Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

Maybe he didn't need the hair to connect with Marilyn after all? Why did they assume that by only having those hair and curlers he would connect?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I am very skeptical to these kind of things, not because i don't believe in paranormal things, but exactly because i know many things about this and that's the reason I am skeptical to any psychic who could be a fraud. I know and I believe in psychic power, I feel it is possible, it is a thing that can't be scientifically demonstrated but it is possible for sure, I believe in this very strongly. If this is really real and makes my heart not ache so much. I would give anything to know at least 5 words from Mike, I would give anything to know how is he wherever he is now..
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I, uh, am really not sure about this. Psychic interaction with the dead is a bit of a taboo subject for me since I believe that the majority of psychics are just good at reading body language and will tell you what you want to hear, plus it is an intrusion of the spirit that is trying to rest and sometimes you can end up communicating with demons. But the things she said about us needing to stop I strongly believe in whether it was her saying it or Michael saying it, it needs to stop. The poor guy went through a shitload of abuse in life and despite him being dead it's constantly being circulated back and forth and it's horribly offending. I wish people would stop, really. Enjoy his music, remember his good times, sympathise for his struggles and work on ways to stop other people from suffering from the same problems, never forget the good deeds he did for this world and let's try to continue working in that area so that we become a much better world to live in for both ourselves and for our children.

Oh, and speaking of his children, let's just leave his children be. They need time to grieve and currently they're under limelight over who gets to look after them and whether they're really his children.

Anyways, if it really was Michael speaking through her then I feel more sad than ever that he's not fully at rest in Heaven and is worrying himself over what to do there.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I definitely feel you, geekgirl. I am not a skeptic of psychic ability (I've already stated why) ... I'm just skeptical of most psychics' motives. I definitely feel like I would've had to have been there to judge for myself. You can feel the spirit's energy, and the feeling is very powerful, inexplicable, profound, and EXTREMELY emotional when you're sitting right there. It's a feeling like no other feeling in this world. I really can't base a full "Yes, it was Michael" off of a Youtube video, I'm sorry. The lady most likely does this for profit, too, and she still listed her website on there like the others have.

It's very, VERY easy to attract a spirit who is immitating another spirit just for shits and giggles--believe me. So I'm going to stand by what I say when i say that I would have had to have been there myself to believe all of it, and actually felt his energy. I stopped practicing my 'gifts' a long time ago because you open yourself up to all kinds of crazy shit once you open your mind to the spirit world. It's a very scary thing, and not something to be toyed with. These are my beliefs, and I don't care what anybody thinks about them. For me, it's like somebody who quit smoking and drinking... well, I quit doing both completely, so now I will not have a drink or smoke a cigarette anymore. If there is anyone here who actually has a sixth sense themself, then I'm willing to discuss this with them in private. For the ones who have no idea about this stuff... I won't be changing my mind, I'm sorry.

But yes... IF that was Michael's spirit... than I agree that people need to just leave him the fuck alone in the spirit world. She called him first, he didn't just come to her (if that was Michael). The video was recording and the website posting makes me sick. And yes... people do need to stop talking about his children, and leave them alone, too. Hope she enjoys her 15 minutes of fame while it lasts. :puke:

And flame me all you want, amygrace. If you're not a psychic, then I don't care to hear what you have to say anymore. I have my own thoughts and beliefs on this matter, and I don't have to agree with whatever it is you say.

Now, I'll bow out of this thread for good. :)
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

woah! Too much aggressivness there... lol
I don't have abilities myself but I have friends who do. They have never experienced any scary things and they're not afraid of the spirit world at all. I've never heard of a psychic, who embraced his/her gift to be scared of spirits. There are bad spirits out there who may love to imitate a loved one, but there are techniques to avoid them. A wide open 3rd eye is usually a reason for not being able to control this gift. Because it IS a gift and not a curse. It should be developed for helping people; that's the general consensus in the genuine psychic circles. Bad spirits are usually attracted to lower vibrations, so the medium has to be aware to cleanse his/her energy around him/her.

