhibited by the medium. [/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]One final point needs to be mentioned: that of control. What does it mean to be controlled by spirit? First of all, it does NOT mean that the medium is, in any way, possessed by a spirit personality. Possession -- or attachment (apparently a new and, in my opinion, disturbing buzz word) -- is extremely rare. Nor does it mean that the medium leaves his or her body and the spirit enters therein. [/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Mediumistic control means a sharing of mental and physical energies between the medium and spirit communicator or operator. Control signifies a telepathic rapport between the two. How strongly en rapport they are determines the degree of control. Control can range from inspired thought, to conscious control, to light trance, to deep trance, to very deep trance. It all depends upon the work at hand and the mental and physical energies available to the spirit communicator or operator. [/FONT]

Thank you for posting this. :)
But I'm still a bit confused as to how she asked him the questions? Does she just communicate with him through her thoughts and mind?

hah, sorry. I know nothing about this stuff...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Yes, that's what makes me trust her more, too. She doesn't say it is indeed MJ, she says it looks like he is. I had confirmation from another psychic person about this, as I previously said, and it also feels right. So maybe it is indeed...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

That's what makes me trust and believe Bonnie more. Other mediums who claim to have made contact with Michael tend to say that it was indeed Michael that they made contact with and say a bunch of other junk.

Exactly. Other bogus claims by people don't even acknowledge this fact...that spirits can be deceiving, too! It's a bold statement to make in the first place, that you are talking with Michael Jackson. So anyone to come forth with such a claim...should be humble in their statements.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Where are you getting that from? I did not hear this mentioned anywhere by Bonnie. All of the messages she has received have been far from wishy-washy like others.

There is well as written information. It's on the same link in my first post...on Bonnie's website.

Oh no no no not from Bonnie! I was talking about another lady who claims to have talked to Michael. I can not remember her name but I will look for her! It was on YouTube and the whole thing just didn't seem quite right to me. I totally believe everything Bonnie said, but not a darned word that this other medium said. LOL Sorry for the confusion!!!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Oh no no no not from Bonnie! I was talking about another lady who claims to have talked to Michael. I can not remember her name but I will look for her! It was on YouTube and the whole thing just didn't seem quite right to me. I totally believe everything Bonnie said, but not a darned word that this other medium said. LOL Sorry for the confusion!!!

Ok...yeah...I knew that didn't sound like Bonnie! Thanks for clearing that up. No need to post the vid if it's something bogus, either. I don't want to watch these people that come up with's quite annoying to see.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

it is quite annoying i agree.

at the end of her video she puts a plug! she says that she can 'contact michael for you' and gives a phone number and a web site address!! .. disgusting.
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