Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Actually, I just received an e-mail from an MJ fanfriend in L.A. who had connections with MTV out there....I can contact them through the summer as they're not hiring for Fall yet, but at least this means something. Heh, interesting timing. :pray:

Cool! Good luck! :)

Girls, I feel so deeply depressed since yesterday....about a lot things, but mainly I just feel really alone. :boohoo: I feel like there's just no way out (but finding love). But anyhow, that's a long story....kinda. Won't put it in here. I dreamed really bad dreams 'cause of my emotions and cried all the way through, blah. But I feel like I would need some re-energizing or something....does anyone have tips to like, clean your mind and all that, to get above this...? I'm going so deep in my sadness, I need some way to get out....thinking 'it'll be fine' doesn't do the work for me anymore. I'm so done with it all.:( I need something more....harmony hut-a-like. EDIT: Sorry for letting this out on you guys, don't mean to be all nagging and negative here. Sorry.

How about that meditation btw, you guys said doing the 500 celebration thingy on Saturday?

Sorry you've been feeling down :better:. I hadn't thought of bioresonance but since mjjlaugh mentioned it, it reminded me; I wore my shirt the other day when I was feeling down about my uncle and after a while my mind was clearer and I felt more at ease with things. The shirts are expensive enough and would take a while to get there but if you wanted, you could get an old bed sheet or something and paint your own. You could hang it up around you. Or you could print out some pages of the design and tape them together. Just a thought :) I plan on doing something like that in a little meditation corner when I eventually move. Very soon hopefully :angel:

Saturday is fine for me anyway. I'm looking forward to it :gotcha:
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In case anyone wants to check this out:

During the last 45 mins of the show Gary shared the messages that Michael had shared with him from the other side. Michael said he would return to live another life time and would be an even greater light for love. Through Gary, Jackson assured everyone that he was fine and that we really don't understand how much we are loved.
In case anyone wants to check this out:

During the last 45 mins of the show Gary shared the messages that Michael had shared with him from the other side. Michael said he would return to live another life time and would be an even greater light for love. Through Gary, Jackson assured everyone that he was fine and that we really don't understand how much we are loved.

Thanks rainny :) I'm gonna have a listen now
Happy Hump Day, girls!

Mrs. Music said:
Actually, I just received an e-mail from an MJ fanfriend in L.A. who had connections with MTV out there....I can contact them through the summer as they're not hiring for Fall yet, but at least this means something. Heh, interesting timing.
Oh wow...keep us posted!

Mrs. Music said:
Girls, I feel so deeply depressed since yesterday....about a lot things, but mainly I just feel really alone. I feel like there's just no way out (but finding love).
:better: I'm sorry hon. :( I wish there was something I could say to make it better. I like all that MJJLaugh suggested though...'cause I do think you really need to make sure to take care of your emotional and spiritual've been under lots of stresses lately...and sometimes our problems are more in our mindset. If you can help to clear away the rubbish, you will feel better. I'm always here to talk if ya need me. I know this won't do much...but I'm gonna say it anyway... keep the faith! :angel: In fact, after you've sufficiently let loose your emotions on the matter...listen to that song to help recharge your batteries. Try not to dwell in the muckity muck of the mind and surround yourself with energies that will lift you up and keep you moving forward. :huggy:

darlingdear said:
Although it pains me to say, Michael's death was my ultimate calling I think. I feel so bad to say that, cos everyday I wish Michael was back here, I really do. I hope you understand what I mean..I love Michael so much And I'm not saying that just because. He's been part of my life, and he will continue to be a part of my life, forever. I just wish he was with us all now
I feel exactly the same way :cry: and everything you explained after this. It's just all so special...this 'calling'...Michael...our MJfam... :heart: I feel so so grateful to be a part of it all.

rainny said:
With drugs seemingly to be a part of his death, Dr. Frick discussed how this played a role in Jackson's life and even could have been the cause of the singer staying is what seemed to be a child-like mind set.
Hmm...I'm still going to listen to this just to keep an open mind...but this bolded part...what kind of BULL:censored: is that?!
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Hey girls. I don't have the time right now to write more. I just wanted to tell you I've been thinking about you all and leave some hugs. :) :group:
Well, as expected this Gary Frick had some stuff to say that rubbed me the wrong way. I'm trying not to be so touchy about things though, while also listening with a healthy skepticism. I'm a little torn about it. He did say a lot of good too. And not in a fluffy fake kind of way...but in a way that really makes sense and gives good insight. I do think it is possible Michael really spoke with him. Of course - there's a part of me that really wants to believe that's true just because he talks about Michael coming down live to another life in the future. And who wouldn't love to think that's true? :heart: :pray: There I go being selfish again though. Sorry Michael...whether you incarnate again or not...I'm happy just having your memory with me in this life. I luh' youu! :heart:

Starlight - Much love! :huggy:
Hmm...I'm still going to listen to this just to keep an open mind...but this bolded part...what kind of BULL:censored: is that?!

