Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

strawberrypie999 - Oy, well, the video wasn't as bogus as I thought it would be...however, there was certainly some wrongs in there. I do feel that perhaps she may have connected with Michael in some way, but did not receive the entirety of what Michael had to communicate to her, and therefore interpreted some messages inaccurately. She may have even felt his presence but created her own illusion of "channeling" in the process of that. Her plug in the end was most disappointing. It really felt to me that she was in bad integrity. :(

I see you removed the vid now...thanks. Good move. No bad vids in this thread! :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I hope you guys all read Bonnie's full statement at the bottom of the page here:
I mentioned a snippet of it earlier, but for those who think this woman is questionable in any way, I think that whole statement REALLY speaks to her character, and shows you the difference between her and other psychics. She truly is not in this to promote herself, get some 5 minutes of fame, or to exploit Michael. No wonder Michael chose her to speak through.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'm interested in your opinions about Michael's mentioning previous "other worldly travels".......I figure it means spiritual experiences maybe.... but what do you guys think??
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I wonder who she is/Michael is talking about when she/he says that, "He will be staying in touch with this person who has agreed to help him, and he is very grateful that she can hear him and she is willing to work with him. It has not been easy for her, and he hopes she will be treated with respect, and that she will actually receive more respect than he ever did."

Is he just talking about the medium? It kinda' seems like she is/he is talking about someone else or something, because the psychic never said anything about how she felt about his passing or how people have treated her in the past or whatever. It's towards the end of the 2nd clip BTW when she says that. Thoughts anyone.....? That's pretty much the only part of this that confuses me?? :scratch:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I wonder who she is/Michael is talking about when she/he says that, "He will be staying in touch with this person who has agreed to help him, and he is very grateful that she can hear him and she is willing to work with him. It has not been easy for her, and he hopes she will be treated with respect, and that she will actually receive more respect than he ever did."

Is he just talking about the medium? It kinda' seems like she is/he is talking about someone else or something, because the psychic never said anything about how she felt about his passing or how people have treated her in the past or whatever. It's towards the end of the 2nd clip BTW when she says that. Thoughts anyone.....? That's pretty much the only part of this that confuses me?? :scratch:

I didn't think of that part as anything else then that he is refering to the medium.. ;)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I wonder who she is/Michael is talking about when she/he says that, "He will be staying in touch with this person who has agreed to help him, and he is very grateful that she can hear him and she is willing to work with him. It has not been easy for her, and he hopes she will be treated with respect, and that she will actually receive more respect than he ever did."

Is he just talking about the medium? It kinda' seems like she is/he is talking about someone else or something, because the psychic never said anything about how she felt about his passing or how people have treated her in the past or whatever. It's towards the end of the 2nd clip BTW when she says that. Thoughts anyone.....? That's pretty much the only part of this that confuses me?? :scratch:

Well, for the whole thing the medium is just repeating his words, and the way Michael is speaking is for an audience, not TO her, so when he says that, I'm sure he's talking about her, because she's not trying to change what he's saying. And I think he just says the part about "treating her with respect" is just because, like he said, usually anything/anyone related to him in the media has never been treated with respect, so he's concerned for her.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'm interested in your opinions about Michael's mentioning previous "other worldly travels".......I figure it means spiritual experiences maybe.... but what do you guys think??

Other wordly travels just means in his travels here on earth. Often in spiritual conversations, when referring to this earth, the terms "wordly" and "earthly" are used. :)

I wonder who she is/Michael is talking about when she/he says that, "He will be staying in touch with this person who has agreed to help him, and he is very grateful that she can hear him and she is willing to work with him. It has not been easy for her, and he hopes she will be treated with respect, and that she will actually receive more respect than he ever did."

Is he just talking about the medium? It kinda' seems like she is/he is talking about someone else or something, because the psychic never said anything about how she felt about his passing or how people have treated her in the past or whatever. It's towards the end of the 2nd clip BTW when she says that. Thoughts anyone.....? That's pretty much the only part of this that confuses me?? :scratch:

Yes, this was Michael talking about Bonnie. The channeling was done in a way where she let Michael speak "through her" - so everything that was said, was to be taken as if Michael was saying it straight to us. The paragraph you quoted was said with "I" not "he". :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

^ Yeah... I know... I was just trying to make sense of it is all. :p I wonder what exactly wasn't easy for her? Was she mistreated in the past or something? I still wonder... Why wouldn't she be treated with respect more than he was? I dunno... I believe in this stuff anyway, I guess he maybe was just referring to the skeptics.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

^ Yeah... I know... I was just trying to make sense of it is all. :p I wonder what exactly wasn't easy for her? Was she mistreated in the past or something? I still wonder... Why wouldn't she be treated with respect more than he was? I dunno... I believe in this stuff anyway, I guess he maybe was just referring to the skeptics.