PS. I've asked my psychic friends yesterday. Michael would NOT come to the medium if he didn't want to, regardless if this woman called him or not. If it was indeed him in the video, then it seemed as if he really wanted to get some things out of his chest. He wasn't forced to do that.

That's my $0.05. :)
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

Since Michael passed away I dreamed about him 6 times. I want it to be more because I really miss him. Anybody with experience knows why spirits come to our dreams and why they what to be in contact with us? Sometimes spirits even show some sort of sexual interest like kissing, hugging, showing love. Anybody knows why they do that? It is scares me sometimes especially if it applies to a dead person.
Yesterday I had another dream just I didn’t see MJ personally. It was just some sort of garage sale where people were fighting trying to get Michael’s staff for a cheap price. I saw like they were fighting for some MJ’s toys, teddy bears, some sculptures etc. In my dream I was just looking at all this mess not getting anything for myself. It was really sad “ending show”.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Since Michael passed away I dreamed about him 6 times. I want it to be more because I really miss him. Anybody with experience knows why spirits come to our dreams and why they what to be in contact with us? Sometimes spirits even show some sort of sexual interest like kissing, hugging, showing love. Anybody knows why they do that? It is scares me sometimes especially if it applies to a dead person.
Yesterday I had another dream just I didn’t see MJ personally. It was just some sort of garage sale where people were fighting trying to get Michael’s staff for a cheap price. I saw like they were fighting for some MJ’s toys, teddy bears, some sculptures etc. In my dream I was just looking at all this mess not getting anything for myself. It was really sad “ending show”.
Hi Asedora! :) I've dreamed of him on many occasions since his passing but they were not visitations. He'd be a very busy spirit trying to visit his millions of fans! LOL The energy that he'd have to consume for this would be enormous. A visitation is usually for family/friends or maybe some very distressed fans. Also, a visitation will leave you uplifted, if it's sad, then it's not a visit, just your subconscious. About the sexual content of some dreams it MIGHT happen with a deceased spouse or partner. Michael would never do that with a fan, apart from some hugging and simple kissing on the cheeks. lol
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Ok I have a weird question and sorry if this seems a bit off.
When you die, what does your spirit look like? Like for example, would Michael look like he did when he did Thriller, or when he did Off the Wall, or Bad? I'm so curious on this stuff. lol.
I guess what I'm asking is do you get to chose how you want to appear as a spirit? Or do you just stay the same way you did when you died?

I also heard that you go back to look like you did when you were 30 (if you already hit that age or were past it that is).
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Also, a visitation will leave you uplifted
Hi there!
This is exactly what it was:) I didn’t feel sad at all.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Ok I have a weird question and sorry if this seems a bit off.
When you die, what does your spirit look like? Like for example, would Michael look like he did when he did Thriller, or when he did Off the Wall, or Bad? I'm so curious on this stuff. lol.
I guess what I'm asking is do you get to chose how you want to appear as a spirit? Or do you just stay the same way you did when you died?

I also heard that you go back to look like you did when you were 30 (if you already hit that age or were past it that is).
What usually happens is that your astral body will resemble the one that you had here on Earth, at least initially. Then you are happy to look anyway you want. Of course I'm sure Michael for recognition purposes would choose to look like we know him now, but maybe around 30 years of age is about right I think. So maybe something between Bad and Thriller era, whatever makes him comfortable, as I doubt he would go back to pre-Thriller, assuming he didn't feel so confident back then.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

It would be nice to believe in such powers, but I just can't.

Everything this woman was saying is something a true fan could come up with. Somebody who is very upset about what the media is saying about Michael. She is angry and wants to tell them all to leave him and his children alone, but since nobody is going to listen to her, she acts as though it's all coming from Michael himself, in hopes that the media will feel sorry for him and finally stop.

Apparently Michael said that the afterlife is not like he expected? What exactly does that mean? There is no heaven? There is no God? Nothing we all imagine is actually true? It sounds like he went to some dark place and he's lost, can't find out what to do there.