There's a lot of speculation and tabloid sounding stuff... Still listening anyway

I don't agree with what he's saying about drugs keeping him in a childs mindset. I'm 23, not taking any drugs, had a fine childhood and I love being with children, playing, joking, making up stories. I'm an adult, I behave like an adult but I truly enjoy reliving my childhood through other children. Michael was an adult when he working, being a good father, etc and childlike when he was around children and being a good father. I dunno, he said a couple of things that I liked but I think the whole drug things was an over-emphasized opinion.

Hey girls. I don't have the time right now to write more. I just wanted to tell you I've been thinking about you all and leave some hugs. :) :group:

I dunno, he said a couple of things that I liked but I think the whole drug things was an over-emphasized opinion.
Yeah. I was going to turn it off after some things he said but I figured I should listen to the whole thing and I'm glad I did. As I said in my previous post there are some good things. Also, he did mention that Michael was still very playful and childlike in the afterlife... so...that should throw the whole "drugs made him that way" :smilerolleyes: theory out the window.
.I remember from Bonnie channeling he said about reincarnation: “What a ridiculous thing to say”. I see two opposite channeling.
Well, Michael wasn't making that statement through Bonnie about him reincarnating at all...he was making it in regards to a specific rumor where someone was saying he was already reincarnated as a little girl...or was just about to be or something. So I agree with him there... ridiculous statement to make so soon after his death.
But if you rememeber the whole thing, he said: "I am not over the last time" It menas to me that reincarnation was not in his plans in near future.
Yeah I remember that. Like I said, I'm still torn on it all...I don't want to make any official judgment on anything, because I don't know. But in the end none of this stuff really matters anyway I guess... just interesting to discuss.
Oh, thanks so much for the sweet posts on me...gonna answer them now, but just wanted to say how glad I am with this thread. Reading those replies and interesting posts already makes me feel so much better, also, knowing we're there for each other even though it's not really to do with Michael or spiritual things, is amazing.

I love ya all and this place loads and loads! Hurray for the Harmony Hut! :heart: ;)
(Won't have much to add today so it's gonna be a short reply, LOL.)

About the re-energizing thing: have you ever been treated with Reiki ? EMDR ? Bioresonance ? They help to either 1) find energy blockages and undo those, 2) trace old trauma's that can be addressed or 3) check your overall health and vitamin and mineral levels in your body.
It feels rotten when you do cry and feel so awful but it is also a cleansing. Crying is good, don't suppress it! Plus you've been through an awful lot in your family situation, probably looking after everyone in your family, and now please make sure you look after yourself as well, because you're really worth it!!
Great tips, that sounds very interesting and I'm gonna go look some more into that as I don't know anything about this. Funny you mention 'look after yourself'....I always put other people in front of myself, such a bad habit. But I'll focus on my own needs now, it's about time. Thanks for the support and the tips, really appreciate it. :huggy:

It's been like a chain reaction. But it seems I have chosen it for some reason that I am maybe aware or unaware about? Maybe it'll all become clearer over time. I know this doesn't make any sense, I'm trying to explain it lol, but it's not happening today. Well I hope you all understood that, sorry for rambling on lol.
That makes sense, actually. ;) I guess we all somehow don't know the answer to why we care, why we love, why we're a part of it, etc. It's all just based on feelings, and that's exactly what I find so amazing. Feelings can mean the world, can change a whole person. Not reasoning, but feeling.