Oh I definitely think when he said it "hasn't been easy for her", that he is referring to how rough it can be to deal with skeptics, and people thinking she is crazy over this kind of thing. Which leads right into the subject of respect. Psychics often just get looked at like their whackos, and to produce such a story that you are talking to MICHAEL JACKSON...especially with all the people that have come up already with false stories...I can imagine the amount of bashing and disrespect she may get. As Michael said in the channel though, it's a "difficult situation" that just kinda comes with the territory when dealing with him. heh.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'd hope to hear more from her and we get more messages :yes:
Although I feel still haunted by this video, I guess I felt comforted as well holding on to hopes that Michael is indeed somewhere and is ok.
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'd hope to hear more from her and we get more messages :yes:
Although I feel still haunted by this video, I guess I felt comforted as well holding on to hopes that Michael is indeed somewhere and is ok.

Yeah, I hope so too. The videos are so comforting and I believe in her. But now I'm craving more. lol. I just need some closure you know? Just to be for certain that Michael is for sure ok and happy.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I havent stopped thinking about this since I first watched it.... I just wanted to post again and say how much I just FEEL like this is him... I cant explain it. It has really been on my mind... it stayed with me somehow...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Other wordly travels just means in his travels here on earth. Often in spiritual conversations, when referring to this earth, the terms "wordly" and "earthly" are used. :)

Oh really? I didn't get that.... so he meant "other worldly-travels" rather than "other-worldly travels"....I interpreted it the 2nd bad. Thanks for explaining!

I'd hope to hear more from her and we get more messages :yes:
Although I feel still haunted by this video, I guess I felt comforted as well holding on to hopes that Michael is indeed somewhere and is ok.

Yeah I really confuses me, I don't know how to feel.. because in all honesty this has really made me re-think my ideas on the afterlife, which I guess can be a good thing too.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Courtesy of Cherubim: :) Here's some more info we got about Michael in the spirit world (from another medium, not Bonnie). Thought it'd be nice to keep it all in one thread... :)
My only concern about this being fake is that Michael would NEVER talk about not fathering his children (he also claims Debbie confirmed it on the news but that's also untrue).
Also there's an inaccuracy about being at Neverland in 2009 and being close to animals there (a chimp). Another inaccuracy is about the empty coffin. The family denied it was empty.

Michael Jackson predictions air on talk radio days before TMZ, GMA, CNN reports
July 14, 9:00 AM

On the first Saturday following Michael Jackson's death, Coast to Coast AM, a popular late night AM radio talk show, aired an interview with host Ian Punnett and Christian von Lähr, a clairvoyant who had been scheduled previously to discuss the singer's death. It was only a few hours before the show was about to air that von Lähr surprised Punnett by sending him an email that Michael Jackson had contacted him via the astral plane shortly after he died and expressed his wish to be channeled for the show. In the email, von Lähr asked Punnett if Premiere Radio would be interested in accommodating the unusual request, and they agreed, expanding the original 30-minute time slot to one full hour in anticipation that a connection with Jackson would be attempted.

In no way did von Lähr make any promises that he would be able to connect with Jackson, only that he would give it his best attempt and work to fine-tune any information that he received.

For nearly an hour the guest rallied back and forth between his own responses and Jackson's. While speaking beyond the grave is highly controversial, there were a number of things that were said which have since been proven, and some information has not yet been revealed by traditional media but seems to rings true. Jackson (through von Lähr) revealed that he had prepared a family trust account, spoke directly to members of his family and even thanked Oprah Winfrey. He thanked host Punnett as well, quipping that he now has more air time than the host and described a new dance move he calls "the swirl."

On the show, von Lähr said there was a trust fund, and two days later the trust fund story is "broken." The information about an oxygen tank in the room, including its physical description and location in the room is discussed, and just yesterday CNN "breaks" the story of the oxygen tank. And in an interview on Good Morning America last week, Dr. Arnold Klein, Jackson's long-time dermatologist was asked out of the blue if he [Klein] was the biological father of Michael Jackson's two oldest kids, Paris and Prince. Initially posted a story in the early hours of June 30th that Debbie Rowe compared her two pregnancies to that of a surrogate, despite the fact that she and Jackson were married.