This woman's eyes were looking down the entire time. Supposedly she was in her unconscious state, but in all honesty, I think she was reading everything from a previously typed up script.

Conveniently, he mentioned the most famous ghost movie of all time, "Ghost". Is he saying this movie is a true perception of what the afterlife is really like? Coincidental no?

Apparently Michael wants his children to know about this woman and to believe everything she's saying. To believe that their father is really communicating through her. Do you really think Michael would want his children convinced by this stranger who claims something she can't really prove? Because I really don't think Michael would expect any member of his family, especially his children to trust this person that their father is speaking through her...

Those were all words of a very angry fan.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

It sounds like he went to some dark place and he's lost, can't find out what to do there.

That's what bothers me a lot too about this video. I am not expecting clouds and angels flying around and singing but something at least nice. I do not believe that Michael being such a great person in spirit just staying somewhere in a dark spot. At least in my dreams he looked pretty happy or just OK. I like it more.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

It sounds like he went to some dark place and he's lost, can't find out what to do there.

That's what bothers me a lot too about this video. I am not expecting clouds and angels flying around and singing but something at least nice. I do not believe that Michael being such a great person in spirit just staying somewhere in a dark spot. At least in my dreams he looked pretty happy or just OK. I like it more.

I too wish she would have elaborated more on what he could have possibly meant by that. Did he mean it in a good way or a bad way?

I don't know, I'm thinking the same thing you two are thinking. It worries me.

What usually happens is that your astral body will resemble the one that you had here on Earth, at least initially. Then you are happy to look anyway you want. Of course I'm sure Michael for recognition purposes would choose to look like we know him now, but maybe around 30 years of age is about right I think. So maybe something between Bad and Thriller era, whatever makes him comfortable, as I doubt he would go back to pre-Thriller, assuming he didn't feel so confident back then.

Thanks for explaining that to me. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I worry about that too, if it is him he sounded very distraught, confused and scared.
I hope he is in a good place and being taken care of..
Re: Psychic channels Michael

TheOriginalPYT- Wow, definitely some pent up anger coming up for you. By your "take what I have to say and shove it" attitude, I see this is a very touchy subject for you. But I thought we were only engaging in an objective discussion. I haven't "flamed" at anyone here. I respect all opinions, while still being open about mine. Everyone will draw their own conclusions based on their own experiences with this type of thing...or at least what they have observed about this type of thing, I understand. But I have to say, anyone who can already call themselves "psychic", does not make their opinion any more valid than the next.

I believe we ALL have psychic is merely something that we must nurture, for them to be brought to their full potential. Just as we have muscles. If we exercise them enough, they will grow bigger and stronger.

sunnyday81 said:
Bad spirits are usually attracted to lower vibrations, so the medium has to be aware to cleanse his/her energy around him/her.

This is very true. And, generally if you have a higher is VERY easy to recognize lower ones.

Everyone, I really feel that Michael is OK. Please do keep in mind the vids were a week after his death, and even so...I don't think he sounded "distraught" but rather just concerned about his children and a little confused as to what he could do to help. Put it into perspective a little bit though - say YOU had something come up with a family member and you were concerned about them and weren't sure how you could help. Should everyone around you then think "oh no, poor you! you are in such an awful place!" Nah. You can handle it, you yourself are fine, you are just concerned for those you love. Simple as that. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

IDk if this is a weird question to ask.. But has anyone felt MJs presence around them lately?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Yes, I have had an experience that made me feel like Michael was really in my room a couple days ago. what about you MJbabe21?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Yeah I have also had an experience as well. It happend in the middle of the night, right after i woke up because i had to go to the rest room.. I could have sworn I heard MJs voice saying my name! It sounded exactly like him.. Also once at night after MJ passed away i couldnt stop crying, so while i was laying down i felt a tap on my leg. I looked down but nothing was there.. I felt this presence around me. Could it have been MJ? I felt mutiple taps on my leg and no one was there..What about you
Re: Psychic channels Michael

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Re: Psychic channels Michael

It is not my intent to offend anyone but I'm not sure if I completely believe in this sort of thing. His death affected me greatly but I have never felt his presence since he died.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

TheOriginalPYT- Wow, definitely some pent up anger coming up for you. By your "take what I have to say and shove it" attitude, I see this is a very touchy subject for you. But I thought we were only engaging in an objective discussion. I haven't "flamed" at anyone here. I respect all opinions, while still being open about mine. Everyone will draw their own conclusions based on their own experiences with this type of thing...or at least what they have observed about this type of thing, I understand. But I have to say, anyone who can already call themselves "psychic", does not make their opinion any more valid than the next.