Mrs.Music - Sorry to hear you feel that way :huggy: Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you or something :)
Thank you sweetheart. :huggy:

Sorry to hear it. I you will get beter soon. :huggy: Remember my dream I posted about Mj and lady Diana? I asked MJ siprit, how I can be a part of your kingdom? And he said: Love is the answer. We have to find love... Does it make any sense to you now?
Yo made me so sad because your feeling matches with my dream :cry:
Aw, sorry to make you sad! :( Yeah, love is the answer....but love is hard to find, as in find your own love, your second half, the buddy to spend your life with. Doesn't mean I'm not glad with Michael's love, though...that always makes life seem a little less complicated. :heart:

Sorry you've been feeling down :better:. I hadn't thought of bioresonance but since mjjlaugh mentioned it, it reminded me; I wore my shirt the other day when I was feeling down about my uncle and after a while my mind was clearer and I felt more at ease with things. The shirts are expensive enough and would take a while to get there but if you wanted, you could get an old bed sheet or something and paint your own. You could hang it up around you. Or you could print out some pages of the design and tape them together. Just a thought :) I plan on doing something like that in a little meditation corner when I eventually move. Very soon hopefully :angel:
Awesome that you felt a change when you wore that shirt! Very interesting, thanks for the tips. Even sounds like a fun thing to do, ha. :) Good luck with the meditation corner, must be lovely to have!

Happy Hump Day, girls!
HAHA, I almost choked on my drink....what the hell?! :hysterical: :lmao:

:better: I'm sorry hon. :( I wish there was something I could say to make it better. I like all that MJJLaugh suggested though...'cause I do think you really need to make sure to take care of your emotional and spiritual've been under lots of stresses lately...and sometimes our problems are more in our mindset. If you can help to clear away the rubbish, you will feel better. I'm always here to talk if ya need me. I know this won't do much...but I'm gonna say it anyway... keep the faith! :angel: In fact, after you've sufficiently let loose your emotions on the matter...listen to that song to help recharge your batteries. Try not to dwell in the muckity muck of the mind and surround yourself with energies that will lift you up and keep you moving forward. :huggy:
Those words just made me cry again, great, thanks honey...LOL. No but seriously, thanks for the support you too. :huggy: I'll try my bestest best again to clear out the dark thoughts....I hope I can, it's just that it all gets back everytime again. It'll be fine though, in the end.

In case anyone wants to check this out:

During the last 45 mins of the show Gary shared the messages that Michael had shared with him from the other side. Michael said he would return to live another life time and would be an even greater light for love. Through Gary, Jackson assured everyone that he was fine and that we really don't understand how much we are loved.
Hmmm, I don't know about this...some things make sense, others are indeed ridiculous like others said. Think I'm not in the mood to listen to it or something. Makes me all a bit confused. :unsure:
:party::bounce::D Wow 500! I have learned so much and I'm really enjoying it so far. Thanks everyone! Here's to another 500 harmonious pages in da hut :cheers:
500 pagessssssss! Whoop! :clapping::wild::punk:

It is difficult but not impossible. Michael's love is for millions of fans, for many, many ppl even for somebody who was not born yet. It is something global. You are getting his love stored in his music just like many ppl do. It is not the same as personal love which is only for you imo. You are still a very young girl and you have a long life. Just look around first. Maybe it is not that far away from you :) Sorry for giving such simple advice. I am an old woman and in the end life looks more simple :lol:
Hahaha, simple but very true advice though. ;) Thanks!

Bianca - Aww :huggy: Much love darlin!
Right back at ya honey! :huggy:

So Saturday at MLP time...we have us some cake and water balloons?
Count me in! I was thinking, for some of you it was a bit early on the day right? Maybe do it one hour later?

(I feel like buying cake for Saturday for real now, LMAO.)
Hi everybody!
Just wanted to add something regarding yeterday's posts.

MA, It is relly difficult for me a accept the idea that Mj had to die to clear up something for somebody. I do not know what you mean but I got an impression that you believe that his death was a part of God's plan. I do not know, it is difficult for me to think that way. Truly... .


Well no, I don't think that dying at 50 was his intended life term, NOT AT ALL. I think his life was cut short and I think that he did NOT live out his life to the term he was supposed to live. Several reasons why I am thinking this.

But mainly and that I what I am trying to say is that his death was not in vain. That people have learned something from his life, his suffering in life and his death. THAT is what I mean by it took his death. I keep harping on it but if people have learned something his life, as painful as his life was, than he has fulfilled his life in the best way possible despite it being cut short.

Be able to love
express that love
give freely from you heart in the face of those who refuse to understand it
be who you are
live your life.