Someone needs to ask the following question: Did ABC and Diane Sawyer actually come up with this supposition on her own, or could they be following this story, but are concerned over the possibility of further controversy over the paranormal aspect of it? Is embarrassed to admit that the interview on Coast to Coast AM may have offered some additional fodder for speculation, prompting them to continue aggressive research and questioning of all their sources? And what about the oxygen tanks? Here's what was heard live when the guest, claiming to be speaking on behalf of Michael Jackson, started to describe what he was sensing.

"He (meaning Jackson) seemed confused about the time of his death," saying '... the oxygen tank was 1/2 empty. Did it run out? There's something wrong with the air... it wasn't.. I wasn't gone eight.. eight or eighteen? I'm not sure when I passed. There's something wrong with that.'"

For paranormal enthusiasts and Michael Jackson fans alike, the emotional responses that were coming from the clairvoyant seemed recognizable and plausible, but at the time statements made on the show had not yet come to pass. Since it aired, not only did a witness statement of seeing oxygen tanks make headlines, the drug Diprivan was revealed to have been found at the scene. Diprivan is an injectable drug normally administered in hospital room settings, and oxygen is used as part of a recommended protocol. Detailed information about the drug as well as many more details about the broadcast are in a previous article that posted on Saturday.

While the cause of Michael Jackson's death is still under speculation, some friends and members of the Jackson family are beginning to talk about the real possibility of murder. Results from a private autopsy are known by family members however they aren't talking yet. The Los Angeles coroner could release his autopsy report on Jackson within a week, according to assistant chief coroner Ed Winter, yet it is unknown whether or not Diprivan is detectable in blood and tissue samples.

Since most of the news is purely speculative it opens up ample marketing opportunities for non-traditional information gatherers such as psychics, hypnotists, clairvoyants and mediums. For the fans who are still reeling from the sudden death of their idol, perhaps hearing any news about Jackson is a panacea for their grief, as well as their hunger for data, regardless of the method used in gathering and dissemination. When von Lähr asked Jackson how he was feeling, the response did seem to tug at the heartstrings a bit, perhaps even bringing a little bit of comfort to those who are still grieving.

When von Lähr asked aloud "Michael, can we... find out what's going on with you-- do you have any messages for people or anything you want to say?" Coast to Coast listeners heard the following chilling statement, "Hello! I'm out of my cage! I am somewhere beyond, now. I am in a place that is both carefree and pain free. I take it as a sign... that I'm not so bad, after all."

Author: Chris Herget

Then I check the Christian von Lahr web site .Look what I found...

Michael Jackson Archive Page

Thursday June 25, 2009 Breaking News :: The Real Story Behind Michael Jackson's Death:
Michael Jackson's death did not come out of nowhere - he has been sick for quite some time with MRSA Disease. Get the behind the scenes information to save him since February 2009:

Dr. Christian von Lähr, a renowned clairvoyant medical intuitive, and psychic Medium had been consulting with a Medical Researcher for some time prior. He foresaw the significance of this major celebrity illness, and the promise of treatment and worked with the researcher to speedily get things to the public. He predicted the date of a major condition with Michael Jackson, and furthered efforts with the Medical group to reach out to get celebrity support. Our client, the developer of the breakthrough treatment method was clandestinely contacted this past February, and a meeting ensued.

2 Representatives from Michael Jackson contacted and met with our client a major Medical Resource company in February 2009 in Los Angeles to treat Mercer Disease that Michael Jackson has been battling with ground-breaking new light-therapy device, one that held the promise of treating Cancer conditions. A famous celebrity has also been involved in behind the scenes activity to save Michael Jackson.

Christian, and myself, Christopher Valentine were immediately in contact with the researcher when the news first broke. Our concern, was that treatment was available, and that Christian - who has the ability to look inside the human body for medical conditions, and even project into the future could see a viable recovery. Our inventor and researcher remains available with details on the attendance, location an time - to which we are somewhat aware as well, as we were in phone consultation with the Researcher at the time. This was partly because Christian had noted this would be the date that this major event revolving around the new medical breakthrough would occur.

MRSA Disease is caused by the over-use of antibiotics caused by so many plastic surgery procedures. Michael Jackson had developed the inability to fight off infections like the common staph bacteria. Christian has medically intuitive and psychic insight, as well, on conditions that lead Mr. Jackson to develop a behavior, focuses, and conditions that contributed to his difficulties with life in the public.