Yes. This is a very touchy subject for me. Once again, I just do not agree with what the psychic did. I mean... did she also send a video tape of this to Michael's family to let them know he was doing all right? ...And say that if she ever did (or will, LOL)... these are his children we're talking about here. Like they would ever need another stranger telling them their thoughts on their daddy. I mean, come on. She was just too vague, too, IMO. Besides, as spiritual as The Jacksons were, they most likely have their own trusted, spiritual advisors to help them with this anyway. Why would this lady care? It's not like she posted these videos in an MJ fan forum or something. She posted them on Youtube of all places, LOL.

Also, as far as me thinking my opinion is more valid than someone that isn't in tune with this 'stuff.' Then, yes. It is very different. I certainly wouldn't be able to carry out a conversation about the things I've experienced to someone who doesn't have a clue or hasn't shared similar experiences I have had. That's like being in the military and trying to discuss military life to a civilian or something. Cats talking to dogs--that's all. I'm in no way, shape, or form trying to hint that my opinions are superior to others'. I stopped meddling with things like this for a reason, obviously.
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

You know what I found interesting? How she (Michael?) pointed out that Jermaine can hear other people that are in spirit and that he always had that ability. I'm just wondering, is that something that was known about Jermaine Jackson or can anybody confirm that's even true?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

It would be nice to believe in such powers, but I just can't. (...) Those were all words of a very angry fan.

Hearing ya here, very angry fan. I have a similar feeling. While I WOULD LOVE TO believe that his soul continues like this, and that he can communicate with this world ... I can't. Sometimes I wish I could work myself into believing it, but I am sceptical (not trying to offend anyone).

And ... it's like taking a piece of Michael again... that's how it feels to me a bit. Yet again: invasion of privacy even in his death... that's how it feels to me sometimes.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

You know what I found interesting? How she (Michael?) pointed out that Jermaine can hear other people that are in spirit and that he always had that ability. I'm just wondering, is that something that was known about Jermaine Jackson or can anybody confirm that's even true?

I don't know if that's true, but if it is, wouldn't Michael have just gone and "spoke" to his brother rather than some stranger? Lol..
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I don't know if that's true, but if it is, wouldn't Michael have just gone and "spoke" to his brother rather than some stranger? Lol..

She said that he either couldn't hear him or had shut it out. She said Jermaine could feel his presence but couldn't/wouldn't hear him.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

If you read books and biographies of psychics and mediums it's all explained there, why sometimes spirits are drawn to strangers. It's because the conditions are appropriate and the medium can sense the spirits that want to talk. I still don't know 100% if this lady is genuine but spirits are VERY keen to find someone who can hear them, even if they are strangers.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

One thing I keep wondering about is this: The number one question asked by Michael's family, his fans, his friends....and the rest of the world is "WHAT HAPPENED?".

Bonny asked Michael questions....but why not THAT question?

Sorry lol, still not sure about this.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Bonny asked Michael questions....but why not THAT question?

Because this lady is full of BS and doesn't have a real answer to what happened, just like the rest of us. "Michael" can't tell her what happened because everything "Michael" is saying, is just all of her own thoughts. She doesn't want to quote Michael with something that may turn out to be false eh? :cheeky:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

The lady said she kept information private for the family. The thing is we don't know.
wow... I can't believe people so easily accuse someone of being fake. It MAY be, it MAY be not. We don't know. It just reminds me of MJ haters who quickly accuse of Michael not being the biological dad and they say they're sure 100% (without any proof of course).