He is an inspiration and becoming that inspiration took pain and suffering. For many it took his death to understand this, some have understood it already all their life. And it is up to us to pass it on if we feel that this is what he was all about.

That is the best way I can explain it.
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Awesome that you felt a change when you wore that shirt! Very interesting, thanks for the tips. Even sounds like a fun thing to do, ha. :) Good luck with the meditation corner, must be lovely to have!

Thanks! I might get a bean bag for reading too. I like the thought of having my own little place to go for some peace and quiet.

mjbunny, sorry I forgot to say earlier, wow! MLP is very special. Funny how you were reluctant to see Ed and he ended up with so much important information for you.
Hey lovelies! 500 pages, wahey! :heart:

Hope all of you are ok! Just wanted to pop in and say hi as I've not been here for a few days. I'm not feeling too great atm, I've got the sore throat from hell, so I'm gonna go and get some ice cream to try and relieve it. :giggle:

Sending love to all my Harmony Hutters :)
500 Pages! :bounce: :party::bounce: (Ooo, hope this post doesn't go onto page 501 :lol:)

Yes, totally this Saturday for a meditation! :yes: Do we want the usual time, MLP time? (2pm Pacific / 3pm Mountain / 4pm Central / 5pm Eastern / 22:00 UK / 23:00 Europe)
Hey lovelies! 500 pages, wahey! :heart:

Hope all of you are ok! Just wanted to pop in and say hi as I've not been here for a few days. I'm not feeling too great atm, I've got the sore throat from hell, so I'm gonna go and get some ice cream to try and relieve it. :giggle:

Sending love to all my Harmony Hutters :)

Hope you feel better soon :huggy:
Hey lovelies! 500 pages, wahey! :heart:

Hope all of you are ok! Just wanted to pop in and say hi as I've not been here for a few days. I'm not feeling too great atm, I've got the sore throat from hell, so I'm gonna go and get some ice cream to try and relieve it. :giggle:

Sending love to all my Harmony Hutters :)

Hey Louise, ice cream sounds like a good plan, or tea with honey. Whatever helps you. hope you feel better real soon! :hug:

500 Pages! :bounce: :party::bounce: (Ooo, hope this post doesn't go onto page 501 :lol:)

Yes, totally this Saturday for a meditation! :yes: Do we want the usual time, MLP time? (2pm Pacific / 3pm Mountain / 4pm Central / 5pm Eastern / 22:00 UK / 23:00 Europe)

Yes please, the usual time!

Sending love to the Harmony Hut!Love this place!
Finally had a dream about Michael last night, but there wasn't much to it. I found this photo of my family and I, and Michael was also in the photo, yet we had never noticed he was there before when the picture was taken. So I was thinking about how exciting and awesome that he was there. Like even though I hadn't met him when he was alive, he had been right in front of me even if I wasn't aware of it. :laugh:

I'm cool with the 500 page mediation party on Saturday. Cake/water balloon fight sounds fun. :D
I'm still working on replies while listening to that radio show. I just found this, though, on the MLP live traffic feed: If you have a Twitter account you can vote for Major Love Prayer as the 'Best Message Board or Blog' :D I wonder how one gets added to such a thing??? No idea! Well, anyway, if you have Twitter, please vote. It's #7 right now, beating out :)lol:). How cool if MJ and LOVE won, although I have no idea what that means if anything ;) :heart:
I'm still working on replies while listening to that radio show. I just found this, though, on the MLP live traffic feed: If you have a Twitter account you can vote for Major Love Prayer as the 'Best Message Board or Blog' :D I wonder how one gets added to such a thing??? No idea! Well, anyway, if you have Twitter, please vote. It's #7 right now, beating out :)lol:). How cool if MJ and LOVE won, although I have no idea what that means if anything ;) :heart:

Cool, I will be sure to vote. :)
I'm still working on replies while listening to that radio show. I just found this, though, on the MLP live traffic feed: If you have a Twitter account you can vote for Major Love Prayer as the 'Best Message Board or Blog' :D I wonder how one gets added to such a thing??? No idea! Well, anyway, if you have Twitter, please vote. It's #7 right now, beating out :)lol:). How cool if MJ and LOVE won, although I have no idea what that means if anything ;) :heart:

Modulation Alert reporting for duty, it's now #6. :punk::D