Friday June 26, 2009 Michael Jackson Connects :
Michael Jackson has indicated he would like to do a LIVE interview after re-connecting with Medium Dr. Christian von Lähr and giving him pages of detailed information about his life, what it's like on the other side, his assets and a secret trust account set-up for his children.

Saturday June 27, 2009 Breaking News :: Michael Jackson's First World-Wide Interview LIVE:
Michael Jackson has tapped world-renowned clairvoyant Psychic Medium and clairvoyant Medical Intuitive Dr. Christian von Lähr to be the Medium for a LIVE media interview he has expressed his wish to conduct. At 12AM Pacific 3AM Eastern the behind the scenes efforts to save Michael Jackson are revealed on Coast to Coast AM heard worldwide along with the first Groundbreaking Interview with Michael Jackson since his crossing-over.

Sunday June 28, 2009 Breaking News :: Debbie Rowe makes a stunning announcement:
Audiences were shocked to hear as Michael Jackson revealed for the first time in his LIVE world-wide interview on Coast to Coast AM through psychic Medium Dr. Christian von Lähr that he did not father his children. Less than 24 hours later Debbie Rowe confirms to the world the truth that Michael and she never consumated their marriage and that she was impregnated by an anonymous donor. See Article.

Monday June 29, 2009 Breaking News :: Secret Trust Fund for children proved accurrate:
Media reports what Michael Jackson revealed less than 48 hours earlier through Dr. von Lähr.

Wednesday July 1, 2009 Breaking News :: MRSA linked with chimpanzee attack:
In a violent chimpanzee attack reported ealier this year - it has been found that a MRSA infection ensued. This report found today is similar to the channeled messages received through Christian von Lähr on July 28, 2009 of a connection between Jackson's MRSA infection and his proximity to animals at the Neverland Ranch.

Wednesday July 1, 2009 Breaking News :: Dr. von Lähr Makes the Connection:
Though people may have forgotten, Michael Jackson suffered from allergies. People of this condition are not intended to be using "Diprivan" the drug Michael asked for near his end. If he was giving this, it could lead to the cause of actual death.

Wednesday July 1, 2009 Breaking News :: Nutritionist/Nurse Cherilyn Lee breaks her silence:
In an interview reported to Inside Edition and E! News back on June 26, 2009 - Christopher Valentine stated that Jackson had been under the care of Lee in February '09 which she has now substantiated. She also admitted to giving Jackson intravenous C injections also reported a week earlier. See Article. This is the same time period Jackson's camp sought help with MRSA.

July 6, 2009 :: Green Oxygen Tank prediction proved accurate:
In an interview on July 3, 2009, Dr. von Lähr reported a vision of Michael Jackson being hooked up to a green oxygen tank inside his home. FOX News, ABC and Inside Edition all showed the brand new images of just such a tank on July 6, 2009.

July 6, 2009 :: Jamie Foxx prediction proved accurate:
Dr. von Lähr predicted Jamie Foxx wanted to impersonate and re-inact the dance moves of Michael Jackson which is exactly what he did for the opening of the BET 2009 Award Show. Dr. von Lähr also predicted that Jamie Foxx wants to play Michael Jackson in a movie about his life.

Dr. Christian von Lähr states:

"There are still many surprises and illusions going on in the life of Michael Jackson. Most of what is seen is a pre-meditated presentation of purpose. The trick of the magic casket has yet to be revealed. It will be ever-evident that the life of Michael is a "managed" thing, and any truth we might realize will not be easily revealed, or uncovered without effort."

July 7, 2009 :: Michael Jackson's Message Regarding his Funeral:

Michael Jackson had this to say:

"My funeral I held myself."

"I invited or otherwise received a small but select group of well-wishers, teachers, guiding influences, and ‘real' luminaries of life as would be commonly known, and some above or beyond common awareness too. My insightful guests were sincere and personal, all genuine, spiritual in total. Their interest was to be with me while I entered my contemplation: appraise myself fully and let surface those things that were [the core] of my being, so that I can know me; contemplate my death, yet not death, and what it meant to [me], as well as others; resolve my challenge ...the complications of stardom that overshadowed my being merely someone expressing themselves through human flaws, yet still truly under the world's floodlights; acknowledge [all] of those who had importance to me, not only significance; evaluate [all] people and persons in that life so as to know their [true] value, meaning(s), motivation, and the mutual benefit(s) to one another we had, if any; recount those many things I was meant to do in that world, yet did not, due to my many imperfections, whether imagined, real or imposed; contemplate what genuine life purpose, or value, I [may] have held; ascertain how I can continue to serve life, and the incomprehensible holiness ─ even in passing ─ to make my unique difference, ... for all time.", help me cherish my own memories; find peace that I might go on."

"My humble eulogy was most compassionately presided over by Mother Teresa, One who always comes to those who suffer in solitude. The angels were her choir and they were splendid. The assemblage could resonate with the rainbow hues of her tribute as sound and color, and emotion and reality are all one in her church."

"Princes Diane shone radiantly at my side and held me firm as I trembled on one knee, much as I did in life. She gave off the glow of strength under futility, and kept me proud when overshadowed by my weaknesses. I listened to my [Truth] and knew that even forever flawed, I would always enjoy relatively perfect guidance."

"My showman was a quintessential personification of musical entertainment. Mr. Liberace played each passage of every song right alongside the ceremony of the real world that I might fully enjoy their message, carried high. Lee took his bow, and bowed to me for the great promise I held for the world, ... in time."

"My Diane, my Elizabeth, my friends. None were forgotten, for we all have our counterparts in this world I now occupy. They were here with me in what others might call "spirit." Brook was able to reach up even though active in the real world. The children, my children, glowed clearly as our hearts reached out to each other. I could experience the [feeling] of my mother - my angel. My father, brothers and sisters joined hands in spiritual harmony once more, and I was complete. There is no number, even here, for the many friends and companions who took great care of me in life, but they were all honored here."

"Before Walt came up to entertain us with visions of wonder and merriment that crossed realms, we received an audience of millions of children from around the world. The sat wherever, with whomever and were followed by the very essence of my fans everywhere. Together, as family, we shared the light of my soul and I lay judged before all. We laughed, we cried, we cheered and we felt woe as the facets of my existence where projected for all to see, hear, and feel."

"My ceremony ended with [complete] peace."

July 9, 2009 :: Michael Jackson's body not in casket proved correct:
Dr. von Lähr stated on July 8, 2009 that the casket at the funeral in the Staples Center did not have the body of Michael Jackson. Entertainment Tonight reports showing footage that the body was delivered to the Funeral Memorial the night before.

July 9, 2009 :: Michael Jackson wanted children with Rowe:
20/20 interview with Joe Jackson airing July 9, 2009 states he will make the children "strong Jackson's" under his care. This is exactly why Michael did not want his parents getting custody - and having his children going through what he experienced growing up.

July 10, 2009 :: Labratory Atmosphere Proved Accurrate:
Michael Jackson revealed through Dr. Christian von Lähr that his bedroom was set up like a labratory. Now his personal cook breaks his silence that oxygen tanks were carted in and out of the home constantly and his stage handlers reveal that previous tours were set up with traveling IV's holders, drips, and much medical equipement that went from city to city along with Jackson.
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

My only concern about this being fake is that Michael would NEVER talk about not fathering his children (he also claims Debbie confirmed it on the news but that's also untrue). Also there's an inaccuracy about being at Neverland in 2009 and being close to animals there (a chimp). Another inaccuracy is about the empty coffin. The family denied it was empty.

See... this is the part that still makes me a wee bit skeptical about Bonnie. I don't think Michael would've been saying (or chanting, or whatever) that he wasn't the father of any of his children. That just sounds completely bogus to me. I just don't believe that any psychic is 100 percent accurate. I'm definitely not, and I've talked to others that were DEFINITELY not. The rest of what she was saying may have been Michael once she slipped into the trance... but still...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I don't believe the part where it stated that Jackson didn't want his children with his parents. He only wanted Debbie to have custody? I don't think so. I think MJ wanted his children to be raised by his mother . MJ stated in his will that he wanted his mother to take care of his children.. And that's what is happening.
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

sunnyday81 said:
My only concern about this being fake is that Michael would NEVER talk about not fathering his children (he also claims Debbie confirmed it on the news but that's also untrue). Also there's an inaccuracy about being at Neverland in 2009 and being close to animals there (a chimp). Another inaccuracy is about the empty coffin. The family denied it was empty.

TheOriginalPYT said:
See... this is the part that still makes me a wee bit skeptical about Bonnie. I don't think Michael would've been saying (or chanting, or whatever) that he wasn't the father of any of his children. That just sounds completely bogus to me.

First of all, Bonnie never channeled anything about Michael saying he was not fathering his children, or not the father of any of them. She ONLY stated that before she actually saw him/started speaking with him, that she was hearing lyrics to "Billie Jean" in her head. The lyrical part "the kid is not my son" doesn't mean it was some kind of was just part of the song! I was the one the jump in and speculate that maybe it was a sign about Omer. But that was my own opinion and I could be totally wrong. Bonnie never made any mention herself that she was hearing the lyrics for any reason other than to get her to recognize that Michael Jackson was around.

Also, sunnyday81, I never heard Bonnie mention Neverland or an empty coffin. Are you speaking about another source you heard this from?
Let's make sure we are clear about other sources, vs. Bonnie Vent.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Just a side note, if anyone posts articles/channels here from sources OTHER than Bonnie, please clearly put that as a title that it is from someone nobody gets mixed up. I'd rather just links be posted than full information from to not confuse anyone. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I think the empty casket and MJ not fathering the children and MJ wanting Debbie to raise his children instead of his parents came from Christian von Lähr.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Are you Bonnie herself or something... her rep maybe? LOL. :p Okay, I see she was talking about the lyrics, but still... I have different lyrics to different MJ songs in my head EVERY SINGLE DAY. Just want to clarify that, and also that psychics are not 100 percent accurate, that is all. Not trying to squash everybody's faith because this may be Michael... just pointing out a couple of things that I do know.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Are you Bonnie herself or something... her rep maybe? LOL. :p Okay, I see she was talking about the lyrics, but still... I have different lyrics to different MJ songs in my head EVERY SINGLE DAY. Just want to clarify that, and also that psychics are not 100 percent accurate, that is all. Not trying to squash everybody's faith because this may indeed be Michael... just pointing out a couple of things that I do know.

lol...I do understand that psychics can not be 100% accurate. I will still jump to someone's defense if I see something blatantly inaccurate being said about them. This all still comes down to everyone thinking for themselves and believing what they want...but they should form their opinions based on the facts. So I just had to point out that Bonnie did not make any statements in the regard of Michael's children like that. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Thank you for clearing that up.

You're welcome :)

I believe Bonnie more.. She seems more accurate. As for Christian von Lähr. he seems less accurate, esp. the whole thing about Mj wanting Debbie raising MJs children isntead of Kat. Nope. And also about MJ not raising his kids? what the hell? Those just don't add up!!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

The article I posted previously for comparison was NOT from Bonnie, thought it was obvious, lol, I'm really sorry everyone for not making this clearer. I corrected the post now clarifying it's not Bonnie who said this.
I agree. Bonnie is the most accurate of all videos of pyschics I've seen so far. Christian's sounds bogus. Even if he WAS communicating with someone, that spirit was not Michael.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

The article I posted previously for comparison was NOT from Bonnie, thought it was obvious, lol, I'm really sorry everyone for not making this clearer. I corrected the post now clarifying it's not Bonnie who said this. I agree. Bonnie is the most accurate of all videos of pyschics I've seen so far.

I did see it was clear that the article posted was not from was just your beginning statement that confused me. :p Thanks for clearing up.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Least james tells the truth,there is a truthfull man as he could of gone along with it and that would say up his name so to speak my hat comes off to james :)x

oh god this guy..James Van Praagh..i remember he was trying to channel marilyn monroe once at her exhibit (which later was proved to be fake with fake marilyn items, but before anyone knew of that, and before HE even knew lol, he was holding up marilyn's ''curlers'' with her ''hair'' on it, and said he felt marilyn and talked to her live on air (on a tabloid show no less! wooo, then later on the curlers (with a simple phone call, were proved not to be manufactered until the 1970's. marilyn died in '62.
so i'd be careful on this guy who loved to frequent tabloid shows on top of it. but after that , i feel stuck questioning him now.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

oh god this guy..James Van Praagh..i remember he was trying to channel marilyn monroe once at her exhibit (which later was proved to be fake with fake marilyn items, but before anyone knew of that, and before HE even knew lol, he was holding up marilyn's ''curlers'' with her ''hair'' on it, and said he felt marilyn and talked to her live on air (on a tabloid show no less! wooo, then later on the curlers (with a simple phone call, were proved not to be manufactered until the 1970's. marilyn died in '62.
so i'd be careful on this guy who loved to frequent tabloid shows on top of it. but after that , i feel stuck questioning him now.

Wow, that surprises me about James.